Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Lupin said he recognised Harry because of the eyes, but apart from the eyes, Harry looks like his father. Shouldn't Lupin recognise him as the son of one of his best friends?

Answer: This is a plot hole. Harry is often told, "You look just like your father, except you have your mother's eyes." or some variation of that. Because of this, there really isn't a logical explanation as to why Lupin wouldn't immediately recognize Harry as his best friend's son.

Question: Why does Maggie's mother and sister call her Miriam?

Answer: Because Maggie's name was Mary Margaret Fitzgerald, Maggie for short. Her family was calling her "Mary M", with a thick Missouri accent.

Question: I noticed that during the whole film, when bullets hit the soldiers' bodies, dust comes out (even on a wet Omaha Beach). Why is that?

Answer: It is eiderdown that blows into the air when they get hit by a bullet. They used eiderdown because it was a very warm filling for their assault jackets. Eider is still rarely used in the manufacture of some sleeping pillows and quilts.

Answer: That was a mistake in the series.

Also, the episode is called 'Babies First Demon' and this alone tells us that it's Wyatt's first time in the field (so to speak) and as the sisters say, they've done a good job of clearing up their own magical messes so far. Nobody really knows how advanced Wyatt's powers are, or will become. That's why the cleaners appear, to nip things in the bud. The Cleaners didn't want to chance that the sisters could clean Wyatt's magic up, just incase they couldn't. Therefore intervening themselves, just in case.

Chosen answer: When the cleaners first surface in season 6 it is mentioned that usually the girls have been able to clean up their own messes (as seen in season 3 episode 22 when Phoebe turns back time thus concluding in the death of Prue).

Answer: Because they wanted them to fix their own mistakes.

Chosen answer: I think her head was in the hat box after he dug it up from the garden where the dog was digging under the marigolds.

You are correct that it was her head.


Question: Everybody seems to believe that the machines are not able or at least not willing to make use of the energy from the sunlight above the darkened sky. But I have some problems with that. Morpheus tells us about this when he is with Neo in the construct for the first time. But is Morpheus really 100% believable in that question? Isn't this just his version of the story? We can believe him that the humans darkened the sky (this is confirmed in Animatrix and visible on screen) and the machines created fields of humans as their source of power (he saw those fields himself). But maybe he's wrong? Could he really know for sure how much energy the machines need? Or that the machines don't use the energy from sunlight? Is there any point in the trilogy where the machines definitely do confirm this? For me it would make more sense for them to do so: using the humans would inevitably decimate the population with every generation. If we believe that the humans' "foods" are the liquidated dead this would hardly be enough for the whole lifespan of another human (and there's also energy drained from the machines). I don't say this wouldn't make sense for the machines, but sooner or later they will have to use another source of power if they want to live forever, so why not start with it now? They would have infinite energy and could control humanity at the same time. And as we see they are able to build any types of complex weaponry/flying guardians etc., it should be easy for them technically to get past the dust and use the energy somehow. Am I right with this or is there a better explanation?

Answer: Human bodies would not be 100% efficient and so energy generated would always be less than energy fed into the farm, so overall making energy losses for machines. The energy fed (dead bodies etc) is not usable by machines directly. Humans seems to be good for energy conversion as well as energy storage. So any excess energy from fusion can simply be stored away in the matrix. Hence the battery analogy (which needs to be charged to be useful).

Answer: The dog featured in the film as Bob Lee companion was trained by owner Drew Thompson. The dog's real name is Logan. He is a Bernese Mountain and English Mastiff X. Drew states that "he is easily the smartest dog I have ever trained".

Question: How did Anton find Llewellyn's home?

Answer: When Llewellyn returns to the site of the showdown for the second time, he leaves his truck parked in an obvious spot. Coming across the truck later, Anton prizes off a plate from Llewellyn's truck that has the VIN on it. This is likely how Anton later tracked Llewellyn down.

When Llewellyn is telling his wife she needs to go to Odessa, he says "tomorrow morning at 9am a man is going to call the courthouse about the registration of my truck. At 0930, he's going to come here looking for me" (or words to that effect).


Question: Why did Teddy growl in the helicopter when the trio arrived at Manhattan?


Chosen answer: It was dangerous for Mecha to go there; he was afraid for David's safety.

David R Turner

Question: Marida's horse is called Angus. So why, when fixing the tapestry on his back, did she call the same horse Hamish?

Answer: When Merida says "Steady, Hamish!", she is talking to one of her brothers (the baby bears) who nearly falls, not the horse.


Question: Can someone please tell me why Mary Jane was apologising to Aunt May and nobody else, and felt bad about leaving only Aunt May?


Chosen answer: Aunt May likely prepared most if not all of the food. Mary Jane felt bad about running out on the dinner knowing all the effort Aunt May put into it.


Question: In the wrestling scene, Leslie Nielsen tags Hulk Hogan who ultimately tags another lady in a red dress. The actress appears to be Joyce Brothers. Is her presence a spoof or am I missing something else here?

Neil Jones

Chosen answer: The lady in the red dress is definitely Dr. Joyce Brothers. Her presence is not a spoof of anything. Just another way to add humor to an already humorous movie.

Chosen answer: Since Del knew that the tuxedo actually belonged to Clark, she most likely thought that the watch and shoes did too.

Question: Sidney and Billy have a brief disagreement at school, during which she makes the comment about her "traumatized life" being "an inconvenience" to him. Then she walks away and we see Billy, who is alone now, getting frustrated and calling himself "stupid." But it later turns out that he was one of the killers. If he secretly hates Sidney, why does he show remorse for upsetting her, when he is all alone at the moment?

Answer: Because he wants to have sex with her before killing her. Creating a distance now is too soon. Keeping her close makes it easier to kill her later too. He wants to hurt her as bad as possible, that why he faked his own death too.


Still Charmed & Kicking - S8-E1

Question: Why do the sisters keep changing their appearance throughout a few episodes? We're there issues with replacement actresses that caused the changes? Victor references that they keep changing identities but there is no good explanation as to why.

Answer: You have to watch the previous episodes but basically they are pretending to be dead. They cast a spell to change their appearance in which only Victor and each other can see them for who they are. Their appearance keeps changing because they can't decide what to look like.

Spring - S3-E1

Question: Why did that one adviser have Nusrat killed? I think it was because she killed Jamal, but I have a feeling that there's more reason than just that.

Answer: Nusrat was killed because she knew the secret of Jamal's treatment of her, the pregnancy that was not Ahmed's, but Jamal's, etc. She was a liability to the al-Fayeed family who could be used by their enemies to erode their power. Also, it was Ahmed who killed Jamal, not Nusrat.


Show generally

Question: Was it ever established how long Howard spent on the International Space Station? I ask because some story arcs that begin with one season's finale pick up immediately where the last season left off (S4-S5), but others take place more or less in real time, such as when the guys went on a scientific expedition to the Arctic Circle. So did Howard actually spend three months on the ISS, or was there a "time jump"?


Chosen answer: Howard went up on Expedition 31 and came back on 32. If the BBT universe holds to the same schedule as the real one, he would have been up there for approximately two months.

Question: This question is for those who have read the books. Voldemort never learned that his mother bewitched his father into marrying her - he thinks that his father abandoned him and his mother after learning that she was a witch. Has J.K. Rowling ever stated why she never wrote him learning the truth, or what his reaction would have been?

Answer: I think the problem would be the lack of people who actually would know about it would be amazingly small. Dumbledore tracked his family history down because of his middle name. His mother died young and Voldemort killed his own father so nobody would have been able to give him the answer. Not that he likely would have believed it or cared anyway.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: J.K. Rowling has stated however that if Merope Gaunt had lived and raised Tom Riddle Jr. with love, he might not have become the evil wizard that everybody would fear.

This is not an answer. The question is about Voldemort never learning about his mother's deception - that she bewitched his father into marrying her. He falsely believed that his father abandoned him and his mother.

Question: Philadelphia City Hall is a massive building with thick walls. Right after their arguments in the Kendall case Hanks and Washington are seen in the elevator using their cell phones. Cell phones didn't get great reception in 1993 anyway, so would they have worked at all in an elevator inside a massive building?

William Lanigan

Chosen answer: Probably not. But occasionally phones have worked in places they shouldn't. a signal gets through, somehow. In the movies, anything is possible as long as it moves the plot along.

Question: How do Dent and Gordon find out that Lau was the one who took the mob's funds? And also how do they find out that Lau transferred the funds to Hong Kong?


Chosen answer: Probably when Lau confessed to everything after Batman, acting above the law, kidnapped him from Hong Kong and brought him back to Gotham.

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