Answered questions about specific movies, TV shows and more

These are questions relating to specific titles. General questions for movies and TV shows are here. Members get e-mailed when any of their questions are answered.

Question: Near the end of the movie, when Cobb is home, he gives his totem a spin and it shortly starts to decay in its spin. Then as the movie ends it pans to his totem still spinning smoothly but then it starts to wobble again. So, what are we suppose to conclude? Is it left intentionally ambiguous?


Chosen answer: Yes, it's an ambiguous ending, so we can conclude whatever we want, based on our reading of the film. There are plenty of theories around the internet, so feel free to have a read and decide which one works best for you. However, according to Christopher Nolan it is supposed to signify how Cobb is leaving the dreams behind and doesn't care.


Question: Does anyone know if it is possible to get the Theatrical Version of the film? I bought the Director's Cut and it was completely different and I actually preferred the Theatrical one, so is there any way to get it? I can't find it anywhere and apparently it is non-existent.

Answer: both versions in the set.

Question: It's clear that when Rapunzel's hair is cut it turns brown, hence the incident when Flynn cuts it off. It's also clear that when Rapunzel is a baby only the piece of her hair, which Gothel cuts off, turns brown while the rest remains golden since its only a small piece. But what if Flynn didn't cut it off near her head? What would have happened if anyone only cut portions of her hair - including the tip or half of it?

Answer: Once an individual strand is cut, at any point along its entire length, it turns brown completely and loses its power. The proximity to her head is not what caused her hair to turn all brown, it's the fact that Flynn cut *every* strand.


Krusty Gets Busted - S1-E12

Question: Why does Sideshow Bob not want to pursue Lisa since, if it hadn't been for her pointing out to Bart all the major flaws in the CCTV footage that would show that it couldn't have been Krusty (in Krusty Gets Busted), he wouldn't have been found out by Bart and Lisa? He knows Lisa is smarter than Bart, so surely he would have realised that Lisa was the brains behind the detective work that got him caught.

Answer: Lisa often gets taken in with the others that Bob has reformed each time. Bart, on the other hand, always suspects him of evil right away. (And is generally right, making him good arch-foe material.)

Captain Defenestrator

Question: What is the sole purpose of a Death Eater?

Answer: Their sole purpose is to serve Lord Voldemort. They are his most trusted and faithful followers and do his bidding without question or hesitation. They also make up his inner council, acting as advisors and gathering information that will help the Dark Lord conquer the wizard world. Once someone has entered the Dark Lord's service, there is no leaving it alive.


Chosen answer: Uncle Al probably likes his nephew a lot. Wendy's hamburgers were named after the owner's daughter, so why not name a bowling alley after your nephew?

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: Matt Groening thought very highly of Phil Hartman, (Philip J. Fry on Futurama was named after him as well) and had retired all of Hartman's characters upon his death. He probably thought that bringing them back for the movie just so audience members could have an "A-ha!" moment would have tarnished the memorial.

Captain Defenestrator

Chosen answer: They are spoofing a Nike commercial:


That and the music group known as "Stomp".

Chosen answer: Most likely, the Federation sent a ship to pick him up after the events of the movie. After all, some time passes between the destruction of Narada and the ceremony of Kirk's promotion.


Question: Why didn't Casey ring the police, after the call when she realied he was taunting and making threats?

Answer: Landline phones like the one used in the movie cannot dial out a phone number while the line is active. Considering the killer is continuously calling her, she can't dial out on the phone line. This is referenced in the movie itself when her parents arrive home, attempt to dial 911, and can't due to the line still being active.

Answer: Characters in horror movies are notorious for not doing the most obvious things. It's most likely that she was scared and not thinking straight at receiving numerous threatening phone calls, particularly when she is threatened after hanging up on the killer.


Also, when she told the caller that she was "two seconds away from calling the police", his response was that they'd never make it in time. She also knew he was nearby as he made comments that indicated he could see her. She didn't know it was someone that knew her. She's a teenager and scared, so her judgement was clouded. She reached a point where she believed her only chance was to get away from him by either fighting him or getting out and hiding somewhere outside.


Even in real life, people don't always think of something obvious when a situation is actually happening. I was a victim of armed robbery and almost died. No matter how much you read/hear about what to do in those situations, actually being in one is much different. It's easy for someone else to observe and say what a person should have done.


Chosen answer: According to IMDb there were over a 1000 extras. I don't think you will find an exact number anywhere.


Question: Is there any way of finding out how far the Bride had to walk to get back to Budd's trailer after she got out of the coffin?

Answer: She was buried in Barstow and Budd's trailer looks to be nestled in the Cady Mountains, about 30 miles east.

Answer: Sadly, it seems that this information is unknown, as there is no mention of it in the film, nor any interviews with Quentin Tarantino, as I presume it wasn't deemed important enough to mention.


Question: Tim Curry is said to appear as two different characters, Pennywise and Richie's boss, but I couldn't see him as the second. Where does he appear?

Answer: I fear you may have been misinformed. He only appears as Pennywise in the film.


Question: Why was Lisa Gerrard denied an Oscar nomination for Original Score?

Answer: Because she didn't actually compose any parts. I quote Hans Zimmer himself: "I gave Lisa Gerrard the co-credit because, even though she didn't write the main theme, her presence and contributions were very influential." Source:


Chosen answer: "You have the face of a donkey."

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: "You have a face like a donkey."

Answer: What he says is "You look like an ass."

Question: In the real world when it's day wouldn't the people of Ember notice because, if the kids could see the city, I'm pretty sure they could see the sky.


Chosen answer: The light from the sky would have been back-lit by the lights from the city, a bit like how we can't see the stars at night because the sun is too bright. If there were a power failure at noon perhaps the sky could have been seen, however.


Question: In the very ending of the theatrical cut, Evan walks past Kayleigh, but he doesn't do anything. My question is why doesn't he do anything? Every thing is alright in the 'present' he has created, so why wouldn't he try to meet her 'again', after all, he loves her.

Answer: Because none of the alternative realities he has experienced show him causing anything but misery for Kayleigh. It's because he loves her that he chooses to not allow himself to be part of her life, and protect her from suffering.


Answer: That was just another typical nondescript boy who might have looked like Evan. Again, everything that we see after Evan's death sequence in his mother's womb is a result of his never being born. So it would be impossible for Evan to exist in any of those "flash-forwards" we see after Evan dies.

Question: After Harry and Ron find the sword of Gryffindor, how do they find Hermoine again? The camp had enchantments and spells around it to keep them safe and Harry had to leave the protection set up around camp.


Chosen answer: Because Harry already knew where the camp was. The protection spells they use (Harry is shown at one point casting them as well) seem to be sort of like the Secret Keeper spell. If you cast them or they are cast on you, it allows you to see through the spells. Also, don't forget that the deluminator led Ron right to the general vicinity of the camp and that the Snatcher team could smell Hermione's perfume through the spells earlier.


Question: During the bank robbery scene one of the clown henchmen in the bank is wearing the purple coat, trousers and leather gloves the Joker wears for the rest of the film. Does this mean once he is hit by the bus the Joker stripped him of the clothes or dragged his body onto the bus when he was off-camera to take the clothes later? Because as he says to the Mob bosses that "the suit isn't cheap, you should know you bought it", so does this mean he had a replica suit made?

Answer: Yes, the implication is very strong that he had the suit, which is far nicer and better made than the vaguely similar one worn in the opening heist, using the money that he stole from the mob bosses.


Question: Throughout the film, Megamind transforms himself to take the appearance of other characters. Early on in the film, these characters are killed (or otherwise disposed of), allowing Megamind to take their appearance. Near the end of the film, Megamind takes Metro Man's appearance, but Metro Man is not dead (we see him as retired after faking his death, then specifically in the crowd scene at the Megamind museum opening). Is this an error, or is there some other reason why Megamind doesn't need to kill Metro Man to take his appearance?

Answer: The characters are only 'disposed of' so that they won't be able to reveal Megamind's deception. Remember, the warden wasn't killed and neither was Megamind when the warden was transformed into him. It is not necessary for the device to function that the individual being copied be eliminated.


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