Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Season 6 generally

Question: If Jack and Graem are brothers, why has there never been any mention of their relationship before, even in passing? And I'm talking beside the fact the producers didn't make them brothers until season 6.

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: There really wasn't any need for us to know he had a brother before - for all we know, he could have more than one brother but the need for us to know isn't there...just like there isn't any mention of his mother - who, for all we know, could be the mastermind criminal behind everything. Bear in mind over the near 10 years in the show's time that have elapsed over the 6 seasons, we've only spent 6 days in Jack's company - no reason his brother would have come up.

Sam Johnson

Question: This is pertaining to the dice game where the crew were betting their years as part of Davey Jones's ship. Did anybody understand how the game worked. What was the purpose? What was the deal with the numbers they were calling out?


Chosen answer: This is a real game called Liar's Dice, specifically the Common Hand variation. The idea is to predict, or pretend to predict, what will appear when the dice are finally revealed; for example, a call of "six fives" is a claim that, when the dice are revealed, there'll be six (or more) fives showing. Each player, however, can only see their own set of dice, so must guess what the other players have, based on what bids they make. The game proceeds with each player having the choice to either raise the bid to a higher level, or challenge the preceding player's claim. Once a challenge is made, the dice are revealed; if the challenged bid is shown to be correct, the challenger loses; if it's shown to be false, then whoever made that bid loses.


Question: What's the title of the song Casey was using when she was already performing the rink? It doesn't seem to appear in the credits, and I tried searching OSTs online, and none of the songs' lyrics match the song Casey used.

Answer: Reachin' for Heaven", performed by Diana DeGarmo.

Stephen Edmonds 1

Question: During (I believe) the first stadium scene, the girls from Fleur Delacour's school are doing something looking akin to the Macarena. What are they doing and why?

Answer: They are simply cheering on their schoolmate (Fleur) by performing a chant that is probably specific to their school - just like cheerleaders do at sports games. It's like doing "The Wave."


Chosen answer: No, Dr. Hill was not a Satan worshiper. He was just Rosemary's first obstetrician, referred to her by a friend. However, her neighbors, the Castevettes, later convince her to instead go to their friend, Dr. Abe Sapperstein, who is a warlock.


He simply didn't believe what she told him so he called her husband to come get her.

Question: There's an all black band playing at an all white school in the 50's - is that likely?


Chosen answer: Why not? Even though segregation was in effect, we never see them do anything but play on the stage. They even take their break outside, away from all the white folks at the dance. They are never shown using any of the "white" facilities, or fraternizing with any of the students. In fact, when they are "on break" at their car, it is behind the building, where there are no other cars, or even any people, anywhere around at all.


Question: In the scene where Jack is getting shot at by British soldiers, there's a shot of him running and waving his hands around in front of him. I keep thinking that he's "deflecting" the bullets with his hands, but I know that's not possible. So, what exactly was jack doing?

Answer: He's not doing anything except running. Jack Sparrow (as Johnny Depp has created him) has rather exaggerated and somewhat effeminate physical movements, including staggering when walking and flailing his hands about, especially when running. He does the same thing while being chased by cannibals in "Dead Man's Chest."


Season 1 generally

Question: Who is the mother of Pompey's children? His new wife can't be their mother, since they are too old compared to Niobe's son who's an infant when the show starts. And they can't be Julia's children, since Pompey is worried Caesar might kill them, and Caesar wouldn't murder his own grandchildren.

Answer: According to wikipedia, Pompey's children are all from his third wife, Mucia Tertia. Julia is his fourth wife. See:


Question: What religion were the first class passengers practicing in the church scene? If it were Catholic, it would be in Latin in 1912.

Answer: The services on board a ship are all non-sectarian so that all who wish to worship can come.


Question: Does anyone know the name and location of the buildings used for exterior shots of the Professor's university? Is it an actual campus or some other facility?

Answer: According to the IMDb, the University of California, Los Angeles (often just called UCLA) was used as a primary filming location, with some other shots taken at Mayfield Senior School in Pasadena, California.


Question: When Brooke's friend is giving her children a bath, one of them starts eating soap and the mother tells her to take it out of her mouth. She then says something like "Wait until you're twelve". What does she mean by this?

Answer: What I took away from that statement was that she was refering to a punishment for using "bad" words. Since children tend to exercise that right at any age, she was just picking a random age.


Question: Which is the true ending, the one where the three of them are calling the chopper down of the one where Jim dies?

Answer: The one where all three signal the aircraft is the *original* ending. Since it's all subject to the writers' fancy, I suppose it's impossible to say which it the "true" ending.


Question: What was the *exact* recipe for Bond's cocktail in the casino?

Answer: From the novel: "Three measures of Gordon's, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon peel."

Captain Defenestrator

Question: While at the New Year party near the end, Mace tells Lenny that his clip of the Jerico One murder is the only one, and that there are no copies. Yet when Faith was explaining the situation earlier, we see Philo setting fire to a clip with the same content. Did I miss something?

Answer: Iris had gone to Tick to get a copy made before going back to Philo. Philo burned the master, so the copy she gave to Lenny was the only one left.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: How did the Dutchess poison the prince and plan on him passing out as soon as they got to the stable? The servant watched him chase her there, and he supposedly passed out at just the right time? Before he was able to kill her?

Answer: Eisenheim apparently was a master of mechanics and chemistry. He gave her a substance that would make the prince pass out in a certain amount of time, and then depended on the Dutchess to take the correct amount of time to get to the stable.


Question: I didn't understand where the engine that killed Donnie at the end of the movie came from. This plane belonged to the tangent universe right? So when Donnie gets back to his room where all has started, he gets back to the real world. Is this engine a residue from the tangent universe? Because they say in the movie that no plane has lost an engine in the real universe.

Answer: Yes the engine has come from the tangent universe or the alternate future so to speak. The reason they have trouble finding the engine is because it hasn't happened yet and it has entered a corruption in the universe. With that in mind the key difference from the start of the film to the end is that Donnie managed to send the engine through the wormhole as opposed to the engine entering the corruption at the start of the film.


Question: Did the mutants always have a class system or was this just for the movie? I'm curious because at the meeting we are told Pyro is above a class 3 and the girl that has the speed and ability to find mutants is under a class 3. Shouldn't she be rated higher than Pyro since she has two powers and he only has one?

Answer: There is a classification system in the comics, although precise details have never been spelled out. Omega-level is considered the most powerful, allocated only to those with effectively unlimited potential and thus is the equivalent of the Class Five mentioned in the film. The next most powerful are classified as Alpha-level, followed by Beta and so forth. Other ranks apparently exist - Jean Grey's nephew and niece, both latent mutants, were referred to as being classified as Epsilon-Delta, which may be the lowest level, reserved for mutants whose abilities have not yet manifested. The number of powers is not necessarily an indication of level; what matters more is the level at which those powers function. Callisto, despite having two powers to Pyro's one, may operate at a generally lower level and thus be ranked lower. Alternatively, it is suggested in the novelisation of the film that Callisto simply wasn't including herself when she stated that there wasn't anybody else higher than a class three present.


Answer: No. Only Frankie was there. He would not want to incriminate his friend (Freeman) in what is depicted in the movie as an illegal act. In reality, however, Maggie had every legal right to have her life support removed.


Answer: Her name was Jenny when she was the Blonde and Jamie as the brunette.


Show generally

Question: There's an episode in which Elliott is staying at JD's and they're not going out, but he comes into the bathroom and carries her to the bed and they take each other's clothes off (she's wearing red underwear). At the end, Elliott says, "Merry Christmas," and the camera pans over a Christms tree with presents underneath it. I want to know the name of this episode, and more importantly the name/artist of the song playing over this whole end bit. Thanks.

Answer: The episode in question is My Monster from season two. The song played over the final scene is Dreaming Of You by The Coral from their 2002 self-titled album.


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