Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: What happened to the Aunt that lives at the lake house?

Answer: We never find out. But, if I remember correctly, in the graphic novel, the aunt is killed prior to the (O')Sullivan's arrvial (although not by Maguire; that character was created specifically for the film).

Cubs Fan

Answer: I don't know about the book, but in the movie, I have to assume McGuire killed the aunt before they arrive, and the dog was hers. When Michael leaves, he takes the dog.

Answer: My guess is that after she got off the phone with Mike S. She either died or caught wind of what happened to Mike S. Family and hauled ass.

I thought that too. But the dog was left behind.Unless that wasn't their dog.

Question: Why would the pretty girl who plays with the trains be married to the obese, immobile Uncle Joey? Also, what is the joke when the old man says "That's Uncle Joey. He works out"?

Answer: Well you don't have to be 'good looking' to be married. Second it is just meant to be ironic when he says "That's Uncle Joey. He works out" because when you work out you're meant to be in good shape but obviously he isn't so it seems in the future working out is what we call now, a slob.


Question: Is the animated scene available online? If so, can someone give me address of the site on which it can be found?

Answer: A quick search on google or even Youtube under the title of the film "A brief history of America" will give you many places to watch or download it. Here is one from Youtube.


Free Willzyx - S9-E13

Question: The kids save a whale and actually send it to the moon. The last scene and the end credits are shown in silence. What is the point of this?

Answer: The boys had thought they had done this magnificent thing for the whale when it really just killed the whale. The last shot just showed there was no happy ending. As for the silence it might be to keep the audience in anticipation. In the shot we see the whale lifeless and with no sound around. One could think that it might make a miraculous recovery as nothing is happening.


Answer: 'Baker Street' by Gerry Rafferty.


Question: Is there any reason for Darth Maul only blinking once (like an ability that his species has to keep his eyes open for a while), or does the movie just happen to only show him blinking once?

Answer: An enemy just looks more menacing if he's always staring you down. I suppose that makes it more of a "Sith" thing than a "species" thing.


Question: What is the name of the song which plays when the safe is unlocked and the camera pans around inside?

Answer: "Ode to Joy" from Beethoven's 9th Symphony.

Cubs Fan

Question: I don't get how Alex could have died in Clear's Dad's cabin with the fishing rod opening the door and the rusty fish hook and the knife flying out. What happened behind the door?

Answer: As Alex picks up the fish hook he smiles and says "tetanus". Although not ideal, Death hoped to infect Alex with tetanus, a lot slower a death than intended, but a death nevertheless.


Show generally

Question: Why were the preliminary trials for the Chunin exam done as single elimination? It would not really cause the best of the best to be chosen because when two strong Ninjas fight (like Gaara and Rock Lee) one has to lose, while when two weak ninja (Sakura and Ino) fight, one gets to go through, only to be guaranteed failure. How is that fair?

Answer: Out-of-character, because single elimination is the most exciting format for the viewers of the anime. In-character, a possible reason is that the failure of single elimination to correctly identify the second and lower places was only recognised relatively recently - there is an essay by Lewis Carroll (yes, that Lewis Carroll), describing the problem in detail, written in 1883. Ninjas were around in about the 1300's, so it probably hasn't been discovered yet. Of course Naruto's history might not match real history but if you depart from reality then there can be no answer but the out-of-character one.


Question: Why did Borat want gypsy tears when he went to the yard sale?

Answer: Because in the movie Borat's people believe that gypsy tears cure things.


Question: Moments before the end of the film, a man puts a rose on Schindler's grave. Can someone tell me who he is?

Answer: Liam Neeson, the actor who played Schindler.


Show generally

Question: In what episode does Joey try to look nineteen years old? There is a scene where he comes out dressed ridiculously, and asks if he looks nineteen, to which Chandler replies, "On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the most looking like an idiot, you're easily a 19."

Answer: The first episode of the 7th season. The One With Monica's Thunder.


Answer: According to, Sarah is fluent in both French and German.

Jeff Swanson

Show generally

Question: Before Nora dies, was there ever actually any chance at all that Tom and Lynette would get full custody of Kayla? I mean, she hasn't exactly known them for a very long time, and there was nothing suggesting Nora didn't take good care of her.

Answer: Full custody was always going to be a stretch simply because Nora was the mother and generally courts favour mothers except in certain conditions. Perhaps the only thing that might have given them full custody was the fact that Nora was moving Kayla with her to Mexico and because that would hamper Tom's visitations. However as you have stated there really wasn't much to suggest they could get full custody.


Answer: Yes Leela knew from early on that Fry had feelings for her. They were pretending to be a couple in 'A Flight to Remember' from season 1 and Fry tried to get on dates with Leela ever since. She just didn't show signs of the feelings maybe being mutual before some of the later episodes.


Question: In one scene of an overhead view of the White House, we can see that the flag on the roof is at half-mast. Why was the flag lowered?

Answer: Because at the beginning of the movie, the asteroid fragments attacked New York and killed lots of civilians. When a natural disaster hits America,the President, as well as many businesses will lower the flag out of respect.


Not to mention the astronauts lost in the same meteor shower.

Question: I really liked the deleted song, "No One Would Listen". Is it available on any versions of the movie soundtrack? The one I've got only includes "Learn to be Lonely".

Answer: There are currently two versions of the movie soundtrack in English. A one disc version contains the primary songs from the movie and a two-disc version that includes a complete production, including dialog. Neither contains (sadly) the song, "No One Would Listen." But Learn to be Lonely is simply a different version of No one Would Listen in which Minnie Driver (Carlotta) sings.


Question: What aquarium was used for the scene with Mumble dancing for the little girl?

Answer: Sea World in Orlando, FL.


Answer: The fact that many children have buck teeth when they are small and can be made fun of because of it.


Question: I don't understand why Vesper killed herself in the end. Can someone please clue me in?

Answer: She loved Bond and had betrayed him. She knew he would probably die trying to save her, and that if he didn't he would be tortured by the memory, so she killed herself both out of guilt and to save him.

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