Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: When Splinter is being held captive by Shredder how was he able to survive? He seems to be held by him for quite some time so shouldn't he have been dead?

Answer: Meditation, by putting themselves in a deep mental state, they could go days without food or sleep. It's said, that some hardcore mystics can actually stop their own hearts.

Question: When Ana's car is vandalized, shouldn't there be cameras in the parking garage to show who did it and how they got in to the garage?

Answer: Considering that this is a private residential garage and not a public pay-to-park one, it would be reasonable to assume that there should be multiple security cameras throughout. Christian Grey is a particularly high-profile person who is always heavily guarded. There should be cameras aimed at where his vehicles are parked.


Answer: I ran a parking garage located at city hall and there was only one camera present, which was pointed at the booth/exit gate. There were never cameras in the garage to see accidents or vandalism. Plus, the recordings were never saved for more than 24 hours unless someone requested the recording be pulled before there were deleted.


Answer: Unless the cameras were down when the incident occured.

Christian was always closely guarded and a camera going down anywhere on his property or areas he frequented would not only be suspicious, but also immediately checked and attended to by his security team.


Answer: Everyone knows who George Washington is, also Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and countless others. When you join Starfleet, you have to know other planets, their people and their histories.

The Savage Curtain - S3-E22

Question: Surak is a Vulcan with better hearing than humans and greater strength than humans. How was he able to be killed so easy?

Answer: Maybe not so easily, Klingons are known for their strength and fierce fighting styles, plus he went up against four of them.

Question: Why didn't Alan and Sarah just destroy the game instead of throwing it into the river?


Answer: Because of its magical properties, it can't be destroyed. Which is why it was buried in the first place.

Answer: The game can defend itself against a player cheating by turning him into a monkey. What do you think it could do to someone who tried to destroy it?

It's because it's an evil object. You see in the movie it causes damage psychologically and sociologically. What I mean is the game brought bad experience to Alan, Sarah, Judy and Peter.


Question: What does Regina mean when she tells her boyfriend to swallow food before he talks, because they are in California? Talking while eating is rude almost everywhere, so what does California have to do with it?

Answer: She's just being deliberately snarky, implying he is acting like someone from a place where they have crude manners and lack proper social graces.


Question: Why would an exploding helicopter take so long to slide down the side of the building? Enough time for McClane to get down to the party area?

Answer: This is a movie, not reality. The doomed helicopter's descent was deliberately slowed down on film for a visually dramatic effect. It is also timed so it coordinates with McClane's movement and better serves the plot's pacing. It is also not necessarily linear, timewise, cutting back and forth at different points to show what is happening.


Sorry not adequate explanation. Hundreds of action movies are made regularly the world over they don't make these sorts of errors. Insufficient explanation.

There was no error. It was a deliberate artistic choice by the filmmakers to achieve a desired visual and dramatic effect, regardless of real-life physics.


Question: Can someone please put to bed a question that has been raised and not answered...why would the terrorists try to blow McClane up with grenades that have enough of a delay to make a quick coffee in?

Answer: There is no in-universe explanation...they didn't go to an arms dealer and say, "Give us your longest-fused grenades, we want to give our target a sporting chance." There is no deleted scene where Col. Stuart wonders aloud why those grenades took so long to explode, while making himself a coffee. This-the hero in a deadly situation and escaping in the nick of time, regardless of how long grenades actually take to explode in the real world-is an action movie trope and nothing more, in a film that is chock full of them. It would be a pretty sad movie, not to mention a bad one, if McClane got blown to bits by grenades, and the bad guys won.

But surely they could have filmed this scene in slo-mo to stretch out the 7 second delay to whatever it becomes, OR edited it in such a way it appears to take longer when it actually doesn't?

The grenade fuse time is deliberately lengthened so the audience can process what is happening. The audience has to see the danger of the grenades, understand that McClane must get out of the cockpit without the bad guys shooting him, see McClane think of the ejector seat plan, and then execute that plan. It's ridiculously unrealistic but McClane is meant to be clever and resourceful so the audience has to see him work out the problem. If you used slo-mo it would make it seem like McClane instantly figured out a solution, which would make him look superhuman.


Answer: It's worth noting that they wouldn't have to pull the pins out of all the grenades, just one. That one would cause the others to explode as well.

Answer: Why would he? He knew what happened to Sarah when she told people about it, and his parents hardly seem like the sort who would a) believe him, or b) indulge him in his "fantasy." Better to simply get rid of it (as he and Sarah do).

I was pertaining when Alan was still a kid not as an adult.When he discovered the game and he went home immediately. Remember his mother called him and then Alan keep the Jumanji under the sofa.


Given their wealth and status, Alan's parents may not appreciate him bringing home stuff he found buried. In addition, he's probably having difficulty himself believing the game is making the drum noises and wants to investigate first.


Question: When Michael and Claire are discussing whether to hire Peyton, Claire says, "I don't think she'll be a nanny forever, but I think we can get her to commit for a year." Why does she not think that Peyton can be nanny long-term?

Answer: Peyton is young and attractive, and Claire, unaware of her real identity, is assuming Peyton probably will meet someone and want to marry and have a family. Presumably, most nannies do not stay in one position for long and it tends to be a high-turnover profession.


Question: How did they stay frozen the whole time if they demolished the building? Wouldn't something that can keep a person frozen, require a lot of power? Did they just decide to demolish the building without checking that the power was out? Didn't they put a fudruckers on top of it? How did they remain frozen so long?


Answer: The science in this movie is far-fetched at best. Assumedly the pods had some sort of battery backup for emergencies. If the battery lasted 500 years, we can just assume it was secret government technology.

Brian Katcher

Answer: Yes they did hint at it, but her religion was down played because they didn't want that to define her character. But besides the "Cheers" episode mentioned, s10e06 of "Frasier", "Star Mitzvah", is about their son Fredrick's bar mitzvah. Typically under Jewish law, a child is considered Jewish if his or her mother is Jewish (and we know Frasier isn't Jewish). It should also be noted that Lilith is a figure in Jewish mythology and considered to be the first wife of Adam.


Answer: Yes. The 'Cheers' episode 'For Real Men Only,' deals with infant Frederick's bris (ritual circumcision).

Brian Katcher

Question: How did Hector Savage get killed in Jane's apartment?

Answer: Frank stuck a fire hose in his mouth and turned it on, causing Savage to explode.

Brian Katcher

Why couldn't Savage just remove the fire hose, especially when he began inflating with the water? Plus, how could water possibly be spraying from his chest?

Because this a ridiculous parody movie and it's funny.


Answer: How did a dead lobster claw the first lady's boob? Why was Daniel Boone at a police shootout? It's a silly, cartoonish movie.

Brian Katcher

Show generally

Question: Trying to remember an episode - a woman would use the beach shower topless, and while the male beachgoers were gawking at her body her boyfriend (I think) would pick their pockets.

Answer: It's called Promised Land from Season 5 Episode 20.


Question: Any idea what the reference to "banging erasers" is all about? I always thought she said "banging your races" or "banging your braces" but never understood what it meant?

Answer: Banging erasers is what kids had to do as punishment. Erasers are used to clear the chalkboards, eventually they will get full of chalk and not work properly anymore so you bang them together to get the chalk out.


True - but my first grade teacher made it a "reward" by giving the student who had the BEST behavior that day the "honor" of cleaning her erasers.


Well it might be time period dependent. Or teacher dependent.


Answer: It was a reference to detention. She suggests that he will be banging erasers after school.

Question: In Francois Toulour's first scene, he says something in French before switching to English. What was he saying? (00:58:46)

Answer: "What joy, and what a surprise, to see you here."

Question: One of major Grant's soldiers says he found the device used by the terrorists to tap into the tower's communication system. So, why doesn't this put an end to the entire incident? If the soldier found the device used to bypass the tower, and disconnected it as we see in the scene, how can Colonel Stuart still have control over all the other civilian planes? (01:05:10)

Answer: Because Grant's soldiers were working with Colonel Stuart, they were on the inside making sure that he does maintain control of the airport.

Question: When Deadpool dislocates both of Francis' arms near end of film how comes the villain seemingly cries out in pain? I thought he had made it very clear earlier in the film that he doesn't feel pain any more, of any kind.

Answer: He seems to yelp a little bit, but I just chalked it up to being a combination of him struggling with Deadpool and also being more exasperated than anything else. Plus sure, he may not feel the pain, but he'd still recognize that having his arms broken/dislocated is a very bad thing since it puts him at a disadvantage in the right. So he could just be reacting out of frustration. I'd probably yelp or scream too if I was in that situation even if I didn't feel pain.


Basic Lupine Urology - S3-E17

Question: When Troy and Abed are showing the yam to a lady she tells them that their yam was about to bloom, and that it was stepped on. I don't understand how she couldn't tell that it had been boiled? If she can tell that it was about to bloom, it doesn't make sense that she couldn't see that it had been in hot water. Of course, she wouldn't be at Greendale (I assume she is at Greendale but I could be wrong) if she was that good at something.

Answer: It was part of the plot that when the boiled yam was dropped it looked like it was stepped on (which it never was). So there was no way to tell the difference between the flesh being soft because it was boiled or because it was stepped on (in the show that is, I don't know if one could tell the difference in real life). Plus, the rest of the yam wasn't boiled, so there was no evidence the yam was sitting in boiling water.


Answer: Coach Sylvester is generally bullying to most staff and students but she particularly dislikes the glee club because they compete with her cheerleading squad for limited school funds.


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