
15th Sep 2017


Question: How exactly did Stan know IT was a female and was expecting?

Answer: On the ground there were opaque eggs with moving objects seen inside, indicating that the spider creature was a female that had laid them.


Answer: It's never specified: somehow Stan just knew, perhaps through a vision or a nightmare.

Answer: It's never specified: somehow Stan simply knew.

Answer: Because when the Losers found It in its side form, only Stan saw its egg sac, writhing with soon-to-be-laid eggs.

15th Sep 2017

The Village (2004)

Question: When Lucius was walking the perimeter painting a yellow stripe on the poles and he sets the bucket down to go into the woods and pick the berries, he saw a "creature." You can see a flash of something but it isn't red. So what exactly did he see? Lucius claimed he saw a creature through a letter in the village meeting but maybe he actually saw one of the Elders and that's why he was so upset and that's why the elders didn't get angry at him for crossing the perimeter and instead Walker said he was brave. Just to continue the show. Or maybe he saw Noah and that's why Noah was so excited in the town hall. What did Lucius see in the woods when he picked the berries?

Answer: It's not known what Lucius saw. It was either one of the elders who was in costume perpetuating the ruse that dangerous creatures roamed the woods, or it was Noah, who'd discovered the secret and took it upon himself to frighten the other village youths who occasionally overstepped the boundaries.


Answer: He wrote the letter because he believed this was all happening because he went into the woods and touched the red berries. You (and lucius) only see a branch move which would make one assume a creature had been there.

Question: If the movie is based on the experiences of Scott O'Grady, why didn't the filmmakers use his story, instead of making a story that's almost completely fiction?

Answer: Filmmakers have greater artistic licence doing a fictional story inspired by a real-life person's experience rather than portraying actual facts. This allows them to embellish details and/or create whatever story they wish to tell that is grounded in reality. There would also be legal issues of depicting real people (other than O'Grady) in the film.


14th Sep 2017

The Lion King (1994)

Question: Was it the fall alone that killed Mufasa? Or was he trampled to death?

Answer: It's not explained what exactly killed him, but probably a combination of both of those.


14th Sep 2017

Jaws (1975)

Question: As Matt Hooper is analyzing the dead body, he yells at Martin not to smoke. Why does he follow that up with "this is what happens" while holding up her severed arm? What does that line refer to?

Answer: I watched a clip of this scene, and it appears that part of the original dialogue was edited out. Hooper is referring to what happens when a shark goes into a feeding frenzy.


11th Sep 2017

Flightplan (2005)

Question: If Carson's plan indicated he was smarter than Kyle, given the way it was set up, then why did it fail? I know Kyle worked out he was a terrorist, what I don't get is what made her eventually become suspicious of him. Was Carson arrogant or something? Did he make mistakes in his plan, if so what? What mistakes did he make that made his plan fail?

Answer: This was a conspiracy involving a number of people, so it was not Carson's plan alone. Any plan, no matter how well plotted, will have flaws and unexpected variables. Kyle didn't suspect Carson until the very end when she was talking to the captain, who thought she was a terrorist extorting money. Not every detail of how she fully realised Carson's involvement is explained, but when Kyle saw she was being framed, and as Carson nervously attempted to leave the plane, knowing the plan was unraveling, Kyle cobbled together various clues and made an accurate assumption that Carson had been orchestrating the events during the flight.


How realistic would Carson's plan be anyway?

11th Sep 2017

It (1990)

Question: Like the other Losers, Bill says he'd forgotten what happened during their childhood, but when he decides to go back into the sewer, he tells he others he's lived with it and has been afraid all his life. If he forgot, how could it still haunt him?


Chosen answer: Even if the specific details are forgotten, the emotional damage remains and small clues can trigger a response.


8th Sep 2017

Flightplan (2005)

Question: What's the significance of the scene where Carson and Stephanie look at each other when she's running away from the plane? I can't find an explanation.

Answer: I think it just solidifies the fact that they were working together, and both knew the plan was starting to fall apart at that point. She's now running to try and protect herself.


Question: Why do Hermione's blue shoes look different in each scene? Like when they are running up the hill just before Buckbeak is executed compared to when Buckbeak chases werewolf Lupin away.


Chosen answer: Either the lighting made the shoes' color appear different, or she was wearing different shoes at different times when the scene was being filmed. One scene is filmed over multiple days, and actors usually have more than one set of a particular costume in case the clothing is damaged, gets dirty, etc. so her wardrobe might have changed slightly throughout and she could have been wearing a different pair of shoes.


Question: Shouldn't Dr Jonas and his men have been arrested for what they did? And shouldn't the guys who employed have been arrested too?

Answer: They may have been arrested eventually but it would only happen after a lengthy and involved investigation that would extend beyond the movie's timeline.


Chosen answer: She could have been looking at Remus and Pettigrew, who exited from the tunnel behind her, Ron, Harry, and Sirius. She probably also heard Snape making his way through the tunnel shortly after that. He was the last to exit from the Shrieking Shack after being knocked out by Harry's spell.


8th Sep 2017

Flightplan (2005)

Question: What was the purpose of kidnapping her daughter? Was it to make Kyle look crazy? Or was it merely for the purpose of trying to make her open the casket? Because I find that very hard to believe.

Answer: The endgame was to get Kyle to open the casket during a search for her daughter. That is where the explosives and the detonator were hidden. They were counting on a frantic mother searching in every possible place on the plane for her daughter, including her husband's casket. If she hadn't done that on her own, no doubt Carson would have somehow compelled her into doing it.


How would Carson propel into opening the casket? By threatening to kill her?

7th Sep 2017

Roseanne (1988)

Answer: Most likely this had to do with TV production concerns rather than depicting reality. The set for the home's main floor is bigger and allows for more action to be shown. The storm's damage and severe effects such as the high winds, torrential rain, thunder, lightning, etc. are from the windows, heightening the drama. If the family was in a cramped basement space, they would be huddled together and the action would be more static. Some artistic license was needed in order to tell the story.


Answer: In the episode Becky said they need to go to the basement and Roseanne said that they don't have a basement anymore because Dan had turned it into a storage locker. Dan replies saying he had to put his 2X4's and sheetrock somewhere.

Question: After Obi Wan defeated Anakin, why doesn't he take Anakin with him? It would be easier to reform somebody when they can't kill you, and Obi Wan thinks of Anakin as a brother, so wouldn't he do anything to reform him?

Answer: Obi Wan had conceded that Anakin was fully turned to the Dark side and beyond redemption. Anakin betrayed Obi Wan and the Jedi Order, killing many, and this was a permanent break to their relationship. There was no turning back for either. Obi Wan simply chose to walk away and leave him there to die.


Question: If Quinn and Robin had no idea what island they crash landed on AND the plane's navigation system and radio had been knocked out by the lightning, how were they able to navigate straight back to Makatea once they retrofitted the plane and eluded the pirates?

Answer: Once they were in the air, Quinn would be able to navigate by sight. He was an experienced pilot and and was familiar with the territory and the different islands' configurations. He would also be looking for ship traffic, and he had a general idea which of several islands they were on. Once in the air, he would easily know which direction he was heading based on the position of the sun.


But he passed out. And the ocean is a big expanse, not a lot of landmarks to navigate by.

Question: Why did Remus agree to make Harry his son's godfather? Teddy would nowhere near be safe as long as Voldemort is hunting Harry.


Chosen answer: Remus knew that if he and Tonks were killed, Harry, as godfather, was someone who understood what it was like to have grown up as an orphan. Assuming Harry lived, he was the best person to mentor young Teddy. Teddy was raised by Tonk's mother, Andromeda, but, as godfather, Harry played a significant role in Teddy's life.


Chosen answer: She knew he loved her, but he felt he was too old for her. She convinced him that the age difference didn't matter to her. She loved him as well.


If I remember correctly, he also said (in one of the books) that he was "too sick" and "too poor" to be with her. He was concerned about her dealing with his condition as a werewolf. It caused him to change jobs often and not make much money.

7th Sep 2017

Game of Thrones (2011)

The Queen's Justice - S7-E3

Question: Why were the captured and imprisoned Ellaria and Tyene Sand both with their shirts opened and their midriffs exposed?

Answer: As mother and daughter are being paraded through the streets, they are wearing their usual Dornish clothing. Dorn, located in the south, has a hot, tropical climate. Dorn residents generally wear lesser and lighter-weight outfits year-round. This is what they were wearing when Euron Greyjoy captured them.


Question: Did Snape know that Draco and Harry were the masters of the Elder Wand?


Chosen answer: No, Snape never knew this. Draco had briefly become the Elder Wand's master when he disarmed Dumbledore on the Astronomy Tower and prior to Harry disarming Draco at Malfoy Manor. Draco never knew that he commanded the Elder Wand and never physically possessed it. Harry figured out later how the wand's allegiance had changed, making him its master.


Question: At some time in the film Philip shouts at Blackbeard and tells him that the mermaid has a name, "Syrena." How does he know her name?

Answer: Because Philip is the one who named her Syrena. She did not have a name, at least not a conventional human one, prior to that.


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