Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: The original Hostel film had 3 different prices (can't remember them exactly but it was one price for local, slightly more expensive for Asian and very expensive for American). However this film sends pictures to clients' phones and starts an auction. Anyone know why this one is different when it's supposed to be the same operation?

Answer: Since the events of the first film, there were some changes in the operation....enhanced security, etc. It can be presumed that the auction is simply one of those changes.


Question: What was the real purpose of that short last scene of the movie? Our guess was that it was to advertise Rock Band. Anyone agree?

Answer: I think it was to show that Jerry and Rachel maintained a friendship after it all. Also to maybe, maybe hint about some kind of romantic future in the way that Rachel says, "you remembered", when her ex-husband was said to never have remembered Sam's birthday.That's my thoughts - I think it's just to let us know how the characters turned out.

Question: Why when they showed them being video taped was the date always 1-26-09? Was it supposed to be the future?

Answer: Yes, the movie is supposed to be set in Jan. 2009.

Question: What did Preston do with the dog? We see that he put it back in the car, but he obviously wasn't going to just walk into his apartment with "contraband". He couldn't just let it go, because the dog wouldn't leave when he tried to before.

Answer: At the end of the film, after Preston kills 'Father' and the explosives are detonated, we see Preston's kids. His son is at school and his daughter is playing with the puppy (she's letting it lick her hand). I assumed that he'd wrapped it up in his coat he used as a bed for it and simply hurried up the stairs.

Question: I'm submitting this as a question because it's not an obvious mistake, if it is even one. When Harry and Tanya are in the paddle boat, Harry asks Tanya what the father of the bride would normally do. Tanya responds by saying "Pay." Harry then jumps into the water and swims ashore. After "Does Your Mother Know" is performed, Harry presents Donna with a check to help with the wedding costs. Where did Harry get the check? All of his luggage is on Bill's boat. Did a reasonable enough time pass that allowed Harry to go to the boat, write the check and come back ashore by the time this scene begins?

Answer: Either that, or he had brought some stuff, like a wallet with a checkbook, with him off the boat.

Question: I noticed the librarian, Judith, never appears after the retrieval of penicillin, I say this because I missed a tid-bit of the film after they acquired it. Is she there just camera shy or did she freeze?

Answer: She is indeed alive. Take a close look at the scene when Jack Hall arrives. Judith appears in that scene.

Question: What is the (store) name on the slushie cup? It was in the extras on the DVD but I can't find it anywhere on the net. I was thinking it was something like 'Lick & Gulp', 'Slurp & Gulp' or something like that.

Answer: Slurp & Slush - it's on this picture:

Question: What are the scars on John Creasy's hand from, when the laser is on his hand at the end? When he is standing on the bridge with his hand on his chest the scars look the same size as a bullet?

Answer: Creasy was a POW. A general was questioning him while captured. Cigars were put out on his hand as a means of torture.

Answer: John Creasy = JC = Jesus Christ (hands scarred like the hands of Jesus).

Answer: Those scars are real scars on Denzel's hands. you can see them in many of his films.

No they aren't.

Question: Richie, Eddie, Beverly, Ben and Bill don't remember anything about each other or the events in Derry. For example Bev's husband reads one of Bill's books and she doesn't recognise the name, and Bill doesn't know who the architect Ben Hanscome is. Why is it that Stan not only recognises Bill's name and remembers him, but also remembers the Turtle?

Answer: They don't remember each other throughout their lives, but when Mike calls them they have flashbacks and recall each other. They all remember when they're reminded by Mike.

Question: What is the name of the movie's title song? It goes something like 'Try to make a living, working."

Answer: The Gambler, by Xzibit feat. Anthony Hamilton.

Question: In the scene where Bond retrieves his weapon from the concierge and enters the elevator with Vesper, he attaches his earpiece and goes to Le Chiffre's floor. Is he going to shoot Le Chiffre? If so, this doesn't seem to fit with trying to beat Le Chiffre at Poker. If not, what was his mission?

Answer: Bond went upstairs only to spy on him. The gun was for if anything went wrong.

Question: In the swamp, why does Tony hear a song he knows very well, and Virginia hear an animal (wolf?) howling?

Answer: They're both hearing things that they miss. Tony misses being back in his own world, so he hears a song that he knows from there. Virginia hears a wolf howling because she misses Wolf.

Question: What happens if Immortals kill on Holy Ground?

Answer: It seems some catastrophic event occurs. This movie follows the continuity of the television show. In one episode Joe Dawson tells Duncan MacLeod the last time it happened was when two immortals fought in a temple at the base of a volcano. He tells him this caused the eruption that consumed Pompeii. But, Dawson also specifies that it's only a legend, and can't be confirmed as actually being THE specific reason for Vesuvius's eruption.

Chosen answer: It is never stated, however she must have been there several years if she is on presidential detail.

Question: Why wasn't Amanda's face shown in the flashbacks of her first day at the school?

Answer: The filmakers decided to forego showing Amanda's face early on to give her grand entrance at the party more impact.

The Ember Island Players - S3-E17

Question: Is there an inside joke or added meaning to the names that worked on the "play"? The "surprisingly informed cabbage merchant" is obvious, but besides that.

Answer: The pirates are from the episodes "The Waterbending Scroll" and "The Waterbending Master" (They're the ones Katara stole the scroll from). The traveling musicians are from "The Cave of Two Lovers. The prisoners of war likely refer to the Kyoshi Warriors, the men of the Southern Water Tribe, and possibly Bumi and the other citizens of Omashu.

Question: Why is it that in the part of the movie, when Banner has a beard, the beard does not show up when he transforms into the Hulk?

Answer: The Hulk is not human; The Hulk being may not even be able to grow facial hair, which certainly would be a perfectly normal explanation for why he never has a beard. Native American members of my family can't grow a single hair on their chins, but their direct half-siblings have full, flowing beards; perhaps something similar is happening here.

Question: When Hud and the group are running toward the monster (to save Beth) and a Russian guy runs up to Hud and starts speaking in Russian, does anyone know what he's saying?

Answer: He's actually speaking Slavic, and is asking for help from Hud to locate his family.

Question: When Shane pulls Peter out of the ball pit it looks like he is wearing a cast on his right leg. Does anyone know if this is true?

Answer: No, it is just his sock.

It's a cast with a sock over it. Since the movie is shot out of sequence, possibly he might have hurt it during production.

Answer: Take care of your dad.

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