
11th Nov 2011

Alien (1979)

Question: Why were there so few crew members on this very very large ship? If even one of them had a heart attack, they'd have to maintain the ship with only 80%.

Answer: There are several possible reasons. For one, the ship is fully automated, and the computers perform many technical functions, basically running everything. The crew is barely essential, and is kept in stasis during much of the voyage, awakened only at specific periods to perform specialized tasks or attend to unexpected problems. And though the ship overall is large, its function is simple: hauling a huge payload. Also, the ship is owned by a ruthless corporation wanting to maximize their profits. One way to achieve that is by using minimal personnel. They no doubt assume that if one crew member was lost or incapacitated, the others would manage somehow. On this particular voyage, however, the company intended to find and utilize the alien, and having a small crew, which they consider "disposable" makes it easier to achieve that. It was probably intended that Ash, the robot, would murder the crew or see to it that the alien "impregnated" them with embryos before returning them to stasis, only to die later.


Answer: The question may not be referring to this, but just in case: the ore refinery towers are often mistaken to be part of the ship, but this is actually a load that the ship is towing. What we see detach and land on the planet is in fact the entirety of the ship.

11th Nov 2011

Tarzan (1999)

Question: What could Tarzan's loin cloth possibly be made from? It doesn't look like anything that could be found in the jungle that isn't human made.


Chosen answer: It could be any number of things, including some man-made material that was left by hunters or explorers. It could also be animal skin, either from some beast that was hunted or a found carcass.


11th Nov 2011

Twilight (2008)

Question: At the end of the movie, when Bella and Edward walk into the prom building, the camera shows a shot of Victoria. She has her back turned, but the camera is on her long enough that there is no doubt it's her. Edward would know she is there because he can smell other vampires. Did they do that on purpose or is it a mistake? I can't find any online information about it.

Answer: The viewer is most certainly meant to see that it is Victoria. What the viewer is not meant to do is question her presence. In all honesty it was most likely a movie error by the writer. Although it is possible that Victoria knew this and somehow hid her smell because her ability pertains to hiding.

Yep. The viewers were supposed to see Victoria standing there and she can mask her scent to blend with others. But the thing is, Edward has a powerful mind reading ability, he should've heard or known that Victoria is nearby, especially given the strong feeling of revenge that Victoria was feeling at the moment.

Answer: There's never any answer given about this, but Victoria, knowing that Edward can smell other vampires, would have taken measures to cover her scent or positioned herself so he was unlikely to detect it. Also, if any of Edward's "siblings" also attended the prom, then their scent would be intermingled with Victoria's, helping to mask it. This is a large gathering and Edward is mostly focused on Bella. Other's individual thoughts and scents may simply go unnoticed.


Question: I haven't read the novel - is their servant British in the book (if his character appears in the book at all)? It seemed like an odd choice given that they are warring with England, but perhaps it was just a good accent for the comic relief?

Answer: The servant is definitely French in Alexander Dumas' novel.


Question: When Padme goes to see Anakin, and he has his little fit, he says "It's all Obi Wan's fault! He's jealous" and then he goes on to say "He's holding me back". Why does Anakin think Obi Wan is jealous and that he's holding him back?

Answer: Anakin, much like a typical youth, is acting immature here and rebelling against Obi Wan's tight control over him. Obi Wan knows Anakin is still too impulsive and rash to become a full Jedi Knight, and prevents him from taking the final Jedi trial. Anakin just wants more independence.


Question: On the corrections page for this movie, someone stated that Henry was the father of both of Mary's children. How? Didn't he stop seeing her while she was still on bed rest during the pregnancy of their first child?

Answer: The information on the corrections page is inaccurate. Mary Boleyn married William Carey in 1520. Because her exact birth date is unknown, no one knows how old she was when she married. It was shortly after her wedding that she began her affair with Henry VIII. It is also unknown if either of the two children she bore during this time were fathered by Henry, though there was certainly a high probability that he sired one or both. However, Henry never publicly acknowledged either child, unlike the illegitimate son he had with another mistress. The events in the film and book are fictional, and they vary from the historical facts. It is never mentioned in the film that Mary had a second child, either by Henry or William Carey.


24th Sep 2011

Darkness (2002)

Question: Where exactly are the girl and her brother at the end of the movie?


Chosen answer: After escaping from the house, the fake Carlos drives Regina and Paul into a dark tunnel. It is not explained what happens next, but it's implied they will be killed.


23rd Sep 2011

Letters to Juliet (2010)

Question: Towards the end of the film, in the wedding/balcony scene, Charlie states that there are two Patricia's, one there at the wedding and one who he just remembered. Who's the second Patricia?

MGG fan xx

Chosen answer: The second Patricia is Charlie's cousin, who Sophia had mistaken as his former girlfriend, Patricia.


30th Jul 2011

General questions

I watched this movie maybe 10 years ago but I can't remember the name or any of the actors. The only two scenes I remember is in the beginning there are a lot of people in this big warehouse/laboratory type room and in the middle is this circular glass room with a little blond girl inside and she seems frightened, I think she may have been crying. And off to the side these two men are looking at the glass room and talking about how the girl is a fantastic scientific discovery or something like that and one guy seems to be worried that the room isn't secure enough and the other says the glass is reinforced super glass and there's no way in Hell she can escape. At that moment the girl punches a hole through the glass and escapes, killing or injuring a few people along the way. The girl ends up outside and she sees a train but I can't remember if she gets on it or not. The other scene I remember is the girl is an adult and she's kissing this guy and her tongue some how busts through the back of his head killing him. If someone knows this movie or knows where I can find it I'd greatly appreciate it, It's been killing me for years.


Chosen answer: Sounds like the 1995 film, "Species," starring Ben Kingsley and Natasha Henstridge.


2nd Sep 2011

Red Dragon (2002)

Question: What happened to Special Agent Starling and why isn't she in Red Dragon? And how come the new agent didn't know who Hannibal Lecter is (recognition), when nearly the whole of America (let alone the FBI) had heard/seen at least a picture of him?

Answer: Red Dragon is a prequel to Silence of the Lambs. The events took place while Clarice Starling was still at the FBI academy. At the very end of the film, Chilton tells Lecter that a woman (Starling) from the FBI wants to meet with him. Also, when Special Agent Will Graham first met Dr. Hanibal Lecter while investigating another case, Lecter had not yet been convicted of any crime. Therefore, no one knew him to be anything other than a noted psychiatrist.


18th Aug 2011

Titanic (1997)

Question: The answer to this might be a long shot, but I just have to ask would the passengers still on the ship when it is sinking really not notice two people (Rose and Jack) running from someone (Cal) who is shooting at them? Obviously they would have other things on their mind, but the scene wasn't as chaotic as other scenes during the sinking with the people other than the main characters.

Answer: There's no definitive answer to this. Even though it may have seemed less chaotic than the later scenes, considering the extreme crisis and terror that was unfolding at that moment, and knowing their their lives are at stake, it is conceivable that others would not take much notice of what people were doing, or even if they did, would not be inclined to intervene.


16th Aug 2011

Friends (1994)

Show generally

Question: When the friends gang can't get in or out of Monica's apartment because they have locked the keys in or out why couldn't the other gang members let them borrow theirs? In the last ever episode it shows them having a key each.


Chosen answer: That doesn't mean they all had keys before the final episode. The lockout incident happened earlier in the series when Rachel was still living with Monica. It could be that after they got locked out, the girls decided everyone should have a key to their apartment to avoid another similar dilemma.


Answer: Because they're two different films made years apart (1981 and 1997) by two different directors. Not only had CGI effects made significant advances by the time "Werewolf in Paris" was made, but every filmmaker has their own vision and style for their movie. A new director often feels no obligation to make a sequel look exactly like its predecessor. Look at the Harry Potter series. There have been different directors, and each made changes to how characters and locations look from film-to-film. It's just a natural progression.


Question: In Half-Blood Prince, Draco disarms Dumbledore at the top of the Astronomy tower. He disarms the wand revealed to be the Elder Wand. Therefore Malfoy IS the new master of the wand. In Malfoy Manor in DH1 Harry disarms Draco's OWN wand, not the Elder Wand. Why then does Harry automatically become the new master of a wand he did not "win" from its previous owner? Is it because he is now the owner of Malfoy's wand, the wand that "won" Dumbledore's, and therefore the wand believes Harry disarmed Dumbledore?

Answer: The Elder Wand's master does not have to actually be holding the wand to lose its allegiance. If its owner is overpowered in some way, then he can lose possession of the wand. Wands are sentient, and the Elder Wand is the most powerful wand in the wizard world. When Harry disarmed Draco, even though the Elder Wand was never in Draco's physical possession, the wand sensed this and changed its allegiance to Harry.


30th Jul 2011

Friends (1994)

The One With The Flashback - S3-E6

Question: In the cold open, Janice asks who's done it with who. How come Ross and Rachel aren't saying anything and why, in a deleted line in that same scene, does Rachel says something like, "If you don't put out I'll dump you for someone who does" to Ross? Ross and Rachel have had sex numerous times prior to this episode so is the whole joke that Rachel's being sarcastic?


Chosen answer: Everyone, including Janice, already knows that Ross and Rachel, having been a couple, has "done it," so there's no reason for them to say anything, hence why Rachel makes that joke. Janice's question is meant to find out who, other than those two, have had a sexual encounter with each other. Janice is still directing the question to Rachel and Ross, but she wants to know if either of them has done it, or almost done it, with any of the other friends.


Question: In the scene where the crew exits the ship via the retractable doorway and gets seen by the garbage men, they had enough power to beam out but decided to walk out regardless, and risk being seen. Yet every other time they beamed in and out of the ship, so why not that particular time? Furthermore, why would the garbage men dismiss it so easily and not report it or return again later.


Chosen answer: There's no reason given, but it might have something to do with the fact that all of them are leaving the ship at the same time. It may be necessary for someone to remain on board to beam them in and out, as opposed to manually opening and closing the hatch from the outside. Being as this is a Klingon ship, the technology does not exactly work the same as their own. As to the garbage collectors, they did not report seeing anything for fear of no one believing them, being ridiculed, and possibly losing their jobs. They may also simply not believe what they are seeing.


Question: In the epilogue, whose trolley is Harrys daughter riding on before they go through the 9 3/4 passage?


Chosen answer: She is riding on her brother James Sirius' trolly. He is the eldest of Harry and Ginny's three children.


Question: How did Draco Malfoy get the Elder Wand at the end of book 7?

Answer: Draco never physically possessed the Elder Wand, nor did he ever know he was briefly its master. Draco unintentionally won the Elder Wand's allegiance when he confronted and then disarmed Dumbledore when they were atop the Astronomy Tower in "The Half-Blood Prince. When the wand was forcefully removed from Dumbledore's hand, it sensed that its master (Dumbledore) had been defeated and switched its loyalty. Even if Dumbledore had lived and still retained custody of the wand, he would have no longer have been its true master. When Harry later disarmed Draco at Malfoy Manor, the Elder Wand then became Harry's property, even though the wand was still in Dumbledore's tomb at that time.


Question: The last few seconds in the movie - the rose with the ring lying beside Christine's grave - turns back to colour. I can't figure out the message behind. Can anyone help?

Airhead ESSE

Chosen answer: The rose tied with the black ribbon and the ring were left by the Phantom. The rose symbolizes the love the Phantom and Christine had for each other, and its turning to red shows that this love still exists beyond death.


6th Jun 2011

Red Eye (2005)

Question: This just interests me, but how on earth did Jackson manage to get a ticket right next to Lisa on the plane so quickly, considering that Keefe changed his plans at the last minute, and they didn't know Lisa's grandma was going to die, and she'd be taking the last plane back to Florida?

Answer: These are very tech-savvy terrorists. Not only would they be watching Keefe, but also Lisa, who is integral to their assassination plot. The assassins would have been monitoring their every move, intercepting cell phone calls, hacking into the hotel's and the airline's computers, and so on. It is unknown how Jackson got a seat right next to Lisa, but as it's a late-night flight, there would likely be fewer passengers and he could have managed to be seated next to her or somehow got the airline to switch him with another passenger.


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