Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: I did hear that Patrick Stewart was on the short list of actors to play the role, but he was in demand of both stage and film. He may have been doing X2 at the time.

keith summers

Question: When Marty is playing "Johnny B. Goode", he is doing guitar moves from different performers. What performers is he imitating?

Answer: It seems to me that he is imitating the following: Chuck Berry (which makes sense), Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen and Pete Townsend (the kicking the amp bit.)

Daniel Wilkie

Also Bruce Springsteen doing the full guitar circle, Angus Young crawling on the floor and Jimi Hendrix with the guitar solo.

Question: What did Dolarhyde mean in his letter to Lecter that if Lecter responds next time Dolarhyde will send him something wet?

Answer: It means he will send Lecter a fresh body part from one of his victims.


Question: How did Reese know that Sarah was at the Tech-Noir bar. Is there a deleted scene with Reese where he finds out where she is or was it luck.

Answer: It's all in the film - Reese tails Sarah from the moment that she leaves her apartment. He's waiting outside the bar that she's in when she sees the news report and follows her down the road when she leaves - she sees him and gets scared, which is when she ducks into Tech-Noir. He sees her go in, then walks past, before turning back and entering himself.


Question: In real life, would Drago have faced criminal charges after killing Apollo in the ring? After all he did it on purpose.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Not really because he only intended on physically punishing Apollo, as do most fighters do when they are in a fight. In real life if Drago had pushed the ref aside like he did in the fight, it would have been stopped right then and there, and maybe Apollo would have lived.

Rollin Garcia Jr

Chosen answer: Well, we don't know whether Yoda could have defeated Dooku or not, as Dooku resorted to trickery in order to get away - by trying to drop the column onto Anakin and Obi-Wan, then escaping while Yoda's attention was diverted. As such, the battle was inconclusive, although the fact that Dooku had to cheat in order to escape does seem to indicate that he himself doubted his ability to defeat the Jedi Master. As such, we can't really determine whether Anakin or Yoda had the higher power level from their respective battles with Dooku - a more telling indicator would be that Obi-Wan, who is, at best, on level terms with Yoda and is, to be honest, probably less powerful, was ultimately able to defeat Anakin.


My Cake - S4-E6

Question: What exactly was the point of Cox taping Dan's head to the wall? It just seemed odd and random to me.

Answer: Dan was drinking beer and Cox feared that Dan might get so intoxicated he would fall asleep and drown in the tub.


Question: I'd like to know who performed the stunt near the end of the movie where Gabe jumps from the cliff as he runs from Qualin in the helicopter, and then catches the ladder on the way down. I thought that looked incredible.

Answer: There are two stunt doubles for Mr Stallone on, their names are Mark De Alessandro and Jeff O' Haco. The site doesn't specify who did what.


Answer: It's a reference to the movie (and the book, technically) "Red Dragon," in which the serial killer holds a reporter captive and shows him slides of the people he has killed, repeating over and over, "Do you see?"

Question: Why do they sometimes put "La" in front of Carlotta's name? I'm sure it's something to do with the Italian/Spanish language but I took the class a long time ago.

Answer: It is a common practice to refer to an operatic diva as La , e.g. Leontyne Price as La Price and sometimes you'll even hear Barbra Streisand called "La Streisand".


Question: In the scene where Bobby and Rogue meet in the classroom, what subject was Storm teaching?

Answer: The blackboard has "THE ROMAN EMPIRE" written at the top, so presumably it was a history class.


Question: What's the relative timeline of this movie? It's stated that it starts in the year 10,191 but there don't seem to be any other dates besides that.

Answer: The entire DUNE universe is much more complicated than any movie. For a relatively useful timeline, see


Question: The enemy is referred to as "tommies". Why do they call them that?

Answer: Tommy or Tommy Atkins is a term for a common soldier in the British Army. It is particularly associated with being used by the Germans during WWI, but may have been around as early as 1743 - see:


Question: If Vader wants to kill the current Emperor, and become emperor himself, why does he not let Luke kill him? I am thinking he needs the Emperor to convert Luke to the dark side.

Answer: You are correct. Vader wanted to kill the Emperor but as a Sith he would need an apprentice. He wanted his son Luke to be his new apprentice, but he knew he needed Luke to kill the Emperor in order to completely turn to the Dark Side.

Mark English

Question: Why would they use real leeches? Isn't that a danger to the actors?

Answer: Leeches are not dangerous, just disgusting. While fairly easy to remove, leeches will fall off by themselves when they are full. They are not known to transmit any diseases though the wound can get infected just as any other scratch might.


Spam - S2-E12

Question: In the courtroom scene, the first question Eric Idle asks Michael Palin is "You live at 46 Horton Terrace?", to which Palin replies in the affirmative. A few questions later, Idle says "You did say 46 Horton Terrace?", Palin says he did, and Idle says "Got him.", he bangs a small gong, and the courtroom (and the studio audience) laughs uproariously and applaudes. I do not get the joke here. The address is the same in both questions. I have watched this scene many many times and am still at a loss. Can someone help me?

Answer: Eric Idle bangs the gong because Michael Palin said 'Yes' - They're playing the 'yes-no' game, where the idea is to answer questions without using the words yes or no. At the time there was a quiz show called Take Your Pick, the first round of which was the 'yes-no' game - contestants had to answer questions for 60 seconds to pass through to the next round.


Question: During "Think of Me", the camera goes down into the cellars and we get our first look at the Phantom. Can anyone see what he is doing?

Answer: He is merely listening to Christine singing, enjoying her triumph and nodding in approval at his pupil.


Question: Something I never quite figured out when watching the film was what the shields in the corridor were for? The shields that separate Darth Maul from Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan during the fight. There are dozens of them and all they seem to do is benefit the fight in the film without having any real purpose.


Chosen answer: According to "Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Episode I" by Kristin Lund, they are "laser doors which lock into position in response to potentially lethal power outputs that occur intermittently during plasma activation process" (the fight takes place in a plasma energy processing plant). There are six laser doors in deference to an ancient Naboo legend in which Chaos is held back by six inpentrable gates. As you say though, they're really just a plot device to add dramatic tension to the duel!


Question: What is the title of the music played when Lucy Liu and co. are walking down the corridor in slow motion before the massacre begins?

Answer: It's a really great piece of music, and it is called "Battle without honor or humanity" and is made by Tomoyasu Hotei. Track no. 9 on the Kill Bill Vol. 1 Soundtrack.


All the songs are aptly named for the scene!

Question: Why does Norton lie and say that he "has company" and then make De Niro wait longer during the robbery? Sure, Norton double crosses him later, but wouldn't making his partner wait put both of them in danger of getting caught since it delays them and increases their chances of getting caught?

Answer: Norton already has an advance plan to prevent himself from getting caught. The delay is both to fluster DeNiro, and to prevent him from having enough time at the moment of the double-cross to come up with an alternate to handing over the prize without getting caught himself.

Rooster of Doom

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