Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Answer: He says "Counsellor, do you have a minute."

Question: Why does Krall believe that the Federation abandoned him and his crew? The Federation wouldn't know where to look when The Franklin was declared MIA.

Darth Crucible

Answer: To start, Edison (who became Krall) was part of maco (Military Assault Command Operations). When the Federation was created, maco was disbanded and Edison became a Starfleet officer. When he was put in command of the Franklin, he had already begun to resent the Federation for being "put out to pasture" and felt obsolete as a soldier in an organization that promoted diplomacy, peace, and tolerance. When the Franklin crashed, he sent out a distress signal that was suppose to tell the Federation where they were at. He had no way of knowing they didn't get his distress call. Already resenting the Federation, Edison's anger grew and he simply felt they abandoned him and saw it as the Federation trying to get rid of former soldiers.


Question: How was Burke able to get the two facehuggers out of their stasis chambers into the the same room as Riply and Newt without becoming a host himself?

Darth Crucible

Answer: Burke could have left the lids on the storage chambers that the creatures were in slightly loose. The creatures would have to work their way out, giving him enough time to leave the room safely.


Question: How did they clone David's mother by using a hair sample? Hair doesn't contain DNA. Secondly, if they wanted to make David happy by bringing his mother back, why not recreate her in a simulation instead of creating a clone of her? Then David would be able to spend as much time with her as he wants.

Answer: This is a 2 part question and the second part may be speculation since the film doesn't really discuss why she couldn't be a simulation nor do I have a viable theory. Regarding DNA though. Cut hair can contain DNA. Without getting too much into it, it's not that hair inherently does not contain DNA, the formation of hair destroys cells, and thus nuclear DNA is destroyed. But nucleated corneocytes are intact cells that for some reason aren't damaged and they do contain DNA. The less available DNA there is in a sample, the more advanced and expensive techniques are required to extract it. With 2,000 years of technological advancements, it would be easy to extract the needed DNA.


Question: How did the north manage to defeat the south in the battle of Gettysburg despite a spy providing the south with information about the north during that battle?

Answer: In short, the Federal forces (who fought for the North) outlasted the Confederate army. Since it was a 3 day battle, a full explanation can not really be given here, but Lee did not actually have an accurate understanding of the Union's strength and position. While successful on Day 1, by the start of Day 2 more Federal forces arrived and the Union army had taken defensive position on the high ground. On Day 3, there was mixed communications with Confederate commanders and they did not attack as Lee had planned. The Union army was supplied with fresh forces that allowed them to hold the line. On Day 4, Lee did not attack and formed a defensive line, waiting for Meade to attack, so the Confederates could do what the Union had just done to them. But Meade never attacked and that night Lee and the Confederate troops left.


Question: Where did all of the kids' parents go that required babysitters for the entire night? Seems like a small town such as Haddonfield would not have many options.

Answer: There are only two families that hire babysitters in the film, the Doyle and Wallace families. Where they went is never explained, but it could be potentially anywhere. They could have gone on a trip out of town for the night, they don't have to be in Haddonfield.


Where did it state this was all night? It could have been a few hours. Remember that in the next one, it is still the same night and stays night through the entire movie.

Answer: Annual Halloween party as evidenced in the following instalment. Dr Mixtner was drunk and was at a party. The Strodes were also at a party, the same one if I recall correctly as the doctor.

Alan Keddie

Also we only SEE two families have babysitters. Other families could have had babysitters. We just don't see this. (I'm not sure if this adds anything additionally to the question asked, tho).

Alan Keddie

And why did Laurie's parents not come to the hospital? Did they not know she was there, even after the news release about the attack?

Question: Was Josh Chamberlain really given mutineers like in the movie?

Answer: Yes. After the 2nd Maine Infantry was disbanded, there were 120 men with 1-year of service left. They mutinied because they said they only agreed to fight under the 2nd Maine flag and the Army disagreed. So they were marched under guard to the 20th Maine, led by Chamberlain. Chamberlain was able to convince most of them to fight, even though he was ordered to shoot any who did not fight.


Is there a reason why a few of them refused to fight?

Yes. The same reason why they mutinied.

Mr. Monk Goes to the Asylum - S1-E6

Question: Why did Dr. Lancaster have to dress up as Santa when retrieving the gun he used in the murder four years ago? And what was the purpose of Manny being given the room considering if he told people that he saw Santa everybody would just shrug off his claim?

Answer: Dr. Lancaster gave Manny the room because Manny believed Santa was real. Thus, by dressing as Santa, Manny thinks he's seeing the real Santa and not someone in a costume. If any other patients were given the room, then they would have simply said they saw a man dressed as Santa on the roof. Additionally, Dr. Lancaster had to retrieve the gun from the chimney and dressed as Santa, Manny would naturally think Santa was climbing down their chimney to deliver presents. And then when Manny says he saw Santa climbing down the chimney, everyone would think he's making up a story and that there was nobody on the roof.


Answer: Shingen is angry that his father left the company to Mariko instead of himself. He believes Mariko somehow manipulated her grandfather and is unworthy of the honor.


Answer: It isn't really explained, however Mariko is distant and depressed. Presumably she has always been so.


Question: What are the Mark 1 armor plates made of? Would they really provide any protection against bullets? I mean they're just one or two millimeters thick.

Answer: The mark-1 appears to be made of repurposed military armor. This would provide enough protection from the AKs as the armor is layered, but not indefinitely.


Answer: It's made from a iron-copper-magnesium alloy. Magnesium alloys are lightweight like aluminum, but strong like titanium. His suit may be bullet resistant to small caliber rounds, but unlikely to stop larger caliber rounds from piercing it at its thickness, unless he layered the inside with something else. Most metal armor (like on tanks) work by deflecting bullets because of the slant of the armor, which Tony may have incorporated into his suit.


I doubt it would offer protection against black tip bullets since black tip bullets are armor piercing rounds.

Answer: Tony Stark mentions in the movie the armor is made of a titanium-gold alloy. Its a very strong alloy that can stop a bullet.


Titanium-gold alloy was first used on the Mark lll, not the Mark l.


True, I read it wrong. The mark I is the one build in the cave, with a box of scraps. So MasterOfAll is probably right.


Question: Why were John and some of the other football players jealous of Radio? Why did they hate him in the first place?

Answer: The players (and their fathers) were jealous of Radio because Coach Jones began spending a lot of time with him. The players believed Coach Jones was neglecting them. The players immediately disliked Radio from the start for two reasons: his refusal to return the lost ball in the beginning irritated them and his mental disability was a source of ridicule.


Question: How did the hijackers get Kyle's husband onto the roof, and push him without anyone seeing?

Answer: It was never revealed how they lured or forced him up to the roof.


Question: Why did Harry tell Griphook to give Hermione the sword to hold when they were leaving shell cottage? Was it so Griphook couldn't leave them before they got the horcrux?


Answer: Harry did not trust Griphook to follow through on his end of the bargain if he was given the sword beforehand. He had the sword put in Hermione's bag for safekeeping. Anything inside the bag was immediately shrunk in size. It would be kept there until after they retrieved the cup horcrux from the Lestrange vault in Gringotts.


Nothing in the book or movie states that anything in Hermione's bag is shrunk, rather a charm is put on the bag, similar to that of The TARDIS, giving more room inside the bag.

Question: As the attack on the White House is underway, a relief column is detached from a nearby military base, which is going to take 10-15 minutes to get there. Flying with the column are several Apache attack helicopters. Why do the Apaches fly with the column and not on ahead to engage the attackers asap. A couple of Apaches would have made a huge difference to the White House's defence.

Answer: The Apaches were air support for the column.

Answer: Surely those Apaches would have just ended up being shot down - as evidenced later on in the film, which only would have added to the carnage on the ground.

Alan Keddie

Question: Which twin is playing the part of Julian when he is getting taken away from Sonny?

Answer: Cole.

Question: How did Dave Forbes initially survive being stabbed in the heart by Mike?


Answer: He didn't survive, he was mortally wounded, that means he would be dead anyway even if Mike didn't kill him.

Answer: Perhaps Mike, being skilled as he was in torture and extracting information - as we saw earlier, stabbed Dave to the extreme right, or left of Dave's aortic pump. It just looked like Mike stabbed Dave directly in the heart.

Alan Keddie

Answer: When people form online relationships, they sometimes - not always - develop a certain idea of the person in their mind, and they become infatuated with this idea. Meeting the person in real life can be awkward and disappointing, because the true person may not match the fantasy.

Answer: Both suffer social anxiety and find it easier to communicate through the anonymity of the internet.


Answer: Yes, it has been revealed in a new book. Yoda thought Luke was impatient and prone to anger, making him not unlike Anakin.

Question: Why did they spend all that time using a laser to cut open the door at Fort Knox just to open the door next to it? It does not make any sense?


Answer: Why doesn't it make sense? They need both doors open to facilitate access to the depository, and since they have no key or passcode, they cut one out completely to get inside. Once they do, they can open the other one from the inside as normal, which they do. No time or effort wasted.

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