Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

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Question: How much did Mini Cooper give to the Italian Job for the publicity in the movie? The movie casts a very good light on the car.

Answer: The Mini Cooper for the movie was also made as an electric car for the chase scenes in the tunnel because gas-powered cars were not allowed to be used in the tunnels. I heard that from the director's cut.

Answer: While the exact amount of money is hard to find, the MINIs used in the 2003 movie are a direct homage to the Minis used in the 1960s movie, which is the main reason they are used. MINI (the company owned by BMW, as opposed to the company which owned Mini by Austin and Morris in the 60s) was happy to have the remake use MINI as a direct link to change the perception of it from a "girly" type car, to a more sporty one.

Question: Julie starts getting "stuff" in the mail from her readers. But when you do a blog, you wouldn't put your address in there, would you?


Chosen answer: It's entirely possible that she got a PO Box, which would allow her to receive goodies and keep her address private at the same time.


Brothers & Sisters - S9-E15

Question: When Mayor West says his aides have AIDS, who is the guy who then shouts "Not OK"? Also, is there a joke behind this man?

Chosen answer: It is Robert Loggia, and no secret joke. Just a random moment with a guest.

Question: After Kristoff and Sven leave the kingdom, Sven tries to prevent Kristoff from moving any further. Why? Is Sven trying to tell Kristoff about the blizzard the kingdom is in since he feels it, or is he just trying to convince him to return to Anna?

Answer: Sven knows that Kristoff has feelings for Anna, so by not going any further, he is trying to convince Kristoff to return to Anna.

Question: Salt has been with the agency for a long time and has earned the trust of her colleagues, so when she is accused of being a spy, why would her superiors take the word of a defector over her?

Answer: They have to at least investigate that kind of an accusation, and when Salt so vigorously resists arrest it basically confirms, in their minds, that she is in fact a spy.


I actually kind of find it shocking that they would be willing to believe a guy who would do or say anything to save himself and since Salt was with the agency a long time, they could have at least given her the benefit of the doubt.

Chosen answer: The name refers to George Banks, the father in the Mary Poppins story. P.L. Travers, the author, based the character on her own alcoholic father.


Question: How did Harry send his own patronum at the lake without knowing it ?

Answer: After the first time Harry saw it, as he was being attacked by the dementors, he had convinced himself that it was sent by his (dead) father, who he believed had somehow been resurrected. When he goes back in time three hours, and watches the other Harry across the lake, he realizes that it was he who cast the earlier patronus, not his father. That is when he casts it again.


Answer: According to, Ian Brennan, one of the "Glee" writers and producers, is listed as the uncredited narrator voice.

Michael Albert

Question: Does Professor Snape know about Hermione's time-turner necklace? He doesn't seem to care that she suddenly appears in the Defense Against Dark Arts class out of nowhere, especially after class started. (I haven't read the third book yet, so I apologize if this is answered there).

Answer: Snape, and all the Hogwarts instructors know that Hermione is using the time-turner to take extra classes. A time-turner can only be used under very strict conditions and must be approved by the Ministry of Magic. That is why Snape does not punish Hermione for arriving after class has started. If she was merely being late, he would have been angry and deducted house points from Gryffindor.


Answer: Snape cannot possibly know about the time turner. At the end of the third book when Harry and Hermione rescue Sirius, Snape storms in and yells that they had helped Sirius escape, however he can prove nothing. This means that he does not know about the time turner, otherwise he would have brought it up in evidence that the pair must have used it to save Sirius, and furthermore that with the time turner they would be able to be in two places at once, which is the original evidential downfall for him. All of this proves that Snape does not know about the time turner. In response to the piece about the class, it's possible he just didn't notice her popping up out of nowhere.

Question: Is there a reason why John McClane's previous exploits aren't mentioned in this film? He is known, and mentioned for his association with, Nakatomi in DH2 and for Dulles airport and Nakatomi in DH3 but in this one, none of his past "adventures" are mentioned bar a couple of subtle almost hidden quotes (eg. the agent Johnson scene). Is this due to any kind of copyright thing or ownership issues between the films or just that they weren't mentioned by any characters? Just seems strange to me that the previous exploits aren't talked about even a little bit.


Chosen answer: The screenwriters probably felt it was unnecessary to keep rehashing the same old information in every film. It becomes tedious and stale to an audience that is already familiar with the franchise's story line. For anyone who has not seen the previous movies, it would probably be meaningless.


Question: Would Bryan just have left the country with Kim (possibly using his CIA connections)? He had torn up Paris in the space of 2 and a half days and killed countless people. He may have gotten away with that when employed on CIA business but in the movie, he's basically just breaking the law. Seems if he took Kim to hospital, questions would be asked and he would be arrested (not to mention shooting Jean-Claude's wife and assaulting him). Yet Kim looks cleaned up, etc.


Chosen answer: Bryan may not have taken Kim to a hospital in Paris. We also saw earlier that he has some medical training and was able to help the other girl who had been drugged. Bryan likely has many connections who could help get him and Kim get out the country quickly, and he has enough knowledge about police and government corruption that he could spill to the press. Most likely the authorities wanted him gone as quickly as possible to avoid a public scandal and would do little to prevent his leaving.


Question: When Senator Keeley thinks that the Goldmans are acting weird because of Senator Jackson's death and Albert replies to him about how it's dreadful news etc., did Albert know about Jackson's death, or did he just improvise on the spot?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: Most likely, he improvises on the spot, dodging and recovering, as he did all the way through the scene.

Michael Albert

Question: Why did William cover the healthy people but did not cover the sick people?

Answer: People that are in need of frequent medical attention usually end up costing their insurance providers more money than they pay them in premiums, so it's simply a matter of the person's coverage becoming a liability for the insurance company.


Question: After saying that he would sell his soul for just one beer, Jack looks up and greets the barman Lloyd. Since this was Jack's first time at the hotel, how could he have known the barman's name?

Answer: In The Shining, both Jack and Danny experience psychic episodes and visions. Lloyd could be a product of Jack's (crazy) imagination, or he psychically knew Lloyd's name and that he's the best bartender from Timbuktu to Portland (Maine or Oregon). Or, as referenced in another question here, "Jack's soul is forever linked to the hotel, and every once in a while, he is reborn into the world, only to return to it and instigate more killings." So Lloyd's soul may be linked to the hotel in the same way that Jack's is, and they have always known each other just as Jack has "always been the caretaker."


Question: What does Professor Snape mean when he comments about three Gryffindors (Harry, Ron, and Hermione) being "inside on a day like this"? What day does he mean, and why should Gryffindors not be inside?

Answer: That usually means the weather is nice outside, so children should be playing outside rather than being inside. I don't think the fact they were Gryffindors was important, just that Snape was suspicious that they were inside on a nice day.


Question: When Carter goes to pick up Lee at the airport he is parked next to the terminal. I know this movie is pre-9/11 but is it actually possible or a non-airport employee to drive so close to the runway? Even allowing for the fact Carter is a cop, it still seems strange. But I'm no expert in airport protocol so I'm not listing as a mistake as it may well be possible.

Answer: The fact that Carter is a cop would help. Lee was also on a private plane, as evidenced by the fact that he was the only one to get off it. Exceptions are quite often made for private planes because of the amount of money private travelers bring in. Consul Han would also have pull to make it work.

Greg Dwyer

Answer: Adding on to the fact that he's a cop - the feds literally gave him the task of picking Lee up. It's safe to assume they also gave him whatever clearance he needed to intercept Lee, especially since they didn't want him anywhere near this case in the first place.

Question: Why is Bootstrap Bill the only crewman aboard the Dutchman who still looks practically human, while everyone else looks like a sea creature?

Answer: It's possible he's the newest crewman, or retains more of his humanity from the memories of his son.

Greg Dwyer

Question: When NASA turns on the personnel locators during the fire on the Russian Space Station, how is it they have one for Lev?

Answer: Given that Lev is alone on the station, he would probably be wearing one full time in case something happened to him or he didn't answer when hailed.

Greg Dwyer

Question: Why is it Lev has his own life support system (space suit)? Did they have extras on the shuttle? Or was he wearing one of the pilot's suits (when they locked themselves in the cargo bay before crashing)?

Answer: He would have at least one suit on Mir. They would also have several extras on the shuttles.

Greg Dwyer

Meltdown - S4-E6

Question: When Kryten and Rimmer were doing the roster of their ranks, Why did Kryten skip the old woman in the black dress with the white shoulder sash between Dali Lama and Mr. Noel Coward?

Answer: It's Queen Victoria, someone any Englishman would recognize, and needed no introduction.

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