
18th Mar 2012

The Jackal (1997)

Answer: Probably. He is sadistic and seems to enjoy watching her suffer.


18th Mar 2012

The Godfather (1972)

Question: When Clemenza is explaining to Michael how to shoot Sollozzo and McCluskey why does he keep on telling Michael to 'drop the gun' when he's finished. Why can't he bring the gun home?

Answer: For one thing, Michael isn't going home. The plan is for him to immediately be taken to a ship headed for Sicily. Secondly, the last thing a murderer wants is to be caught with the gun he just killed someone with. Clemenza tells Michael the gun is "cold," meaning it cannot be traced to any owner. The handle and trigger had also been wrapped in a special tape to prevent leaving fingerprints. Even if police had detained Michael, they could not tie the gun to him, and the Corleone family could buy off any witnesses.


Question: Edmond was imprisoned for 13 years, yet he was gone for 16 and was only on the ship for 3 months. What happened to the rest of the time?


Answer: When Mercedes confronts Edmund, in his bedroom, she asks, "Where have you been?" He responds, "For 13 years prison, then everywhere else.

Chosen answer: Edmond traveled during the intervening years, creating a new life and identity for himself with the treasure that he found. That is how he became the Count of Monte Cristo. Edmond could not exact his revenge without this power and influence behind him.


Question: Why doesn't Gaston go off with one of the three blond women who fancy him instead of chasing after Belle, who he can see is not interested in his advances?

Answer: Either he only wants what he can't have (Belle) or the women who fancy him are not the type he would consider suitable as his wife and the mother of his children.


The 2017 live-action movie (with Emma Watson) has an interesting description of this. Gaston talks about how Belle is the only woman who doesn't want to impress him. He finds this attractive. He knows that he could have most other women any time he wanted, but Belle is different.

Answer: Gaston wants to marry a girl as beautiful as he is so he doesn't want anyone else but Belle.

18th Mar 2012

Jurassic Park III (2001)

Question: Dr. Grant asks Eric how he got T-Rex urine. Eric replies, "You don't want to know". How did Eric get the T-Rex urine anyway?


Answer: A video I watched speculated that Eric was making his way through the jungle and came across the Rex. It is thought that he hid and while he was hiding the Rex peed. While he was hiding he noticed that some Compies close by fled at the smell so he decided to test if they were scared of it. When he knew for sure he bottled it up.

Chosen answer: It's never explained how he got it. Any explanation the filmmakers might give would probably be implausible.


Chosen answer: To protect them from Voldemort. She knows that if he discovers anyone is helping Harry hunt the horcruxes, the Dark Lord will murder their families in retaliation. In the book, Hermione also sent them to Australia under a new identity, and Harry broke off his relationship with Ginny to protect her.


13th Mar 2012

Licence to Kill (1989)

Question: After Sanchez has killed Krest, he goes to Bond and pays him for his information. Bond then says to him something like "only one man? No one would go after you alone." Did this mean that Bond was trying to get Sanchez to kill all his own men? Seems a bit ambitious to me.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: It's more likely that Bond is trying to instill fear and paranoia into Sanchez, getting him to suspect that everyone is trying to kill him so that he trusts no one.


18th Nov 2011

General questions

Does anyone know the film about two children, a boy and a girl, who go on an adventure with nanny/babysitter. I can remember the boy sings at the table, "What do we want? Breakfast! When do we want it? Now.

Answer: This sounds similar to "Adventures in Babysitting" (1987) starring Elizabeth Shue.


9th Oct 2011

The Jackal (1997)

Answer: Either this is just an illusion or it is possible that parts of this scene were shot at different intervals, allowing time for her hair to grow somewhat.


11th Nov 2011

The Jackal (1997)

Question: Why does The Jackal looks sorry when he's telling Koslova that she will die in 20 minutes?

Answer: There's no way of knowing if he was sorry or not. He obviously is treating her differently than he does his other victims. It seems it has something to do with her being a woman, though just why he acts this way is never known.


27th Nov 2011

The Jackal (1997)

Question: Why didn't Koslova look behind the sofa when entering the living room? And why did she shoot like a crazy person?

Answer: Basically she was somewhat sloppy. She was caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events.


Answer: She was aiming to silence the blaring music. Guess she didn't like the song.

11th Nov 2011

The Jackal (1997)

Answer: The Jackal knows detailed information about the FBI agents that are after him and the members of the MVB from the Russian mole in the ranks that was revealed. This woman's name is Valentina, like Valentine. The fact he drew a heart on her face was a sadistic joke about her name, as well as sending a message to Declan.

Quantom X

Answer: He was "gift wrapping" his message to the hero.

Answer: It seems to be his way of noting her gender and also belittling her.


11th Nov 2011

The Jackal (1997)

Answer: For one, she refuses to show fear or any other emotion that makes her look weak in the face of death. Also, she knows Mulqueen will be more determined to kill him, and she wants the Jackal to be thinking about that.


11th Nov 2011

The Jackal (1997)

Answer: To torture her, to make her scream in pain.

Answer: To see how far the bullet penetrated.


9th Oct 2011

The Jackal (1997)

Question: Why does Major Koslova always wear a shirt and a jacket throughout the movie?

Answer: She is a Russian agent and wears clothes that are professional, gender-neutral, and also functional while she's on a dangerous assignment. She may also not have brought many clothes with her, and she is not trying to impress anyone--she is only focused on having a serious job to do.


11th Nov 2011

The Jackal (1997)

Question: After Major Koslova is shot by The Jackal, we see her clothes full of blood. How can she have lost so much blood in few seconds?

Answer: A variety of reasons: the type of bullet he used could have caused severe internal damage. He might also have hit an artery, causing more bleeding. Also, being a movie, filmmakers tend to exaggerate details like this for maximum visual effect. The audience realises she is seriously wounded.


13th Dec 2011

The Island (2005)

Question: Say that a client of Merrick Biotech, like Starkweather who used his policy and had it terminated, needs another one for whatever reason. They'd have to regrow a new Starkweather 2 Delta and reintroduce him into the colony and everyone would say "Hey, isn't that the guy who won the lottery a few days ago? What's he doing here?" How would Merrick account for that? Whitman even says to Lincoln that they were going to "regrow" his policy.


Chosen answer: It would be easy enough for the administrators to fabricate some story as to why the clone needed to return to the colony. Doctors would most likely implant fake memories into the new clone's mind to convince him and everyone else that this was the same person as before. Also, if a client should ever need a new clone many years after using their original one, it is likely that most of the other clones would no longer be there--having been harvested to meet their host's medical needs.


24th Nov 2011

Puss in Boots (2011)

Question: Does this film take place in time before or after Puss meets Shrek?

Answer: It takes place before Puss meets Shrek and Donkey.


Question: A couple of questions that I hope someone can answer. First, what was the name of the ship that was found in the Mongolian desert? And second, was it a real-life vessel or something created for the movie? I've heard about the 5 real-life planes that were uncovered in Mexico, but the ship is a mystery to me. If so, where can I find info on it?

Answer: The ship that was found in the Gobi desert is called the "Cotopaxi." It was a real tramp steamer, named after a stratovolcano in the Andes Mountains. The ship and its entire crew disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle sometime in December, 1925 while en route to Havana, Cuba. You can find more information here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Cotopaxi.


Answer: It didn't disappear in the Bermuda Triangle. It lies 40 miles from St. Augustine, Florida, which is 314 miles from Miami.

Amy Emerick Tice

18th Nov 2011

Batman (1989)

Question: Probably a dumb question, but when I first saw this film.I thought that the opening scene where a young family is mugged in an alleyway was supposed to be a flashback to when a young Bruce Wayne lost his parents. Of course we know it isn't, but is that what the filmmakers wanted us to think. Or was it just my way of thinking?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: It foreshadows what will be learned about what happened to Bruce Wayne's family and what set Batman on his path.


Answer: It's not just you. No matter how many times I watch I find it refreshing that this Batman movie doesn't start off by making us watch Bruce's parents get murdered for the dozenth time. But fans of the character definitely would have fallen for it in the theater, so it's like a clever inside joke for their benefit, I think.


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