Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: Because Dre has finally earned Chengs respect. The other Fighting Dragons bowed to Mr. Han because in China bowing is shown as a sign of respect as they see that he is a better teacher and a kinder master then Master Li.

Since this movie mirrors the 1984 original movie, this is like how Johnny Lawrence (William Zabka) and the Cobra Kai's (excluding Dutch [Chad McQueen]) finally respect Daniel Larusso (Ralph Macchio), after the latter defeats Lawrence-The only difference is that the Cobras do not bow to Mr. Miyagi.

Answer: Shannen Doherty (who played Prue) really wanted to leave the show beginning of season 3. There was tension between her and Alyssa Milano and she had a hard time working with others who didn't seem to care about the show as much as she did. When she told the show's producers she wanted to leave (get out of her contact early) she was told "no." Once she was done with her contact, she simply had no desire to return to the show, even for a cameo. The other characters who died during the show weren't part of main cast and under contact, so to them, doing an episode here or there wasn't a big deal. To Doherty, there would have been too much drama (and probably hatred). There were also reports that Doherty didn't give her permission for her likeness to be used after she left, although show producers said they didn't use any of her likeness due to budget issues.


Question: Why didn't Miguel become cursed when he stole the chicken leg off the grave offering? Is that when Dante became cursed, since technically he ate the chicken leg so he stole it? Or is Dante just a spirit guide the whole time?

Answer: The chicken leg didn't belong to a dead person. Its legal owner was alive and well. The spirit of dead do not take possession of the offering. They take a spiritual copy of it.The legal owner of the guitar, however, was dead.


Answer: Miguel became cursed not just because he stole an offering, but because he stole from his family. Dante is always a spirit guide.

Answer: Clearly intent has something to do with it. When Miguel took the chicken leg, he wasn't intentionally "stealing" it. When he took the guitar, he knows he's stealing it. His intention is to borrow it, but he knows what he's doing is wrong.

Question: How did One Eyed Willie's treasure map, the key and the story get out if Willie had been caved in for all these years?

Answer: According to Mikey and Mr. Walsh, one of his crewmen must have taken the map and fled when One Eyed Willie was murdering his crew. This is substantiated in the novelization.

Answer: Hermione heard a twig snap behind her. It was the time-traveling Hermione, who was hiding in the trees with the "other" Harry. They are waiting to steal Buckbeak in order to save him from execution. When Hermione heard the sound, she started to say, "I thought I just saw..." then abruptly stopped. She must have realised that it was her alternate self, and not wanting Harry or Ron to know, then dismissed it as being nothing.


But when they go back in time you don't see Hermione snap a twig at all.

We never see her feet so she either stood on one by accident or when she held the branch, a twig snapped. Also who says Harry didn't step on one either.

Question: Did the part where allied command cuts off Patton's supplies really happen?

Answer: Yes, it did. In short, Allied command favored a more spread out approach to the offensive rather than the "single thrust" approach Patton favored. It was deemed that Montgomery's Twenty First Army Group had a higher priority to Patton's Third Army.


Plus, Patton was advancing so fast he was outrunning his fuel, and supply lines.

Question: Daniel Ocean said they were going to rob three casinos, but in the film they only robbed one. Can someone please explain?

Answer: The 3 casinos (Bellagio, MGM Grand, and The Mirage) were all owned by Terry Benedict and all 3 casinos put their cash in the Bellagio's vault. By law, each casino had to have enough cash on hand to cover any bets and since Benedict owned all 3, it was cheaper and easier for him to put it in one safe and still be following the law.


Chosen answer: These dates are estimates. The intro of 'PotC: The Curse of the Black Pearl' takes place mid-1720s (roughly 1725), when Will and Elizabeth are around 11/12 yrs old. Then eight years later the duo are about 19-20 yrs old during the main part of 'The Curse of the Black Pearl', then around a year later are set to marry in 'PotC: Dead Man's Chest' followed by the consecutive 'At World's End', which take place around 1733 / 1734. The next movies 'PotC: On Stranger Tides' and 'Dead Men Tell No Tales' (after the intro) take place in the 1750s.

Super Grover

Answer: I didn't know Rupert was ever brown; but he is in 'Brian: Portrait of a Dog.'.


Question: What is the song playing while the two rappers are in the car trying to get Kutcher to rap?

Answer: "Smoke it Up" by Kebyar.


Question: Did Harvey Dent know that Bruce Wayne was actually Batman? His quote "Rachel's told me everything about you", and him telling Rachel that they were coming for her seems to imply this to me.

Answer: No, he doesn't know. His comment to Bruce is a very common expression, and it makes sense that Rachel would have told Harvey all about her childhood friendship with Bruce. Bruce's response, 'I certainly hope not', is a reference to his being Batman and he and Rachel's romantic history, both of which he would rather Rachel not broadcast. Harvey telling Rachel that they will rescue her is just to try and keep her calm while they try to figure out how to escape.

Answer: Additionally, if Harvey knew that Bruce is Batman, he would have had even more of a vendetta against him once he became Two-Face, since Batman rescued Harvey earlier and not Rachel. He may have even revealed Batman's secret identity to Commissioner Gordon at the film's climax.


On the other hand, knowing that Batman is Bruce Wayne could cause Dent to realise he is not the only one of who has lost something, Bruce did too. Batman would have a right to speak about whats fair.


Answer: Most likely to emphasize the power of the ring to corrupt men. It shows that Faramir was actually the stronger brother, because he was able to resist its power.

You mean that Faramir should have joined the Fellowship? Because I think if he joins the Fellowship, he would be corrupted. Or Is Faramir more stronger than Boromir?


Boromir is most motivated by glory for Gondor, whereas Faramir is most motivated by honor. Boromir was therefore more susceptible to the Ring's corruptive influence than Faramir was as the Ring has great power which Boromir believes Gondor could use to defeat Sauron. Faramir understands that the Ring must be destroyed at all costs, any other course of action is futile, and therefore dishonorable. Hence, he is able to resist the Ring's influence.


Question: I've been wanting to finally watch the TV series, but I've never understood one thing... I know the movie is technically not 100% canonical with the series, but I've heard they later tried to connect it with the series with a comic-book adaptation. So should I watch the movie before the series? Or should I just go ahead and watch the series on its own, and treat the movie as an entirely separate "thing"? Or can it be done either way?

Answer: I'd say you treat them as 2 separate things. My personal opinion is that you should just watch the series and forget about the movie.


Question: Why did the Higbee store manager hire a mean and impatient Santa and his elves?

Answer: The Santa and the elves probably weren't mean when they were hired, but getting really agitated they had to go through so many kids seeing Santa right as the store was closing. They possibly were told to knock off at store's closing hour, and had other places to go or were not going to get overtime. At one point the store Santa tells one of the elves, "If Higbee thinks I'm working past nine he can kiss my foot!"


Question: What happened to all the dead weasels after they died laughing? They're nowhere to be seen on the floor when Stupid is shown lying dead or even Greasy falls from the vehicle of the Dip Machine and is not seen anywhere before the Dip flows everywhere on the floor, Wheezy also disappeared on the ladder when it hits the rope on the wall, How did they disappear after they died?

Answer: It's never explained in the film, so it's up to the viewer's imagination. In the original novel, toons sort-of fade away/vanish after they die. While the novel and film are extremely different, I just always sort-of assumed that the same rule carried over- when they die, they vanish.

Question: What was the reason that God told Bruce he couldn't interfere with free will?

Answer: Because it would no longer be "free will." Humans were given the ability to make their own choices. If God began controlling everyone's will and actions, they'd no longer do anything based on their conscience. Making the right choice can be more difficult and challenging than doing the easy or wrong thing. It's a matter of an individual making the decisions.


Question: After they pull Mitch from the river they say something that sounds like "Mick werts", what did they actually say, and what does it mean?

Answer: Mitch says "nice catch, it was like Mays in the ‘54 World Series." To which they reply "Vic Wertz." Wertz was the Cleveland Indians player that hit the ball into the outfield that New York Giants player Willie Mays spectacularly caught.


Answer: Yes, we hear Liz say, "So cool" but since she's sitting behind Adrian we don't actually see her saying it.

Super Grover

Question: At the very end of the film, Tony Stark informs Peter Parker that he is a now a member of the Avengers and reveals his new Spidey suit. Peter moves toward the camera, with Tony Stark plainly visible on the right side of the screen and Happy Hogan far in the background (all three are in this shot), as we hear a male voice in the foreground enthusiastically say, "Yeah! Give that a look!" Except that Tony Stark didn't say it, Peter Parker didn't say it, and Happy Hogan was much too far away to have said it. The dubbed voice obviously does not belong to Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr or Jon Favreau at all. So who said it?

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: Go back and watch the scene again. It looks like you just might be remembering it wrong. It's Tony during the tracking shot. He says "Yeah, give that a look!" in reference to the suit. He's actually not quite on camera when he says the line, hence you don't see him say it. But it's definitely Tony.

I re-watched the shot several times, Tony Stark does not visibly say anything, and the dubbed voice is not that of Robert Downey Jr.

Charles Austin Miller

I understand what you are saying. Tony isn't on screen during the line and the voice does sound different. The implication is that Tony is saying the line, without the line Tony is just standing there waiting for Peter to respond for a long time and it would be out of character for him to do so (he's an extremely talkative person). There isn't enough information available to determine whether or not Downey is actually the one who recorded the line, it could be him just recorded in post. But you are definitely correct, I listened to the scene with headphones on and there is a noticeable difference in the tone of voice for this one line and no others.


Question: In the bridge attack scene, a missile hits a vehicle, and throws it a several yards. Look at how close Ethan is to the blast. Shouldn't a blast that powerful have seriously injured, if not killed him?

Answer: In reality, yes the blast would have seriously injured or killed him. Action films like this are rarely realistic.


Answer: I don't know why the other answer was downvoted- it's absolutely correct. Sure, realistically he should be dead... but where's the fun in that? Movies don't have to be realistic to be enjoyable.

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