Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Cooper's CIA superior, Ross, learns that Cooper is attempting to oust him by making false accusations so he can become the CIA director. Ross devises his own plan to fool Cooper into believing that someone who can exonerate him is arriving at the airport. Ross sends one of his agents to the airport to randomly chose a man to appear to be the person that Ross is expecting. The agent selects Richard Drew because he is wearing mismatched shoes, the result of a trick a friend played on him. Cooper, who had bugged Ross' house, overheard the fake conversation and fell for the bait. He sends his own agent to the airport, who spots Ross' man with Richard and begins trailing him. Of course, Richard has no idea what is happening.


Answer: The mountain in the background appears to have two vertical grooves down the surface facing the camera. Those grooves are far too wide to be ski trails. They are simply a natural part of the mountain. Mountains are subjected, over hundreds of thousands of years, to a variety of natural forces, such as wind erosion, water erosion, tectonic shifts and earthquakes, just to name a few. These cause mountains to have irregular shapes, and irregular surfaces.

Michael Albert

Question: Who killed the young girl, or did she hang herself?

Answer: In her flashback, the killers catch her as she was trying to run away and hang her.


Question: How come in First Blood, Rambo went out of his way to subdue his enemies non-lethally like Batman, but in the sequels he just killed everyone?


Chosen answer: Probably because the first film is set in the United States, and Rambo's opponents are non-military, but the sequels are set in Asia and the opponents are "foreign" (mostly Soviet) soldiers.


Question: What does Kylo Ren mean when he tells Rey "Don't be afraid. I feel it, too"? I thought he meant the Force, but Rey has seen him use the Force by now, so it would be strange to for him to inform her that he can feel it.

Answer: Kylo Ren is referring to an unexpected connection through the Force between them. He thinks this will make it easier for him to read Rey's mind, but it actually allows her to block him and read his mind.


Question: In the premonition, Frankie drops his camera, which ultimately causes the rollercoaster to derail. However, he gets off the ride in real life, so isn't on it to drop his camera on the tracks. So what makes it derail?


Chosen answer: The roller coasters hydraulics were rupturing and Frankie's camera caused them to be ruptured further. Because Wendy delayed the ride, the hydraulics were still rupturing and once the ride started the hydraulics were already ruptured enough so the ride derailed.

Question: What is the pink thing Danny is holding in his right hand in the dance scene at the end of the movie? He and Sandy jump into the scene singing and the next time you see them, they are in the car flying off. Is it a pink slip?

Answer: When Danny first shows up at the carnival it shows Sonny, Putzie, and Doody at a raffle "Win the Car of your Dreams" and when Danny and Sandy pop into the scene later he is holding the winning ticket (the pink thing) for the car which they appear in after.

Answer: At the beginning of the thunder road scene, the leader of the rival gang, Leo, explains that they are "racing for pinks." When questioned, he clarifies "pinks man: ownership papers" (meaning the winner of the race at thunder road will win ownership of the losers car). Since Danny won the thunder road race, he won Leo's car. I understood the car at the end of the movie to be that car (repainted). The pink thing he was holding on that scene may have been his new ownership papers for Leo's car.

Question: When Harry "dies" and talks to Dumbledore, why does Harry say that Snape is still alive?

Answer: What Harry actually says is "... And the snake's still alive."

Question: What ever happened to the female villain in the end?

Answer: We don't see what happens to Angel Dust after Colossus carries her (and Negasonic Teenage Warhead) away from the collapsing Helicarrier. Both women were unconscious and we can only assume that Colossus put Angel Dust down somewhere before returning to Deadpool for the end scenes. Her fate beyond that - perhaps escape, incarceration or even recruitment - is unknown.

Question: I know this isn't very important to the movie but when Magneto says Charles always wanted to build bridges was he making fun of Charles or making a reference to how he's moving the bridge.


Chosen answer: A little bit of both. Although he wasn't really making fun of Charles, but pointing out that Charles only talked about doing something (building bridges in a figurative way) while Magneto was actually doing something to accomplish his goals, by literally moving the bridge.


Chosen answer: There is no clear answer as to her fate, only that J reminds K in the second MIB movie that K's wife left him, which K answered with a punch to J's face.


Question: When the lady knocks on the door and says "House keeping" which causes some monster wind thing, If you look on the right side of the screen, what's inside the room?


Chosen answer: It's not known what it is. It is left to the audience's imagination of what exactly is in the room or what some witch or wizard was doing in there. This is only meant to be a humorous bit and is unrelated to the plot. It didn't happen in the book.


Question: What is the song playing when Napoleon is riding the horse up to the wedding? It is a symphony playing with French horns and strings predominantly.

Answer: Forever young.

Question: After Alex translates the hieroglyphs as "This way to Scorpion King," Jonathan quietly responds by saying "It's just my work." What exactly did he mean by that? He's not a translator of ancient Egyptian like his sister Evie, so I don't think he literally meant "work" as his profession.


Chosen answer: He says, "this just might work" meaning he and Alex trying to bring Evie back using the book of the dead.

Question: What was the girl in the well trying to do with the bone and the bucket?

Answer: She was trying to attract the dog with the bone, then pull it into the pit with the bucket (and she succeeded).

Brian Katcher

Question: Two things in this make me think they have some meaning behind them. At the cemetery, after the memorial for Billy's mom. Costigan is standing by the grave when everyone's gone already and looks up to the flowers sent by Costello. The note signed by Costello has been shot twice (it switched to Costigan in between). And if you look closely the signature and the picture of Mary changes, as if it would be two completely different notes. And I have no idea why Scorsese would do that. The second shot that bothers me takes place in Sullivan's apartment, while Colin is unpacking Madelyn's boxes. Right before he picks out Madelyn's graduate certificate there's a very short clip where television showing a woman's hand reaching for a phone is filmed. What's that?

Answer: While I love this film (and anything Scorsese touches for that matter), there are many continuity issues throughout the whole movie. It's easy to think that there is meaning behind every shot in a film, but sometimes it is simply sloppy continuity (which doesn't necessarily reflect on Scorsese). Jack Nicholson's scenes in particular seem to always have glaring continuity issues - this probably has something to do with his acting style. At the end of the day, the movie rocks. And that's all that really matters.

Question: Why did Jay look like she was going to swim out to the boys on the boat to have sex with them if it turned out she never did?

Answer: The scene was meant to show that Jay was seriously considering having sex with a stranger and passing the curse on, as she was told to do. At the last minute she changed her mind, presumably due to guilt.


Question: Who is the man in the military uniform who is going to introduce Wonder Woman to the president? I also noticed him in the end while the Justice League is being presented to the people, where Wonder Woman and Superman are talking and the man in the military uniform walks away as if he were jealous or just bothered about something. Is he suppose to be a very well known character?


Chosen answer: He's Steve Trevor, Wonder Woman's liaison. In the comics and some other shows he's the primary love interest of Wonder Woman.


Answer: Mostly because he's trying to maintain a professional distance between him and Mako. That aside, it's not unlikely that he can trust Herc to take care of that, and it really were Raleigh and Mako that needed yelling at first.


Answer: Because he is their commanding officer and he makes a strategical call: he thinks Raleigh and Mako are unfit for combat. As for the whole 'grounding', that is a phrase that most likely stems from the Air Force. If a pilot is punished by not letting him fly, he is grounded.


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