
25th Feb 2020

Grease (1978)

Question: Before the Summer Nights scene, Kenickie asks "Did you see the new girl down at registration?" Is the girl he's referring to Sandy?

Answer: Yes, it's Sandy.


13th Feb 2020

Nanny McPhee (2005)

Question: There is a skull and crossbone flag in both Nanny Mcphee and Nanny Mcphee Returns, why?

Answer: The skull and crossbone flag can be interpreted in a number of ways. Death, both literally and symbolically, is an ongoing theme in the story. Cedric Brown, the children's father, is a widower, and he is also an undertaker. There have been a number of nannies for Mr. Brown's rather naughty children, but they have systematically gotten rid of each one, basically "killing them off," though not in a literal sense, until Nanny McPhee arrives.


Answer: According to Wikipedia, he is described as being a youth anywhere from 14 - 19 years old. There is no specific age.


Question: Gaston sings that he ate eggs to help him get large. Why didn't he say meat? Was he vegetarian? Was Disney deliberately supporting vegetarianism/respecting vegetarians? Are there any historical circumstances that I'm not aware of? Or am I just overanalyzing this matter?


Answer: In addition to eating meat, eggs would be a more readily available and cheap protein source in the village.


Answer: Eggs are full of protein. Eating a lot of eggs is an excellent way to bulk up and build muscle mass.


Eggs are not good for you if you eat too many of them.

To quote Stephen Fry: "Well of course too much is bad for you, that's what "too much" means. If you had too much water it would be bad for you, wouldn't it? "Too much" precisely means that quantity which is excessive, that's what it means. Could you ever say "too much water is good for you"? I mean if it's too much it's too much. Too much of anything is too much. Obviously." That aside, while it used to be believed that the cholesterol content of eggs was a health risk, more recent studies have shown that dietary cholesterol doesn't affect blood cholesterol levels for most people. As such there's no real maximum limit on egg consumption beyond the aforementioned "too much of anything is too much".

I don't think Gaston cares much about his cholesterol.


They didn't even know the word.


Answer: While I was waiting for this question to be accepted, I found the answer to one of my questions myself. Gaston is indeed not vegetarian, considering he mentions his hunting trophies during the aforementioned song and earlier in the movie, he tells Belle to imagine him roasting his kill on the fire place.


10th Feb 2020

The Village (2004)

Question: If the village is isolated, how do they get their linen and dress from time to time? Like could a one village have a blacksmith, a weaver, a shoe maker, and all?

Answer: It's implied that the villagers provide whatever they need for themselves, such as raising sheep for wool and growing cotton for weaving cloth to make clothing, tanning leather to make shoes, etc. The elders made a pact that they would have no contact with the outside world for any reason, as was seen when Lucius Hunt needed medical treatment. Ivy was finally sent to fetch medicine, but only after considerable conflict among the elders and at risk to her. Presumably most supplies, raw materials, equipment were brought with the elders when they set up the village. It is rather unrealistic that they could be as skilled and self-sufficient to the degree they were, but the film employs a "suspension of disbelief."


Answer: The elders of the village have contact with the outside world, albeit minimally, in order to purchase/obtain such articles that they can't manufacture themselves.

There is nothing in the film suggesting this arrangement.

9th Feb 2020

Blue Bloods (2010)

Answer: It's a traditional tweed flat cap.


Question: How was Pamela Isley aka Poison Ivy able to fight Batgirl with martial arts-like skills towards the end of the movie? Pamela was a doctor and I highly doubt given her obsession with her research she had the time to take martial arts lessons in her spare time, if she had any during her stay in South America. Even after she transformed into Poison Ivy, her transformation could not have given her martial arts skills since her powers are based on plant abilities.


Answer: There's no way of knowing whether or not she "had the time" to study martial arts. Regardless of her studies, she could have made time to pursue this as an extra-curricular activity. Universities can have classes, clubs, competitions, and student groups for martial arts on campus that anyone can participate in. She may also have been studying it since childhood. She was also a botanist, so even with a rigorous academic schedule, she would likely have more free time than a medical student.


Answer: That and they had to have the women fight in here. I mean they couldn't have the guys hit her now could they? So it was necessary for her to fight competently at least.


Exactly, and that's a point I make again and again that things happen in movies because it's required to make the plot to work, not because it reflects real life.


13th Jan 2020

Mr. Deeds (2002)

Question: This is a two-part question: 1. How does Winona Ryder get hold of the journal of Sandler's uncle? 2. Why'd she dye her hair?


Answer: Babe Bennett stole Preston Blake's journal from Longfellow Deeds. As for why she dyed her hair, it was probably part of her disguise. She was a TV journalist pretending to be someone else (as Pam Dawson) so she could get a story on Longfellow.


Question: The disease that Alfred Pennyworth suffers, McGregor's Syndrome stage 1 - in real-life medical literature could it be a mutated form of pneumonia? As per commenter Raywest's description it causes the lungs to fill with fluid - a condition typical of pneumonia.


Answer: It's actually a fictional four-stage disease that was created for the movie.


7th Feb 2020

Jaws (1975)

Question: What was the reason behind Quint blowing up the engine? Hooper told him "Don't put that much pressure on it" and he revs it up some more. The shark isn't getting any closer at slower speeds so was there really any need to try and outrun him?

Answer: Quint had become so obsessed with killing the shark that he was completely irrational. He was stubborn, combative, single-minded, and determined that no-one knew more than him about catching sharks and was not going to listen to anything that Hooper or Brody said or did, to the point of sabotaging his own boat.


Question: Why did they release the baby Rex back to the parents? Wouldn't it have made more sense to keep the baby in the trailer with them? The parents won't attack the trailer in case it hurt their kid! They had a phone inside, they could have phoned Eddie who could have come and tranquilized them, then whilst they are asleep they could have left the baby behind and hightailed it out of there.

Answer: There was no reason. It's just to serve the movie's plot. Being as T-rexes are animals, it's a stretch to assume that they would not attack the trailer because their offspring was in it. The movie took extreme liberties about the animals' intelligence and was anthropomorphic, giving them unrealistic human parental feelings and actions.


Answer: Releasing the baby is the quickest way to hopefully get the parents away. But in doing so they gave the parents no reason not to attack them.


7th Feb 2020

The Terminator (1984)

Question: Towards the end of the movie when Kyle Reese dies, what will happen to him, considering he's from the future and there is no way he could be identified?


Answer: He would likely be considered as a "John Doe," with some identifying number, then buried in a modern-day equivalent of a "Potter's Field," where unknown persons are buried. Sarah Conner could have supplied Kyle's name, though this could not be verified and he'd still be considered as an unknown.


Answer: Also, in the sequel when the T-1000 looks up John Connor's info on the police car's computer, John's father is listed as "unknown', so any info Sarah had given the police was apparently disregarded.


Answer: He'd be treated like any other John Doe corpse.

Question: Who is the beautiful woman sitting to the left of Gary Grant in the art auction scene?

Answer: She's just a an auction attendee who happens to be sitting next to Roger Thornhill. They do not know each other.


2nd Feb 2020

Stargate SG-1 (1997)

Answer: Shanks had creative differences with the show's producers and felt his character was underused. He also didn't like the general direction the show had taken.


Question: When the gang explore the ruins of the city, you can hear a low pitch humming noise. What was making that noise?

Answer: It's just an added sound effect that foreshadows an ominous event (the giant reptile) that is about to happen. It's not meant to be anything naturally occurring.


2nd Feb 2020

Time After Time (1979)

Question: When Amy goes back in time to live with H.G. Wells, why did she choose to change her name to Susan B. Anthony?

Answer: She was joking, but it seems to imply that she intends to influence his political views regarding socialism, global war, women's rights, etc. which the real H.G. Wells wrote about.


Also, H.G. Wells' second wife was named Amy Robbins, the same name as the Amy in the film, which would further indicate she did not change her name to Susan B. Anthony.


Question: Why is there a pink dress on the chair in the hotel scene when Ana comes out of the bathroom?

Answer: It's not a dress. It's either a throw blanket or a robe. As this is a higher-end hotel, it's typical for robes, slippers, etc. to be provided for guests to use.


27th Jan 2020

Apollo 13 (1995)

Question: Did the scene where the astronauts take off their bio-med sensors really happen?

Answer: According to transcripts of the actual mission's audio recordings, yes. Though the movie can be lauded for its extent of accuracy, it still has moments of artistic license. In the transcripts, the last reference to BIOMED is between Cap Comm (CC) and Jim Lovell (CDR). CC: "The other thing is, if anyone has on any BIOMED, would you switch your switch to __ your BIOMED switch to that position." CDR: "Understand the first, Vance, and no-one has on any BIOMED__." CC: "Okay." CDR: "Fred and Jack are maneuvering things around right now, and mine is long since departed the scene."

Super Grover

Answer: From what I've read, they really did remove them, but not in the overly dramatic way shown in the film.


25th Jan 2020

St. Vincent (2014)

Answer: It's left ambiguous as to who the father is.


25th Jan 2020

It (2017)

Answer: "It" appears to know that Henry and his gang are "The Losers" antagonists and is using him as a weapon against them.


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