
Question: Why did Draco want to gate-crash Slughorn's party? It seems to have something to do with his mission to kill Dumbledore, but Dumbledore was not there.

Answer: He wasn't gate-crashing. Draco was caught in the halls, where he should not have been. He was en route to the Room of Requirement where he was secretly working on repairing the vanishing cabinet. The "gate-crashing" was an excuse he came up with when Filch happened to catch him outside where Slughorn's party was being held.


Answer: Draco poisoned Slughorn's present for Dumbledore.

Question: Four questions; One, why the hell would Angelica be dressed and acting like Jack, and how could she think she could pull him off? Second, wouldn't Angelica and Blackbeard find it suspicious that Jack keeps asking questions about the Fountain of Youth? He claims that he's been there, and yet they don't find it weird that he's asking about something he's supposedly seen? Third, how was Syrena gonna save Phillip when she drags him underwater? Is there an undersea hospital or something? Fourth, why did Jack leave Angelica on an island by herself? I never understood that.

Answer: Angelica merely wanted to create the "illusion" that it was Jack Sparrow in order to shanghai a crew for her father's ship to search for the Fountain of Youth. They would be more willing to follow Jack Sparrow than Blackbeard. Most had never seen the famous Jack Sparrow in person and were half-drunk most of the time, and likely wouldn't notice the deception. Angelica and Blackbeard may have been suspicious about Jack, but he was their only means to finding the Fountain. The mermaids appear to have magical powers that would allow Syrena to save Phillip, possibly by transforming him into a merman, though this is never explained. Although Angelica claimed to love Jack, he did not trust her motives, and that was why he left her on the island. Jack knew Angelica had the ability to escape. He would not leave her to die.


3rd May 2016

Broken English (2007)

Question: Nora goes out with Julian. She asks him where he wants to eat. He doesn't speak. Nora stares at him over sunglasses and says, "Food. Manja." What does manja mean?


Chosen answer: This might actually be the French verb "manger." When spoken it sounds like "manja." It means "eat."


11th Apr 2016

Obsessed (2009)

Question: It seems whenever this movie is played on TV, the start of the scene where Sharon is yelling at Derek in the house edits out the part at the start where Sharon yells "What? WHAT!?" and throws and breaks a dish. Why is this edited out? It always starts at the line she says right after that.

Answer: There is no set format for a feature-length film's running time in theaters (some bodies state a minimum of 40 minutes, some 80). They are edited to fit TV scheduling. Scenes are often cut short or deleted entirely to eliminate objectionable content, but also so the film can begin and end on the hour or half hour (i.e. It starts precisely at 8:00 p.m. And ends at 10:00 pm) so that the next program can run. It also has to allow time for commercials and station breaks during the airing. This often leaves the original movie rather chopped-up. That is probably what happened with this particular film.


Question: If it really is so important for Scott to find a wife, then why didn't Curtis and Bernard tell him about it earlier? Why put that pressure on him, when they could've just told him after his first year or two? They seriously waited that long just to tell him "you need to get married"?

Answer: There could be any number of possible reasons that could be speculated on. However, the most likely answer is that after the first movie became a big hit and sequel was to be made, this was the plot line that was developed "after the fact."


He says in the movie that it was his "first mistake in 900 years" meaning he didn't realise about Mrs. Claus.

Question: If the lightsaber that Rey touches was Luke's and his father's before him, how did it get there? Luke's saber, given to him by Obi Wan, was lost in the fight between Luke and Vader on Cloud City when Vader cut Luke's sword hand off. It fell down with Luke's hand into the disposal tube, then out and down to Bespin's swampy surface.

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: When she is asked about the light saber being in her possession, Maz Kanata explains that it is a question to be answered at another time. Presumably this will be explained in a future episode.


Question: In the last shot of the film, Huck runs off into the sunset. Where could he be running off to? Did he run to get on the steamer boat or did he just run anywhere he could be going to?

Luka Keats

Chosen answer: It is implied that he is off to his next adventure - whatever that might be.


31st Mar 2016

Enough (2002)

Question: When Slim catches her husband's girlfriend paging him, why does she want to know the woman's name? Why does she think that knowing the name will help the situation?

Answer: She wants to confront Mitch with a name. If she had vague suspicions, but no names, it would be easier for him to make something up and quickly dismiss her questions.

Answer: She would likely want to know if the other woman was someone she knew.


Question: When Commander Morrow responds to Kirk's protests he says "Jim, the Enterprise is twenty years old. We feel her day's over." In ST: TMP, Decker said "This is an almost totally new Enterprise." If the Enterprise was, for all intents and purposes, totally rebuilt from the original, with more space, better engines, etc., how could it be twenty years old?

Movie Nut

Chosen answer: The Enterprise may have been extensively refurbished, but that does not mean it is entirely new. The ship is still 20 years old. Also, that was Decker's comment, and it may have been an over-exaggeration. Newer ships were being designed and built in the meantime, so even if the Enterprise was still mechanically sound, the technology may have advanced so much that it was not possible or it wasn't economically feasible to continually retrofit older vessels.


Question: At the fashion show that's not in Paris, Miranda tells Herb, "no business tonight" then she is in his hotel room in Paris. Are they seeing each other?

Answer: They were not seeing each romantically. At the fashion event, Miranda had made a vague reference to Herb about the deal she'd made with him to have Jacqueline take the creative director position that Nigel was supposed to have with James Holt's new company. Herb had quickly changed the subject, which was when Miranda made that comment. Herb had been planning to oust Miranda from Runway and replace her with Jacqueline. Miranda had basically strong-armed Herb into the other deal by threatening to take the majority of Runway's writers, designers, models, photographers, etc. with her if she was forced out as editor.


Question: How could Fred C Brannon still be directing movies 13 years after his supposed death?

Answer: He wasn't. There were a number of movies that he had directed that were released up until 1962 and after his death in 1952.


Answer: Teasle is a "my way or the highway" type of guy, as evidenced by his actions and the people he has on his team (they are either very aggressive, or extremely passive and do whatever they are told). When Rambo escapes, he is hell bent on ensuring that justice is served (even though he fabricated the crimes basically), so much so that he gets abusive and obsessed with serving it. he knows the national guard guys are likely to shoot first and ask questions later, so he tells them that he wants him alive, so that he can ensure justice if served. He is basically akin to Batman - justice will be served at any costs, except for killing them in cold blood.


Answer: Teasle wasn't "desperate to kill Rambo." Throughout the movie his goal isn't to kill Rambo, but rather to stop him. Teasle is a man of the law and wants to capture Rambo and bring him to justice.

Chosen answer: Probably so he could torture and kill him himself.


Question: When Sloane was told her grandmother was dead, did she know it was a hoax? And did Rooney figure it out?

Answer: Sloane knew it was a hoax. Ferris would not have done something like that without her knowing. Rooney pretty much had figured it out, but could never prove anything. Once he was discovered inside the Bueller house (illegally) by Ferris' sister, anything he did know he would have to keep to himself.


Sloane starts to put her jacket on the moment that she sees the school nurse walk into the classroom, suggesting that Sloane already knew she would be called out, and she smiles to her classmates.

Question: Is it actually even remotely possible that the president would just happen to wander through while a tour is taking place?


Chosen answer: These days it would be highly unlikely due to stringent security measures. However, I knew someone who saw President Kennedy in the hallway while they were on a White House tour.


Answer: President Trump did this on several occasions. Granted he was flanked by secret service the whole time while doing it, but yes it's possible.

8th Mar 2016

Spectre (2015)

Question: Q is a brilliant genius that uses the best technology for the equipment. Why does he use these ugly old fashioned switches and markings in the car?

Answer: He may simply prefer incorporating a traditional design with the new technology.


Simpler and less prone to failure and hacking, perhaps?

Answer: The car was a prototype, not yet completed.


Question: In BTTF 1 when the family are around the dinner table, Marty is drinking Diet Pepsi, his mother is drinking vodka and his sister has some other soft drink. Who is drinking the Bud Light in front of these 3? It's too far away from his brother and George.

Answer: Considering that Lorraine was alcoholic, the beer was likely hers as well. It is what is known as a "beer chaser."


Answer: Check the scene again, it is Linda's can. George has a glass of milk, Dave has a Pepsi can and a glass, Marty drinks Pepsi from a can, Lorraine drinks vodka and Linda drinks light beer from a glass. Since she's Marty's older sister she is of legal drinking age.

Question: When Sirius is a dog dragging Ron down the hole, why didn't the Whomping Willow attack him? And when they're leaving the hole (Sirius, Ron, Hermione, and Harry) the Whomping Willow stays still. Why is that?

Alex Lynn Cline

Chosen answer: In the books, the Whomping Willow had a knot on its trunk that, when pressed, froze the tree. In the movie, the tree is stilled by using the "Immobilus" spell. When Sirius, in his dog form, pulls Ron into the opening at the base of the Whomping Willow, he does it fast enough that the tree has not responded yet to someone being there. It starts whomping moments later just as Harry and Hermione arrive. Later, when Lupin arrived, he stopped the tree by casting Immobilus. (Harry and Hermione watch him doing this when they go back in time.) The spell was still effect when everyone left the Shrieking Shack.


Question: I know that when books are made into movies, things are changed, left out, or added. However, I can't think of any reason why the scene with Harry and Hermione dancing would have been created. It seems a bit pointless. Has anyone from the crew commented on it?

Answer: I believe it was the director or one of the producers who commented on it in the DVD commentary. The scene was to show their close bond and a brief moment of what might possibly have been between Harry and Hermione but it never went beyond that. The films have depicted their relationship a bit differently from what it was in the books. In the novels they were like the siblings that neither had ever had. The movies made Harry and Hermione to be more romantically compatible than Ron and Hermione were.


Question: This question is about the book and movie. Why does Draco make an offer of friendship to Harry? His parents are on Voldemort's side. His father and his aunt are Death Eaters. Surely he considers Harry to be an enemy. If Harry had actually decided to join him, his family would have been very displeased. They would also suffer consequences if Voldemort returned and heard that Draco was friends with Harry.

Answer: Draco, still a child when he met Harry, would not yet fully comprehend his family's involvement as Death Eaters or Harry's specific connection to the Dark Lord. His father, Lucius, rarely shared important information with his son. Draco was also the type who would ingratiate himself to someone famous for his own benefit. Draco's cultivating a bogus friendship with Harry could actually have been advantageous to the Malfoys by gaining his trust and giving them closer access to Harry for Voldemort's purposes. The old adage, "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer," would certainly apply here.


One other possible reason, I think, it was suggested elsewhere, that the Malfoys did not believe that Voldemort would return, and thought that if Harry had defeated him then Harry must be a very powerful wizard and therefore they wanted to be his friend.

This indeed. This was cut from the movies (it's in one deleted CoS scene), but some people including the Malfoys wondered if Harry "defeated" Voledmort because he was another powerful, dark wizard Voldemort didn't want as a competition. That would make him very appealing to the Malfoys before it is confirmed otherwise. Especially since no-one aside from a few people knew Voldemort would ever come back.

Harry was only a baby when he "defeated" Voldemort though. Why would anyone think he was a powerful dark wizard and competition to Voldemort? I get that they might think Harry has some sort of hidden ability that caused him to vanquish Voldemort, but not that being the reason Voldemort tried to kill him. Everyone knew who Harry's parents were, and that's why he was a target.


Question: This question is more of an overall question for the series. In Half-blood Prince Tom Riddle asks professor Slughorn if it is possible to create 7 horcruxes. In the movie, once the locket is destroyed, Ron says to Harry "3 more to go". If my count is correct, they destroyed the diary, Dumbledore destroyed the ring, and now the locket. That would leave the goblet, the diadem, and Nagini. In total there are only 6, and at this point, neither Harry nor Voldemort know that Harry is the 7th. So basically the question is, if Harry knew that Voldemort Planned on making 7 horcruxes, why do they only search for 6? Is it possible that I am completely overlooking a major plot detail?

Shane Carlson

Chosen answer: Voldemort wanted to divide his soul into seven pieces by making six Horcruxes and leaving one soul shard inside his body. He made six Horcruxes using Tom Riddle's diary, Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, Helga Hufflepuff's cup, Salazar Slytherin's locket, Rowena Ravenclaw's diadem, and Nagini. Harry Potter was also a Horcrux, but that was never Voldemort's intention. He accidentally (and unknowingly) created a seventh Horcrux when he attempted to kill baby Harry. That meant there were actually eight soul shards in all: the six horcruxes that Voldemort intentionally made, the accidental one he created that was Harry's scar, and the soul shard left inside Voldemort's body.


Answer: They never knew about the seventh as they never heard what it was. They thought he just didn't make it.

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