
26th Jan 2021

Charade (1963)

Answer: Grant is secretly investigating the case and already knows that Carson Dyle is not dead, and has probably figured out how Reggie (Hepburn) knew that fact or else it doesn't matter overall to his investigation.


Question: Why did the bank people open the safe in the beginning of the movie? I get that they were trying to demonstrate the safety of the vault, but how does opening it do that? Feels like something written just to help the story move on.

Answer: You answered your own question. It was written that way to serve the plot line, even if it was illogical.


22nd Jan 2021

Apollo 13 (1995)

Question: Since it was so cold on the return journey to Earth, why didn't the astronauts wear their full space suits they wore on lift-off to keep warm? The just seem to be wearing their lightweight flight overalls.


Answer: Because they need to be able to move quickly through the confined space of the module, and the full suits would be far too bulky in an emergency.

The older Apollo missions all splashed down with full suits and helmet on. Just the launch suits, not the much bulkier EVA (moon walk) suits.


Answer: According to Jim Lovell in a later interview about the mission, the crew considered putting on their space suits but in addition to them being too bulky, there was concern the suits would make them perspire too much, thus making them wet and even colder. It wasn't quite as cold as depicted in the movie, it was always above freezing, and there were no icy windows or frozen hot dogs.


According to Lovell in his book, there actually were frozen hot dogs.

Answer: In addition, since they have to leave the ship after landing, the suit filling with water would be very dangerous.


The launch abort mode was for an ocean landing, so they would have been just as vulnerable at the start of the mission. I get your line of thinking though.


Answer: Don't remember the source (the actual movie or one of many books) but I do remember there were only two moon suits on board (the CMP, Swigert, doesn't land on the moon). I believe they decided to suffer together. I misread the question, but the option for wearing the Lunar EVA suits was considered. IIRC, they did actually wear the boots at one point.


21st Jan 2021

Cast Away (2000)

Question: I recently submitted a "mistake" which revealed my own misunderstanding. The package that Chuck eventually delivers to Bettina had been sent to her partner in Moscow, which COULD explain its presence on a westbound trans-Pacific flight. Still, would a package sent from Memphis to Moscow be routed through southeast Asia? It would be shorter, and therefore faster, would it not, to send it across the Atlantic?


Answer: There are two packages sent by Bettina Peterson. The first we see goes to Russia to a man also named Peterson. The second never reaches its destination but we don't know where exactly it was being sent. That second package must have been going somewhere that required it being routed through Malaysia.


Agree with your answer, but something else occurred to me. Bettina appears to be sending out packages via FedEx fairly regularly. She is an artist, and may sell her work internationally. While she does create large-scale wing sculptures, she may also do smaller types of metal artwork, jewelry, etc. We assume she was only mailing packages to her cheating husband, but she could have been sending something to a customer in Southeast Asia.


I found an earlier version of the script that explains this. After rescue, FedEx looked at the husband's records, which indicate he had moved from Russia to Kuala Lumpur. The package on the plane was being sent from the lady in Texas to there. The FedEx people could not locate a current address for the now ex-husband, so Tom returned it to the sender address in Texas.

21st Jan 2021

Saw IV (2007)

Question: John Kramer says to Cecil who is tied to a chair, "Some people stop to help a stranded motorist and get taken out by a speeding semi. There's no accounting for it." Who is he referring to by the stranded motorist? And who was killed by a semi while helping the motorist? It's been a while since I watched the movies. I don't remember it.

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: He's just giving a generalized example to point out the irony of how some random stranger who stops to help a person in need in turn gets killed in the process. It's not about any specific person.


Answer: Strassman didn't want to play the character again in a third feature-length movie and was involved in a number of other acting projects at the time.


20th Jan 2021

Heartbreak Ridge (1986)

Question: Why is it that the recon unit Gunny Highway leads is comprised of nearly 20 guys (early fall outs) and when they head off to battle the unit only has the 6-8 main characters?


Answer: It's because it's a movie. The plot could not ably handle the stories of twenty different characters while maintaining the action's pace and a cohesive story line within a two-hour time frame. It instead focuses on a few key characters.


Answer: Mrs. Tredoni was enraged that Father Tom refused to give her communion during Mass after he had given it to Catherine, who Mrs. Tredoni calls a whore.


Why did he refuse to give her communion?

17th Jan 2021

Star Trek (1966)

Answer: McCoy's place is aboard the Enterprise. If they fail to deflect the asteroid, everyone left on the planet, including McCoy if he remains behind, will be killed. If they are successful, then both Spock and McCoy can return to continue searching for Kirk. McCoy, being a Star Fleet officer and a doctor, knows that his first duty is to the Enterprise and its crew. "The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few, or the one," certainly applies here, and it is what Kirk would have expected of him.


18th Jan 2021

Goosebumps (1995)

Show generally

Question: At the start of every episode, it shows a man dressed in black carrying a black briefcase with the name R.L. Stine on it. Is the man in black really R.L. Stine or a crew member, and we are meant to only think it's Stine?

Answer: According to all online sources I found, yes, this really was R.L. Stine.


17th Jan 2021

H2O (2006)

Show generally

Question: What happened to Byron? He only appears in the first season and disappears without explanation.

Answer: No explanation was given as to why his character disappears. As to the actor who played him, Christopher Poree, this appears to be his only acting credit, and he retired as an actor following his time on the show. There is little online information about his personal or professional life and none that I could find on why he left the show.


Question: During the Nazi rally books are being burned. Why and what kind are they?


Answer: This is from Wikipedia on what type of books Nazis wanted burned: The books targeted for burning were those viewed as being subversive or as representing ideologies opposed to Nazism. These included books written by Jewish, communist, socialist, anarchist, liberal, pacifist, religious, and sexologist authors among others.


17th Jan 2021

The Fugitive (1993)

Question: So the original plan was to kill Kimble and not his wife (or her too, but he was meant to be the main target). However, if I'm not mistaken, Sykes didn't break into the apartment but was granted access instead, probably by Nichols. If the plan wouldn't have gone wrong and Kimble had been killed, would Sykes had forged a breaking in?


Answer: It's unlikely he would have made it look like a break in. He would make it look like an accident, or even something like a heart attack. Sykes killed Lentz by making it look like an accident.


Answer: It's unknown what Sykes' exact plan was. Any answer is mere speculation though his plan would have to somehow include both Kimble and his wife as Sykes would apparently expect both to be at home late at night. Leaving the wife alive would be a liability. It would be difficult to make two deaths look accidental or a result of natural causes.


Answer: According to Bean's biographical page on Wikipedia, there are rumors that Peter Jackson considered him for the role of Aragorn, but neither Bean nor Jackson would answer this question during any interview. It was intimated that Bean's fear of flying may have been a factor, as the actors, in the subsequent two films, had to be helicoptered to remote and mountainous filming locations. However, this has also never been confirmed.


Answer: It's never been confirmed whether Bean was considered for or auditioned for Aragorn, but it is a popular rumor. It honestly wouldn't surprise me, though - actors often audition for certain parts before being cast in different roles.


14th Jan 2021

X-Men (1992)

Answer: It appears a number of factors led to its demise. It was originally intended to air for 65 episodes, but its popularity extended that. However, there were continual production quality problems, issues regarding whether the content was suitable enough for children, as well as financial considerations that finally led to it being ended.


Question: What was Jack's original plan for robbing the bank in the beginning of the movie? Cause when the safe gets stuck and the building starts moving he says "this was not part of the plan."

Answer: It was never specified what his plan was, nor was it important to the overall story, but whatever it was, he never expected the building to start moving. The entire scene is merely a plot device for Jack's entrance into the story in a typically flamboyant manner.


14th Jan 2021

A Star Is Born (2018)

Question: At the beginning when they meet she sings a few lines of Shallow, then presumably the next day at his show he brings her onstage, and they sing the whole song with the band and all...how is this possible with zero rehearsal time?

Answer: It is highly improbable they could do this, but being a movie, reality is suspended.


14th Jan 2021

Teen Wolf Too (1987)

Question: When Todd looks at the classes that Stiles picked for him, the classes listed are girls' volleyball, candle making and French for Chefs. Do any such classes actually exist, or are they just made up for the movie?

Answer: Other than girls' volleyball, the other subjects are unlikely to be offered as stand-alone, for-credit academic classes, though they could be part of a more general course curriculum. Candle-making is something that could be offered as a non-credit, off-hours, leisure class, though "French for Chefs" is highly unlikely.


14th Jan 2021

House, M.D. (2004)

Role Model - S1-E17

Question: Could the woman going to her ex's while in a sleepwalking state and having sex with him have him arrested?


Answer: She could if her ex knew she had this condition and she was at that time in an incapacitated or altered mental state where she could not knowingly give consent to any sexual activity. She would, however, have to prove that she was sleepwalking at the time.


14th Jan 2021

The Edge (1997)

Answer: It does not appear that she was involved. Robert even tells Charles at the end that she had nothing to do with it. The entire plot seems to have been spontaneous on Robert's part as no-one expected the plane to crash or for survivors to be stranded in the wilderness.


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