Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: During "The Phantom of The Opera", when the Phantom takes Christine to his lair using the mirror passageway to his lair, it was well lit up with candles but when Meg discovers the passageway, it is dark and filled with rats. Were the candlabras just in Christine's imagination or were they real?

Answer: Almost assuredly real. The candelabras were in the Phantom's control to make appear or disappear. He brought them forward to light their entrance into the lair. However, it was generally in his best interests to keep the passageway dark and shadowy. The rats were always there, regardless. But, as rats are won't to do, scurried away from light and human movement.

Michael Albert

Question: In the original musical of West Side Story, the song "Officer Krupke" is sung some time after the rumble when Riff was killed. Why was it changed to before the rumble?

Answer: Actually there were a number of changes made in the movie adaptation compared to the original stage version. There were cuts, new additions, and changes to music, lyrics, dialogue, and characters. A few of the musical numbers were switched around because it was felt the storyline flowed better on screen, for different reasons. Some examples are "Gee, Officer Krupke" and "I Feel Pretty" which are cheerful, light-hearted songs and were moved to before "The Rumble", and "Cool" was moved to after "The Rumble" which gives that song's lyrics gravitas.

Super Grover

Question: Why would Kiddo sneak up, ninja-style, on Budd when she had confronted all the other opponents face-to-face? He seemed the least formidable and it didn't seem to match with her other warrior battles.


Answer: She approached each foe in a manner appropriate to the situation. Budd was in a trailer surrounded by open land and total visibility, and he also knew she was coming, so sneaking up, quietly and unobtrusively, made sense. The real question is why, after taking so many precautions and being so quiet, she flung the door open and charged in as noisily and vulnerably as possible.

Question: After leaving the cave (1st time - Jack's on the Pearl bargaining with Barbossa), why does the Pearl attack the ship which Will and Elizabeth are on? Okay they were after the medallion but why did Will and Elizabeth escape from them? Why not go back, lift the curse and everyone could go home happily...? I understand that they couldn't trust the pirates, but why? This time there was no reason of mistrust. What else could they want from him and her except the medallion? And why do they hold it back? It'd be much easier to give it to them and go home. Of course, Jack is an exception because he wants the Pearl from them. But Will and Elizabeth?

Answer: Because they still need Will's blood to lift the curse, and at that point, he doesn't know that yet. He only realises it when he is talking to Elizabeth aboard the Interceptor, and on the island, he is just concerned with saving her. As for why he wouldn't just give in, well, it's still likely the pirates would kill Will, because he now knows the location of the island where they store all their treasure.


Question: Why does Mrs. Weasley buy some dress robes for Harry and get old ones for Ron? If she's buying clothes for Harry (a famous child) over someone from her own family, couldn't that give Ron the impression that she cares more for Harry than her own family?


Answer: Keep in mind that when his parents died, Harry was left a moderately large inheritance. If memory serves, Mrs. Weasley mentions stopping at his Gringotts vault to get some money on his behalf for school supplies. So while Ron's dress robes may be a little shabby and secondhand, given how tight his family's expenses are, Harry's are nicer because his wealth allows him more wiggle room. Who Molly cares about more, or Ron's inference thereof, has got nothing to do with it.

Cubs Fan

Answer: I agree with what Cubs Fan said, and I want to point out that Mrs. Weasley knows what Harry's life with the Dursleys is like. She probably wanted to buy him dress robes because he is treated badly at home. Ron almost never gets new clothes because his family is poor. Harry almost never gets them because the Dursleys choose to make him wear Dudley's old clothes. They deliberately spoil Dudley and neglect Harry.

Question: When they are driving to the pub, in the overcrowded car, Shaun's stepfather comments that the speed limit is "20 miles per hour." Shouldn't it be kilometers per hour. I'm American but the United Kingdom obviously uses the metric system.


Answer: The UK doesn't "obviously" use metric. We still uses miles for all road signs, but metric for most weights and measures. You buy pints in a pub, not a half litre. It's an odd mish-mash. Car speedometers have kph on them, but in a smaller font - mph is dominant.

You learn something new everyday! Thanks for the information.

Answer: They never mention what ultimately happens to his parents. However it's mentioned they "searched high and low" for George and never found him. The animation even shows all the passengers calling out for George, to suggest they also aided in the search.


Question: Why does Darth Vader's mask need to alter his vision (there are digital symbols and a red shade to the lenses)? I had a classmate who had been burned in a fire, including his face, but he could see normally.

Answer: Anakin Skywalker's eyes were fine, the mask visor just gives him extras probably like heat vision and a HUD. Since he was wearing the mask, he might as well wear a visor with technology that enhances his vision.


He had become Darth Vader before the fight with Obi-Wan on Mustafar. He is no longer Anakin Skywalker when he first receives the mask.

Question: How did Schultz know Big Daddy was coming after them? Why kill them instead of just hiding in the trees where they already were?

Answer: Django and Schultz killed some of Big Daddy's farmhands, and he wasn't going to let a freed slave kill some of his workers. Schultz knew Big Daddy would come after them for what they did. Plus Django would never let go of a chance to kill a slave owner who was trying to kill him.

Answer: He was initially given a 6-year sentence for grand theft auto and 2nd degree murder, but then he committed various criminal acts for samcro and kept getting his sentence extended. At the end of season 3 it's implied he'll be set to death row for murdering Squirrel and because he's continuously aggressive. (Although, an initial 6-year sentence for 2nd degree murder doesn't seem likely without some plea bargain where Otto also gives someone else up or gives useful information, that results in arrest, about some criminal enterprise. This seems out of character for Otto, especially since he stabbed a rat while in prison. And I don't recall any information given about how he had such a short, initial prison term).


Answer: Four days later.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Who was the twelfth member that they added?

Answer: It was Tess.

Greg Dwyer

Question: How could Ames have received the death penalty if he didn't actually kill Clyde's wife and daughter?


Answer: They made a deal with Darby. Darby testified saying Ames was the one who killed the wife and daughter in order to get a reduced sentence. Since Shelton's testimony was inadmissible because he blacked out it was Darby's word again Ames'.


Answer: He was a participant in a felony during which someone died. That means the felony murder rule applies. Felony murder is a capital crime.

Greg Dwyer

Question: How did Robert know Edward was gonna double cross him?

Answer: He didn't know for a fact that it would happen, but he was experienced enough in these kind of high-stakes operations to plan for literally every contingency, including a double-cross.

Question: What happened to the District 2 members who surrendered?


Answer: Held captive by the Capitol until the capitol was liberated. They were then released.


Question: After Willy takes Sam's wallet, why did Sam attack him? The scene happened so fast I can't figure out why.

Answer: Willy struck Molly (knocking her to the ground) when she tried to intervene, thus making Sam attack him in response. This fight led to Sam getting shot.

Question: As Jason's body is being brought into the hospital, the camera focuses on a room with a crying girl, and presumably her parents, her face is obscured so who is this suppose to be? Is it suppose to be Chris from the last movie?

Answer: The way I look at it there's more than one possibility: 1. The crying relatives are totally unrelated, so to speak, to the events of the film. B) they are relatives of one of the victims, be it Andy or Debbie or Shelly. The girl does not look like Chris from part 3.

Alan Keddie

Answer: I suspect that the girl was intended to be Chris, hence her face being very obviously obscured (as Dana Kimmel did not return for this movie). The lack of a resemblance may be an error, though, with her face being away from the camera, it's not very noticeable.

Answer: The original idea for this one was Jason causing havoc in a hospital and I think Chris was supposed to come back, so your guess is as good as mine.

Question: Why, when Cornell walks out on the attorney General, did they not arrest him for assassination of the archbishop?

Answer: They had a 'first person' witness to conspiracy to kidnap.

Answer: Maybe the crime was committed outside the United States, and they simply didn't have the jurisdiction to charge him.

Question: When young Nickerson has to crawl inside a dead whale's head to harvest the rest of its oil, Peterson gives him something to put between his teeth. What is it and for what?

Bunch Son

Answer: Nickerson is told "put that between your teeth" and is given a piece of whale bone for him to bite down hard, to help him deal with the foul stench, which can cause nausea, coughing, gagging, and vomiting.

Super Grover

Question: I don't get it. What was the purpose of the aliens coming to Earth? And what exactly happened to them? Where did they go?


Answer: It's left unclear, though the film proposes several possible theories, and there are other possible explanations as well. One major theory brought up in the film is that the aliens were there to acquire Earth's resources after using up their own. Another theory proposed at the end of the movie is that the aliens wanted humans for whatever reason, as a radio DJ mentions seeing his friend's family being dragged away. There is also a very popular fan theory that the aliens are supposed to represent demons that are merely there to create chaos and test the moral strength of humanity, as the film is ultimately about Graham losing and then regaining his faith, although this is more subtext than anything and may not be literally true.

Answer: Near the end of the movie... The morning after in the basement... The guy on the radio says the aliens were there not for the planet, but to harvest humans. For what purpose is unknown, maybe as an energy source, Matrix-style.

Chosen answer: According to the theory in the movie they were there to take the planet for their own because they used up all the resources their own planet. They left the planet when it became apparent to them that the water on Earth was too dangerous.

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