Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Season 9 Episode 20, "Camelot", Samatha goes out onto the Supergate to replace one of the dialing crystals. When the Ori activate the Supergate before she finishes, her magnetic lock is lost, causing her to drift into space.


Answer: Yes, it's a gambling thing. It's called "the spread." The Cowboys would have been underdogs, so the opponent (in 1990 it was the Washington Redskins) were favored to win. Homer bet money that the Cowboys would win or at least not lose by 6 points. That's why he says "five and a half points", since there's no way to score half a point, if the Cowboys lost by 6, Homer loses the bet. But if they lose by 5 or less, Homer wins the bet.


Season 1 generally

Question: I've been watching through Season 1, and haven't gotten further than that yet while paying attention. But any time there is a scene in the kitchen when them at the table, Stewie is always seated in the same spot at the table with his char having its back to the cabinet next to the sink. On the counter top directly behind Stewie in each episode, there is a pink rectangular item sitting there, and I have seen it in every episode of season 1. What is that item? Is it a sponge or a scrub thing? Why is it pink?

Quantom X

Answer: It is just a dish sponge. Scotch-Brite sells pink sponges. There's no particular reason it's pink, it could just show Lois likes pink or one of the animators grew up in a home that always had a pink sponge.


Question: So if Thomas Wayne is Arthur's father does that mean that he and Bruce Wayne are brothers?

Answer: Half brothers, yes, provided Thomas really is Arthur's father.

Brian Katcher

Question: How were the Pink Berets able to track the easter bunny's son?

Answer: Phone.

Answer: When they say James (his real name) instead of Fred.

Answer: Eustace is a rather two-dimensional antagonist character. He is just a mean-spirited man who takes out his hostilities on a vulnerable dog and resents his wife having adopted him.


I thought the reason had to do with the attention Courage receives from Muriel.

Question: How did Meghan get from the boat to the house?

Answer: There is a man in the house who brings Meghan some food to eat. I think he was the one who took her there.

Question: How did Luke and Leia know that Rey was Palpatine's granddaughter?

Answer: They felt it through the force. It's kinda like a signature. They feel each other's powers and recognize it. Both have met the Emperor and they felt similar powers inside Rey.


When did Leia meet the Emperor?

She was a senator and her father (Bail Organa) introduced her to him when she was younger.


Answer: Off screen between Episode 3 and Rogue One.

Question: How did the football players die exactly?

Answer: A bus accident.

Brian Katcher

Answer: After returning to Juno's office, the quarterback tells her that he doesn't think they survived the crash.

Question: I'm confused about the return of the purse and kids' bicycles. Michael says he spent money that he doesn't have and might have to return the kids' bikes. Architects make a substantial amount of income. So why would he need to return the kiddie bikes?

Answer: The median salary in the United States for architects is currently around $80K per year. It was a few thousand dollars less in 2006 when the film was made. That's not what most would call a "substantial" income, especially considering that is the median. Michael could make significantly less than that. There are thousands of people in the United States making more than $80K a year living paycheck-to-paycheck, based on their individual circumstances.


Question: When Kyle defeats Stephanie by punching her and Carson realises he has been fooled and tries to come down, he falls and gets up injured. Did he accidentally shoot his leg when falling or break his ankle or something? After realizing that Stephanie escaped the plane, he walks but uses his arms as well. How was he injured?

Answer: He sprained his leg.

Question: Why does Arthur kill his mother? Does he feel she lied to him about his father? Maybe his madness going further? Perhaps even he wanted to end her suffering?


Answer: I'd probably rule out of the last reason you mentioned, on the first one you have to consider that the lie goes deeper than just the father's identity, if that is a lie at all. Through the information he saw on the medical record - and he kills her after seeing that record - it turns out that she had let him be abused and beaten up since a tender age, which would probably be the cause of his mental and physical issues. In his line before the murder, he mentions her full name, and how he has not been happy a minute of his whole life, so the terrible childhood, which maybe now came back to him, is a real factor. Mentioning the comedy, so a play, might also imply a sort of detachment now that he understands that it was all a lie from the beginning and she's not even his real mother (if that's what he believes).


The Cover-Up - S6-E23

Question: In the beginning, when Jim and Pam are supposedly communicating through Morse Code, do they actually saying anything? What about the end with Pam and Dwight? What is said? Or is it just random clicks, taps, and blinks to seem like Morse Code for the audience?


Answer: This is what a person on Reddit wrote regarding Jim and Pam: I know Morse code well, and most of it was gibberish, especially Jim's clicks. Pam's second transmission was almost intelligible as SE HE IT (3 clicks 1 click, 4 clicks, 1 click, 2 clicks and long click). "


Answer: I only know the part about the detonator, the rest might be random but Jim said "There is a detonator in this office."

Is that what is actually clicked out? Seems way too long for what how short the scene is. Or are you just guessing that's what was implied because of Dwight's reaction.


Answer: I tried to solve it, seemed like random clicking to me.

Question: Wouldn't her freshly bleached hair go green from the chlorine?

Answer: Chlorine can turn bleached blonde hair a shade of green. Pouring apple cider vinegar over hair before swimming can help prevent it changing. However, being as this is a movie, realistic details like this are ignored for the sake of storytelling.


Question: Before the Summer Nights scene, Kenickie asks "Did you see the new girl down at registration?" Is the girl he's referring to Sandy?

Answer: Yes, it's Sandy.


Question: How could the girls not see that Martha was a boy? In the movie his voice is deep well until Kim came to visit him.

Answer: Maybe they just thought he had a deep voice for a girl. I also thought about that, like when the girls hug Martha he's a guy - no boobs - but it's just a fun movie.

Answer: Cross-dressing is a time honored tradition in comedy and it requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief to enjoy. A character who is obviously a boy to the audience but none of the characters noticing is a big part of what makes these films funny.


Answer: Season 23 Episode 9.


Answer: The episode is "A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again."


Question: What did Frank mean by the quote, "When you're looking down the barrel of a gun, what difference does it make?"

Answer: In Frank's mind, everyone is either connected to crime, or they are cops (but just as brutal and probably as corrupt as the criminals). So if it came down to being threatened with death, it doesn't matter if the guy making the threat is a civilian or a cop, he's bad either way. The line is "When I was your age, they would say you could become cops or criminals; today what I'm saying to you is this: When facing a loaded gun, what's the difference?"

Question: Why does Megatron hate humans so much?

Answer: Simply put, he's racist... or at least speciesist. He sees humans as inferior and someone to bend to is will. Also, seeing how Prime wants to protect them so much, just fuels his desire to destroy humans as another way of getting at the Autobots.

Quantom X

Question: There is a skull and crossbone flag in both Nanny Mcphee and Nanny Mcphee Returns, why?

Answer: The skull and crossbone flag can be interpreted in a number of ways. Death, both literally and symbolically, is an ongoing theme in the story. Cedric Brown, the children's father, is a widower, and he is also an undertaker. There have been a number of nannies for Mr. Brown's rather naughty children, but they have systematically gotten rid of each one, basically "killing them off," though not in a literal sense, until Nanny McPhee arrives.


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