
16th Nov 2015

The Village (2004)

Question: If the elders know the creatures are an invention they created/use and they know what the outside world is like, then why didn't one of the elders go grab the medicine? They literally create this utopia because of violence in their past, yet are willing to let two members possibly die to preserve what secret?

Answer: The elders made a pact with each that none of them would ever return to the modern world, not for any reason.


Answer: For one of the Elders to leave, would cause the younger generations to question the danger of 'those we do not speak of' and possibly embolden them to venture into the woods, and possibly finding the limits of their known world, destroying everything the Elders originally sacrificed everything for. The younger villagers are shown already pushing the boundaries of these creatures, so it is not a stretch of the imagination to believe if they witness an Elder going into the woods, that the creatures aren't nearly dangerous as told. This is why the Elders got so angry when August sent Ivy without their consent. Her knowledge of the fabrication risks jeopardizing everything.

Question: At the end when Miranda smiles in her limo after dismissing Andi's wave, what does this mean? Is she secretly proud of Andi for leaving? Is there director's commentary on this? Also, Andi giggles at Miranda's dismissal. Is it because she knows Miranda endorsed her?

Answer: Miranda smiles because she is admitting to herself that she has come to like and respect Andi, who was unlike any assistant she'd ever had before. She did not want to let Andi see that. As she told Andi, she saw a lot of herself in her. Mirianda always is protecting her work image of being a powerful corporate leader, but once she is inside the taxi where Andi cannot see her, she lets her guard down. Andi smiles, as she often does, because she easily shrugs things off, but she can also see through Miranda's tough facade. Andi also appreciates that Miranda did support her.


Question: When Harry and Dumbledore find the locket horcux, why did Dumbledore drink the liquid instead of just dumping it out by using the bowl?

Answer: It was magically charmed so that the only way to empty the liquid from the bowl to retrieve the locket horcrux was by drinking it. Harry tried removing it using the ladle, but it would not remove any liquid at all.


2nd Nov 2015

Twilight (2008)

Question: I never read the book, but have been bothered as to why no one pressed Bella for more answers after "Twilight" because it's obvious in following movies that the scar on her hand is a bite and not some 'fall through a glass window' which was used as an excuse for the rest of her injuries. Can anyone help me?

Answer: There is no exact answer to this. It is one of many glossed over plot details that make no real sense. We are supposed to believe that everyone accepted that the scar was created by her supposedly falling down a flight of stairs and through a window.


29th Oct 2015

Crimson Peak (2015)

Question: What's the deal with the puppy, and did it die in the end?

Answer: It was killed by Lucille in one of the final scenes.

Answer: Just before the doctor was stabbed by Thomas Sharpe, his sister kills the dog she despises just off to the side and behind them-you can hear its final whimper.

Erik M.

Answer: The dog belonged to one of Sir Thomas' former wives. He had abandoned it on the moors, thinking it would die, but it came back to the house.


Question: When Professor Snape first talks to Harry about Occlumency, what is he doing with the leather belt thing on the table? He only points his wand at Harry when he casts a spell; it's unclear why anything in the belt was necessary.

Answer: These were instruments Snape probably intended to use at some point in teaching Harry Occlumency. Their contentious relationship had quickly ended their lessons before Harry learned this skill.


14th Oct 2015

Rizzoli and Isles (2010)

Answer: According to the Internet search I did, that last song for this episode is, "Morning After Dark," by Timbaland.


11th Oct 2015

The Martian (2015)

Question: Is it realistic that Mars vehicles like Mark's rover or in some scenes his handcart would use rubber tyres? No Mars rover before used them and I would think they could not stand the low Martian atmosphere and temperature differences.


Chosen answer: Whatever was used before on Mars is irrelevant as to date, only robotic vehicles have been used. As this is depicting how humans would live and function on Mars, the vehicles would be designed quite differently. Presumably, the "rubber" tires have been specially manufactured to withstand Martian conditions. Mostly likely they would be solid and not have an inner tube filled with air or some other gas that is affected by the atmosphere.


8th Oct 2015

My Girl (1991)

Chosen answer: Most likely because there was no reason for a scene of them together to tell the story. It is assumed that because Thomas and Vada are friends, that Harry has interacted with Thomas many times before. There could have been scenes filmed with the two actors together that was later cut from the final film. This often happens to quicken the film's pace, shorten the running time, etc.


Answer: Harry seemed to ignore Vada a lot of the time, would suspect her friends were included in him doing that also.

Question: Jack steals a ring at Tia Dalma's when he is getting a jar of dirt from her in dead mans chest. Is this ring ever brought up again/mentioned/used? Possibly in a later movie?


Chosen answer: There is no indication that the ring will play any part in future story lines. Jack's taking the ring is just a means to show his character - he is a pirate and there is no honor among thieves. If he wants something, he feels entitled to take it, even if it is from a comrade of sorts.


Answer: There is significance to the ring Jack took. According to the wiki, the ring was originally a gift *from* Jack, to Angelica (who we meet in the 4th movie- On Stranger Tides). She traded that ring (the ring of Thieves) to Tia Dalma in exchange for the Ritual which would help her in her quest to find the Fountain of Youth (the plot of the fourth movie). Not to mention, when Jack takes the ring, you see Tia Dalma's locket, the one which Davy Jones also carries, which foreshadows quite a lot. Lots of significance to that small scene.

Question: Not sure if anybody will have an answer to this, but I would appreciate any good guesses. I read the book and it describes Remus' suitcase as having the name "Professor RJ Lupin" in "peeling" letters, so the letters have been there for a while. Did he teach at Hogwarts in the past, or could there be smaller magical schools in Britain?

Answer: Lupin did not work at other schools as none would have allowed a werewolf to teach children. Only Dumbledore ever offered him a teaching position. Regarding the title "Professor" on his suitcase that had appeared to be there for some time, I believe this is actually a movie mistake. He did not previously have this title for any reason.


1st Oct 2015

The Reader (2008)

Question: At the trial, first, we are told that all the women died in the church, but then a woman survived - we are not told how - and she appears to be quite old; then we are told that her granddaughter wrote the book about it. Was the granddaughter in the church, as well, and survived somehow? I'm confused.


Chosen answer: There were two survivors: a woman and her daughter, who was named Ilana. It was Ilana's memoirs of her and her mother's experience in the camp that were published. Ilana, the daughter, may have helped with the actual writing based on her mother's memories (since Ilana's own memories could be bleak, as she was just a child).


28th Sep 2015

General questions

There was a movie starring James Earl Jones. The movie takes place sometime in the '50s and he plays a man who shows another black man about racism by taking him to a corner market and when they both look inside, they watch a black woman buying something and the white store owner placing her change on the counter rather then giving it to her.

Answer: This might be the 1994 movie, "The Road to Freedom: The Vernon Johns Story.


1st Oct 2015

New Girl (2011)

Show generally

Question: Is there a reason that Coach was only in the first couple of episodes? It almost seems like they used him in place of Winston, I'm guessing because of a scheduling conflict. It's just really weird that it seems like Coach is going to be one of the main characters and yet Winston comes and Coach is just gone.


Chosen answer: Damon Wayons, Jr., who played Coach, took the role because he believed his current show, "Happy Endings" on ABC, was going to be cancelled. When it was renewed, he had to leave the cast of New Girl. He returned later in the series after Happy Endings was actually cancelled.


Question: When Harry is recovering in the hospital wing after encountering Voldemort and Quirrell, Dumbledore says that the whole school knows what happened. So why doesn't anyone believe Harry's claim about the return of Voldemort later on, at the end of his fourth year?

Answer: Dumbledore did not mean that everyone was aware that Voldemort had returned. He meant that everyone knew something happened to Harry involving Quirrell, but not specifically what. Many people did believe Harry about Voldemort, others were skeptical, and some called him a liar. The Dark Lord's followers knew Voldemort was returning, but they had to keep this secret until the opportune time.


11th Sep 2015

It Follows (2014)

Question: I don't really understand what their plan was in luring it into the pool. Did they think electrocuting it would kill it? Why would they assume that, when nothing so far has killed it?

Answer: None of their previous attempts worked, so they were willing to try any method they could think of to kill it. If electrocution didn't work, then they would know they have to keep trying and hopefully will find some lethal manner of eliminating it.


11th Sep 2015

Gone Girl (2014)

Question: After Amy has killed Mr Collins, as she's climbing off the bed, she puts her hand securely between her legs, like she is trying to hold onto his semen. Is that what she's doing?


Chosen answer: That may have been what she was doing. Amy was attempting to make it look like she'd been repeatedly raped by Collins, so she was doing various things to herself, like using a bottle to self-inflict trauma onto her privates to look like forced sex.


27th Aug 2015

The Maze Runner (2014)

Question: In the beginning, Thomas wakes up in the Box which is moving up. He discovers an animal in the cage. It looks like a black pig. The pig apparently isn't shown anymore in the rest of the movie. Why the hell is the black pig in the Box?


Chosen answer: It is just part of the supplies that is sent up each month, along with a new boy. Everything the maze residents have has been supplied to them. That includes rudimentary tools, vegetable seeds, food, and various other supplies and equipment. The pig is just livestock that will likely be butchered for meat.


Question: The scenes with Zeb and Lou have always puzzled me. Lou is trying to stop Zeb for going after outlaw Gant and the two have a last scene arguing where Zeb says basically that he will use the Law to put away Gant, but that he'll need Gant's help. The next scene is the two on the train to protect the gold from Gant's gang, and Zeb and Lou are working together now. But Lou's got a bandage on his forehead! I think the previous scene might have had a fight scene between the two in which Zeb finally convinces Lou to help him, hence the head injury. There's no other explanation for it. Anyone have any ideas?

Answer: This type of inconsistency is common in film making. More scenes are often filmed and/or they are much longer, but after editing, large portions are often cut out. Although the editing may improve the film's story line and pacing, it leaves small errors behind. This appears to be the case in this movie where a scene was completely deleted, but it left an unexplained detail behind.


Answer: A scene in with Zeb knocks Lou out in a stable was deleted.

5th Aug 2015

The Sixth Sense (1999)

Question: Since Vincent (Malcolm's ex patient who shot him) can also see ghosts, is there any connection with him and Cole or is it just an amazing coincidence?

Answer: There is no direct connection between Cole and Vincent, and it is not really a coincidence. Cole and Vincent did not know each other, but they shared the same ability to see and hear ghosts. After Malcolm was shot and killed, he sought out Cole without understanding that he himself was dead. Vincent was Malcolm's patient and had been deeply troubled because he also saw ghosts. Malcolm is somehow driven to find and help Cole understand and to accept his ability to see and speak to the deceased.


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