
Question: After Obi Wan defeated Anakin, why doesn't he take Anakin with him? It would be easier to reform somebody when they can't kill you, and Obi Wan thinks of Anakin as a brother, so wouldn't he do anything to reform him?

Answer: Obi Wan had conceded that Anakin was fully turned to the Dark side and beyond redemption. Anakin betrayed Obi Wan and the Jedi Order, killing many, and this was a permanent break to their relationship. There was no turning back for either. Obi Wan simply chose to walk away and leave him there to die.


Question: If Quinn and Robin had no idea what island they crash landed on AND the plane's navigation system and radio had been knocked out by the lightning, how were they able to navigate straight back to Makatea once they retrofitted the plane and eluded the pirates?

Answer: Once they were in the air, Quinn would be able to navigate by sight. He was an experienced pilot and and was familiar with the territory and the different islands' configurations. He would also be looking for ship traffic, and he had a general idea which of several islands they were on. Once in the air, he would easily know which direction he was heading based on the position of the sun.


But he passed out. And the ocean is a big expanse, not a lot of landmarks to navigate by.

Question: Why did Remus agree to make Harry his son's godfather? Teddy would nowhere near be safe as long as Voldemort is hunting Harry.


Chosen answer: Remus knew that if he and Tonks were killed, Harry, as godfather, was someone who understood what it was like to have grown up as an orphan. Assuming Harry lived, he was the best person to mentor young Teddy. Teddy was raised by Tonk's mother, Andromeda, but, as godfather, Harry played a significant role in Teddy's life.


Chosen answer: She knew he loved her, but he felt he was too old for her. She convinced him that the age difference didn't matter to her. She loved him as well.


If I remember correctly, he also said (in one of the books) that he was "too sick" and "too poor" to be with her. He was concerned about her dealing with his condition as a werewolf. It caused him to change jobs often and not make much money.

7th Sep 2017

Game of Thrones (2011)

The Queen's Justice - S7-E3

Question: Why were the captured and imprisoned Ellaria and Tyene Sand both with their shirts opened and their midriffs exposed?

Answer: As mother and daughter are being paraded through the streets, they are wearing their usual Dornish clothing. Dorn, located in the south, has a hot, tropical climate. Dorn residents generally wear lesser and lighter-weight outfits year-round. This is what they were wearing when Euron Greyjoy captured them.


Question: Did Snape know that Draco and Harry were the masters of the Elder Wand?


Chosen answer: No, Snape never knew this. Draco had briefly become the Elder Wand's master when he disarmed Dumbledore on the Astronomy Tower and prior to Harry disarming Draco at Malfoy Manor. Draco never knew that he commanded the Elder Wand and never physically possessed it. Harry figured out later how the wand's allegiance had changed, making him its master.


Question: At some time in the film Philip shouts at Blackbeard and tells him that the mermaid has a name, "Syrena." How does he know her name?

Answer: Because Philip is the one who named her Syrena. She did not have a name, at least not a conventional human one, prior to that.


7th Sep 2017

Friends (1994)

The One With Phoebe's Uterus - S4-E11

Question: When Phoebe is sitting on the couch with her mother, having just received the puppy, towards the end you can see a strange thing sitting on the couch behind/next to her. I can only view it on a small screen, but it looks like a phallic shape. It would make sense, considering that her mother makes erotic pottery, but is that what it is?

Answer: It is one of Phoebe's mother's sculptures. Whether or not this particular piece is erotic is debatable, but it can be defined as "non-objective" abstract art, meaning there's no recognizable shape or subject to it.


Chosen answer: Sheldon was 14 when his father died.


7th Sep 2017

Home Alone 3 (1997)

Chosen answer: Because he's a typical kid who does the opposite of what he is told to do.


Question: Why did Voldemort want the Defense Against the Dark Arts job in the first place? Was it to get the students to be his followers?


Chosen answer: He would be able to more easily recruit new followers, but he would also have access to an immense amount of Dark magic information stored in the library. He also suspected that one or more of the Deathly Hallows was hidden at Hogwarts.


Answer: Furthermore, Voldemort could easily have used his position and knowledge to teach the students about the Dark Arts in a negative way, thus further helping to create followers.

Chosen answer: Because it was at that moment she understood what Dumbledore had meant when he said earlier that more than one life could be spared - meaning that both Buckbeak and Sirius Black could be saved.


Question: Even though Pettigrew valued his own life over his friends, why not just lie and tell him they went to Ireland to keep them safe?


Chosen answer: Wizards have access to veritaserum, the truth potion, and there are others who can use legilimacy to read minds. Any lies Pettigrew told would be exposed eventually.


Chosen answer: He was just pulling her out of the way to what he thought was a safer spot and out of the line of fire from Snape's wand.


Harry is actually taking Hermione's wand, Ron was moving Hermione's arm so Harry could do so.

Question: When Bond gets trapped underwater, could it be possible for him to survive using the air in the tyres?

Darth Crucible

Chosen answer: The Mythbusters tested that very thing on their show. The result was that it was impossible to breathe in air from a leaking tire while underwater.


7th Sep 2017

Big Jake (1971)

Question: At the beginning of the move it is established that Big Jake has not seen his sons for 10 years, but it appears he is close enough geographically to be found, summoned and arrive before the bad guys can get more than a days' ride away from the ranch. Was he really that bad of a dad or is his arrival at the ranch a bit too magical?

Answer: He has been gone for 10 years but knows "Juan and the little boy", not 10 years old I assume.

Answer: It doesn't help explain locating Big Jake or time involved, but as to helping some with the quickness of him coming to help, remember he came in on a train, he didn't ride back home.

Answer: Jake was a very rough character when he was a younger man, and his wife did not want him around. After the grandson is rescued, the family realises he has changed and they reunite.


7th Sep 2017

Deep Impact (1998)

Question: All of the residents of Eastern United States were informed by the president when the smaller of the two meteors were to strike in the Atlantic Ocean, yet, even with ample time to evacuate away from the area of impact, why did it appear the residents all chose to leave on the final day? (Clogged highways and chaos).

Answer: There is no logical reason. It can be argued that people are just stubborn and/or reluctant to leave their homes under any circumstance. However, this is a movie, and showing the last-minute chaos of people attempting to evacuate heightens the tension and the drama.


Answer: When the president announces the strikes, he says it will occur in 12 hours so they didn't have days to evacuate 100 million people, only hours.

The president tells people to leave with around 10 hours left before impact.


Answer: They were trying to send missiles, which failed. The president spoke and that's when people started to leave.

Question: When Laurence Fishburne shot someone in the head, it was with a scoped rifle. After the gun fight, how come there was no scope on the rifle?

Answer: He either removed it, or this is a movie mistake.


Question: During the musical number "Gaston," was Luke Evans actually physically capable of lifting Josh Gad and a woman on his shoulders or did Josh Gad and the woman have suspension strings attached to them?


Chosen answer: He may well be strong enough to perform such a feat, but considering that each movie scene is filmed a number of times in order to get the best version, it would be physically impossible and dangerous to all the actors for this stunt to be performed without safety harnesses and suspension cables.


7th Sep 2017

Flightplan (2005)

Question: How did the hijackers know who Kyle was in the first place? Kyle doesn't appear to have known them prior to meeting them on the plane so how did they know Kyle was an engineer and that David was her husband and that Julia was her daughter prior to killing her husband?

Answer: Carson was not the sole person who engineered the plot. There were others involved, and Carson would have been given the necessary information about Kyle in order to carry out his part of the plan.


Who would have given Carson the necessary information about Kyle? The only people involved in the plot besides Carson were Stephanie and the morgue director. Kyle doesn't appear to have known either Carson or Stephanie, and the only time she met the morgue director was at the beginning of the movie. So, where would Stephanie and the morgue director have gotten the information about Kyle?

Is it possible the hijackers tricked a coworker of Kyle's into giving them the information about Kyle and her family?

I thought he got the information about Kyle by hacking into files containing information about avionics engineers and their families.

Answer: There may be many unidentified others involved in the larger conspiracy - some individual or individuals killed Kyle's husband, possibly the coroner and/or police involved in the investigation into his death, airport security (why no cameras were referenced), and someone with access to the passenger manifest. There may be an insider who knew about Kyle's role as an engineer and pulled up info regarding her family, all to further the plot of framing her and unbalancing her. It's a massive plot hole.

Erik M.

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