Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Joe Pesci figures out from the photographs that Marisa Tomei took of the tire tracks that his defendants' car couldn't have made those tracks. But Marisa Tomei didn't realise it before Pesci got her on the stand, even though she saw the pictures before Pesci did as she took them and had them developed and then only showed them to Pesci. Why didn't she realise this, was she just not looking as carefully as Pesci was?


Answer: She didn't notice because she wasn't looking for it. When he asked her if the Skylark could have made the tracks, she realised it was impossible.


Question: Why was Solomon in the attic at the end of the film? They sacked him, so he wouldn't have known to have been there at that specific time or anything.

Answer: He figured something was wrong pretty quickly and being framed for messing with children only hastened his suspicions. He would have heard about Marlene dying in the greenhouse on the news and may have even seen an ambulance turn up when Claire collapsed due to being unable to find an inhaler. He was a very kind and caring person so probably kept an eye on the house to make sure the kids were safe. He probably saw Payton break into the house and snuck inside the same way she did.

Question: Why did Chris insist on the group stealing the cannibals' truck? Wouldn't it have made more sense to hide out somewhere until they leave, then try to get one of the other cars running? Looks like most of them only had flat tires, could have taken 1 tire off 4 cars to get one functioning car. I doubt very much they drained the fuel out of them, older ones could have been hotwired and if they had flat batteries, nothing a bump start couldn't solve.

Answer: Whilst hiding and waiting for them to leave would have been better in the short term, there was no guarantee that any of the cars were runners. This was potentially the only opportunity they had to secure a running vehicle. Plus, even if by some miracle they did manage to get one of those cars started. The mutants could have chased them down, run them off the road etc. with their truck.

Answer: They were planning to try to get one of the cars started. Chris says "Maybe one of them still runs, look for keys". But of course the cannibals turn up, meaning they don't have time to look for a working car.

Answer: How long would it take you to change four tires? Now how long would it take you if you had no tools, if you didn't have the key to the trunk to get the jack, if you had to do it under the cover of dark, and if anyone found you, you'd be killed?

Brian Katcher

Question: Is/was it really possible to smoke a cigarette on a submarine? (01:57:10 - 01:58:20)

Answer: Smoking was allowed on U.S. Navy subs up to 2010, though not when a sub was submerged. During WWII, there were restrictions about smoking on deck because the enemy could detect a glowing cigarette ember at night. After 2010, smoking was banned entirely. Foreign navies would have different rules, of course.


Answer: The engineering officer comes off as a bit of a rebel and the captain tolerates it as he is good at his job and is also one of the conspirators to defect.

Answer: On the show, orange uniforms are worn by the new inmates, while the khaki is the longer-term population. Generally, there's no standardized meaning of the colors as every prison has their own color-coding system. For example, red could mark more dangerous inmates. Other colors could indicate lower-risk prisoners, ones with health issues, area designations, and so on.


Question: When Little John is cutting everybody free from the gallows, he calls them milksops. Why was this word censored when it was shown on TV?

Answer: There's no reason it should be bleeped out, though maybe censors misinterpreted it. The word merely refers to someone who is weak or timid.


Question: Why does Hulk agree to give David his power near the end of the movie?

Answer: Because he knew it would overwhelm him.


Well to be honest, I have no clue why David wanted the Hulk power so badly instead of being satisfied with the being he's become at the end of the movie. The guy can turn into anything he wants.

Because he always wanted more. He is a greedy character. Even though he was that powerful, he felt Hulk was more powerful than him, and he wanted that power.


Question: What exactly did David transform into after biting into a cable?

Answer: His power is that he basically absorbs elements. Thus, when he bit the cable, he absorbed the electrical energy and became a giant electrical being. Then, throughout the fight, he absorbs other elements (rock, water, etc.) and takes on their form.


Question: Shouldn't there be more people on bicycles? I think a lot of people rode bicycles during this time. At least in the Monterey area. Probably not on the farm as much. People became very car happy in the 50s. Also, the haircuts are very 1940s / early 1950s.

Answer: Many earlier Hollywood movies were often less concerned about recreating a precise historical time period and instead evoked the era's atmosphere. Audiences then were less discerning or knowledgeable about history and details regarding hairstyles, makeup, clothing, manners, etc. which were sometimes diluted, glossed over, and often wrong. More people may have ridden bicycles during that era but many had cars, though it's unessential to the plot either way.


Question: Why did the businessman think he was going to get to his meeting late since first class was closed?

Answer: He doesn't; he's just an asshole who likes to complain.

Question: When Max comes to the hospital after his wife Jessie and their son are run over by the bikers, there is a moment when you can hear the doctor tell a nurse, "Tell him she's going to be all right." Does this mean Jessie actually lives?

Answer: Jessie was initially comatose but later died of her injuries.


Question: Is the uncredited actor who plays the post office van driver who "kills" Jimmy's scooter Derek Martin (Charlie Slater in Eastenders)?

eric 64

Answer: Yes.

Question: When Tina enters the bank, with the camera in her purse, why does she walk away from Charlie and ask Stanley to help her? She came there to film the inside, and she doesn't know Stanley. Why does she care if Charlie or Stanley helps?

Answer: She was there to film the safe and Stanley's desk was right across from it, giving her the best view of the safe.


Show generally

Question: Just rewatched the series and in the episode where they are operating on President Kirkman to remove the bullet fragments I noticed what I think was a secret service agent in the background of the OR. Is this normal practice for when a president is under anaesthetic or a medical procedure, or was this just because it was after an attempted assassination?


Answer: Yes, it's normal. When President Reagan was shot, they were in the OR with him.

Answer: It would be normal procedure, yes. The Secret Service accompanies the president everywhere, except in very limited circumstances (for example, they don't go into the bathroom with him, or stand in his room while he sleeps). When Bill Clinton had an operation to fix a torn tendon, there was an agent in the operating room throughout the procedure.

Question: Why was this filmed in Canada and not in Salt Lake City like the first movie was?

Answer: Likely for a variety of reasons but probably mostly for cost reasons. It is cheaper to film movies in Canada due to the currency exchange rate.


Question: Regarding the scene with the highly offended customer, is the actor deliberately hamming it up, or is he just a bad actor?


Answer: I think it's a combination of both of those. He's played by Walt Flanagan, who also plays three other characters in the movie. Flanagan was a friend of Kevin Smith who filled in for several roles. He's definitely playing the part a little hammy... but I also think some of his reactions are a little off because it was (obviously) his first film, and he was inexperienced. (Though to be fair, he appeared in similar small roles in several other Smith films, and his acting improved over time).


Show generally

Question: Given how long it ran and its popularity, was there ever talk of a crossover with Dynasty regardless of different networks?


Answer: No, back then such things were unheard of. Too much politics, contract disputes and what would the characters do if they met.

Show generally

Question: Does anyone know why Gambit was featured less and less in episodes as the show went on? He was one of the most popular characters in not just X-Men, but all of Marvel Comics around the time this series first aired, so unless it had something to do with his voice actor's contract, it seems odd they wouldn't have utilized him more.


Answer: Chris Potter, the original Gambit voice actor, did indeed quit the role in the 4th season. His last episode was The Phalanx Covenant Part 1 so it seems reasonable that Fox would limit the use of the character even though it was recast. It doesn't appear that Potter left the role due to animosity, he stated in an interview that he wished to play Gambit in the first live action X-Men film.


Question: In the hardware store when Scott hears the dog whistle, why doesn't his Dad, who is also a werewolf, hear it or react?

Answer: His dad is either not currently in the room or further away in the same room so most likely not as loud for him. Also, the dad is used to being a werewolf, so he is more used to the sound than Scott (to whom this sound is brand-new).

Answer: And, for wolves and humans, as they get older their high frequency hearing is diminished.

Question: Does the Red October not have a signal light on the periscope like the Dallas? It's a little ridiculous that they have to ping them to acknowledge them.

Answer: Red October would certainly have a signal light. If Dallas thought they were talking to the ready to defect Captain, I can't think of a more dangerous way to ask him to reply. Ordering the sonar signal certainly alerted the entire crew that something very unusual was going on. Plot error for sure.

No plot hole. Ramius explains the first and second ping to his crew as "(re)-confirming range to target." If they had seen him toggling a bunch of morse code via the signal light, they would either have recognized the morse code themselves or at a minimum wondered whom he was talking to and what about.

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