
Question: What happened to all of the Enterprise's Shuttles and the ship Kirk's team took to Qo'nos? Did they all become disabled that only Kirk and Khan would jump out an airlock and shoot through a dangerous debris field to board the Vengeance? Rather than taking an entire strike team to take out the minimal crew on the other ship, just the two of them go. Makes no sense, given the situation. Also, consider that even the escape pods have propulsion capabilities as shown in the previous movie when they ejected Kirk off the ship.

Answer: The plan is for Kirk and Khan to sneak aboard the Vengeance, with Scottie's help, without being detected. That could not be accomplished if they took a shuttle or used an escape pod. It would have been spotted, and it would be impossible to land a shuttle on board without the bridge crew knowing it. Even though there is a minimal crew on board Vengeance, they could ambush intruders as they exited their craft.


18th Dec 2014

Licence to Kill (1989)

Chosen answer: He'd been having some of his men spying on her to learn what she was doing and find out where she went.


3rd Nov 2014

Alien 3 (1992)

Question: Why didn't James Cameron return to direct? I know he made more than a name for himself after Aliens but I don't understand why the studio wouldn't ask him to return due to how good Aliens was. And why was a debut director (David Fincher) brought in with such a high budget? Wouldn't the producers think of choosing a more experienced filmmaker to deal with the budget and actors, considering how strong the previous films were?


Chosen answer: I did a little reading on this. Cameron was adamant at the time that if there was an Aliens 3 that he, and his then-wife, Gale Hurd, would not be part of it. He said by the time a decision could be made about a another sequel and a plot was outlined, they would already be on to other projects, and he did not want to invest that much time and effort into one film franchise. He stated that money was not an issue, but he simply wanted to move on to other creative projects. Fincher had at this point directed several successful and lucrative, big money advertisements. The producers had enough faith in him to believe he was capable of directing the third film, but not so much to give him total creative control. There has never been a "directors cut" of Alien 3, as Fincher had so little control, that he pretty much disassociated himself from the film after completion.


8th Dec 2014

Winter's Tale (2014)

Answer: Because it's over a century later and he's in a different time period. The styles are different.


Question: Why didn't the Dursleys just dump Harry at an orphanage, or refuse to take him? Why did they care about doing what Dumbledore asked?

Answer: Dumbledore never would have allowed it. The charm that protected Harry was only effective as long as Harry lived with his blood relatives, that being his aunt. Also, though Aunt Petunia would be too afraid of the consequences if she ever tried to abandon Harry, she was not evil. There was a line she would never cross that would put her sister's child in danger. She knew his living in her household protected his life.


Does she care though? Because her and Vernon often tell him that he is punished with no meals for a long time and lock him in a cupboard.

They cared enough for his life, not his well-being.


They were strict on him to try and stamp the magic out of him. Vernon even says "when we took him in we swore we would stamp it out of him".


They probably felt obligated, not enthusiastic. Consider how Severus Snape felt about secretly protecting Harry over the years. He was not happy that Lily fell in love with James and they produced Harry, but he felt obligated to protect Harry anyway, in honor of Lily.

Answer: According to the books, once they agreed to take him in, the protective became active. So it seems like they had the choice not to take him in.


Question: I have seen this movie many times, but one question continues to bother me: How did the Jackal plan to escape if he was successful in shooting the president? (He had already removed his disguise).

Answer: He would have just slipped away into the crowd, probably with some minor alteration to his appearance. He was a master of disguise and no one knew his real identity or what he looked like.


Answer: When the Jackal entered the parade area, he was disguised as an old army veteran, with one leg and false I.D. When the job was done he would walk out as a younger man with two legs and another set of of false I.D.

Question: I'm confused about Lupin's friendship with Lily, James, Peter, and Sirius. Lupin says that Lily was there for him at a time "when no one else was." Was he not friends with James, Peter, and Sirius? Didn't they learn the Animagus spell so that they could spend time with him at night?

Answer: He didn't mean it quite so literally. Yes, he was friends with James, Sirius, and also Peter Pettigrew, but Lily was an especially close and caring friend to him and was among the very first to reach out to him in true friendship.


Question: Did the Death Eaters have a specific reason for burning Hagrid's house?

Answer: Partially it was general mayhem, but also because they know of Hagrid and Harry's close friendship. It's to send a message to Harry that no one is safe.


Question: What is supposed to happen if you say Voldemort's name? Harry says it throughout the series many times, and nothing happens to him. Why do Arthur Weasley (in this movie) and other people always tell him to stop?

Answer: Actually, nothing happens to anyone who says it. The idea is that Voldemort was so evil that nearly everyone feared saying his name aloud, referring to him only as "You-Know-Who" or "The Dark Lord." Only Harry and Dumbledore freely spoke his name aloud, having no fear of it. However, in HP and the Deathly Hallows, Voldemort, knowing this about Harry, places a jinx on his own name, and anyone saying it will immediately reveal their location. Hermione happened to say "Voldemort" out loud right after she, Harry, and Ron escaped the attack at the wedding and were in the coffee shop. Two Death Eaters appear immediately after she says it, and almost capture the trio.


Answer: Voldemort can find whoever says his name. That's why people don't say his name - purely for the sake of their life.

That is only true after the death eaters take over the ministry.


3rd Nov 2014

Aliens (1986)

Question: I know that the studio chose James Cameron to direct due to the strength of his script, but why wasn't Ridley Scott offered the chance to direct? And was the studio considering a sequel before Cameron joined?


Answer: It really was all down to James Cameron having already written the script and proving himself capable of directing with 'The Terminator.' It was just a quicker, easier, and almost certainly cheaper decision to let him direct his own script rather than get someone else, even Ridley Scott. While the producers had wanted to make an 'Alien' sequel almost immediately, at the time the head of 20th Century Fox didn't want to pursue it fearing it would be seen as an obvious cash-in and flop. When a new executive at the studio came in a couple years later, the project was put back on track, and I believe Cameron was the first to be approached to write the script.


Chosen answer: The studio was considering a sequel before Cameron was involved, but regarding directing it, Ridley Scott told "The Hollywood" in a 2008 interview, "They didn't ask me! To this day I have no idea why. It hurt my feelings, really, because I thought we did quite a good job on the first one." The studio liked Cameron's script and at that time he had enough clout to be able to insist on directing it.


7th Nov 2014

Black Dog (1998)

Question: Is the whole thing with truckers seeing "a black dog" when they have been on the road too long true, or made up purely for the film?


Chosen answer: It's an old trucker's myth that has been around for a long time. There's no known origin for the story, but supposedly when truckers become drowsy, they can see a demon-like black canine of some sort running along the side of the road. This legend was incorporated into the movie.


3rd Nov 2014

Dracula (1992)

Question: So, just to make things clear in the ending after Vlad's death: do Vlad and Elisabeta ascend into Heaven?

Answer: It's implied that Vlad has regained his soul and will ascend to heaven with Elisabeta.


3rd Nov 2014

The Godfather (1972)

Question: At the start of the film, Michael says that he doesn't want anything to do with the family business. However at the end of the film, he is the don. I've been wondering where exactly does he change his beliefs in the film. Mates have told me its when Vito dies, but I believe its either after the hospital (when Vito is shot the first time) or after Michael's wife in Sicily dies. Are any of these true?


Chosen answer: It is a gradual process and it happens long before Vito Corleone's death because Michael had already taken over as Don. Michael was deeply affected by his father being shot and nearly dying. Michael changes and will now do anything to protect his father, and in the hospital tells him, "I'm with you now." Michael kills Sollozzo because he knew his father would never be safe while Sollozzo lived. His first wife's death certainly had an effect, but it really is when his brother Sonny, the heir apparent, is murdered that Michael's path is cemented. He also knows that Don Corleone cannot live forever, and with Sonny gone and Fredo being incompetent, the Corleone empire will collapse once he dies. To ensure the Corleone empire stays protected and in tact, Michael takes over as Don with the idea he'd make the family a legitimate enterprise. He and his father (now retired) then plot to murder the remaining mob heads. Don Corleone had never wanted Michael, his favorite son, to join the family business, knowing what it would do to him. Ultimately, there was never anyone else capable of succeeding Vito Corleone.


Answer: Michael's decision is between love and power. These are the two roads of life and you can only go down one, as an ancient Roman said. At the start of the film, his road is obviously love. There's no single moment when he abandons this path - indeed, you can argue that the whole film rests on his gradual, incremental abandonment. The process begins shortly after his father's shooting. In terms of cinema, we first see the process unfolding when he's sitting out in the yard, thinking things over, just before being called in to the telephone. (Notice how, in the next scene, Clemenza mocks love.) Shortly thereafter, Mike is with Kay in the hotel and he's distancing himself from her emotionally. Then comes the hospital scene and "I'm with you now" to his father. He notices his hands are steady during the cigarette lighting. He's well on the path now. Then comes the sock in the jaw and the killing. Now, to be sure, the interlude in Sicily suggests that he is wavering somewhat in the direction of love rather than power - the expression of his face, while they're dancing, suggests that he perhaps might, at this point, opt for love. But then, in rapid succession, he is informed of his brother's murder and his wife is blown to pieces. His fate is sealed.

Question: In the first chapter Frank Bryce overhears Wormtail and Voldemort's plans about killing Harry. Voldemort tells Wormtail "Come Wormtail, one more death and our path to Harry Potter is clear." A couple pages later it is mentioned again... "One more murder...my faithful servant at Hogwarts...Harry Potter is as good as mine." Whose murder/death are they talking about?

Answer: Voldemort considered the only person between him and Harry Potter was Albus Dumbledore. That is who he is referring to. The "faithful servant" was Barty Crouch, Jr., who was disguised as "Mad Eye" Moody. He was supposed to kill Dumbledore.


Question: Why do people at first suspect that Harry is lying about Voldemort's return? Didn't they believe that he defeated Voldemort at the end of the first two movies?

Answer: Up until the end of Order of the Phoenix, there was no actual proof that Harry had ever confronted Lord Voldemort. It was only Harry's word and also Dumbledore's. It was only after Fudge and others saw Voldemort at the Ministry of Magic that they were finally convinced. Harry, being a child at the time, had been considered a less than reliable source and was considered by many to be an attention-seeking liar, caught up in his own celebrity as "the boy who lived." Dumbledore had a reputation of being a somewhat-eccentric crackpot who had lost his touch with age. While some found him credible, most simply wanted to believe that Voldemort was dead and would never return. It is typical of how the public reacts to crisis. Until there is definitive and irrefutable proof, they simply will not take a few people's word. Even then, there are still skeptics.


Question: Why did the parents of so many Hogwarts students actually allow them to return to school this year, thinking that Snape murdered Dumbledore (they don't know that Dumbledore wanted Snape to kill him) and Voldemort is in control of the place?

Answer: In the books it is actually stated they are required to attend, not optional.

Answer: It is complicated and the movies glossed over much of how Voldemort plotted his gradual take-over of the Ministry of Magic and also Hogwarts. His followers were placed in key Ministry positions, and began changing laws and regulations. Voldemort also manipulated the news media (The Daily Prophet) using propaganda to sway public opinion. During his rise to power, the Dark Lord remained hidden from public view, making it difficult for the general public to realize what was going on or identify who was behind it. Once the take-over was consolidated, it became a law that every magical child now had to attend Hogwarts. That way, not only would they be indoctrinated into the new order, it was also a means to identify and cull any Muggle-born children. Of course, most Slytherins willingly sent their children to Hogwarts, despite the changes. Also, the general public did not know the exact circumstances of Dumbledore's death, discrediting Harry's account because he was being painted as an attention-seeking liar. By the time most people realized what was happening, they could do little about it.


2nd Nov 2014

General questions

I saw a movie about a businessman trapped in a town at night. That town went crazy and totally different compared to it at daytime. The businessman has to struggle until sunrise. What is the title of the movie?

Yohanes Wimpy

Chosen answer: This sounds like the 1985 movie "After Hours, " starring Griffin Dunne.


29th Oct 2014

The Book of Life (2014)

Question: Manolo's father and grandmother as well as his audience, except for Maria, are disappointed in Manolo for not killing the bull at the bull fight. At the end of the scene, the bull shakes his head in disappointment. Why would the bull be disappointed in Manolo too when the bull should know he is the victim?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: The bull, bred for fighting in the ring, likely feels denied of an opportunity to fulfill his purpose to battle to the death. It's like a matter of honor and pride.


Question: Why were the carnival Strongman and the other carnival workers chasing Oz?

Answer: Because Oscar (Oz) was flirting with the wife of one of the strongmen.


Question: Is Edward supposed to be Hansel and Gretel's father? If so, was there some explanation as to how or why since the head evil witch told Hansel and Gretel he was hung? Was she lying?

Answer: Edward is not Hansel and Gretel's father. He helps them because he is a troll. Trolls serve witches.


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