Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Spock stops a volcano from erupting by detonating a cold fusion device that causes ice to form over the volcano. I have problem with that because where would all the pressure inside the volcano go? All that pressure would have gone somewhere.

Answer: Unless the cold fusion went directly into the volcano, all the way to the source of the pressure.

Answer: Per Wikipedia, the series originally aired in the US on Fox for its first six seasons from February 2003 to October 2007. However, the main storyline of the series ended after season five. Following this, the show was retooled with a new art style, comedic tone, as well as a new storyline. The show moved to the CW for its final season and aired from September 2008 to March 2010. However, it would not officially end until the broadcast of the TV movie Turtles Forever, which was produced in celebration of its 25th anniversary, and served as a series finale for the show.


Question: Wouldn't the mall staff have removed any gas from the car parked inside the mall?

Answer: Not necessarily, there are many instances where cars are parked inside of malls or even stadiums for promotional purposes. It is a lot easier to have gas in the car if it needs to be moved or replaced for any reason.


Answer: Yes.

Question: Why does Adam need to erase Amy's memories of everything that happened? Shouldn't Scott's parents should have a chance to agree with Amy to keep their identity a secret so Scott can have her cause she likes him?


Answer: I haven't seen this movie in a very long time. However, if I remember correctly, Adam was originally going to erase both Amy and Randy's memory to keep their identity a secret. The risk of them being exposed as superheroes would have been too great. It was only after Randy protested, upon seeing Amy getting her memory erased, where Scott's parents agreed it would be nice for him to have a friend to talk about his secret life with. Scott was more disappointed Amy's mind was erased because they had shared feelings for one another. He was afraid she would not remember her liking him. However, the parents accurately state, "if she liked you before, then she will still like you afterwards." This was evident when they chose one another to be co-captains. If they allowed Amy to keep her memory, it would have also prevented Scott from having any normal type of relationship with her.


Question: Why would Cliff and Ronnie just let themselves die killing zombies when they could've driven off to seek refuge?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: It was in the script that they would die. Ronnie stated he knew it would end badly because the director gave him the full script ahead of time.


Question: Why did Inspector Fix take sides with Fogg at the end of the film?

Answer: He felt foolish for accusing Fogg and hounding him across the world, the least he could do is help him win the wager.

Not only that but, like Lord Kelvin's other associates, Inspector Fix was berated constantly by Lord Kelvin and was even thrown out of a window. Inspector Fix had got tired of Lord Kelvin's bullying and decided to tell the truth in front of everybody.

The New M.A.V.O. Member - S1-E10

Question: When Teddy and his friends shrink down to get the crystals back they know that five crystals are real and one is a fake salt crystal. How did they know which ones were real and which one was fake?

Answer: Yes but MAVO had five real crystals and one fake one, and they all looked the same. There was no way of knowing which ones were real and which one was fake.

Answer: Grubby licked them and could taste the salt.

Answer: The only guess would be that the real crystals and the fake salt crystal look different somehow. They made the fake salt crystal, so they should know what it looks like compared to a real crystal. Also, they could have very easily done something to the fake crystal that was stolen from them so that they could tell it apart from the others.

Question: Cyrus wanted Arthur to take the leap and become the thirteenth ghost. But, wouldn't that short-circuit the system, negating everything the Cyrus was trying to do in the first place? It's like he decided to go through all that trouble just to have his device shut down as soon as it was activated.

Answer: It would not short-circuit the system because Arthur's sacrifice would have completed the ritual, therefore giving Cyrus the power he desired. Unbeknownst to Arthur, Kalina was working with Cyrus when she lied to him about there being a fail-safe that would turn off the machine. She hoped it would convince him to sacrifice himself to prevent hell on Earth from becoming a reality. Cyrus did not believe it was enough and placed Arthur's kids in the center to ensure he would be willing to make the jump. However, Cyrus did not plan on Maggie being there to tinker with the controls of the machine. It was her actions that overloaded the machine, which allowed the ghosts to go free, and cause it to have a catastrophic meltdown as she pushed it beyond its limitations. It can be safe to assume if Maggie was not there, the machine would have never broken down.


Answer: Kalina had lied to Arthur about the thirteenth ghost being the failsafe that would shut down the machine. In actuality, if he had sacrificed himself and died, he would have completed the ritual and activate the device.

Question: Why did Roald Dahl hate this movie?

Answer: He hated it for a variety of reasons: the plot changes, what he considered to be sappy songs, and an over-emphasis on the Willy Wonka character rather than Charlie. He also disliked Gene Wilder being cast as Wonka and had wanted British actor/comedian Spike Milligan.


Question: If they needed a virgin for the ritual why does Britt try to seduce him? She could have spoiled everything.

Answer: He was a devout man of faith. They had to test his virtue, to tempt him to break the ten commandments or the seven deadly sins.

Answer: The polygraph machine only works on those with a perceptible change in body physiology while they lie. It really only measures what we consider nervous reactions associated with lying. Psychopaths and sociopaths such as Tooms are extremely difficult to measure with this machine since they do not feel remorse for their actions, and as such typically do not get nervous when lying.


Why We Fight - S1-E9

Question: Was the placement of the Opekta poster in the scene intentional? Opekta was the company that Otto Frank owned and it's headquarters on the Prisengracht in Amsterdam was the site of the "Secret Annexe" that housed Anne Frank and the others in hiding.

Answer: I did some Internet research on this. I didn't find anything specific, but considering how carefully historical movies usually are researched and the detailed way in which art directors create a set, it would be nearly impossible for this to have been coincidental. If I find any additional information, I'll update this.


Question: How is it that Tootles still remembers everything about Neverland and Peter really being Peter Pan, but Peter completely forgets everything about it and his true identity?

Answer: It's not specifically explained, but it's implied this was subconsciously voluntary on Peter's part. After falling in love with Moira, Peter decided to leave Neverland forever to stay with her in the real world. As time passed, all memories of being Peter Pan were completely suppressed, probably so he would not be tempted to return. The memories had become so deeply buried that it took much encouragement from others for him to unlock them.


Answer: Tootles suffers from dementia, dementia turns old people back into children. The final scene is Tootles dying and going back to Neverland. Yes, it makes that scene infinitely harder to watch without crying.

Tootles did not die as everyone saw him flying back to Neverland after Peter gave him back his marbles.

Question: Ruby claims that the Mangalores stink. If so, what's the point in disguising their appearance (like Aknot did)? The stench would blow their cover no matter the mascara.


Answer: I can't give a complete answer but in the spaceport there seems to be a garbage strike which might mask the Mangalores' smell (although no characters comment on the garbage smelling). Also, Mangalores are thuggish fighters, not clever spies, so they may not have thought of it. But I agree that doesn't explain this mistake fully.

Show generally

Question: Which episode is it where they referenced Beetlejuice's wife being angry because Lydia calls him?

Answer: I believe you're thinking about "Robot Chicken."

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: The movie was completely finished over a year ago. It was the pandemic that delayed it. So it was the finished product that was released.

Question: Is there a scene involving Joseph violently hitting a soldier over the head during his escape to Egypt with Mary and Jesus? This would appear to be missing from all usual prints of the film though many attest to images of it being inside comic book versions of the film issued in cinemas when it was released.

Answer: I agree with the other answer. This could possibly be a scene in another movie from this era. Biblical films were quite popular and plentiful in the 1950s and early 60s. The Greatest Story Ever Told, Ben Hur, The Robe, Spartacus, The Bible, Quo Vadis, Demetrius and the Gladiator, are just a few. The movie you're thinking of could be one of those.


Answer: I've been watching "King of Kings" for decades, and I've never seen that scene.

Question: When Andy was cured of the werewolf curse, what happened to undead Amy? Was she freed or will she remain in limbo since he didn't actually die?

Answer: Once you're cured of the curse, everything that comes with it goes away.

Question: Mr. Chagall, the man who told Madeline about Lisle, what was the deal with his eye? It twitched seemingly uncontrollably in his first scene, but then when he's giving his speech at the party it seems completely fine.

Answer: Like all zombies his body was falling apart. He was pushing it back into place.

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