Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Episode 1: Night of the Mutants - Just after Sketch arrives in his comic book, he lands in a room that it stated by a caption to be located in the "N.W.E. Command Centre in Newer York City." What does N.W.E stand for?

Chosen answer: N.W.E. stands for New World Empire.

Casual Person

Question: We know that Jasper and Rosalie pose as 18-year-old twins while in school at Forks, and presumably Edward poses as a 17-year-old...But what ages are Emmett and Alice meant to be while at school?

Answer: Emmett and Alice are also supposed to be 17 or 18. It is not specified exactly, but in Breaking Dawn, all the Cullen siblings graduate the same year. In New Moon, Rosalie and Emmett graduate and "go off to college", while the others begin their senior years. As they are all supposed to be "adopted" by Carlisle and Esme Cullen, it is not unusual that they would all be the same ages.


Question: Can someone explain what it means that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee? I thought imprinting meant you want to be with that person (like love and marry them). But now that Jacob has imprinted on Renesmee, I think I'm wrong.

Answer: Werewolf imprinting means you love that person in exactly the way they need you to love them. In Jacob's case, this means he feels a fatherly/brotherly love for Renesmee now. When she gets older those feelings may change to a romantic love, but that depends on whether Renesmee is ever able to see Jacob as anything other than a big brother. If she thinks it's too weird to feel romantically toward Jacob due to the nature of their relationship during her childhood, he will forever be her platonic protector and be absolutely elated by it. Fast as she grows though, it's unlikely they'll have spent so long in those familial roles that she won't be able to see him as anything else.


Chosen answer: So did she, but apparently tears work too. The magic is in HER, after all. It just manifested most obviously in her hair, the parallel to the petals on the flower.


So then why did Mother Gothel die?

Answer: Because she used her hair to stay young and now her hair is gone.

Answer: Because she used the power from her hair and now her hair is gone. So she is as well.

Question: So it's my understanding that when Jack made the deal with Beckett, Jack agreed to bring out the Pirates, which he did, and Beckett was to satisfy Jack's debt to Jones. But at the end I don't understand why Beckett let Jack and Will sink his ship. This is because first off why would he even stick to the deal at that point, why didn't he betray Jack? Also did the deal even still exist, because Jones died and Will became captain, thus Jack could no longer be in debt to Jones. So simply, why did Beckett let his ship (along with his life) be destroyed?

Answer: Beckett already was planning on betraying Jack. And yes, Jack's debt to Jones was null and void the moment of Jones' death. And finally, do you think Beckett had any choice in the matter of Will, and Jack destroying his ship?


Question: With many of the actors playing central characters reprising their roles, does anyone know why the princesses were re-cast?


Chosen answer: Kimberley Kates (who played Elizabeth in the first film) said in an interview on a B&T fan podcast that she and Diane Franklin were scheduled to reprise the roles, but then heard that they had been recast. She believed it was because the English director Peter Hewitt did not like English characters being played by American actresses.


Answer: It is presumed that Ivy cannot see Noah's color as she was unaware that he was inside of her coat closet after he had hidden there during a game of hide and seek. In the scene she is seen hanging her coat inside of a closet occupied by Noah. She puts the garment inside and goes about her business completely unaware of his presence. This indicates that he does not give off a color.

Chosen answer: This was left very ambiguous. Ivy knew the "creatures" were not real because her father had told her it was a ruse the elders used to frighten the youths to keep them from leaving the village. However, it was mentioned by one of the elders that the creatures were based on old stories, myth and legend that's why she was freaking out when her cloak was darken by the mud and why she became frightened by Noah's monster costume. As for her sight of color it does not appear that Ivy knows it is Noah who is chasing her.


Ivy could smell Noah wearing the suit. She made a statement in the shed not to be used that there was a strange smell in there. I imagine some sort of latex smell given off by suit. I think. I had figured it was a professionally made movie costumes the elders brought to Covington woods when they first settled. But it is also possible I guess they could have been crafted after the fact. But either way she was able to recognize Noah by the scent. I believe.

Answer: She stated in the beginning she couldn't always see color in people.

Answer: A combination of factors is at play here. Carrie's mother, Margaret, is mentally unstable. She is a staunch fundamentalist Christian. Her daughter, Carrie, is a product of forced intercourse by her drunken husband which her mother admits to having enjoyed, regardless of its sinful nature. Carrie exhibits telekinetic powers, which Margaret labels witchcraft. Carrie goes to the prom against her mother's wishes, which Margaret considers sinful. Margaret ultimately sees her daughter as an evil spawn, imbued with Satanic powers, who is also beginning to assert her independence and defy Margaret's Christian principles. It was probably part of Margaret's delusion that killing her daughter in the midst of prayer (they are reciting "The Lord's Prayer" when Margaret stabs Carrie in the back and continues to attack her) might facilitate her possibility for redemption.

Michael Albert

Question: In 700 years, everyone on board the Axiom has grown very fat, lived their whole life on hover chairs and kept their faces buried in their screens. So where did all of the children come from? Every adult only looked at or talked to each other through the screens so how could any children exists if the adults never left the hover chair. That kind of ongoing lifestyle should not have produced any children at all and after about 200 or even 300 years all life aboard the Axiom and other ships should have been wiped out.

Answer: In vitro? Cloning? The fact that being fat doesn't stop people from wanting to have sex? There are many ways and they all work.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: Why was Little Bill so protective of the two cowboys that had bounties on their heads? And why was he so vengeful when they were both killed? He didn't know them.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: I think Little Bill takes offense to this sort of thing taking place in his town on his watch. He tells Mr. Beauchamp while he is writing his biography something like, "I do not like assassins, or men of low character."

Answer: Little Bill wanted to be sure that the cowboys would live at least long enough to pay compensation to the owner of the saloon/brothel for disfiguring one of the prostitutes; Bill became furious when the cowboys were killed because they would never be able to make good on their agreement of compensation.


The cowboys bring in their ponies and pay off their debt early in the film. "Davey Boy" even brings in an extra pony especially for Delilah, which he calls the "best in the lot." (Which the other whores promptly reject and begin throwing dung at them). Both cowboys are killed long after they pay their debt to Skinny.

There is a scene where the two cowboys come to town and pay the required compensation in horses.

Question: I'm confused. Palpatine wanted to use Queen Amidala to get himself voted as chancellor so he could have control over the republic. Why did he send Darth Maul after the Queen's ship when it escaped if he needed the Queen alive?

Answer: The entire time Palpatine is bitching to Viceroy Gunray that he needs the Queen to sign the treaty to make the blockade and invasion legal. He didn't send Darth Maul to kill Amidala, he sent him to capture her and to deal with her Jedi escort.

Quantom X

Question: Forgive me if this question sounds stupid - I was eight years old when the movie came out, and I didn't use a phone a lot. Why is Casey not surprised that the caller was able to dial her the second time? From my experience, wrong numbers are often caused by people accidentally dialing wrong. It would be suspicious to me if a person could "accidentally" punch in the same wrong number twice. But she simply asks why he did it, then accepts his apology.

Answer: I wouldn't have found it suspicious at all if it happened to me. With the exception of some really old phones, a lot had a redial button which would call your last number even if you did dial incorrectly.

Answer: It's possible to dial a wrong number twice. She might've thought the person had made the same mistake again.

Captain Defenestrator

Question: How is Megamind's robot able to do exactly what he does? We don't see him push any buttons or anything, so how is this possible?

Answer: Mad Science. There's an old science fiction writers' saying that "Poorly explained science is better than DUMB science, " so exactly how it works isn't important, it just works.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Because he trained him.

Answer: I could be wrong, but I always figured that Megamind had created I device that would be able to have Minion control the robot thing with his mind.

Question: How could Superman kill Zod by breaking his neck? He's from Krypton like Superman so he should also be invulnerable.

Answer: Kryptonians aren't invulnerable. It just takes a lot to hurt one after he has been charged by our yellow sun. There are several beings who are strong enough to break a Kryptonian's bones. Doomsday, Darkseid, etc. Since both are roughly equal in strength on Earth, its no different than one human breaking another's neck.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Why did Dumbledore give Snape the dual teacher/spy position after James and Lily were murdered? Voldemort was presumed to be defeated by baby Harry, so there was no reason for Dumbledore to need a spy.

Answer: Dumbledore knew that by using Dark Magic, a practice Voldemort was highly skilled in, it was possible for the Dark Lord to still be alive in some form and could one day return. His Death Eater followers were also still active, and Snape would be able to spy on them to discover if or when Voldemort was re-emerging.


Question: What is the name given to those cart things that can be driven around San Andreas? For a detailed description, the carts being referred to kind of look like a golf cart, but without the roof on it and they are only shown in San Andreas, and not shown in Los Santos.

Chosen answer: It is called a Civillian Caddy. Also the location being referred to is not San Andreas, but in fact Sandy Shores.

Casual Person

Answer: For TV episodes only, her timeline is as follows: spoilers ahoy! Baby Melody, "A Good Man Goes to War." Child Melody, "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon." Mels, regenerating into River, "Let's Kill Hitler"/ River, "Closing Time." "The Wedding of River Song", simultaneous with her appearance as the mysterious astronaut in "The Impossible Astronaut." Adult River, "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon." Adult River, "A Good Man Goes to War'." "The Pandorica Opens"/"The Big Bang." "The Time of Angels"/"Flesh and Stone." Her appearance at Amy and Rory's house at the end of "The Wedding of River Song." "The Angels Take Manhattan." "The Husbands of River Song." "Silence in the Library"/"Forest of the Dead." As a ghost in "The Name of the Doctor."

Chosen answer: River's timeline does start in "A Good Man Goes to War" but ends in "Forest of the Dead," when the 10th Doctor sees her die. Have fun piecing it together from there. If it helps, the BBC adventure games are considered canon, so her appearance in "The Eternity Clock" is also part of her timeline, as are the mini-episodes of "Night and the Doctor."

Captain Defenestrator

Question: A few questions about all the deaths being blamed on Batman. Why couldn't they blame it on The Joker or one of his henchmen? What would they have said Batman's motives were? And who would've told everyone, and how? If it was Gordon, he'd have to say he was an eye witness, because there was no evidence, and wouldn't people think it was weird he didn't do anything about it?


Chosen answer: The Joker was already being arrested by a large number of officers at the time of the incident with Dent. The Batman, already a wanted criminal, was the easy choice for them to make. He could take the blame whilst allowing Dent to die as a hero, implementing new laws to bring down organised crime.

Alternatively, it was done this way so that the title of the movie made more sense.

Question: In 1955 when Doc and Marty are in the outdoor cinema and Marty is accelerating to 88mph to jump back in time to 1885, doc shouts something to him in celebration as Marty Drives past him, he also fires his gun in the air... Do you know what he shouts? The subtitles just say "shouts something in Spanish" but id love to know what he said and what it means?


Chosen answer: "Vaya con dios!", Spanish for "Go with God".


Answer: The subtitles are wrong! I always heard him shout "to the ends of the Earth " A reference to Jules Verne (keeping that theme running all through the third movie) and to Marty's adventures. Not only is this what I've heard every time I've watched this film, but it makes much more sense.

This is incorrect. He does in fact yell "Vaya con dios." The scene is available on Youtube and he can be seen and heard saying it at the 2:47 mark.

Question: Why does the president ask Ben to look for the page 47 of the book for him if he, as president, has access to the entire book?

Answer: He asks him to investigate what's on page 47, not to just read the page.

Grumpy Scot

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