Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: One thing doesn't make sense about the line-up: Benicio del Toro spoke that way for the entire movie. So what did he do in the line-up that was funny?


Answer: Basically, the actors were improvising their answers, and their inflection, and kept trying to make each other laugh. Director Bryan Singer was angry at first, but eventually decided it fit their characters and their disregard/disdain for authority, and so used the takes in which they were cracking up. In this particular moment, they were laughing at the beginning of del Toro's part because, apparently, he had just broken wind.

Show generally

Question: Can someone please explain the swearing rules? I'm not American, so I don't know which channels have to follow the FCC rules. But I heard AMC said they could only use one F word per season. Why would they make that rule? If they have to follow the FCC rules, they can't say it at all. If they don't, they can say it as much as they want. And aside from Season 2, they all had more than one. How did they get away with it?


Answer: The FCC actually only regulates local broadcast channels. Cable channels - even basic ones - are free to depict as much violence, profanity, and sexual content (as long as it's not pornographic) as they want. However, they choose to scale back on that so as not to offend viewers and potentially drive away sponsors.


Answer: The same as anyone else. The Cullens live like normal humans. They have fake birth certificates, social security numbers, passports, and all other necessary I.D. All of the younger Cullens attend high school (again and again) like any other teenager. Carlisle Cullen is a doctor, and therefore would have fake medical credentials. Carlisle is immensely wealthy, having accumulated a fortune over the centuries. He has the means to provide whatever they need to maintain their human identities. That would allow Edward, and any of the others, to apply for a driver's license.


Answer: Several reasons. Dobby was once owned by the Malfoy family until Harry freed him, which Bellatrix would consider a betrayal. She knows Harry is close to Dobby and killing the elf will hurt Harry. Dobby, as an elf, is magically powerful and a strong ally to Harry's cause. Having once been owned by the Malfoy family, Dobby has much inner knowledge about them and Voldemort. She was also making one last strike before Harry and the others escaped.


Thank you.


Question: How did Hanna find out about Michael? I was really confused on that part.

Answer: Richie, the brother of Vincent's informant Albert, was a cell mate of Michael. They happened to recently run into each other on the street and caught up. When Richie asked what Michael was up to lately, he kept insisting that he had nothing going on. Richie thought this was odd because Michael was known to him as an adrenaline junkie. Richie believed that Michael, who he knew in prison as "Slick", was part of the armored car heist he recently heard about. He is giving this information to Vincent because he wants the police to raid a rival car theft ring, eliminating his competition. The information he gives seems flimsy to Vincent until he hears the nickname "Slick", a name a witness heard during the armored car heist.


Question: Is it just me or does Poe seem a bit more strict and tense in this movie? I understand it was a war but I just wanted to check?


Answer: He seems a little more tense than the last two movies, but I think it's in keeping with the story. A lot was happening - Palpatine was back, there was an invasion in the planning, etc. It'd make sense for him to be tenser than usual.


Question: How could the Allegiant General know for sure that General Hux was the spy? Was there something that revealed Hux?


Answer: He saw through the trick that Hux was pulling, being shot in a non-vital spot. He probably did not know 'for sure' but it's a scene that has the purpose to depict him as astute and ruthless. Let's say chances were very high that Hux was the spy (high ranking, with a disdain for the Supreme Leader, and now he conveniently lets the prisoner escape) and he had such disregard for human life that he had no second thoughts about a slim chance of murdering an innocent - and in best case scenario, incompetent - officer.


Question: Is it just me or did he fire 8 times with a gun that only holds 5 rounds at a time? I am referring to the subway scene where Joker got his first kills of course.


Answer: I counted 4 shots on the train and 3 shots on the platform. Someone submitted a mistake about this, then someone corrected it saying he could have reloaded, then someone commented it's unlikely. I find it unlikely that he reloaded when on the train because on the platform he shoots 3 times and then dry fires 2 more times because he's out of rounds but doesn't seem to realise. So you'd have to say he had the wherewithal to reload a gun that's not empty, or only had 4 rounds in it for some reason, but reloaded it with only 2 or 3 more rounds, and then forgot how many rounds he just reloaded it with.


He has time to reload so it's plausible, that's all it takes really. Arthur is out of his mind at that moment, having just been beaten up again and working purely on adrenaline and blind rage. I doubt he is counting his shots. Does fit him though that when he saw the 3rd guy run he wanted to kill him too but wasn't sure if his gun was empty so he loaded 2 more bullets before he exited the train.


Question: What happened to Allyson's boyfriend after she left the dance following their fight?


Answer: It's never shown in the movie what happens. But there was a deleted scene where he got arrested for underage drinking after mouthing off to a police officer. Either way, he's safe for the time being, and the actor is currently slated to appear in the next sequel, "Halloween Kills."


Question: Why did Herb bring on a new player?

Answer: He did it to motivate his players and to bring them together. He was hoping that they would tell him they didn't need him, which is why he agrees to send him home when Mark Johnson says that they're a family.

Question: What does Joe say when he goes to have sexual relations with the battered wife?

Answer: Quite a lot, but the line just before is: "You... are a goddess, Patricia. You wind me up inside. But you deserve much better in your life. You deserve... me."


Question: Chief Brody and his wife are looking at a shark book in their den and their sons are playing outside in the boat the older son Michael got for his birthday. What is the title of that book? I know I had the same book when I was young kid.

Answer: It's called "Food for Thought".

Question: I'm the scene where X-ray takes the shorter shovel from Stanley, another boy walks up and says "smaller shovel, smaller hole." What is he eating? It looks like a tortilla shell but it's shiny like something is on it?

Answer: It's probably honey.

It is indeed honey, they mention it in the DVD commentary with the younger cast members.

Show generally

Question: Whenever a character enters or calls City Wok, Tuong Lu Kim says "Can I take order, pree?" I get the show is playing with the stereotype of Asians mixing up their L's with R's, but why does he say "pree" instead of "prease?"


Chosen answer: City Wok is a real-world Chinese restaurant that happens to be a favorite of series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone; Mr. Kim's speech peculiarities are taken from his real-life counterpart, which is also why he says "Sh*tty Wok' rather than "City Wok" when he answers the phone.


Question: Why did Lotso take over Sunnyside Daycare and turn it into a prison for the toys?


Answer: He was so angry at his owner for replacing him that he chose to take his rage out on other toys.


Question: What was the name of the lotion that Cady gave to Regina? Also, which cosmetic brands were used in the movie?

Answer: The foot cream was Intensive Moisturizing Foot Cream with Alpha Hydroxy (peppermint scented) and the skin cleanser was Facial Cleansing Gel (peppermint scented).

Answer: Peppermint foot cream.

Question: What did Candyman mean when he told Helen it was always her? Why was he so interested in Helen?

Answer: When Helen goes back and sees the mural of his murder, the camera lingers on a woman in the picture that looks like her. This is the woman Candyman was in love with before he was killed. The implication is either she was reincarnated as Helen, or Helen reminded him of her, hence his interest in her.


Question: What are the names of the three sisters?

Answer: According to Riordan Wiki on Fandom, they are the Grey sisters, Anger (Deino), Tempest (Persis or Perso), and Wasp (Pemphredo). They are the daughters of minor sea gods.


Question: What exactly is wrong with cameras? It's a public area. They have no privacy either way.


Answer: It is debatable if there is anything wrong with using cameras, but I can think of some possible answers to "what exactly is wrong with using cameras" at a school yard. Cameras symbolize authority over and oppression of students by the principal (and other authority figures). Cameras are indicative of a lack of trust of ALL students, but usually there is only a small percentage of trouble-makers. The use of cameras unjustly undermines the maturity of most students and makes the students resent the school authority figures. Cameras make the assumption that all the students are engaging (or might engage) in unacceptable behavior, which is offensive to the majority of students who follow the rules. Cameras are contrary to our value of "freedom" and that Uncle Sam does not have a right to constantly monitor citizens. People should not be videotaped in a free society if they have done nothing wrong. Many people simply do not like being videotaped. Cameras can record embarrassing acts.

Answer: Perhaps because many public cameras are recording peoples' actions.


That doesn't answer the question.

Brian Katcher

Meaning the recorded camera footage can act as a permanent film record of peoples' actions that can't be disputed easily.


Question: What good would it do for Laurie to see Michael's face? She didn't see it in the first movie so how would she know what he looked like?


Answer: By this movie Laurie has been dealing with Michael for over 20 years. Michael had been institutionalized for a long time and Dr. Loomis had lots of files on Michael. There is no reason to believe Laurie hadn't read those files which would've included photos that would show what he looked like growing from a child to a young adult. Those pics would her a good idea of what he should look like as an older man.


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