Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: Which episode is it where Bart and Lisa are arguing, saying "You're gay for Moleman." "No you're gay for Moleman." And Moleman says "Nobody's gay for Moleman." Is it the one where Frink shpws them their future?

Answer: Yes it is. The episode is called Future-Drama - Season 16, Episode 15.


Question: If Hannibal Lecter knew all along who Buffalo Bill really was, then why didn't he just come right out and say it?

Answer: Because that would be boring for the doctor. He gets the opportunity to play his twisted mind-games with agent Starling, and manipulate her into revealing her own secrets to him, so he draws the game out for as long as he can.


Lector probably has a crush on Clarice (the flattering sketch) he might be trying to see her as much as possible because he likes her.

Answer: He tells Clarice he knows he'll never be let out of that cell while he's alive and that he wants to be relocated away from Dr. Chiltern. He's using his knowledge of Buffalo Bill to secure better living conditions for himself and/or get to a situation where it's possible for him to escape.

Answer: Sociopaths are egocentric and focus on getting what they want; they are not likely to provide information or be helpful to others unless there is some benefit to be derived. The information that Lecter had would be used as a means to an end, not for the purposes of assisting the authorities in capturing someone. Lecter reveals tidbits - the minimal amount deemed necessary at a particular time - and saves as much information as possible for future manipulations and/or self-satisfaction.


Question: Why does everyone say that using parts of the DeLorean that Doc had buried in the abandoned mine could create a time paradox? Firstly, that is never stated in the actual movie. Secondly, if say Marty and Doc use the part on the buried DeLorean to fix the DeLorean that broke due to the explosion caused by the extremely strong alcohol and then again try to run the DeLorean using alcohol that's not so strong, the 1955 Doc would be able to obtain the missing piece of the buried DeLorean. So, technically, there's a plot hole. Why then does everyone say that that's not possible?

Answer: If they dug up the buried DeLorean and stripped it for parts to repair the other one, then it would become non-functional. As such, with no replacement parts being available in 1955, Marty would not then be able to use it to come back in time to rescue Doc - which he's already done. There's your paradox.


Answer: But it's not a paradox is it. They blew the fuel injection manifold which Doc says would take him a month to rebuild, that's using 1885 technology and parts. Simply swap out the manifold off the buried car, put the broken one on the seat, and 1955 Doc would inspect it and figure out that it needs repairing (which would take far less time using 1955 technology and parts). They could also go to Western Union and change the letter to read that the fuel injection manifold needs a repair as well. If they stole the DeLorean' engine then yes they'd be a paradox as the very earliest replacement wouldn't be available until 1974. But stealing parts that would be available in 1955 would not cause any paradox as they could simply replace them.

Question: If the beast was a young boy when he was turned into a beast, why is it the portrait of him he tears up looks like he does at the end of the film?

Answer: "Boy" is a rather broad term, and it can refer to someone who is grown but has not quite reached full manhood.


Answer: Additionally, it sometimes happened that artist made noble rulers look adult even while still young. So it could've been a historical borrowing to foreshadow his later appearance.

Question: Could Hawkins have become a commando (or even a marine) in real life, considering he wore glasses which would have limited him during any battle?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: As long as your uncorrected vision is at least 20/400 (-6.0 diopters), you can qualify for most forms of military service except flying.


Answer: Yes, you can have corrected vision using glasses or contacts to be in a special operations unit. Although you can't be color blind.

Answer: The pasta was was made into naughty shapes.


Answer: He had a thrombosis - basically a blood clot in the muscle of his leg that cut off the blood supply and caused part of the muscle tissue to die. The second-to-last episode of the first season explains the circumstances in detail.


Question: At one point the dentist mentions that he's going to "see a man about a wallaby". I get the feeling that this is a reference to something. Is it?

Answer: This is actually an homage to Crocodile Dundee, where the character (who is Australian) says the same phrase but has to explain it to his American friend.

Answer: It's a reference to going to use the bathroom. The American equivalent is "going to see a man about a horse/dog" (depending on which part of the country you are from).


Question: What did Ennis mean at the end of the movie when he says "Jack, I swear"? It seemed really out of place.

Answer: I feel it meant "I swear our love will never die." Or "I swear I'll love you forever."

Answer: There's been a lot of discussion as to what this line actually means, but there's no definitive answer.


I feel like it is a statement of loss, what they had, what could have been, but Jack is now gone. They will never be together again, but the strong feelings of love and hurt that Ennis has been, and always will be, there.

Question: When Bridget and Daniel are in bed at the hotel, she says "that thing you just did is actually illegal in several countries". Anyone know what she was talking about? I assume it's a sex thing and I'm dying to know.

Answer: I'm pretty sure you can assume she's talking about anal sex, which is still technically illegal in a number of countries.

Question: When Marty comes back to a "new" 1985, his family has money, his siblings are now successful, they treat Marty like he never left (except to go to the lake). But before he supposedly went to the lake, didn't Marty act normal? Didn't Marty grow up with this new and improved family and have different experiences that didn't happen when they were poor? If so, why does he have no memory of this? If Marty grows up with money, has a successful father, a sister that's popular, what happens to "this" Marty? The one that grew up differently now that he was born into a richer family? (This can't be the same Marty that goes back in in time that we see at the end of the movie, because if that Marty will do everything we saw in the movie, he's the same Marty before anything changed. Like when he said his dad never stood to to Biff in his life).

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: Yup, that's what happens in time travel movies. All sorts of paradoxes pop up. You could sit and ponder this for the rest of your life. Or you could just enjoy the goofiness of it all. If you get a chance, look up an old article called "Back to the Future with the Other Marty McFly." It theorizes that there are, in fact, two Marty McFlys whose lives intersect with the competing timelines. But if you're seriously trying to figure out the complexities of all this, take the advice given in Austin Powers II and just enjoy the movie.

K.C. Sierra

Point of View - S3-E6

Question: I have a question about the correction about the Asgard not beaming Teal'c because they knew about him helping SG-1. This happened in the alternate reality. Would the alternate Asgard know about Teal'c turning against Apophis?

Answer: The Alternate Samantha Carter has travelled to enlist the Asgard's help. It stands to reason that she would have explained the situation to them fully before they arrive.


Show generally

Question: In the episode where Leon gets married, Dan says at the end that Leon and Scott are "having it out" or something like that. Roseanne says that they're just "two people of the same gender going at it". Then a woman sits down behind her and Roseanne says "Hi there". Then the audience roars in laughter and applause. I don't get it. What's the joke?

Answer: The woman who sits down is Sharon, who was Nancy's girlfriend in "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (season 6) and is played by Mariel Hemingway. In that infamous episode, Sharon kissed Roseanne on the mouth. She returns in "December Bride" (season 8) and makes a brief, but very funny, appearance at Leon and Scott's wedding. You may also be interested in Milton Berle's "drag" cameo, as he catches the bouquet. On Berle's TV show, back in the 40's and 50's, his skits in drag became his trademark.

Super Grover

Question: Was this filmed at a real amusement park? If so has this film had an adverse effect on the park's attendance?


Chosen answer: IMDb gives the information that it was filmed in Playland Amusement Park, Pacific National Exhibition Grounds, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada ('The Corkscrew' rollercoater')".


Question: What is the name of the song that Wendy keeps hearing in the movie? The one with the "Walking Behind You" line? You can hear this song when Ian is following Wendy to the town's Tricentennial, and on the train.

Answer: "Turn Around, Look At Me" performed by The Vouges.


Answer: Turn Around, Look at me by Letterman.

Question: When the timer goes off in Jigsaws lair, the cops turn around and see a safe open and that Daniel is safely inside. Has Daniel been in that safe the whole time the police were there? If not, then how did Jigsaw and Amanda find time to put him there?

Answer: Daniel was in there the whole time...The events in the house took place MUCH earlier than when the police got there. Everything in the house was on a tape delay.


Answer: Jigsaw stated that Daniel was in a "safe place ".

Answer: According to both IMDb and, just to name a few, Col. Flagg's first name is Samuel.


Question: I saw Frank Oz's name listed in the credits, does anyone know who he does the voice of?

Answer: He voices Fungus, Randall's assistant.


Question: Were all of the enchanted objects once people or are they just that, enchanted objects?

Answer: They were people, the staff of the castle, and are turned back to their human forms at the end of the film.


Answer: They don't hate Meg, it's just a recurring joke in the show about how she's so uncool, even her family can make fun of her for it.

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