
Question: I don't understand the scene where Candy and Billy go into a room to have sex. McMurphy tells Chief that they will leave for Canada when Candy and Billy are done. Why did they stay there all night and fall asleep? Why did Candy stay in the room with Billy?

Answer: The girls who sneaked into the ward had brought alcohol and everyone was partying before McMurphy and Chief were to escape. Everyone got drunk while waiting for Candy and Billy to finish, eventually passing out. Candy and Billy probably just assumed McMurphy and Chief had already left or they'd fallen asleep.


25th Mar 2018

Unstoppable (2010)

Question: They try to stop the runaway train by deploying another train in front of it and continuously braking. Instead of having a man come in from a helicopter, why not just have a man jump from the train in front onto the runaway train? (00:40:00 - 00:45:00)

Answer: It would be a lot more dangerous trying to jump from one train to another, and there'd probably be only one chance for success or else die trying. The helicopter allows for a little more maneuvering.


26th Mar 2018

The Village (2004)

Question: In the tower where Lucius and another guy were watching, the guy told him he is a good friend and hopes he wasn't seen. What did he mean by that? Or was he just thanking him for being out there with him? Just wondering if there was more to it.


Answer: It appeared that he was thanking Lucius for sneaking out after late-night hours (probably breaking the village curfew) to join him in the tower.


Question: What exactly did Fredo do to help Roth (that led to the assassination attempt at Lake Tahoe)? Fredo says ‘I never knew they would try to kill you'. Ok, but what was going on exactly then? What did he think was going on? What *was* going on? All we know is Michael's room got shot up and Fredo betrayed him, leading to the event.

Answer: Fredo was offered money and business opportunities by Michael's enemies for providing what he thought was relatively harmless information about his brother. Fredo naively believed that Michael was never in any danger.


Fredo did know it would be a hit; otherwise, what is the point of opening the drapes? It's made very clear it was an anomaly and that someone on the inside obviously opened those drapes to give hitmen a clear shot.

Question: Since Lily is a muggle born, why did Voldemort offer to recruit her 3 times as well as James? He hates muggle borns. And why not kill her when she refused before when he set out to kill Harry? Also, why did he offer to let her live just cause Snape requested it?


Answer: Voldemort more than likely saw Lily as a valuable bargaining chip. JK Rowling revealed in an interview that Voldemort always planned on killing James (which is why his death did not count as a sacrificial love). The reason Voldemort agreed to Snape's pleas to offer Lily a chance to live, is because he rewards his followers (always at a cost, however). Voldemort likely agreed only because he probably thought he could use Lily as leverage to ensure Snape was at his mercy.

Answer: Voldemort may have only wanted to recruit James Potter, a pure-blood, but could not have done that without also recruiting Lily, a Muggle-born and James' wife. Voldemort could have disposed of Lily later, if he so chose.


Answer: In addition to these other answers, if Lily actually decided to join Voldemort and became loyal to him, he might have allowed her to serve him anyway. He could appreciate a skilled, useful servant. After all, Snape was half-blooded, and surely other Death Eaters were too. Voldemort himself was secretly a half-blood. Hagrid once commented on how many Pure Blood wizards are lying about their background.

Question: I know Kreacher hates Sirius, but as Regulus died to bring Voldemort down, like Harry said, isn't that a betrayal to Regulus' memory? Going to Voldemort with information he could use? Especially as Kreacher nearly died thanks to Voldemort.


Answer: Kreacher's thinking is linear and isolated. He didn't only serve Regulus, but the entire House of Black, who were Slytherins, pure-bloods, and loyal to Voldemort. Kreacher has not yet realigned his thinking, and it is Harry, his new master, whose continued kindness to him, that eventually changes his belief's and allegiance.


26th Mar 2018

Love Actually (2003)

Question: I always wonder what Mark would have done if Peter had opened the door instead of Juliet in the scene with the cards that express his love for her. He seems to be sure that Juliet will open the door, but actually he can't be sure about that.

Answer: He couldn't be sure that Juliet would answer. He probably had an alternate plan in place in case it was Peter who answered the door, and he would have kept what was written on the cards out-of-sight.


Question: I've heard that Lucius was right in Voldemort's inner circle so why is he treated even worse than Pettigrew?


Answer: In addition, Lucius is directly responsible for the destruction of his first horcrux, the diary, for the frivolous reason of trying to discredit Arthur Weasley.

Greg Dwyer

Voldemort was angry with Lucius because he repeatedly failed him. Lucius smuggled the Diary Horcrux into Hogwarts via Ginny, the plan failed. Lucius also failed to retrieve the prophecy orb from the Ministry of Magic, resulting in a huge battle and certain Death Eaters being sent to Azkaban prison. Voldemort usually severely punished anyone who failed him.


Except Voldemort was still in hiding in Albania when Lucius did this. He never told Lucius to give it to Ginny.

Greg Dwyer

Lucius took advantage of an opportunity to use Ginny to get the Diary into Hogwarts rather than as an act to discredit Arthur. He couldn't risk giving it to Draco, who he would not have trusted to carry out the mission.


Except that Lucius putting Tom Riddles' diary into Ginny's cauldron happened in "The Chamber Of Secrets." Not in this movie. The question was why Voldemort treated Lucius even worse then Pettigrew.

It might have happened in an earlier movie, but that doesn't mean Voldemort forgot.


Answer: Lucius fell out of favor with the Dark Lord after he had failed to retrieve the prophecy (about him and Harry) that was stored at the Ministry of Magic. Voldemort thereafter treated him badly, continually humiliated him, and intended to kill Draco to further punish Lucius.


21st Mar 2018

Into the Night (1985)

Question: At the beginning of the movie, Goldblum's wife makes him bacon and eggs for breakfast, then when she has to go to work, she takes his uneaten breakfast away and brings it to the kitchen while he is still sitting there. Why?

Answer: Their marriage is falling apart. His wife is just going through the motions of being a wife-making breakfast, serving it, then taking it away in an automatic way without really thinking about what she's doing.


Question: Kreacher says he betrayed his master by not being able to destroy the locket but wouldn't betrayal be refusing to destroy the locket after Regulus told him to?


Answer: Kreacher did not have the ability to destroy the locket horcrux which is why he believed he failed his master. Only a few magical objects (Gryffindor's sword, the basilisk fang, fiend fire, etc.) had the power to destroy a horcrux.


25th Mar 2018

Birth (2004)

Question: What does Joseph whisper in Anna's ear in the final scene at the beach? Her face reacts to something he's saying to her.

Answer: I think that 'what sets Anna off' at the ending was Sean's letter to her...where in the very last line, he says, "I guess we'll meet in another life." This shows that Sean really was reincarnated, but he so didn't want Anna to learn about the the affair with Clifford's wife, that he (Sean) decided to let go of Anna, possibly for the time being until he grows up, leaving room for a future sequel.

Answer: Probably "snap out of it, and let's go home" lol I think she's gone nuts or always was and Joseph knows she is bipolar?

Answer: It's not revealed what he whispered to her.


Answer: I think he says. "Just leave those bad memories Anna!, I'm for you and you for me! and we will live happily without any interpretation from 3rd party peoples."


25th Mar 2018

Twilight (2008)

Question: Jacob imprinted on Renesmee which technically means they'll fall in love etc., but Renesmee is a vampire which means she's immortal, and Jacob is a shapeshifter so that means that he will age and at some point die, right? So if I am correct that means that Jacob will one day die and Renesmee will spend the rest of her life without her soulmate?

Answer: Not true. Renesmee is half-vampire. She is like the Tecuna half-breed that Alice and Jasper brought back from South America to prove to the Volturi that Renesmee was not an immortal child, who will never develop beyond childhood. She will grow to full-adulthood and be long-lived, but not immortal. She can eat human food or live on blood. She also needs to sleep like a human, which vampires do not do. As a shape-shifter, Jacob will also be long-lived, so in the future, both will die. Just when is unknown.


Answer: There was no reason other than Voldemort's cruelty was spontaneous and unpredictable, and he had no feeling for or loyalty to anyone, even those who faithfully served him. If someone even slightly displeased him, showed weakness, or failed him in any way, Voldemort would kill or horribly punish them, depending on his mood at the time. Thicknesse just happened to speak up when Voldemort was particularly displeased, resulting in his death.


22nd Mar 2018

It (2017)

Question: While we see Henry Bowers and his gang get their comeuppance by the end of the film, why couldn't the same thing happen to the girls who bully Beverly?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: There's no real reason. Sometimes people who do bad things get away with it.


22nd Mar 2018

Ferdinand (2017)

Question: Ferdinand had his name since birth when he is being raised at the bull camp. But he is later adopted by Nina and Juan who also name him Ferdinand. How do they know that his name is Ferdinand? He was not wearing any identification tags and he couldn't speak to the humans to tell them this.

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: It's a very common Hispanic name, so probably just a coincidence that Nina and Juan happened to name him that.


20th Mar 2018

Ferdinand (2017)

Question: Why would the owners of Casa de Toros just give the bulls away at the end? It's a nice thought that the bulls could just run free at Ferdinand's home on the hills, but I'm sure the trainers would have been asking for a pretty big monetary exchange.

Answer: There could be any number of reasons. The owners may have felt that just letting the bulls go was the morally right thing to do without profiting from it.


Answer: Maybe he decided he was tired of raising bulls to just be killed in the arena.

20th Mar 2018

Hook (1991)

Question: Why didn't Tinkerbell grant Rufio the ability to fly? He was the de facto leader of the Lost Boys in Peter Pan's absence, and they looked up to him when he is first introduced.


Answer: It's possible Tinkerbell didn't feel Rufio deserved the ability to fly, especially with him being a bit of a jerk.

Answer: It's unknown why Tinkerbell didn't do this.


15th Mar 2018

Friends (1994)

Show generally

Question: In one episode in season 10, Phoebe asks Joey to help her get Mike to do something in bed. Does anyone know what it was she wanted Mike to do?

Answer: It wasn't specified. It's left to the viewer's imagination.


Question: If Davy Jones was part of the Brethren Court once, then why did he not know the location of Shipwreck Cove?

Answer: Davy Jones was not one of the nine Pirate Lords who made up the Brethren Court.


9th Mar 2018

Silver Streak (1976)

Question: While a number of cigarettes show up in the silver streak, none appear to be lit. Am I wrong or was this subtle comedy, or production preference?

Answer: Most likely it was a production decision. Having multiple extra actors continually smoking during multiple takes and over hours of filming would make for a smokey set, affect breathing and burn peoples' eyes, be a fire hazard, and create consistency problems with cigarettes being in various stages of use (freshly lit or almost down to a stub).


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