Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: In the jail cell, as Richard Harris dies, he tells Jim Caviezel not to commit the crime he now serves. What's the point of this? Telling him not to be an honest man and have a good life and be framed for high treason?

Answer: That's not what he was telling him; Jim Caviezel did not do what he was imprisoned for. Richard Harris is telling him not to do that thing after he gets out. Harris was trying to keep him from trying to get revenge because it would consume him and make him even more bitter.


Question: What happened to Tank? Every time he is spoken of it is as if he is dead. Well he survived The Matrix so how did he die?

Answer: Marcus Chong wanted a large salary increase to return as Tank. Since he was a fairly minor character, the producers refused and he was written out. Thus his character must have died between the Matrix and Reloaded.

Grumpy Scot

Question: Once when I watched this on TV the laser room scene was different. 1) Bond pulls out a mirror and reflects the beam to cut the straps holding him to the table. 2) Bond runs off to get away but gets shot by a tranquiliser gun. Has anybody else seen this version?

Answer: I have found no information about the existence of such a version and I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. But your description does sound an awful lot like an episode of The Simpsons called 'You Only Move Twice' (S08E02). In that episode Homer gets a new boss, Hank Scorpio, who happens to be a super villain. In one scene Scorpio has capture an agent called Bont and is about to kill him with a laser like in Goldfinger. Bont escapes by using a coin to deflect the laser and cut the straps holding him. Bont isn't stopped by a tranquilizer gun though, but by Homer tackling him.


Answer: Three of them. DJ who played Demon in Snow Dogs played Mac. Koda was Yodel and Maya. Buck was Sniff and Old Jack.


Question: The singer that we see at the party looks to be male - facial features, dress - but has a very high voice. Is this a eunuch or just a person with a very high voice? Is it even possible for men to sing that high if they are not eunuchs?

Answer: He is probably a "castrato," a male soprano. Exceptionally talented choir boys were castrated before puberty to preserve their high voices. This pracitce lasted from the 16th century until the late 19th. The last castrato, Alessandro Moreschi, died in 1913. There are also some men who can naturally sing in this range, called countertenors.


Question: How did David Banner receive such a drastically different power from Bruce, and what exactly did he do to Bruce at the fight in the end?

Answer: They are so different because David received the genetic alterations in a relatively concentrated chemical form, whereas Bruce inherited them biologically. At the end, he absorbed Bruce's essence, but we are lead to believe it was too much for David to contain.


Question: Obviously I missed a major plot point, so hopefully someone can answer this. How does Dalton Russell know what Arthur Case has in the safety deposit box? Theoretically, only Case would know the highly incriminating contents of his own box. How did Russell find out? Did someone (the rabbi, maybe?) rat out Case? And how did he know?

Answer: There are groups who have spent their lives tracking down those Nazis and their allies that escaped justice after the war. While the specifics are never spelt out, it seems likely that the Rabbi represents one of these groups, who have presumably been watching Case for many years, trying to find incriminating evidence. They may well, for example, have infiltrated one of their people into the bank as an employee - they could have alerted them to the presence of the unlisted safety deposit box, leading the group, via Russell, to stage the 'robbery' to determine what was within.


Answer: I at first thought that the head theft is somehow related, may be the son or grandson of Case's mentioned a friend who was sold to Nazis.

Answer: The man who was "beaten up" for trying to hide his cell phone was a bank employee and an accomplice as he's shown to be a member of the team.

No, he was not revealed at the end to have been part of the team. There were five in total, including Chaim.

Answer: When the box with the bug was sent to the cops, Case came in and told on himself when asking to help out with the cops.

This answer is incorrect. The thieves already knew that the safety deposit box and its contents were in the bank, long before Case was in the police van talking to the cops.

Question: Why does Director Gordon (the headmistress) say that the damage Tyler did was the cost of a child's tuition, he has cost someone their future? It seems that, if anything, the school would accept that student and use their tuition to pay for the damages, thus helping the child's future.

Answer: Money that could have been used for a scholarship must now be used to pay for the damages. Scholarships aside, the tuition a student pays goes to pay the staff and the normal upkeep of the school, adding a student does not create "free" money.


Question: Why was the American Special Edition recalled?

Answer: The Deluxe Edition that was supposed to come out on 8/1 has been delayed to 10/10 due to MGM changing their distributer.


Question: What is the song at the beginning of the movie when Tripp is getting dressed? "Not Bad at all" is part of the lyrics, what is the song called and who sings it?

Answer: It's called "Not Bad at All" by Steven McDonald.


Question: Is it me, or is there a different cut between the theatrical and DVD versions regarding the birth scene? I remember more shots of the baby children. Specifically, one of Leia, who has her eyes wide open. This shot is mentioned in the Making-Of book. The shot is important series-wise, because this is how Leia is able to remember her mother (as mentioned in RotJ). However, it is absent from the DVD.

Answer: There is no difference in the two scenes.

Ryan Grubb

Answer: There were counter attacks in Washington and New York along with the L.A. squadron. Only the L.A. scene was shown because Will Smith is a main character. The guy with the headset on in the command center that was coordinating the attack alongside the general and the president mentioned that the Washington, and New York squadrons were locked on as well as with L.A. As you could imagine their efforts were futile, along with the one shown with Will Smith, and were only worth mentioning. Also when they reached Area 51, the General told the secretary of defense that they should have told them about this place before they launched an attack that cost them the lives of hundreds of American pilots. The L.A. battle seemed to only show maybe 4 or 5 dozen aircraft, not hundreds.

Answer: Most likely because the military "deciders" didn't know what to expect from the aliens and the ship Will Smith's unit attacked was in the least populated area, thus minimizing any potential civilian casualties. They were testing the waters, so to speak, before committing too many resources on a tactic that may prove futile.


Question: What was the exact significance of the "bread crumbs?" It still confuses me.

Answer: The doctor who was killed had a copy of the book Hansel and Gretel in his lab. He knew that Detective Spooner would see the book during his investigation, and that would prompt him to follow the first clue he found to the next clue, and so on. The trail of breadcrumbs were used by Hansel and Gretel in the children's story as a way to find their way home. For more info, check


Spooner is old school. He knew Spooner would understand that breadcrumbs meant a series of clues to follow that he left.

Question: When Jack asks for Tia Dalma's help, she asks him what he brought for her. Jack then lifts the cage containing the monkey and shoots it. Jack then says, "An undead monkey". How is it possible for the monkey to be undead, wasn't the curse on the Black Pearl lifted?

Answer: There is a scene after the credits of "The Curse of the Black Pearl": the monkey got back to the cave and took a coin. That way he turned undead again.


Question: What's the name of the song that is played very often, at the beginning and throughout the movie, it's very slow and calm?

Answer: It's most likely "Kissing You" by Des'ree - the love theme from the movie.


Question: Who are the motorbike riders who put the flyers up announcing the Golden Tickets? They're too tall to be Oompa-Loompas.

Answer: Presumably they were hired by Wonka in some manner. They may, for example, be the men who usually drive his delivery trucks for him.


Question: One of the doctors Phibes blames for his wife's death during an operation is Dr. Hargreaves, whose head is crushed inside a frog mask during a costume ball. But earlier, while introducing himself to Phibes, Dr. Hargreaves says he is a psychiatrist ("headshrinker"). Why would a psychiatrist be present during an operation to save someone's life?

Answer: A psychiatrist is still an M.D., and still went to medical school. Perhaps this one had some knowledge of the case, or was simply on hand to provide assistance.


Answer: To treat anticipated shock.

Show generally

Question: In the episode where Peter and his friends get stuck on an island, just before that happens they're on the boat and death comes and asks for a beer. Why does he come if no one dies?

Answer: Death apparently expected one of them to die in the storm but he was obviously mistaken. As seen in pretty much all his appearances in Family Guy, Death really isn't quite on the ball with who is actually dead (or going to die) and who isn't.


Question: This may not be true for everybody, but I read that *all* babies are born with blue eyes, and then the color changes as the person gets older. When we see Matilda as a baby, her eyes are brown. Is that possible?

Answer: While babies are often born with paler eyes than they will have as toddlers, many babies are born with brown eyes.


Answer: I'm white and had brown eyes from birth. It's just an old wives tale that every baby, or every white baby, is born with blue eyes.

Answer: The eye colour of a baby depends on their skin colour. White babies have steely blue eyes, which can be dark (this might be why Matilda's eyes look brown). Babies with darker skin have brown eyes. The colour of an infant's eyes can change during the transition to toddlerhood, but not always.

Show generally

Question: In which episode is it stated how long Sam spends bouncing around in time in between leaps? I have watched the lot and never heard this.

Answer: The amount of time Sam is away between leaps isn't constant, but in "Genesis" Al tells Sam that it's been around a week between Sam leaping out of Tom Stratton & into the baseball player even though from ours & Sam's perspective it happened straight away.

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