Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: I can't quite read what book Indy's college associate friend pulls out of his desk right before his wedding and I was wondering what it was.

Answer: It is a Christian Book of Common Prayer, which contains the Marriage Ceremony, Funeral Ceremony, Baptism Ceremony, etc. The gilt lettering on the spine plainly reads "Common Prayer"; and, indeed, the shot of this book immediately transitions to a shot of the Book of Common Prayer from which the minister performs the wedding ceremony for Indy and Marion.

Charles Austin Miller

We might speculate that it's the same Book of Common Prayer used to perform the funeral ceremonies for Marcus Brody and Henry Jones Sr., whose deaths were briefly referenced early in the film.

Charles Austin Miller

Question: What exactly is the drum technique that Daniel defeats Chosen with?

Answer: The technique, much like the crane kick in the first movie, was made up for the film. If you are asking what exactly Daniel is doing when he performs the move; he is blocking with one arm, striking with the opposite hand and rapidly switching sides. The move works as a metaphor for the overall theme of the entire series: balance.


Question: How on earth did Annie move Hallie's bed to the rooftop?

Answer: Even if she had help, four little girls couldn't lift those beds onto the roof.

Answer: It's likely she has help from the girls that were in her own cabin. As each girl had their own set of friends, they helped Annie and Hallie in whatever pranks they pulled on each other.

Answer: By climbing on a ladder.

Question: Wouldn't the police have eventually known that Stu didn't shoot and kill Leon after their investigation? Surely the caller would have known that too? If so, why would the caller even frame Stu in the first place? Surely he wasn't going to let the police take Stu away for murder, since he intends to teach him a lesson.

Answer: He needed them to believe it long enough for him to escape.

Question: How did the townspeople know about the murders?

Answer: Sheriff Newsome was actively investigating the disappearances of Amy and Ted, as well as Tom Greenleaf and private investigator, Ken Karsch. Newsome confronted Mort about it and knew enough to tie all four cases together. He would talk to the local residents regarding anything they might know. While these were still technically missing person cases, it was obvious to most that Mort had probably murdered them.


Question: When Jake, Amber, and Jonesy are eating barbecue (Kimberly's leg), a burnt-out corpse can be seen sitting in the driver's seat of a car near the trio. Who is it? It appears the three contestants didn't see it even if it is near them.


Answer: It's just a prop to make the game more realistic.

Question: How come the humans can understand mice and birds, but not cats?


Answer: Since there no scenes of cats trying to communicate with humans, we don't actually know if humans can understand them or not. It may be that cats can communicate with humans, but simply choose not to.

Answer: Because it's a movie when talking animals is possible but not all animals can talk to humans.

Question: Why is Paul on active prison guard duty with a debilitating medical condition, as opposed to some form of sick leave, or at the very least a desk job? On several occasions we see him either made vulnerable or even out-and-out helpless.


Answer: He's one of those people who is dedicated to his job and will say he is OK even when he isn't, and keep working. He will power through and not let anyone know how sick he really is.


They are in the midst of the Great Depression. No one wants to give their employer the opportunity to fire them. They are all fighting to keep their jobs.


Question: What was the green stuff on Aquaman's hand and on his cup when he was drinking in the bar?

Answer: Parademon blood, from when one hit the boat.

Question: I get that 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 9's personalities came from the scientist. But I heavily doubt that 2's personality came from the scientist? What does 2 symbolize?


Answer: 2 represents the kindly old scientist's creative and genius side. He is fascinated by garbage and scrap and explores the wastelands searching for items to use for his inventions.


Question: Why didn't Julie tell Wendy that she was on the rollercoaster and then thank her for the warning that led her and her friend to get off? I just find it really odd that Julie never bothered to tell her own sister that she was on the ride.

Answer: Because Julie and her friend weren't supposed to be at the fairground in the first place, only the students that were graduating were meant to be there, and she and her friend were juniors.

But Wendy already knew Julie was there...she took the pic of Julie flipping her off. So I agree, it does seem strange that Julie wouldn't have said anything.

That's because Wendy would tell their parents.

Question: Why did the nurse drown Kimberly in her dream? What connection do the baby, nurse and Kimberly have?

Answer: Dr Kallarjian (I think that's the correct spelling) looks as though she is attempting to murder Kimberly in her premonition. Kimberly herself says a nurse was trying to choke her. As we later see, the medical professional is just trying to resuscitate Kimberly, she just has a bizarre look on her face, like she wants to murder Kimberly. As to your second question, only new life (Isabella's baby) can defeat death.

Alan Keddie

Beach Boy Bingo - S2-E6

Question: When The Beach Boys visit the Tanner home, Michelle is there with them. When they are at the concert, she is nowhere to be seen. Did they leave her alone at home?

Answer: She was left at home most likely with a babysitter.

Question: Has anyone counted how many rounds Skurge fires near the end? They seem like regular M16's with only a 30-round magazine in them, and it seems like he shot off more than 60 total rounds. Plus he said he got them from Texas, so it's not like they were enchanted Asgardian weapons. Or do the comics mention anything about earth bound weapons gaining some sort of extended/unlimited ammo capacity that this scene is a nod to?


Answer: There's no mention in the movie that the weapons have been enchanted or improved so it is probably just the usual heroic movie convention of 'bottomless magazines'.

Question: What does Babe mean when she says "our sense of ironic detachment" (stating that Deeds doesn't share it)?

Answer: Irony is basically the opposite of expectation, whether it be intentional or not. Ex. A children's party clown is diagnosed with clinical depression - ironic, because that's the opposite of what you'd expect. People who are purposely ironic are often that way because they either are overly pretentious or just don't care. Detachment is typically being purposely removed, overly objective or aloof from a situation or even life in general. Ex. A jaded individual who doesn't like to do things most people enjoy because he finds it tedious or pointless. In this context, it appears Babe is trying to imply that as glorified gossip-pushers, she and her boss are badly disconnected from the norm and are jaded, to the point they generally no longer actually care about people or stories - they're just in it for money and exposure. Whereas Deeds is a genuinely good guy who doesn't buy into this way of thinking/living.


Question: Since the Toad valued the ruby and wanted it so badly, why did it not matter to him so much when Rita took it back, and not to mention was destroyed?


Answer: Because he wanted the master cable.

Show generally

Question: What episode is it where they show Doug eating a extra hamburger before he gets home. Or he orders an extra burger he hides from Carrie?

Answer: Cowardly Lyin'.

Answer: This sounds like the 13th episode of season 4 titled Food Fight. Spencer's girlfriend gets Doug to taste her food much to Carrie's annoyance. Leading him to hide food from her.


It's actually the episode "Cowardly Lyin'." When Carrie asks Doug to tell her some things that he normally lies about, Doug says that he sometimes eats a "pre-dinner" burger.

That is true, there is also the episode Food Fight, where Douglas still hides food he is eating from Carrie.


Answer: The money was from the magazine that paid Gale for his story.


Day 6: 4:00 AM - 5:00 AM - S6-E23

Question: When VP Daniels and Tom are in the oval office talking about K Hayes and B Buchanan, as Tom leaves the room it cuts to a close up of VP Daniels. Just behind him is a photograph in a frame where the photo somehow moves? Was this intentional, as it caught my eye and I cannot explain it.


Answer: This is unintentional and a simple continuity mistake.


Question: Why didn't Mrs Whatsit turn into a winged centaur as she did in the book? What made them alter the magic creature into a living leaf?


Answer: Like any other such change from the source material, it's just artistic license.


Answer: The biggest critical complaint about this film is that director Ava DuVernay and her screenwriters essentially gutted Madeleine L'Engle's award-winning children's book and turned it into nothing more than Disneyesque eye candy, discarding many important elements of L'Engle's story and arbitrarily refitting it with lightweight (and boring) motivational platitudes. In other words, DuVernay made the movie her soapbox for "social messaging" and tossed out much of the wondrous (and even miraculous) detail that made L'Engle's original book a huge success. Consequently, this movie was a colossal financial failure.

Charles Austin Miller

Interestingly, Disney had adapted this story for the screen before (in 2004), and the earlier version did include the flying centaur (albeit a bad CGI rendering). Unfortunately, the 2004 version was also a box-office failure for Disney, and for the same reason as the 2018 remake: Disney removed the magical and spiritual qualities that gave L'Engle's original story its depth.

Charles Austin Miller

Disney's previous adaptation was released in 2003 as a TV movie, so it wasn't a "box-office failure", it was just a terrible movie.

Cody Fairless-Lee

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