
Question: In the first chapter Frank Bryce overhears Wormtail and Voldemort's plans about killing Harry. Voldemort tells Wormtail "Come Wormtail, one more death and our path to Harry Potter is clear." A couple pages later it is mentioned again... "One more murder...my faithful servant at Hogwarts...Harry Potter is as good as mine." Whose murder/death are they talking about?

Answer: Voldemort considered the only person between him and Harry Potter was Albus Dumbledore. That is who he is referring to. The "faithful servant" was Barty Crouch, Jr., who was disguised as "Mad Eye" Moody. He was supposed to kill Dumbledore.


Question: Why do people at first suspect that Harry is lying about Voldemort's return? Didn't they believe that he defeated Voldemort at the end of the first two movies?

Answer: Up until the end of Order of the Phoenix, there was no actual proof that Harry had ever confronted Lord Voldemort. It was only Harry's word and also Dumbledore's. It was only after Fudge and others saw Voldemort at the Ministry of Magic that they were finally convinced. Harry, being a child at the time, had been considered a less than reliable source and was considered by many to be an attention-seeking liar, caught up in his own celebrity as "the boy who lived." Dumbledore had a reputation of being a somewhat-eccentric crackpot who had lost his touch with age. While some found him credible, most simply wanted to believe that Voldemort was dead and would never return. It is typical of how the public reacts to crisis. Until there is definitive and irrefutable proof, they simply will not take a few people's word. Even then, there are still skeptics.


Question: Why did the parents of so many Hogwarts students actually allow them to return to school this year, thinking that Snape murdered Dumbledore (they don't know that Dumbledore wanted Snape to kill him) and Voldemort is in control of the place?

Answer: In the books it is actually stated they are required to attend, not optional.

Answer: It is complicated and the movies glossed over much of how Voldemort plotted his gradual take-over of the Ministry of Magic and also Hogwarts. His followers were placed in key Ministry positions, and began changing laws and regulations. Voldemort also manipulated the news media (The Daily Prophet) using propaganda to sway public opinion. During his rise to power, the Dark Lord remained hidden from public view, making it difficult for the general public to realize what was going on or identify who was behind it. Once the take-over was consolidated, it became a law that every magical child now had to attend Hogwarts. That way, not only would they be indoctrinated into the new order, it was also a means to identify and cull any Muggle-born children. Of course, most Slytherins willingly sent their children to Hogwarts, despite the changes. Also, the general public did not know the exact circumstances of Dumbledore's death, discrediting Harry's account because he was being painted as an attention-seeking liar. By the time most people realized what was happening, they could do little about it.


2nd Nov 2014

General questions

I saw a movie about a businessman trapped in a town at night. That town went crazy and totally different compared to it at daytime. The businessman has to struggle until sunrise. What is the title of the movie?

Yohanes Wimpy

Chosen answer: This sounds like the 1985 movie "After Hours, " starring Griffin Dunne.


29th Oct 2014

The Book of Life (2014)

Question: Manolo's father and grandmother as well as his audience, except for Maria, are disappointed in Manolo for not killing the bull at the bull fight. At the end of the scene, the bull shakes his head in disappointment. Why would the bull be disappointed in Manolo too when the bull should know he is the victim?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: The bull, bred for fighting in the ring, likely feels denied of an opportunity to fulfill his purpose to battle to the death. It's like a matter of honor and pride.


Question: Why were the carnival Strongman and the other carnival workers chasing Oz?

Answer: Because Oscar (Oz) was flirting with the wife of one of the strongmen.


Question: Is Edward supposed to be Hansel and Gretel's father? If so, was there some explanation as to how or why since the head evil witch told Hansel and Gretel he was hung? Was she lying?

Answer: Edward is not Hansel and Gretel's father. He helps them because he is a troll. Trolls serve witches.


28th Oct 2014

Friends (1994)

Show generally

Question: Can someone explain why there is no door to Monica's balcony? Is it normal to climb out a window to get on to the balcony in these types of apartment buildings? It doesn't seem like something that would be allowed due to building regulations.

Answer: There's never been an explanation, but it's an older building, and theoretically there could have been a laxer construction code when it was built and inspections were less stringent. It may originally have been intended only an access to the fire escape and not as a recreational area. Of course, this likely would never have happened in real life and it simply makes it more humorous for the character to have to climb in and out the window. Also, the size of the balcony changes over the course of the series and the fire escape comes and goes.


22nd Oct 2014

The Edge (1997)

Chosen answer: Although Bob intended to kill Charles (to obtain his wife and wealth), they unexpectedly were struggling for survival in the wilderness. Working together increases their chances of rescue, and Bob cannot survive without Charles' help. He therefore saves him from the rapids. Plot-wise, this makes Charles think that his suspicions about Bob may be wrong. Also, Bob is not a born killer, and may be hesitant about actually committing murder, particularly someone he had admired and respected. Bob likely planned to kill Charles when rescue was imminent and then claim Charles died accidentally. Regarding the title, because the movie is not based on a book of that name, the filmmakers probably chose it for its marketing value because it sounded dramatic. This is a suspense/adventure movie, and "edge" can have multiple meanings, such as being "on the edge," as to whether or not Bob will carry out his plan. It can also refer to the razor-sharp edge of a weapon, an "edgy" emotional situation, and so on.


Answer: It is called the edge because Charles had a mental edge on Bob.

Answer: Two reasons for the title: They had an edge on the bear with their human intelligence, and they utilized the edge on that knife with it. Two edges.

roy sandefur

22nd Oct 2014

Rush (2013)

Question: Why does James vomit before each race?

Answer: It's a case of bad nerves before a race and has developed into a habitual behavioral pattern.


21st Oct 2014

General questions

This is an old WW2 movie about a crew that is assigned an old rust bucket beat up warship. They clean it up and go back into battle with it.


Chosen answer: This sounds similar to the 1959 film, "Operation Petticoat, " starring Cary Grant and Tony Curtis.


Answer: There's also, "PT-109." The true story of John Kennedy's war time adventures. He's given a worn out boat but fixes her up for battle. Also, "South Sea Woman." Two marines commandeer an old steam ship and fix it up for battle.

11th Oct 2014

The Maze Runner (2014)

Question: I still don't fully understand why W.C.K.D would entrap the kids in the maze. Is it because they were testing them for survival or something? And why was the girl the 'last one ever'?


Chosen answer: Because the film is based on the book series, the exact purpose of why the boys were kept in the maze has not been fully explained yet other than it is an experiment. There has been a pandemic viral outbreak that the boys appeared to have somehow survived and now are being tested. Why the girl was the "last one" has also not been explained, though she and Thomas are somehow connected to those who are responsible for running the experiment. At the end, the woman scientist says that the experiment has been a success and Phase 2 is about to begin, so more answers will be revealed in the second film. To avoid giving away the entire plot, I suggest reading the book series synopsis on Wikipedia.


Question: This is more for the book than the movie, but how was Rue able to enter the arena with a "homemade" sling shot if no weapons could be taken in there?

Jessica Wren

Chosen answer: The tributes could not take anything in with them, but the arena is filled with different types of weapons and tools, if they can get them. Rue was clever and agile, and she could have found or stolen the slingshot or the tools with which to make one. Also, anyone, for a price, can send "gifts" into the arena to sponsor a favorite tribute.


Answer: In the book Rue never received any gifts she only grabbed a few things from the cornucopia so the slingshot must have been one of them.

28th Sep 2014

General questions

Looking for the title of a movie about a husband and wife that custom combine together - kind of a love story, and I remember there was a tornado they had to go through.

Answer: That sounds very much like the 1998 film, "Twister, " starring Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton.


9th Sep 2014

Mr. Mom (1983)

Question: Can anyone tell me why Ron and Jinx are wearing black armbands on their left arms during Jack's dream about being shot?

Answer: Black armbands are a traditional sign of mourning, though not widely used today. They are wearing them to mourn for Jack.


6th Jan 2005

The Village (2004)

Question: Perhaps I'm just grasping at straws here, but isn't there still a possibility that the woods are inhabited by monsters? No one was able to explain what killed the livestock.

Answer: There were no real monsters. Noah Percy, who was not an elder, killed the livestock. He had found his father's monster costume that was hidden under the floorboards. He secretly began wearing it and acting like one of the creatures that the elders were pretending to be in order to frighten younger members to keep them from leaving the village. Noah was mentally handicapped, and it was like a game to him, but it became more deadly over time. The elders did not know until the end of the movie that it was Noah who had killed the animals.


I believe the dad, Walker, explained to Ivy that it was the Elders. He also said the 1st ones that started popping up was likely one of the elders but he wasn't sure which one.

Question: Does anyone know what town/city the scene at Snape's house was filmed in?

Answer: The scene is set in the fictional village of Cokestown. Based on some Internet research, there does not appear to be an actual town where this was filmed. According to Helen McCrory, the actress who played Narcissa Malfoy, the street scene was filmed before a blue screen. Most likely, the aerial view consisted of CGI composite shots to simulate a late-19th Century Northern England industrial town. Snape is supposed to have lived in an area of abandoned row houses on Spinner's End street. There was also information that some footage may have been filmed near Black Country near Birmingham, Tyneside or the Clyde area in Scotland.


15th Sep 2014

8 Mile (2002)

Question: Why didn't B-Rabbit yell at and break up with Alex Latorno after he caught her cheating on him?

Answer: They'd only known each other a short while and were not necessarily in an exclusive relationship.


Question: At the end of the movie it shows what happens to everyone. It shows Mary and William Stafford walking in the meadow and 3 children. There's a boy, presumably the boy Mary had with Henry and Anne's daughter Elizabeth. Does anybody know who the other girl is? She looks older than Elizabeth so I assume she's not Mary and Stafford's daughter.

Nikki Yates

Chosen answer: It is unknown who the older girl is, but probably the child of a close relative. In the movie (which significantly differs from the novel and from history), Mary is shown to only have given birth to one child (King Henry's son) before her marriage to William Stafford. Therefore, the girl could not be Mary's child by her first marriage.


15th Sep 2014

Aladdin (1992)

Chosen answer: This is a fictional universe. For whatever reason, the animators chose to refer to the sultan using that honorific. Also, what you're referring to relates to European royalty and not the Middle East.


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