
Question: Can someone share some light on the prison scene at the start of the 2nd movie. Where is this prison? How does Jack know about it and who runs it? It is a scary looking place that is well designed but has next to no explanation or further role in the movie past this scene.

Answer: There is no explanation given about where the prison is, who runs it, or how Jack knows about it. Its only significance is that it is a plot device that sets the movie's story into motion. Jack needed the drawing of the key that will eventually lead to the Dead Man's Chest. He finagled his way into the prison solely to steal the drawing, then he escaped. There is no need for the audience to know more details about the prison or how Jack learned about the drawing's existence and its meaning.


Question: The scene where everyone's getting burned and exploding, why didn't the ark burn Marion and Indy too? Is it because they didn't do anything wrong to it?

Answer: They were protected because they did not directly look at the Ark. Indy told Marion to look away. That is what saved them.


Anyone who looks upon what is inside the ark perishes. The ark is used as the wrath of god against anyone who doesn't show respect to it, by not looking at what is inside. Even if what is inside goes outside.


6th May 2020

Modern Family (2009)

Answer: There are videos on YouTube on how to uncork a wine bottle using a shoe.


Question: Did Phillips really lie to the pirates by telling them the ship was broken?

Answer: I researched this on the "History vs Hollywood" web site, and that is a true fact.


6th May 2020

I Love Lucy (1951)

First Stop - S4-E14

Question: Why did they go by car to California? I assume it was to get several episodes out of it though wouldn't it have been easier to go by train?


Answer: Well, within the storyline of the show, the answer to your question is given in the prior episode, "Getting Ready," where we see Lucy reading various brochures while Ricky is on the phone trying to book their tickets. The decision went from going by plane, to train, to bus, and finally to the idea of going by car so they could stop where they want for as long as they want, etc. Of course, production wise, this decision allowed for the following episode scripts to have more creative shenanigans.

Super Grover

Answer: There is no explanation, but as you mentioned, it was likely to add some new adventures to the show's overall story line.


6th May 2020

Oliver (1968)

Question: When Oliver takes the handkerchief from Fagin's pocket, did he really not notice that Oliver took it or did he realise that he did and pretended not to know? If it was the latter, why?

Answer: If you mean the scene where he is teaching Oliver how to be a pickpocket, then yes, Fagin knew. He is role-playing the part of a "victim," showing Oliver what it is like to steal an item from someone's pocket without it being noticed. He is employing some criminal "positive reinforcement."


1st May 2020

Biggles (1986)

Question: How was Biggles able to land the helicopter on a moving train despite only just learning to fly it?

Darth Crucible

Answer: It would be virtually impossible for a novice pilot to be able to do this.


Answer: It's similar, but not the same, particularly the neck and sleeves are quite different.


1st May 2020

Alien 3 (1992)

Question: After Ripley discovered that an alien queen was inside of her, why didn't she just kill herself immediately?

Answer: She didn't have the nerve to do it herself, especially since she doesn't have something like a gun where it can be done instantly. Even when backed into a corner by the Company, she still hesitates, she doesn't jump to her death immediately. The survival instinct is very powerful.


Answer: Early on, Ripley wanted Dillon to kill her after she learned she was carrying an alien embryo. He agreed he would, but only if she helped the inmates kill the other alien.


But the question is why didn't she kill herself as soon as she found out. As in on the spot? As soon as she discovered that an alien queen was growing inside of her, she went to find the xenomorph in hopes it would kill her but it didn't. It would have made more sense for her to take her life immediately as soon as she discovered a xenomorph queen was growing inside of her rather then wanting the xenomorph on the loose to do it or asking Dillon to.

I agree. It would have made more sense for her to just end her life right there rather going to Dillon after the fact and ask him to do it.

28th Apr 2020

General questions

I'm looking for the name of a film from my youth. Might be black and white. All I remember is that the leading lady 'popped' her leg when she kissed the 'right man'. And the uncle/grandfather hid cigars all over the drawing room as he wasn't allowed to smoke.

Answer: It's the 1964 film, "I'd Rather Be Rich," starring Sandra Dee, Robert Goulet, Andy Williams, and Maurice Chevalier (as Dee's cigar-smoking grandfather).


There was also a 1941 film titled, "It Happened With Eve," starring Deanna Durbin, Charles Laughton, and Robert Cummings that had a similar plot and on which the 1964 movie was based.


29th Apr 2020

Cats (2019)

Question: Much is said about the infamous first released version with Judy Dench's real hand instead of a CGI paw, but I'm watching that same version now and ALL of the cats have real human hands. How is this not also a mistake? Or is it that the mistake is Dench's ring on her finger? Do the actors' human hands change to paws in the CGI-fixed second version?


Answer: The issue wasn't about her hand looking human but, as you mentioned, that she was wearing her own ring, which was digitally removed in the revised version.


28th Apr 2020

Divergent (2014)

Question: Why did they remove Christina and Will's romance? This takes away some of the emotion Tris has from shooting him later and the agony of telling Christina the truth in Insurgent.


Answer: It's typical for movies to delete or dilute various plot elements from a book source. The movie's running time is a factor, and eliminating characters, side stories, combining plot points, etc. streamlines the plot. The movie chose to keep the focus on Tris and Four.


28th Apr 2020

The Fugitive (1993)

Question: Could Kimball really survive that fall at the dam? It looks impossible.

Answer: From the height shown, it would be virtually impossible to survive the fall. Even if someone managed to survive, their body would be horribly damaged.


28th Apr 2020

Miracle (2004)

Question: What is the outcome of the game in Oslo, Norway?

Answer: The Americans beat the Soviets. Two days later, the team defeated Finland 4-2 to win the gold medal.



Question: Why would Brad go to jail for refusing to rat Donnie out? Doesn't he have the right to remain silent?


Answer: If you are referring to a person's Miranda Rights, it does not give someone the right to remain silent indefinitely or to conceal a crime. It is a notification police give to criminal suspects who are in custody, advising them of their right to refuse to answer questions or provide information to law enforcement or other officials during an interrogation. A person can also invoke their Fifth Amendment right while on trial, but that also does not protect them from being convicted of a crime.


28th Apr 2020

The Shaggy Dog (1959)

Question: Why does Chiffon keep disappearing every time Wilbur turns into a dog?

Answer: I assume this is merely a movie plot device so that the audience does not get confused when Wilbur is in his dog form or that the other characters are wondering why there are suddenly two identical dogs.


28th Apr 2020

Panic Room (2002)

Answer: They wouldn't in real life. This was a plot contrivance.


It does happen in real life, and it is sadly a common occurrence in big cities. Living in Los Angeles, I've had to dial 911 a few times. I was on hold for 5 minutes once, and I've read articles about people who have been on hold for way longer. With this film being set in New York city, this did not surprise me. Even Meg and Sarah don't seem too surprised by it, and they opt to call Sarah's father instead.


Answer: There could be a serious major event happening nearby where all the resources needed to be sent ASAP. The 911 operator had to prioritize and assumed the current caller's emergency - whatever it was - was less urgent. There could have been a shortage of operators for whatever reason.


28th Apr 2020

The Village (2004)

Question: Where and how did the elders meet?

Answer: They met in the modern world at a grief support group. Each had lost a loved one to an act of violence.


Question: Why did Dottie want to be traded to another team, and why was Kit traded?

Answer: Dottie wanted to be traded to alleviate the sibling rivalry between her and her kid sister, Kit. Instead, Kit was the who was traded because Dottie was the more talented player.


Question: How did Frank know Carl wouldn't open his wallet?


Answer: He didn't. He took a desperate gamble that he could distract and then emotionally disarm Carl's normal defenses.


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