Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: While Mike, Sully, and Boo are riding the doors, Mike says something that sounds to me like "Great plan, get it saved." What is he actually saying?

Answer: According to the subtitles on my DVD, Mike says "What a plan - simple, yet insane."

Kathy Tjarks

The Accused Is Entitled - S3-E2

Question: How did the movie star's blood on the sheet prove that he was the murderer? Maybe his scab just got knocked off. Hardly damning evidence by itself. Anyone explain?

Answer: The blood made a specific imprint of a scar on his knee which CSI matched to his knee and the trailer step he fell on.

Answer: "Here he comes to save the day...Underdog..." and "There's no need to fear Underdog is here" are two of the famous sayings that I remember. It was a cartoon that ran in the 60s and 70s. Underdog was modeled after Superman, and he had a canine girlfriend named Sweet Polly. The canine superhero was the secret alter ego of Shoeshine Boy. As for Curious George, he's a monkey that lives with the 'man in the yellow hat' and is a character in children's story books.

Super Grover

Question: Every ship in the fleet has got an EMP, why didn't they build one at the platform?

Answer: They never wanted to have the possibility of it getting set off accidentally, as it would render the entire dock area (and possible more) inert instantly. In fact, they probably weren't terribly prepared for the Sentinels ever to find/reach their location. In 100 years, they hadn't yet.

Rooster of Doom

When You Wish Upon a Weinstein - S3-E22

Question: Cartoon network said in a commercial that they had to change one word in Peter's song in this episode ("I need a Jew tonight") so they could air it. They also say that the DVD really says the word they couldn't air. My question is, what did Peter really say in the song and what else was changed to make this episode airworthy?

Answer: The original line was "Even though they killed our Lord". This was changed to "I don't think they killed our Lord".

Question: What happened to Jason? I know Stryker said he died but it sure didn't seem like that.

Answer: Of course he died! He was left in the collapsing/flooding cerebro, which Professor X was only barely rescued from safely.

Question: Who plays the guy who goes to America and comes back with the two girls? I'm sure I've seen him before, but I can't remember in which movies.


Chosen answer: I'm not sure if he's done any movies but he's called Kris Marshall, and is in a British sitcom called My Family starring Robert Lindsay and Zoe Wanamaker. He plays Nick, the hilariously ditzy eldest son. He's also in The Four Feathers with Heath Ledger.

Question: How does he fold the Monet in half to fit into the briefcase? Originally I thought he'd separated it from the wooden frame (ie. just a canvas), but when he takes it out back at his house he holds it up, and the wooden frame's still in one piece. Also, surely folding it in half would crack the paint, but despite the painting being twice the width of the briefcase (it fits snugly when the case is open), he then shuts the case down to a "normal" size. Any ideas?

Answer: I believe that the Monet that Crown hides in his study is not the one that was stolen, it is a copy that he already had prepared. He can enjoy the copy knowing that the original (with the broken spreader bars) is also in his possession. The stolen original then goes to the forger who repairs the broken spreader bars, and then paints another painting (using water soluble paint) over the Monet, so he can "return" it to the museum 3 days later. It gets more complicated when he discovers that Russo is on to him so he has a second forgery made (even the edges forged to match) over the top of "Dogs Playing Poker." He doesn't know if it will be necessary, but given his research into his new adversary, he concocts this contingency. It is likely that he has many contingencies in place, but the "Monet with a ghost underneath" is the only one we get to see. Of course for my theory to hold water, there must be (or have been) that earlier forgery - unless it has been destroyed.

Answer: The only explanation I can come up with is that the inner part of the frame is precut. With the frame cut that way it would allow the picture to fold, but when unfolded it would be fairly rigid with the exception of bending it forward at that point. When he pulls the painting out, it still holds the square shape of the frame. Best I can come up with.

Answer: He doesn't fold it. The frame is solid. It's just movie editing to make the viewer think he put it in her briefcase. You can't fold a Monet.

He absolutely folds it. We see him put it in the case and him then shut the case, folding it in half.

Jon Sandys

Question: Gandalf says "three hundred of the lives of men.... etc." does he mean he is that old? I have not read the book, but plan to.

Sol Parker

Chosen answer: "Three hundred lives of Men I've walked this earth, and, now, I have no time." That is an implication of his age. This isn't, though, referring to how long he's been walking the earth as the wizard Gandalf. From the book: "Olorin I was in the days of my youth in the West", Gandalf came to Middle-Earth about a thousand years into the third age, yet he was a Maia, and is much older. He has only been in human form for about 2000 years.


Question: I know this is all part of the mystery, but how the hell does he steal the second painting? Everything else he's planned you can see the logic behind, how it worked, etc., but there's no possible way he could have got to the second picture - all the gates were shut and locked, the metal fireguards were in place...any ideas? If anyone involved in the making/writing of it is reading this, can they please get in touch with me?

Answer: On the commentary track for the DVD the director states that he has no idea how Thomas Crown stole the final painting.

Answer: The soft piano music at the start of the film is by Bill Conti, who is the soundtrack composer. I believe the piece is called Glider as it is used later in the film during the Glider flying scene.

Question: Adrian Ricard is credited as Buddy's mother Rose Rydell. How come she doesn't appear in the movie? Has she been cut out of the one-and-half-hour DVD version?


Chosen answer: Yes, there is a deleted scene where Adam, and Jack visit her in the hospital. I'd also like to say that on the DVD, there is a section with all the deleted scenes from the movie, including the bizarre visit to his whacko mom.

Question: Why is this film called Attack Of The Clones? The clones didn't attack, they were an army of the Republic. They were defending the Jedi order, they retaliated when the Jedi were fighting, or did I miss something?

Answer: They still attacked on Geonosis. An attack doesn't have to be a first strike. The point of the title is that Clones are starting to be used in war.

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: The key to Adam's chains. Jigsaw tells him this before locking him in the room at the end. Amanda was supposed to put it around his neck, rather than just throwing it on his chest.


Where exactly have you got that from that she was supposed to put it around his neck? Is it said in one of the films?

I don't recall where I read or learned that, unfortunately. It's definitely not said in "Saw III" in the flashback scene that shows Jigsaw and Amanda prepping Adam and Dr. Gordon's trap, so it might be on the film's commentary track or the director or writers might have said it in an interview.


Since Amanda was helping Jigsaw, he might have told her to put it around Adam's neck.

It must have been said in a later sequel if nothing was mentioned in this one, as a lot of people have repeated the same scenario throughout this thread.

If I recall, it's been a good few months since I watched this one and over a year since I saw the third. It's shown in Saw 3 how Amanda helps set the trap up and is told then.


Question: When Shaun says that it's ridiculous to say the word zombie, is it a joke to the fact that no one seem to use the word in other zombie movies?

Answer: Possibly, but maybe they just have that line because it's funny in itself.

Question: How does Will get out of the sinking Interceptor? He is stuck there, it's full of water. Several minutes later (it must be some time later, because the Black Pearl had time to move away) the ship explodes, and Will shows up. How did he do that?


Chosen answer: Heavy objects are easier to lift when submerged in water. It is quite possible that once submerged, he was able to lift a hatch that he was not able to do before.


Question: This film is also known as ID4. What's the relevance in this (or am I missing something big)?

Phil Watts

Chosen answer: ID stands for Independence Day and in the US, Independence Day is on July 4th.


Question: Do we ever hear what happened to Hogarth's father?

Answer: He was in the military. Probably died in the military.

Answer: No.

Grumpy Scot

Question: If the premise of the movie is to have Archie introduced becuase he is the only male around, what is that third bear doing in the movie?

Answer: In the movie, Archie and Ava are the only Western Pacific bears, Sonny is another type of bear.

T Poston

Question: How did Bootstrap manage not becoming cursed like his fellow Pirates? After all, he stole the medallions too, didn't he?

Answer: He did get cursed. The pirates sent him to the bottom of the sea, thinking they killed him, then realised what the curse was, by which time it was too late to find him again. Although it's never referred to in the film, the only logical conclusion is that he sat at the bottom of the sea attached to the cannon for 10 years, alive and cursed, until the curse was lifted and he drowned.

Jon Sandys

Bootstrap Bill was alive at the bottom of the ocean. He said in the second film that he was in constant pain, unable to move and unable to die. He then struck a deal with Davy Jones, Jones would "kill" him to end the pain but in return he would serve time aboard the Dutchman.

Answer: He was originally in talks - and by some reports, did appear on set for some period of time. While factual answers are in short supply (for obvious reasons), there appears to be a connection to his drug-use habits. For instance, he was checked into a hospital (LA Cedars Sinai) for what friends feared was a drug overdose in April 2001, and has been in and out of rehab over the years. Chances are the production company was unable or unwilling to get completion insurance.

Rooster of Doom

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