Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Who is Sparky? Trixie's constant presence already means the future family model is pretty weird, but, why is Speed's "operator" living as part of the family? Is he an employee of Racer Motors, or what?

Answer: They're a close-knit team. Sparky's a close family friend as well as an employee. It's rather like Race Bannon living with the the Quests as part of the family, even though he is employed by Dr. Quest.


Question: At the end of the film there are a bunch of people in the lost city of gold. If the devices were busted up and didn't work any longer, how did they get the water out? Also, if there's not really a way in any more, how did they all get in?

Answer: You can see the hoses and pumps that were used to pump the water out. Now that the location is known, even though the entrance was blocked, they could gain entrance by drilling/blasting/tunneling/etc.


Question: Although some of Bruce Banner's blood falls into one of the soda bottles when he's working in the factory, the movie never explains what happens to that specific bottle. Can we assume that it gets exported to the United States and someone eventually drinks it? Will this tie into the plot for the sequel?

Answer: This is explained in the movie, and it's where Stan Lee's cameo comes in. He is the person who drinks the contaminated soda, triggering a "gamma sickness" incident.


Question: Why was Alejandro referred to as "de la Vega"? This was Elena's surname and it would seem unlikely that Alejandro would have taken his wife's name rather than her taking his.

Lauren Capper

Chosen answer: If I remember correctly, he took the name from Diego de la Vega in the first film, when Diego passed the Zorro identity on to him.

Cubs Fan

Question: At the train station, when Peter says "It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait," is the pronoun "he" referring to Aslan?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: Yes.


Question: I was watching the movie and something occured to me: shouldn't Mary's daughter (the one who answered the door at the end) also be a jumper? I'm not going to ask about jumper genetics because I know that's not fair, but I was just curious. Thanks.


Chosen answer: It's certainly not out of the question. That being said, Sophie is only David's half-sister, as they have different fathers, so if the jumper traits came from David's father, or from some genetic combination of his parents, then Sophie would not share his abilities.


Question: Technically, these people would not die from the neurotoxin directly, so do you think it could have eventually worn off? That is, of course, if the people didn't kill themselves first. The government could have sent in troops with gas masks and everyone put in straight jackets and padded rooms so not to get hurt until the toxin wore off. That could have worked; what do you think?

Jason Riley

Chosen answer: If it would/could wear off would be debatable. As far as sending troops in wearing gas masks: The masks are simply filters that block molecules of certain sizes. If the neurotoxin molecular structure was small enough, it could pass through the filters. And then there is, if you really wanted to die, you will find a way regardless of the situation.


Question: At the beginning during the Cruel Summer song sequence, while playing soccer Daniel is seen in an obvious "set-up" fight with Bobby. Was this gym class, or soccer try-outs?

Answer: It looks like after school try-outs since the cheerleaders are also practising.


Answer: Ali said "I'm sorry what happened at the soccer try outs" when she and Daniel are in the cafeteria together.

Question: When Bubba told Justine about the bill for the motel, why did he think she would tell Phil about them? They were never at the motel.

Answer: Bubba was afraid that if Phil confronted Justine about the hotel bill that, not only would she confess about her affair with Holden, but that she might also tell Phil about what happened with Bubba.


Question: Why are the flags on the soldiers' uniforms backwards? They're American flags, but the stars are on the right hand side of the flags. Was the scene just flipped post-shooting or is there some other reason?

Answer: According to the Department of Defense website, the flag, when worn as a patch, should be placed on the sleeve so that the flag gives the impression as if it is flying in the breeze, as the person wearing the patch moves forward. That means the blue/white field of stars should be in the forward position with the stripes trailing. That is why there are "left" patches and "right" patches made for the left and right sleeves. It is only the "right" sleeve patches that appear backwards when seen on the uniform's right sleeve.

Super Grover

Question: Does anyone know for sure if Harrison Ford wears the same hat in each movie or are there multiple copies. I'd like to know for sure, not speculation or guesses.

Grumpy Scot

Chosen answer: Not only does he wear a different hat in each movie, he wears several different hats within the same movie. After Raiders of the Lost Ark, Harrison Ford was given the original hat, which he personally helped the costume designer give its old and worn but well-loved appearance, to keep for his own.


Answer: There were not only multiple Indy hats used in each movie, but multiple styles and sizes of Indy hats used for various scenes. In "Raiders," for example, Herbert Johnson hatters in London produced 45 copies of the hat for use in that movie alone. Those hats were used by Harrison Ford himself, his stand-ins and stuntmen. In dark scenes, where lighting was critical, Ford wore a version of the hat with a modified brim to accommodate facial lighting; and, in the daylight "Basket Chase" scene in Cairo, the style of hat is noticeably different with a slightly wider brim. The hats vary greatly from movie-to-movie, as well, with variations in brim, crown and felt color. By the last movie, "Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," the hat is distinctly different from the original used in "Raiders of the Lost Ark."

Charles Austin Miller

Question: Is the first telmarine who agrees to go through the two trees at the end the same guy who assassinates Miraz with an arrow?

Answer: The one who stabs Miraz with the arrow is one of the Lords that promises support when Miraz is ordained King. He dies on the bridge (that the Telmarines built) when Aslan causes the waters to 'come alive'. The Telmarine who walks through the 'doorway' (to the world of men) with Miraz's wife and their infant son is Miraz's General. Earlier in the film, Miraz ordered this General to kill three of his men (after the Narnians stole the weapons), and during Miraz and Peter's duel Miraz ordered him to kill Peter if the dueling was not going in Miraz's favor, but the General chose not to. On the field, during the last battle, the General had an opportunity to kill Caspian, and again he chose not to.

Super Grover

Question: In the scene where the three officers (one of them being Martin Lawrence) went to the airport to check out the situation there, Mallone picks up a piece of the exhibit. Wouldn't the FBI run the prints on the items, and if so, Martin Lawrence's fingerprints would come up and reveal his true identity since he is in the system?

Answer: Yes, however Malone is not a real cop, only pretending to be one. Therefore it is safe to assume he would not know procedures of the police department and would not think his prints would be run by the FBI. He thinks he is safe because he is a cop. That's how big his ego is.


Yes, but the reason they don't worry about fingerprints is because they decided to immediately set up the sting operation, since they only had hours before the package was to be delivered in 3 hours. So, they had to hurry and make it there in time to do the bust.

Question: Is it necessary to view Hulk before seeing this film? Or is it stand-alone with a self-contained storyline?

Cubs Fan

Chosen answer: It's entirely self-containing - effectively the film acts as a relaunch of the franchise rather than a continuation, although it doesn't really have any continuity issues with the first.


Chosen answer: No. The DVD features show he isn't most of the time. Pro camera men did his camera work, and they would have Hud's clothes on to show his feet and pants when the camera pointed down. Miller is an actor, not trained in how to get the most from the camera, so pros did that. Ironically, he couldn't be trusted to make the camera work look amateurish enough!


Question: I could never understand this in any of the Matrix movies. They need to go to a phone that is ringing in order to leave the Matrix and go to the real world. The guy in their command center tells them where they can find that phone. Why can they not use any phone in the Matrix? Why do they have to go so far to get to a ringing phone? And why can't they just use their cell phone they have on them in order to get back to the real world?


Chosen answer: It has to be a hard line phone, one that is part of the matrix code, that's been previously hacked by the rebels. There's a network of them throughout the city, and the operator directs them to the nearest one after activating it. Their cell phones won't work because they aren't part of the matrix; they're loaded in just like the guns and clothes. It's possible the "hard" aspect of the phone also translates to a literal physical connection in the real world which the rebels can connect to.


Question: I don't understand what the women in the Porsche were on about. What's so significant about lights at 32 miles per hour?

Answer: They are moving thru city streets where the traffic lights are setup to sequentially change so that a vehicle traveling at 32mph will get a green light all the way through the area, never having to stop.


Question: If Bootstrap Turner took a coin from the chest, then how did he die? He should be cursed and therefore invulnerable. I know they later show that he is with Davey Jones, but that means that he is dead, or if he isn't dead, wouldn't the curse demand his blood, not his sons?


Chosen answer: When the curse was lifted he was still at the bottom of the sea (alive due to the curse), Davy then offered him 100 years of serving him or death, and he chose the 100 years.


No, he says in the second movie that he was "unable to move, unable to die" as he was tied to a cannon and being crushed by the weight of the water. Davy came along and offered him a way out. Technically you could say he was dying, just not able to die, and dying or being dead doesn't necessarily seem to be a requirement to join Davy's crew since Will was able to wager his soul in servitude to Davy during the dice game. As for needing Will's blood and not his father's, the pirates didn't seem fully sure it would work. But since it's doubtful they bothered to mark where in the ocean they dumped Bootstrap, they had to go for their best option.

Question: Does anybody know if the "Our Town" song was written just for this movie, or was it a pre-existing song? Who performs it as well? Thanks.

Carl Missouri

Chosen answer: The original song 'Our Town' was created for Cars by Randy Newman and sung by James Taylor. It was nominated for the 2007 Academy Award for the best Original Song.

Super Grover

Answer: He does it twice: in "Parallel Universe" he says "Lister - female counterpart, Rimmer - female counterpart... where's mine?"; in "The Inquisitor" Cat and Rimmer say Lister's name in unison when The Inquisitor asks "Who's next?"


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