Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Who are the two men who did the voices for the talking rings?

Answer: It was one man...Paul Frees.


Question: Because the camera is hand-held, it's hard to get a clear picture of what is going on from time to time. Can anyone tell me why the filmmakers had to cut the leg off of their guide, as shown in the footage?

Answer: He was bitten on the foot by a poisonous spider that was hiding in his boot. They cut his leg off to stop the poison from spreading.

Question: Was there any explanation given for D'Leh's father leaving his home and tribe so suddenly?

Answer: It is explained that he decided not to wait for the last hunt and left to find another way to feed the tribe. He left in secret so that others would not follow him abandoning the tribe.

Chosen answer: Rodney Yates - David Holmes.

Question: Who plays the old gypsy man's Great Granddaughter, the woman that uses a slingshot?

Answer: The actress is Kari Wuhrer. Also featured in Eight Legged Freaks and Hellraiser: Deader.


Question: How does the Liparus explode and sink at the end? After the nuclear subs have been destroyed, the ship just starts blowing up for no apparent reason. Was there any explanation for it?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: When the nuclear subs have been destroyed, there's an explosion in the control room, and one of the men cries out "Fuel tank!" Liparus has numerous internal fires raging after the battle with her crew. These uncontrolled fires eventually spread to her fuel tanks and ammo storages, one of which explodes in a huge fireball and finally causes Liparus to sink.

I thought the final explosions that sank the Liparus were deliberate self destruction after completing the mission in an attempt to destroy any evidence, rather like when Bolfeld manually triggers explosives after being thwarted in You Only Live Twice.

Liparus sinks slowly, and that would leave her crew plenty of time to evacuate. Angry and armed crew with a grudge against Stromberg.

Jukka Nurmi

Question: What is the name of the piece of score that plays when Will says goodbye to Elizabeth at the end? I can't find it on the soundtrack.


Chosen answer: The score on the soundtrack is called "One Day" and is listed as track 12 on the OST.


Question: When Gracy is trapped in the sinking ship with the feather at the back of her costume stuck under the cannon, couldn't she just have pulled the individual feather out of the back of her costume instead of pulling it out from under the cannon?


Chosen answer: Possibly, but it was attached fairly well considering it didn't break when it was caught on the cannon. If she could though you don't exactly think straight when you're about to drown. You're in a panic.

Question: Are Scott and Jean engaged? In the scene where Jean's reading Logan's mind, she appears to be wearing an engagement ring.

Answer: The ring she is wearing is not an engagement ring because they are not officially engaged until X2.


Question: When Abby comes in to slaughter the bullies, we only see what Owen is able to (not very much, since he's underwater.) There's something that looks like a lot of glass bits, and then something is dragged across the pool and the blood flow begins. But what was the thing being dragged?


Chosen answer: The thing that zooms across the water appears to be Abby herself - upon breaking the window, she beheads the boy holding Owen under the water almost immediately after she enters the pool room; her incredible speed makes it possible that she moved rapidly over the water without sinking below it.


Its one of the bullies upside down you can see if you pause at the right time or slow it down.

Question: When the objects attack the villagers, and the villagers all run away in fear, wouldn't they wonder afterwards what happened to Gaston, since if he 'did' kill the Beast, why did he never come back? Also wouldn't they be surprised to see Belle and Maurice riding towards the castle considering the last time they saw the two of them, they were locked in their cellar?

Answer: The villagers would have learned what happened to Gaston but it isn't traditional in Disney movies to show the 'aftermath' of the villain's death, as the movies always finish on a happier note (Belle and Adam's party.) It may have surprised some of them to see Belle and her father but it is more probable that they are already too distracted by the strange happenings in the castle.


Question: What exactly did Samara do so wrong in the first place that they had to put her in the barn? I know she made the horses die later because she was annoyed with them, but that really isn't a reason to kill a child. They just say that she wasn't right, but what wasn't right about her?


Chosen answer: Samara (Daveigh Chase) has a number of supernatural abilities, but her signature ability is psychic photography. Samara sees and takes various images in her mind and projects or burns them onto objects and minds. After the Morgans brought their adopted daughter home, tragedy befell the Morgan ranch. Anna Morgan (Shannon Cochran) soon complained about gruesome visions that only happened when Samara was around, so both were sent to a mental institution. When they returned, Richard Morgan (Brian Cox), put Samara in the barn to keep her away from him and his wife because she was evil. Samara realized her parents loved the horses more than they loved her so she used her powers to drive the horses to insanity. This caused Anna to become depressed, kill Samara because she caused bad things and thought that killing her would stop the bad things from happening, and then commit suicide.

I seen this when I was 14 and now i'm a year older, and I didn't understand it at all. I wasn't even scared but now I understand it and will when I watch it again. Thanks everyone. :-).

Question: When The Jackal said to Koslova that she has been hit in the liver he said that her blood was almost black. Why is her blood black coloured?

Answer: Because the blood was coming from her liver, meaning it was punctured by the bullet, allowing bile and other fluids to mix with the blood.


Question: I understand that the video game Mike Teevee was playing was made specifically for the movie. I also know that it's a First Person Shooter game. Is the game similar to any actual real life video games?

Answer: Other than being a first person shooter, no it is not similar to any other game.


Answer: Being an avid gamer, I'd say Unreal 1 is the closest game to the one represented in the movie.

Answer: Looks like a doom 3 clone.

Question: Does anyone know if the Jaguar hearse car still exists or who the manufacturer was?


Chosen answer: The hearse seen was custom built for the film, and was destroyed as seen in the film. other Jaguar hearses have been built, but they all have been custom built.


Question: What (if any) is the significance of the "OZ" graffiti that pops up throughout the film? It became quite distracting as I thought it would pay off at the end of the film.

Answer: The 'OZ' sprayer is a very disturbed man who claims to be an artist but the courts think otherwise. You can found his OZ (which he claims to be read OLI!) everywhere in Berlin and Hamburg. It has absolutely nothing to do with the movie but you can't film a wide open scene in Berlin without taping it.

Answer: Mise en scene. OZ / OLI is firstly a name. Asking what or rather who OZ / OLI is, is the point. One of the main questions of the film is what constitutes a person's identity.

Question: On their helmets were two torches (flashlights). The bigger light had two options, an LED cluster and a standard bulb. Wouldn't the battery have lasted longer if they chose the LED option?


Chosen answer: Being someone who uses the PETZL Duo headtorch (the light used in this movie) I can say that yes, the LED option lasts MUCH longer than the standard bulb.


Question: The film is frequently criticized for its inconsistencies involving the competence of the aliens and their allergies to water. Has M. Night Shyamalan ever responded to these criticisms?

Answer: No, he never has.


Question: So did they really get married to play 'happy families'? Because when Sophie says 'I don't know which is my dad and I don't care, Sky let's not get married' it sounds a bit like they are playing 'happy families'.


Chosen answer: Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan got married because they loved each other and had done for many years. The daughter changed her mind about getting married because she realised what really mattered to her and that seeing the world while they were young and free wasn't such a bad idea after all, that she didn't need to get married and hang around for her mother's sake.


Question: When Mary and Lloyd are in the hotel room, and Nicholas knocks on the door, Lloyd goes to answer and says "Hi, we have plenty of towels thanks." The thing I don't understand is why Mary comes up behind Lloyd a few seconds after he has started speaking with a shocked look on her face. She didn't know Nicholas was at the door until she got there (the shock is on her face before she sees who it is), so why the shock and also why did she follow Lloyd to the door?

Answer: Simple curiosity made her follow Lloyd. Her surprise at seeing Nicholas was purely because she wasn't expecting to see him, she didn't know at that time that he was one of the bad guys and as far as she knew, there was no need for him to be there.


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