
Answer: It's a little shorter and curlier. The bangs are also a little different. It's hardly surprising since a few months have passed from the end of the school year in HP2 and the start of HP3, just before the new school year begins. All the younger characters have changing hairstyles throughout the series.


23rd Sep 2018

Cast Away (2000)

Question: What is that green thing that Chuck tries to break open by throwing it against a rock wall, and then by hitting it with a rock? Is it really that difficult to break open?

Answer: They were coconuts. Coconuts come in a green shell which is their husk and they are hard to open up, especially when they get older. Most people use a machete or pick ax to get the husk off.


Is the shell as difficult to break open as shown in the movie?

The film does seem to accurately depict how hard it would be for someone who has never opened one before to get into a green coconut. I've never tried throwing one against a rock wall before though.


I was asking if the shell is as difficult to break open by hitting it with a rock as shown in the movie.

For someone who has never tried opening a green coconut, yes it would be.


The inner shell itself is not that difficult to open. Using a pointed rock, you can break through the round-shaped holes at the end to pour out of the liquid. By hitting the coconut's seam running lengthwise down the shell hard against a rock, it will completely split the shell in two around the circumference.


I'm talking about opening the outer shell, not the inner shell.

Answer: It sure is. You have to be gentle when you break it so all the water doesn't just go everywhere, like it would if you pounded it with say, a large rock.


10th Apr 2020

King of the Hill (1997)

Answer: Texas Railroad Commission. They're the agency that regulate the oil and natural gas industry, natural gas utilities, pipeline safety, and safety of the liquefied petroleum gas industry.


Wouldn't that be TRC?


The official name is Railroad Commission of Texas, so the "T" isn't used in the abbreviation anyways. People tend to say Texas first since most other agencies already start with Texas.


Question: What was special about the Congressional meeting where Elle speaks about Bruiser's Bill?

Answer: Not sure if this specifically answers your question, but Elle sponsored Bruiser's Bill to end animal testing by cosmetic companies. She was subverted by Congresswoman Rudd, who was protecting the interests of a wealthy campaign donor for whom the bill did not favor. Rudd's assistant, Grace, finds out that Rudd had lied to Elle, so she helps her get the bill brought before the House floor to be voted on.


Answer: Considering how badly Jacob was injured during the battle with Victoria's vampire army in which his ribs were crushed, it is unlikely that the shape-shifting wolves are bullet proof.


Question: What if the Volturi died? Vampires would end up killing all humans, right?


Answer: It would be rather difficult for the small number of vampires that exist to kill six billion humans. Even if they could, they would be eliminating their food supply. As to the Volturi, it's unlikely all three would die and at the same time. It's probable that a line of succession is in place to replace them. There are other vampires working within the Volturi organization that we don't happen to see.


8th Apr 2020

Titanic (1997)

Question: Would everyone have been saved if the lifeboats had been filled to capacity properly? Mr Andrews yells at one of the officers about the boats not being full and how they were tested with the weight of 70 men, so won't buckle under the weight of only 15 or 20 people. So since women and children don't weigh as much as men would, if they had filled the boats properly, would everyone have been saved in the actual tragedy?

Answer: Not everyone, no. Even with all the boats at full capacity they still couldn't hold all of them. It had 20 lifeboats in total that could carry a maximum of 1178 people, at full capacity. The ship was carrying 2208 people (passengers and crew). Even if you would cram as much people in them, you still couldn't fit them all in and there will be risk of sinking. The 2 major problems were that they measured lifeboat capacity in cubic meters rather than number of people, if the ship was in full lifeboat capacity (64 instead of only 20) it could take everybody twice over. Secondly it wasn't considered necessary according to the safety regulations to have more lifeboats because of the tonnage of the ship, regulations that maxed ships at 10,000 tons (whilst the Titanic was over 46,000 tons). Eventually only 710 people were saved, because of incompetent evacuation procedures and panic. Almost all first and second class women and children were saved, third class and crew were not so lucky.


Answer: In a word, no. More lives would have been saved, but as an earlier scene points out (and accurately reflects what happened in real life), there was only enough lifeboat capacity for roughly half the people onboard, even if they were filled to capacity.

Answer: There were not enough life boats for all passengers, and it was because it was never believed everyone needed to be in them at once during an emergency. While it's true that cruise lines didn't want too many boats blocking passengers' view, their intended use was to ferry passengers in turn from a stricken vessel to a rescue ship. After the disaster, new maritime regulations were enacted, including enough lifeboats for all passengers.


Answer: Also, even if there were enough boats, there was not enough time to get all the boats filled and lowered.

Yes there was. It took over 2 hours for Titanic to sink. Plenty of time to get everyone on the lifeboats, if they had known the urgency.


In one of James Cameron's documentaries that he did after making the movie, they timed him lowering a lifeboat, and it took him twenty minutes to get it swung out and lowered while it was empty. Add additional time to actually fill them would bring launching one to at least 30 minutes. So no, even if they had enough lifeboats, there wouldn't have been time to launch them all. They didn't even launch all the ones that they did have.

They weren't launched one by one, you know.


8th Apr 2020

Alien 3 (1992)

Answer: It's been years since I've seen the film, but as I recall it was because head lice was so prevalent and that was how the prison population avoided getting it.


Question: At the end of the wedding celebration, Jess is sitting in the car when her sister says 'Don't you want all of this?' What does Jess mean when she replies 'I want more than this'?

Answer: She means she wants more than a conventional life of being an average married woman. She wants more out of life.


Answer: It was never revealed in the film series what happened to him.


24th Mar 2020

Rosemary's Baby (1968)

Question: Why did Rosemary want to see her husband's left shoulder?

Answer: To see if he had been given some type of mark indicating he had been initiated into a coven. Something like "666" (Satan's mark) being tattooed on him.


Question: Since werewolves stop ageing, wouldn't humans notice?


Answer: The werewolves in the Twilight series are Quiliute Native Americans who mostly live on their reservation, have their own school, own legal system, etc. Being as it's a rather cloistered society, it would be easy for certain members to generally go unnoticed.


Question: Why are the Volturi even needed? If humans know about vampires, there's nothing they can do about it. What if a vampire uploads a video of themselves to YouTube, and it instantly goes viral?


Answer: People do not know vampires exist. The only thing known is through myths and legends, which no-one believes is real. The Volturi exist to act as a centralized, albeit loose, form of vampire government, that other vampires rely on to maintain their community. Any vampire breaking the laws or doing anything that exposes their world faces death, so it's unlikely any would violate the code of secrecy.


Question: What reason did Bella give Charlie for going to Italy?


Answer: It's unknown if she gave Charlie a reason. As she was 18-years old, she was free to go. She may have generally told him it had to do with Edward being in trouble, but would not have gone into details.


21st Mar 2020

All About Eve (1950)

Answer: As I recall, and it's been some time since I've watched the movie, Karen was part of the plot to have Margo miss a performance so that Eve, Margo's understudy, would have an opportunity to perform the part, for which she received rave reviews. Karen and the others arranged to take a day trip out of town before the performance, and then get "stranded" so they couldn't get back to New York in time for Margo to perform in the play.


21st Mar 2020

Superman III (1983)

Question: When Gus is eating at a diner, he overhears a man telling another man that somebody is making money off the oil shortage. How?

Answer: For one, when a commodity like oil is in short supply and the demand is high, the price rises significantly.


21st Mar 2020

King of the Hill (1997)

Answer: No, he does not know or suspect he has a different biological father.


Question: Will Renesmee ever die of old age? And would it be possible for her die from something a regular human could die from?


Answer: Renesmee is not immortal, but will live an extraordinary long life and she will age slowly. It was never revealed if half-breeds can succumb to human ailments. Considering half-breeds are extremely rare, it's unlikely anyone knows.


Question: Jacob almost murdered a baby. He only decided against it when he involuntarily imprinted. Why would the Cullens still welcome him in their house after that?


Answer: It was never shown that the Cullens knew Jacob intended to kill Renesmee, only that he imprinted on her. Edward may have read his thoughts later, but kept this to himself after realizing Jacob would be forever bound to Renesmee as her protector.


Question: In the end credits scene, what is it that the Volturi wanted? If it was Renesmee, is that a mistake, since they were informed about it in part 2?


Answer: They want Alice because she can see into the future, which would be a significant advantage to the Volturi. Aro destroys other covens, sparing the one member who has some special ability.


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