
11th May 2017

Horrible Bosses (2011)

Question: Harkin didn't even eat the peanut butter. If so, why'd he get an attack?

Answer: People with a severe peanut allergy can be affected without consuming any. Airborne trace amounts can be inhaled and cause a reaction. In some cases, even touching peanuts is dangerous.


Answer: Severe reactions can be real, hence you see on some food packaging that the food was made in the same kitchen where they might have prepared nuts in their cooking.

12th Mar 2015

Monk (2002)

Show generally

Question: Why aren't there any more Monk reruns on TV after the 5 day marathon last Dec? I can't find a show anywhere.

Answer: There are so many TV shows in syndication now, that not all old series can be regularly shown. It also depends on ratings. A TV channel will not continue running a show if it does not garner enough viewers for them to charge higher prices for advertising time. Often channels show different series in cycles, so it may well be that Monk will be on again in the future.


The entire series is available on Amazon Video. That's where I discovered it and am now a major fan.

I am on season 6 started from 1st on Apple.

Monk is currently airing weekday afternoons on Cozi TV.

Answer: It's on Heroes and Icons channel every day at 3 and 4.

Answer: I agree with the other answers but would add that it's also a matter of economics. As the show is now exclusively available on Prime and other subscription channels, this probably prohibits regular cable channels from showing it (and other programs) as part of their TV schedule.


Answer: It is available to stream on Peacock now.

Answer: You can watch it on the air channel Heroes and Icons, H&I. It's on Thursdays 10:00 am to 7:00 pm.

3rd May 2017

Flightplan (2005)

Question: Why did Kyle want to sit in the courtyard with her husband at the beginning? She looked quite serious. What is the significance?

Bunch Son

Chosen answer: He's not really there. On the plane, she tells the psychologist that she saw him, but that was her mind coping with his death. She imagines him helping her onto the train, walking home with her, sitting in the courtyard, but you can see there's only 1 set of footprints.

Answer: There's no explanation, but there seems to be some sort of tension or discord going on between them that may be putting some strain on their marriage. They may have wanted a more private place to discuss something where they knew their daughter could not overhear. They also acted this way when they're in the subway station, communicating that all is not right between them.


11th May 2017

General questions

Why don't the new Star Wars and Marvel films feature a Disney logo at the beginning? Not saying it has to be the traditional Cinderella castle one. Just something mentioning that it is Disney owned.

Answer: Even though Disney is the parent company, Marvel is a separate studio. It may also be partly for public relations purposes that they choose not to include the Disney logo. If their logo is attached to a Star Wars or Marvel project, people might be confused about its content, expecting a certain type of movie that is different from what it actually is. This is similar to Disney's "Touchstone" films, which have more mature themes and content. Similarly Columbia Studios is owned by Sony, but there's no Sony logo before their movies. Several of the Disney-owned Marvel superhero films have Disney branding included in the scripts. In the Iron Man and Avenger sequels, the Ant-Man film, and in Dr. Strange, for examples, you will notice allusions to Disney standard songs inserted into the storylines: "There Are No Strings On Me," "When You Wish Upon a Star," and "It's a Small World, After All," as well as other Disney easter eggs, have popped up in Marvel films.


11th Jan 2015

Friends (1994)

Answer: No reason, it's just there to add a quirky detail to the apartment. It has nothing to do with the plot.


3rd May 2017

Flightplan (2005)

Question: At the very beginning of the movie, Kyle sits on the bench alone in the empty subway station. She looks very shocked or frightened. Why is that? Because at that time, her husband David is not dead. He walks up to Kyle and they get on the yellow subway train home.

Bunch Son

Answer: I believe he isn't really there. She's on her own on the way to the morgue but she's too scared to do it; that's why she's upset and why she takes long time to get on the train but he appears in her head to give her the courage to get up and get on the train to the morgue. It's done to set the scene.

Answer: He's not really there. On the plane, she tells the psychologist that she saw him, but that was her mind coping with his death. She imagines him helping her onto the train, walking home with her, sitting in the courtyard, but you can see there's only 1 set of footprints.

Chosen answer: It's never explained. She might have been concerned about something at work or there were problems with her marriage that she is contemplating. Personally, I attribute it partly to Jodi Foster's acting style. She tends to play scenes in an overly intense manner.


11th May 2017

Where Eagles Dare (1968)

Chosen answer: This is not unusual in older films. Earlier costume designers were less attentive to historical accuracy and freely incorporated current fashion trends into period movies. It was just an accepted practice and movie audiences back then were often less discerning and/or unaware of inaccuracies. Today's costumers have greater access to historical information, do more research, and strive for authenticity.


Question: The twins are apparently born at the same time as Vader receiving his armor/suit - right after Vader's fight with Obi-wan. How is it that fitting armor happens to be in a medical center already?

Answer: They may have the technology to fabricate the armor and other prosthetics within the facility. There may also be a near-by armory that can quickly supply what was needed.


2nd Feb 2015

Flightplan (2005)

Question: Since when does the FBI have jurisdiction and operations in Canada?

Answer: They don't have jurisdiction but they would be working in cooperation with Canadian authorities.


3rd May 2017

Flightplan (2005)

Question: Several questions. 1. What was Carson's relationship to Stephanie? They obviously knew each other. 2. Why didn't Carson ask the morgue director for the code? It would have been much easier. 3. The plane is to escape, but would they really allow an air marshall to just stroll on the plane even if his plan was successful? And how would he get Stephanie on? 4. Was Carson enjoying himself with his convoluted plan? He wants $50 million, but there are so many easier ways to get that such as robbing a bank.

Answer: 1. They appeared to be lovers. 2. I would classify this as a plot hole. However, if he had done that, there would be no movie. This a literary device known as a "suspension of disbelief." That is, the audience just accepts that certain aspects of the plot are unrealistic so the story can be told. 3. It is highly unlikely Carson would be allowed to stroll onto the plane. It was not revealed how he intended to get Stephanie aboard, but he could not leave her behind. 4. There's no way of knowing if Carson was enjoying himself. Yes, he could rob a bank, but he has no experience doing that. He is utilizing his knowledge and expertise as an air marshal to execute a complicated plan that places him in the center of what is happening, giving him some control over how events unfold. Carson has created an atypical scenario and knows the police cannot respond as if it was an everyday bank robbery. Also, successful bank robberies typically result in a relatively small amount of money being stolen, not $50 million.


Why would there be no movie if Carson asked the morgue director for code?

Answer: Carson wanted to make Kyle the terrorist so that he could live peacefully even after debarked. His plan was to blow up the plane after evacuation. If he did that, there would be nothing left to prove him guilty. When Kyle asked him to get into the plane, he would have run towards FBI and blasted the plane. That would have been more ideal.

Answer: 2) the morgue director doesn't have the code as was explained at start of film 3) the G3 plane was never intended to be used. Carson was going to kill (shoot) Kyle and blow up her daughter. Therefore he wouldn't need to escape, as no-one knows he is bad.

2) It's never explained whether the morgue director has the code or not. It's only explained that Kyle has the code; Carson and Stephanie don't. Plus, given that he was the morgue director, he would have had the code too. When they said Kyle was the only one who had the code, they didn't necessarily mean that Kyle was the only person in the world who had the code, they meant she was the only person, besides the morgue director, who knew the code.

The morgue director does not have the code. Kyle is the only one in the world who knows the code. The morgue director had Kyle enter the code to say her final goodbyes. She leaves with the coffin still open. This is presumably when the morgue director plants the bombs.

2) Then how did he plant the explosives inside the casket?

Question: Why deploy SEALs by air? Why not on the ground where they wouldn't be seen?

Answer: There could be any number of reasons. For one, arriving by air is faster and more efficient than going in on the ground. However, I suspect there is no "real world" reason for this and instead, the filmmakers chose to portray it this way for a more dramatic effect and to make the action move more quickly, rather than depict the longer, slower process of traveling over land.


Question: I believe the network is called FreeFH on Cox network? But anyway, why is it that when they have a marathon From Philosopher's Stone to Deathly Hollow's part II, they always skip this film? Instead they go from Goblet of Fire and go straight to Half-Blood Prince.

Answer: I've noticed that too. Because the entire Harry Potter series takes up so much TV air time, the scheduling would be a factor so that the entire marathon can end at a reasonable hour. It may be that "Order of the Phoenix" receives the lowest viewing ratings, and therefore is skipped over in the interest of time.


5th May 2017

Alien (1979)

Question: Is there ANY reason the smaller "lifeboat" ship (think they call it the Narcissus) Ripley evacuates into at the end, couldn't have been used as a lander to travel down to the planet in the beginning too (simply leave the Nostromo in orbit, with or without skeleton crew)? It seems, actually is, much less likely to be damaged in the initial landing, and, for that matter, much easier to take off afterwards (being much less massive). It also would have provided one more layer of quarantine containment for the people who stayed in the lander (who may or not be all the other four, in fact one would probably be just fine (Ripley manages the Narcissus just fine at the end), and it would have been a lot faster for the singleton to simply put on their own spacesuit if/when trouble is encountered, and in so doing, preserve their own personal uncontaminated space). The three explorers and the lander guard could simply see to trouble in Narcissus' sickbay-laboratory, without tainting the three back in the mothership, give Kane first response while taking him up to the main lab on the ship, while giving the orbit people warning to put on their suits/have some form of mobile quarantine ready for him.


Answer: It's not apparent whether the shuttle is capable of landing at all, much less launch itself back into space afterward even if it could.


Chosen answer: The small "lifeboat" ship was not equipped for the entire crew's long-term survival. As they are in deep space, there is no where close for them to land. They would just be adrift in space, as it takes years to travel from one destination to another. To survive long voyages, the crew needs to be in hibernation. The small ship would be a last resort in the hope that any survivors would be found before they died of starvation and/or lack of oxygen.


Question: When Umbridge has Harry, his friends and the Slytherin students in her office, she asks Harry if he was going to warn Dumbledore. When he says he wasn't, she responds by slapping him in the face. In the background, Draco has a look of shock on his face. Considering the fact that he hates Harry, why would he react this way?

Answer: Draco is shocked because a teacher is never allowed to hit a student, not for any reason. He never expected Umbridge to behave in such a manner.


Answer: It was probably a mistake. Tom Felton may have flinched by accident.

4th May 2017

Taken 3 (2015)

Question: Just to clarify Stu's plan. He wanted Lenore dead to take the life insurance policy which he was gonna pay Malenkov with? And would frame Brian to put him in jail?

Answer: Stuart told Bryan that he owed a large debt to his former business partner and ex-Spetsnaz operative, Oleg Malankov. To pay him off, Stuart had Lenore murdered for the insurance money. He framed Bryan and revealed his identity to Malankov because he was jealous that Lenore still loved Bryan.


Tutoring Reese - S2-E19

Question: This question could be for many American TV shows not just this one, but are American schools so strict about cheating on one single test? Because here in Europe if you are caught cheating you will most of the time get an "F" for that test, plus "official warning", and you need like 3 or 4 warnings like that to be Kicked Out of school. But, I saw on many American TV shows situations when a character cheated once and he was like "they are gonna kick me from school" (one example, Family Matters when Steve helped Edward during the test and he was almost expelled).


Chosen answer: I work in a student conduct office. Students are not expelled after one academic misconduct incident (there are rare exceptions in higher academia). A first time offense usually results in a "0" grade on the test or assignment in addition to a sanction of a warning or probation. Repeated offenses can lead to being suspended for a period of time and even permanently dismissed. Students often cheat or commit plagiarism because they are struggling in school. The goal is to help students get the help and resources they need. Students who are caught committing a misconduct often tend to panic and believe the worst will happen to them. TV shows tend to exaggerate the circumstances for dramatic or comedic effect.


Answer: They used to do this. Cheating was a violation of the honor code and you would get a mandatory suspension. American schools vary a ton from place to place. During the late 90s and early 2000s they were incredibly strict about a lot of things. The rules have changed because of a lot of scandals in the troubled teen industry. After the school shootings in the early 90s there was a huge moral panic about schools not being strict enough and millennials like the kids in this show paid for it.

3rd May 2017

Disclosure (1994)

Question: Why did Meredith change Tom's specifications on the production line? Was it merely to impress Conley-White? If she was incompetent, then wouldn't she knew she would screw up the production line? Was it unlawful as well? I know she was using the sexual lawsuit claim as a reason to kick him out of the company before he could trace the problems. But if that's so, I don't really understand her making Tom's life hell.

Answer: Meredith secretly changed the specifications to make it look like Tom had messed it up, giving cause for him to be fired. In addition to getting rid of Tom, she also wanted personal revenge against him for their failed relationship, making his life hell and wrecking his marriage.


Question: At the very beginning of the movie, there is a shot of Andrea's diary. On the calendar page, it says "ELIAS-CLARKE HUMAN RESOURCES" and next to it, "Get a card + Prez for Jill." Who the heck is Jill? The name of Andrea's girlfriend who works at a gallery is Lily, though.

Bunch Son

Answer: Jill is actually Andy's sister, not mentioned or shown in the movie but she's in several chapters of the book.

Chosen answer: Andy certainly has more girlfriends than only Lily. Jill is just someone she knows or who is a relative that does not appear in the film. This is meant to give substance to Andy, showing she has a busy life and interacts with many people.


28th Apr 2017

Ocean's Eleven (2001)

Question: When Saul is dressing up in front of the mirror for the final night, he collapses on the bed. Rusty, who's watching the scene, doesn't seem too bothered about it. Was Saul simply rehearsing his part, including the fainting, or did Rusty have enough confidence in him to believe he would not fail even if he felt ill?

Crisponzio Pastrelli Santangelo

Chosen answer: Rusty is aware that Saul is just rehearsing. He knows Saul well enough to be able to tell if he was really having a medical episode.


Question: If Blofeld wanted to eliminate Tiffany Case, then why didn't he kill her when he kidnaps her later on the film, instead keeping her alive and unharmed on his oil rig in Baha? In fact, he doesn't consider harming her in any way until he notices that she's helping Bond (with swapping the tapes round) on the rig.

Answer: It could be any number of reasons. For one, Tiffany's young and beautiful, and he may have been attracted to her. Some men, even evil ones, balk at killing a woman. She might also be more useful alive, at least for the short-term, to be used as a hostage or a bargaining chip or for information. He may also have intended to recruit her to his side.


Answer: He didn't kill her because she seduced him into believing she was sexually attracted to him, his power and wealth.

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