
22nd Feb 2013

Hot Shots! (1991)

Chosen answer: A chafing dish is a large metal pan or glass container (either is called a "dish") that is used to serve hot food at a buffet. The dish fits into an elevated metal stand that has one or more holders on the bottom for small sterno containers. The heat from the lit sterno keeps food warm.


Question: At the beginning of the movie, as Doc, Marty and Jennifer are leaving in the time machine to go to 2015, Biff sees the DeLorean fly and then disappear. It perplexes him greatly and he even states, "What the hell is going on here?" 1) Why wouldn't Doc have been more careful when he knew that anyone could've walked out of the McFly house and seen the DeLorean? 2) Why didn't it alter things in the future? Sure, Biff may not have told anyone about what he saw, but it's unlikely since he witnessed such a strange event.


Chosen answer: There's no real explanation about why Doc wasn't more careful, but he is an eccentric person who often acts on impulse rather than logic. It also serves the movie's plot for Biff to be there when he was. Biff in 2015 is an old man, and he is obviously somewhat confused about what he saw. He may well have thought it better to say nothing about it for fear he wouldn't be believed and could be accused of hallucinating the event.


18th Mar 2012

Thunderball (1965)

Question: In the last scene, what happened to the man who helped Domino? They all (Bond, Domino and man) jumped from the boat before it crashed into the rocks but only Bond and Domino climbed into the lifeboat. They didn't even try to find him.


Answer: Bond hands Kutze a lifesaver just before they jump off the hydrofoil. Presumably he just floated there before being picked up by the Coast Guard.

Jukka Nurmi

Chosen answer: There's no explanation about what happened to him. I would assume he somehow died when they jumped.


Question: I don't understand the connection between "the section" and the human trafficking/child porn network that was mentioned throughout the films. It is my understanding that the section was simply a secret covenant that leaks political secrets. But, some members seem to be involved in human trafficking and child porn (and where sexual predators and sadists themselves) but I don't see what part the section had in it. Can someone explain?


Chosen answer: The section had no direct involvement in human trafficking, but were willing to overlook Zala's activities in it because he had been useful to them and they wanted to keep their relationship with him secret. As was mentioned, the authorities took little interest in pursuing this type of crime because the victims are generally young women who have little or no family ties or other connections and they are often written off as willing prostitutes. They are simply considered too unimportant to be bothered with.


30th Dec 2012

Brave (2012)

Question: It is stated that Merida is a tomboy. What exactly made her a tomboy in the first place? Can someone also please point out her tomboy behaviors just so I can get a better idea?

Answer: Nothing "makes" a tom boy, it's something they're born with. Some girls, myself included, from earliest childhood, just prefer engaging in sports or other physical activities and like exploring and being outdoors. Merida shows she is a tom boy because she easily adapts to using the bow and arrow and also likes being in the outdoors, hunts, and can use a weapon to defend herself, rather than relying on someone else to protect her. She is a natural-born leader.


Question: Who was Jamie's maid of honor at the wedding? I was reading some discussion on imdb and the comments seem to indicate that it was Belinda since neither she nor Dean's girlfriend were seen sitting in the pews with Dean, Eric et al. One shot does briefly show a blonde girl holding the bouquet of flowers.

Answer: Belinda was Jamie's Maid of Honor.


Answer: It was the drama teacher.

Answer: I think it is Landon's dad's new wife.

13th Dec 2012

The Duchess (2008)

Question: When the Duke says that he "cannot" ask Lady Bess to leave his home (after the Duchess discovers their affair), does he simply not want to or is there some reason that he feels he cannot?

Answer: He is ignoring the Duchess' request by saying that he cannot ask her to leave. He does not want her to go, nor does Lady Bess wish to leave.


13th Dec 2012

The Lost Boys (1987)

Question: Why is Laddie wearing a Confederate soldier's jacket?

Answer: There's no particular reason. It's probably just something he found and liked.


Answer: That was in fashion in the USA, in the 80's.


Question: When Fred and George were in possession of the Marauders Map, before giving it to Harry, how come they never wondered why Ron was always hanging around with a person called Peter Pettigrew? He shows up on the Map even whilst disguised as Scabbers, as we know from when Harry spots him.


Chosen answer: Fred and George used the map to aid them in their mischievous activities at Hogwarts, and probably had little interest in what their little brother was doing or who he might be with at any given time.


Question: Harry sees a dream of attacking Mr. Weasley as a snake, this was real. Harry sees a dream about Voldemort hurting Sirius, this is not real. Can anyone explain this to me?


Chosen answer: Harry was able to tap into Voldemort's mind and see what he was seeing. When Voldemort learns that Harry can do this, he plants a false vision in Harry's mind that Sirius is being tortured so that Harry will be lured into a trap at the Ministry.


Question: If Edward can read minds why he didn't tell Bella that Rosalie only cares about getting the baby for herself and is not really helping Bella live through the pregnancy?


Chosen answer: Because that would not be at all true. Rosalie never wanted Bella's baby for herself. Her biggest regret is not being able to have had a child, and she loves Edward and Bella's child, but never would have done anything to try and take the baby from them.


10th Dec 2012

General questions

This is for the Bond films as a whole. Bit of a stupid question, but in Licence to Kill, Della tries to give Bond her garter and he refuses because he doesn't want to marry again. And then Felix explains that Bond was married before a long time ago. My question is, in all the films, we see him getting off with various women, and since he was married a long time ago, shouldn't he have moved on by now? Or was Tracey the only woman he wanted to marry?

Heather Benton

Chosen answer: James Bond is not the kind of man who would be interested in marrying and settling down with someone. Any woman that he that he would have married would be exceptional, and it is highly unlikely then that he would find another such person or consider taking any other woman as his wife.


25th Jul 2012

General questions

Old classical movie: what's the name of the movie where a teen girl goes rich, is taken to buy new clothes, etc? When I was a kid I watched this movie sometimes, but now can't remember the name or the exact plot. It was a young girl or teenager who finds out she inherits a lot of money, or is the daughter of a rich man, something in those lines. She is taken to go shopping by a zealous woman who takes care of her. They go to a store and she tries out new clothes while the older woman tells her what to do, how to act, etc. This movie might be black & white, I can't remember. I used to watch many Julie Andrews movies, so I searched for Julie Andrews but couldn't find anything linked to her. What's the name of the movie?

Answer: It sounds like you're describing The Princess Diaries," which starred Julie Andrews as a royal dowager who is teaching her teen=aged granddaughter, who was raised as a commoner and did not know she was a princess, how to be and act like royalty. Anne Hathaway played the granddaughter.


Chosen answer: He feared them, for one thing, but also felt loyalty to Frodo, who showed him kindness. Gollum, torn between his good and evil nature, was eventually overpowered by his desire for the ring.


12th Feb 2012

Collateral (2004)

Question: When Lenny calls the first time, Vincent looks at Annie's business card in the mirror and gives Max a look. Does this imply that Vincent knows that this is his last target? His conversation with Max about whether or not he should call Annie suggests otherwise, but I was curious.


Chosen answer: Vincent already knows that Annie is one of the targets on his "hit list." He was probably just surprised that Max had her business card.


Question: At the end of the movie, why was the Marquis being led to his execution?

Answer: The ending is set during the French Revolution. The Marquis is going to be executed because he is an aristocrat.


Chosen answer: Because Kathy's supposed to be disguising her own voice to sound like Lina would if she could sing. The studio is trying to fool the public into believing that this is Lina's voice, even though she can't sing and sounds terrible when she speaks. Actress Jean Hagen, who played Lina, was a singer in real life, and she actually dubbed her own voice.


25th Jul 2012

The Time Machine (2002)

Question: What did VOX mean when he said that to find the Morlocks' lair, that Alexander would have to follow the breathing?

Answer: He's referring to the sound that the Morlocks' machinery makes from underground.


25th Jul 2012

Titanic (1997)

Question: Why does Jack say 'nervous' to Rose while they're in the car about to have sex? It's like they've planned it?

Answer: Whether or not it was planned, the first time can be awkward. They are also in a less than ideal situation, knowing that Cal will seek retribution if he finds out.


25th Jul 2012

The Jackal (1997)

Question: Why did the Jackal tell Koslova how she is going to die?

Answer: He's sadistic, and it's a way to torment her during her final moments.


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