
21st Jul 2014

Robocop (1987)

Question: Other than serving the plot, why were so many elements of his former life left in the now-vacant home? All evidence of the former family would have been removed before showing it to prospective buyers.

Movie Nut

Answer: I'm watching it on the computer right now and it says "for sale" not sold, who says everything must be removed prior to selling? I'm not American so it may differ from country to country, but I've been to houses for sale during "inspection dates" and some houses STILL have items not removed probably because they are still living in them or still in the midst of alternate living options, some might need the money of the sale JUST so they can move remember his wife is a widow now and probably can't afford living there no more, where is she gonna get the money to move? Also not all houses I've seen had stuff removed (some did) during my house tours p.s Her husband was gunned down so she can't bare to remove anything yet, but her life is destroyed so she might as well put the house up for sale.


Chosen answer: There is no reason except that it is to serve the plot. Normally everything would have been removed by the time the house was put up for sale, but there needs to be some means for Murphy to connect to his past. This is achieved by showing physical objects from his former life to trigger his memory, creating sympathy for the character. This can be considered suspension of disbelief where the audience just accepts something is out of the ordinary for the sake of the story being told.


Question: Why did Fleur bring her younger sister to Hogwarts? While Dumbledore is explaining the Triwizard Tournament to the students, there is a shot in which Fleur is shown holding her. Unless she had previously known that she would be chosen as a Tri-Wizard Champion, she couldn't have known that her sister would be needed for one of the tasks.

Answer: Fleur did not know that her sister would participate in one of the tasks, nor did she "bring" her there. Gabrielle was simply one of the students who was chosen to go to Hogwarts. In the book, Dumbledore's purpose in reviving the Triwizard Tournament was to help foster good relations and build strong alliances between the various schools because it would help in the fight against Voldemort. Not every student who went to Hogwarts was there to try and compete in the tournament.


Answer: She didn't 'bring' her sister. Multiple levels/ages of students from both outside schools attended. Fleur's sister was another student at the school, and happened to also be in the group that went to Hogwarts.

23rd Jul 2014

A Bronx Tale (1993)

Question: What is the game they are playing in the basement of the bar (the one when Sonny has C throw the dice for him)? And the rules, as it looks complicated. Lots of money thrown down so who wins, loses etc.? I've seen this movie about 3 times and I STILL can't figure it out!


Chosen answer: They are playing a version of Craps called Street Craps or Ghetto Craps. You can get information about the rules for this game here: http://www.craps.net/rules/street-craps.html.


14th Jul 2014

Regarding Henry (1991)

Question: If he forgot how to read how was he able to paint "Ritz" while at the rehab facility? Letters wouldn't have made any sense to him.

Answer: As Henry heals and goes through physical rehab, he gradually regains some of his former cognitive abilities, while completely relearning others. Also, the letters did not necessarily have to mean anything to him. The Ritz logo is just a visual picture to him that he has recreated.


Question: This is a two-part question. 1. When the Dementors first appear on the train, why does frost cover the windows and the train become so cold? 2. If the Dementors were sent to capture Sirius Black, why would they be on a train full of Hogwarts students?

Answer: The frost appearing whenever the Dementors are nearby never happened in the books. It was solely a creation for the movie as a device to foreshadow their oncoming and ominous presence. This same freezing over plays a part later in the movie when Harry saves Sirius from the Dementors by the lake. The audience already knows it signals something bad is about to happen. Regarding the second part of your question, When Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban, it was known that he wanted to kill someone who was at Hogwarts. Because he was convicted as Voldemort's accomplice in Lily and James Potters' murders, it was assumed he was on his way to kill Harry. The Dementors are on the Hogwarts express, and later at the school, to protect Harry as well as hunt for Sirius. However, the Dementors have overstepped their purpose and become a threat to Harry, who has a particularly strong reaction whenever they approach him.


28th Mar 2013

The One (2001)

Question: Gabe's wife in the movie is called T.K. or Mrs.Law. On Wikipedia and other places I look, I only see her listed as T.K. Law. Anybody know what here full name actually is? What the T.K. stands for?

Quantom X

Chosen answer: TK's full name is unknown. It's quite common that minor fictional character's full names are not given. It simply isn't important to the overall plot. This is such an example.


Question: When Aragorn confronts the King of the Dead with Anduril (the reforged sword), The King of the Dead says, "That *something* was broken!" I am almost sure he says, "Blade" (referring to the reforged sword), but the subtitles on my Region 4 disc say, "Line" (presumably referring to Aragorn's ancestry). What does he really say? Do the subtitles on discs of a different region say otherwise?


Chosen answer: The King of the Dead says, "That line was broken." Aragorn replies, "It has been remade." Their comments are referring to Aragorn's royal lineage that was believed to have died out. The reforged sword symboilizes Aragorn's return as king. There is a video clip of this scene on YouTube here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfh9Ypgfp7Q.


Question: At the beginning of the movie, Peter asks Voldemort if they can perform the ritual without Harry. Why? Does he now feel bad for betraying Harry's parents?

Answer: There are several reasons here. Peter Pettigrew regretted betraying the Potters and knows he is a lowly coward for having done so and for obeying Voldemort out of fear. He also knows that Harry spared his life during the confrontation in the Shrieking Shack (in Prisoner of Azkaban) when Lupin and Sirius were about to kill him. Because of Harry's mercy, Pettigrew is now magically bound to Harry with a life debt. In the books, this will later cost Pettigrew his life when he hesitates to kill Harry (in Deathly Hallows) and his silver hand instead fatally strangles him for defying Lord Voldemort.


In the movies, Pettigrew NEVER regretted betraying Harry's parents and, on the contrary, was actually proud of doing so.

Where did you get that idea from? He is a coward and cowardice controls him. Not pride.


It is mentioned on the internet sites like TV Tropes, Villains Wiki, and Pure Evil Wiki. These sites mention that movie version of Pettigrew is far more evil than his book version.

None of those sites indicate he was proud of what he had done or does. They just mention the movies don't show Peter having regrets like he does in the books. Doesn't mean he doesn't have it. We see very little of him in any of the movies anyway. He is still only known as a coward and nothing more of him is shown than that.


In the books, he betrayed James and Lily out of cowardice, while in the films, he betrayed them willingly.

Question: Why do all of the Death Eaters hesitate to lend Lord Voldemort a wand? In "Chamber of Secrets", when Ron's wand was damaged, Professor McGonagall just said he would need to replace it. So I am assuming that purchasing a new wand is not particularly unusual or difficult.

Answer: Normally replacing a wand is easy, but there are only a few wizards who can make them. Voldemort has kidnapped Mr. Olivander, tortured him, and destroyed his shop, so he is not currently in a position to be making new wands. The Death Eaters fear offering their own wands to Lord Voldemort because he often strikes out, often fatally, at anyone who fails or displeases him. If someone gives him their wand and it does not perform adequately, they know there may be severe repercussions. Voldemort is also gauging his Death Eaters' reaction to his request so he can judge their loyalty and willingness to do his bidding. Most also realize that the request is mostly aimed at Lucius Malfoy, who has fallen from Voldemort's favor. Voldemort is taunting him.


25th Jun 2014

The Firm (1993)

Question: How does the security boss of the firm listen to the conversation between the wife of Cruise and the secretary of the private detective, in the last scene of the hotel in the Bahamas? Why did he have any reason to suspect anything in the first place?


Chosen answer: At first the security guy doesn't suspect Mitch any more than any other new associate hired by the firm. His job is to keep a close watch on all new associates to see if they realize the firm has mafia ties. He starts watching Mitch (Tom Cruise) more closely after he was approached by the government agents who wanted him to spy on the firm. He knows that Mitch now suspects there are illegal activities going on and may decide to aid the government. It is also shown that Mitch's house was being bugged, and it can be assumed the resort cabana regularly used by the firm in the Bahamas would also be bugged.


Question: When Snape tells Dumbledore that he "doesn't want to do this anymore", does he mean his spy work in general or just the agreement to kill Dumbledore?

Answer: He is referring to his promise that, if necessary, he will kill Dumbledore as they had planned. Snape wants to protect Draco from having to do this as Voldemort planned, but he also does not want to end Dumbledore's life in such a manner.


Question: As pointed out in another question, most Muggles would be surprised to find out about the wizarding world. Surely some of them would think that their child's Hogwarts letter was a joke or something. So do all Muggles with Muggle-born magic children know where the children are going?

Answer: All Muggle parents whose offspring attend Hogwarts know where their children are going and that it is a school of magic. Initially they may think the letter their child receives is a joke, but they are also visited by representatives of the school who can demonstrate that magic is real. Most children have already displayed some type of magical ability, so the parents are not completely surprised. Muggle parents are sworn to keep the wizard world secret.


Question: Why was Voldemort at a train station in one of Harry's visions? I am wondering why he would let himself be seen by several people. The news that he has returned would get around to Cornelius Fudge.

Answer: Voldemort wasn't actually at the train station. Harry is just having a mental vision of him. This only happened in the movie, and it was to show the growing mental connection Harry shares with Voldemort.


Question: Do some Hogwarts students stay at the school during the summer break? I ask because in the flashback scene, Tom Riddle tells Dumbledore that he will have nowhere to go if the school closes. But he is sixteen, so where has he gone during the summer breaks of his previous school years?

Answer: Students cannot stay at the school during the summer. In the book, during the summer break, Tom always went back to the same orphanage that he grew up in.


Question: In Divination class, Harry predicts that Ron will suffer but be happy. Is this a particular reference to anything that happens later in the series? (I have read the books, so spoilers are fine).

Answer: It does not have any real reference to anything in the entire story. Neither Harry or Ron have any psychic abilities or real interest in Divination. Harry did have a psychic connection to Voldemort, but he could not predict the future. Divination is just a class they are taking as part of their Hogwarts curriculum. In the book, both were making up predictions on the spot when it was their turn because they are expected to participate in the class. Their predictions became more outlandish over time. Technically that particular prediction is accurate, but it is so generalized that it could apply to almost any character in the books.


10th Jun 2014

Prometheus (2012)

Question: As someone who's only seen the first Alien film, which films are necessary (or even helpful) to watch before viewing Prometheus? I understand it's a "prequel" that's only tangentially related to the rest of the movie universe, but I'm interested in getting the full experience here.

Answer: It's a matter of opinion, but watching the first Alien film gives enough of the necessary back story to understand Prometheus. However, it's possible to watch and understand Prometheus without seeing any of the other four Alien films. I would only recommend watching Alien 1 and 2.


12th Jun 2014

Bad Santa (2003)

Question: Why was Thurman's father in prison and where was his mother?

Answer: Thurman's mother died, and his father was in jail for embezzlement.


14th Jun 2014

Anger Management (2003)

Chosen answer: There are a number of reasons actors are sometimes unlisted in the credits. If it's a surprise cameo appearance, then the name is withheld to keep that information from leaking out before the movie is released. Also, some actors appear in another actor's movie as a favor because they are friends. They may receive only a scale wage or even nothing at all. Being listed in the credits would involve more contractual negotiations, different salary, affect the film's marketing, etc. Being unlisted simplifies everything.


Question: At the Ewok village, Luke tells Leia that she is the only hope for the Alliance if he doesn't return from his meeting with Darth Vader. However, if he had died, how could she have become a Jedi? Would the ghosts of Luke, Yoda, or Obi-wan have trained her?

Answer: It is quite possible their spirits could have contacted her, and while she may not be able to be trained as a Jedi, they could certainly guide her into developing her powers to use the Force that would help her lead the rebellion. There may even be other Jedi still alive that she would find out about.


Answer: That Leia is the rebellion's last hope is a separate point from her being able to use the force. Luke doesn't necessarily suggest that Leia can become a trained Jedi without anyone to train her; simply that she is already a formidable warrior who is intelligent and resourceful, and now he can confirm that the force is with her, so she can indeed put her absolute trust in her own instincts.


Question: Do the dementors have personalities and souls? I thought they didn't, but in one chapter (I can't remember which at the moment), someone says that the Dementors "wanted to help."

Answer: They are sentient, therefore having at least some type of personality, and they are able to communicate with wizards. Otherwise they would be incapable of guarding Azkaban prison or take orders from the Ministry of Magic, and also from Dumbledore when they were guarding Hogwarts. It can only be assumed whether or not they have a soul.


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