Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: All of the South Park episodes are computer animated except for the first one, the construction paper effect is deliberate.

Sol Parker

Show generally

Question: Does anybody knows why Seinfeld did not accept to make one more season of his show? I'm sure money wasn't the problem...

Answer: Seinfeld has claimed that he wanted to "go out on top". He was done with TV and wanted to venture back into stand-up comedy.


Answer: I saw an old interview with him, and he realised he was in his 40s, he didn't have a partner or kids just all this money, guess it's true what they say money can't buy happiness, I believe he just wanted a life.

Adding on to this comment, he got married in 1999. In 2014, he said, "If it wasn't for Jess and the kids, I'd really blow my brains out. Jessica saved my life. She gave me something to care about."

Chosen answer: Because the Special Edition is about to be released. See

J I Cohen

Chosen answer: The site is It doesn't exist.


Question: After the D-Day battle, Capt. Miller and the Colonel are discussing whatever. They keep mentioning something called "the 88's." What are the 88's?

Answer: An "88" is a German 88-millimeter gun, a lethal and extremely versatile gun which was often thought of as the best gun in the war - on ANY side. It could appear on a tank, as an anti-tank gun, as an assault gun or as an anti-aircraft gun.

Phil C.

Chosen answer: The hybrids kept prisoner in it were digging an escape tunnel. They were gassed before they could finish it. Mulder was able to finish digging out.

Grumpy Scot

Question: When Fry is trying to get out of the cave (when searching for Zeke's body) and she's being pulled down by the aliens...why are we shown shots of Riddick pulling hard on his restraints? Is it to attempt to distract the aliens through vibration?

Michael Westpy

Chosen answer: Doesn't seem very likely - while Riddick could reasonably assume that somebody would be going into the hole to look for Zeke's body, he has no way of knowing what's currently happening and that the aliens would need distracting at that point. Most likely he's using the fact that nobody else is in the ship at that point to test the strength of the restraints that are holding him captive.


Question: Was the lesbian relationship in the film between two characters removed because the director did not want to offend her fellow Indians? After all, homosexuality is a taboo subject in Indian culture.


Chosen answer: Since one of the Indian characters in the film (Tony) is gay, and the possibility of a lesbian relationship is a fairly major subplot, I doubt Chadra was worried about people being offended. Some stories just don't fit in and get dropped.


Question: Since Snake knew that X-rays would neutralize the pellets in his neck, couldn't he have asked brain about medical facilities within New York so he can neutralize them himself?

William Bergquist

Chosen answer: Yes, but A. finding a working one is very unlikely, B. it would need a power source, also very difficult, C. Snake had no way of knowing if x-rays of a different frequency would work or set them off, and D. if he does disarm them, it's already been proven that New York is escape proof, so where would he go?

Grumpy Scot

Answer: To be honest, why not extend this question further? The doctor explains to Snake that X-rays will neutralise the cores 15 minutes before they go off. Snake could fly the Gullfire to Canada and he would have about 20 hours to find a place (such as a hospital) that would have an X-ray machine. The frequency range of X-rays is so small that you could easily change frequencies within the 15 minutes. Additionally, we all believe what Halk says. Perhaps it was all a con to get Snake to help him (like the Plutoxin virus).

Chosen answer: No, they're not. Homosexual jokes are generally pretty funny, and they usually stir up a lot of controversy, which is always good for ratings and box office returns.


Question: Would someone please explain why they need a huge Gatling gun on the asteroid? Are they scared of aliens or what?

Answer: If you look at the deleted scenes on the special edition DVD, you will see a deleted scene in which A.J. asks what they needed a gun for, and Max explains that it's for debris elimination, in order to take out small rocks in the way.

Question: At the end, what does the date and the name on the gun mean? Any significance? Other then that they have been hunting before, I wanna know who that person is, the name on the gun.

Kirill Ostapenko

Chosen answer: The person was a pirate who the same predator fought along time ago. The antique gun is proof that the Predators have been visiting earth for a long time.


Question: We see the band in jail with the Blues Brothers at the end. Why did the band get arrested?

rabid anarchist

Chosen answer: Forgetting any "conspiracy to" offences that they would commit by just being around the brothers, don't forget they also pretended to be the Good Ol' Boys and drove away without paying, more than enough to send them down for a while.

David Mercier

Technically they could plead ignorance, only Jake and Elwood have committed crimes,.

Question: Is Ninny Threadgood (Jessica Tandy) really Idgie? It seems so at the end, when Evelyn finds the honey at Ruth's grave. Both Ninny and Evelyn share a sly smile, but nothing is said for sure. Anyone know?


Chosen answer: No, Ninny is exactly who she says she is. It's clearer in the book because Ninny dies and Evelyn finds the honey and the note for Ruth when Evelyn goes to see Ninny's grave.


It's common for screenplays to take liberties from their source material. In the book they are two separate people but in the screenplay, they've changed it to make them the same person.

Answer: As in the book, they are separate people. Ninny introduced herself to Evelyn as Idgie's sister-in-law, that she was married to one of Idgie's brothers: Cleveland or Theo.

Question: During the montage scene, the movie plays a cover of the Disturbed song, 'Down with the Sickness,' that was all happy-go-lucky. However, my friend and I cannot for the life of us find a soundtrack or song listing for this movie. If anyone knows the name of this song, we really, really want to know.


Chosen answer: This is 'Richard Cheese & Lounge Against the Machine.' They do hilarious covers, from this song to Sir Mix-A-Lot's 'Baby Got Back' to the White Stripes' 'Fell in Love With A Girl.'


Question: In the beginning of the sushi restaurant scene, two monsters walk in and everyone yells, "Get a paper bag." What's that about?

Answer: In Japan, it's traditional for staff to say "irasshaimase" when customers enter a store or restaurant. This particular scene is a reference to that - while "irasshaimase" doesn't sound much like "get a paper bag", the cadence is not dissimilar, so it's quite plausible that the phrase has gradually mutated over the years through the mistakes of monsters who haven't been listening properly.


Answer: 14.


Answer: - 14 when she was pretending to be his daughter - Unknown later in the end when it's revealed that she is not his daughter, but over 18 because she said she is a grown woman.

Question: At the end when Jean is holding the water back and controlling the x-jet, the power comes back on and the x-men escape leaving Jean to die, but could she do the same if she was in the x-jet? It could have saved her life.

Answer: She could have, but she had to die to come back as the Phoenix/Dark Phoenix in X3. Plot trapdoor.

Grumpy Scot

Question: How did they know which boat to find at the docks? I don't remember the guy whose boat it was telling them which one was his.

Tobin OReilly

Chosen answer: Steve (the guy with the boat) probably either had the name of the boat on the key ring floater or told them at some point during the bus-fixing montage.


Question: Does anyone know what a "mammy" is? It is said twice during this movie.

Answer: It is the same as a nurse maid or nanny. It tended to be someone who was black and a slave (a long time ago).


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