
Question: Why was Beethoven arrested? He wasn't doing anything illegal.

Answer: While it's not unusual for musicians to try out new instruments (playing a few rifts and even entire compositions) in a music shop, Beethoven's extended sampling-keyboard performance went wild, drawing an enthusiastic mall crowd into the relatively small music shop. The shop manager no doubt felt overwhelmed and called in mall security to clear out the shop before any damage and/or theft occurred. Keep in mind that the security team was already scrambling to respond to several simultaneous disturbances throughout the mall, all caused by 7 strangely-dressed oddballs (more than half of whom only spoke obsolete dialects and ancient languages). The time-travelers were, thus, probably all perceived as one group of pranksters or escapees from a mental institution.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: This appears to be a reference to Beethoven's real-life arrests. He had a dark side, often drinking excessively and prowling the streets at night, peering into peoples' windows. Police mistook him as a drunken vagrant.


Answer: Hagrid tended to collect magical animals that were illegal to own. In Philosopher's Stone, he kept a baby dragon, which was illegal. The creature he was hiding was probably a banned animal.


Answer: Because she's afraid Harry might die. The Triwizard Tournament is extremely dangerous and champions had been killed during it in the past. Only students 17 years old and over were allowed to compete, but due to the unusual circumstances, Harry was forced into the competition, even though he was underage. Hermione also suspects that there is an evil plot going on, further endangering Harry.


30th Oct 2018

Beetlejuice (1988)

Question: Is there any reason besides plot convenience that the Deetzes didn't enter the attic during the three months that the Maitlands were away from the house to meet with Juno? I realise they don't have the key, but seeing as how they were renovating the entire house anyway, it seems like they would have had no problem just knocking the door down.


Answer: No reason was given, but they probably felt no immediate need to enter the attic. I've never been in my own house's attic. As you pointed out, it's really a matter of plot convenience.


Maybe Lydia reserved it like Charles reserved one room for himself too.


Good point.


Answer: After the dinner scene when Otho asked where they hid and Lydia said "the attic" Charles replied that the attic was locked. So it seems like she never told them she had the skeleton key.


I addressed this in the question. A key is not required to get into the attic because they could just break the door down.


Except they didn't break the door down. Delia kept banging on the door until it opened. If they had broken the door down, there would have been some damage.

I didn't say they broke the door down. I was stating that they could knock the door down if they needed to get into the attic and didn't have the key. Please reread the original question.


Answer: This is purely for convenience. It's always bothered me. Like since the early 90s when I first had a VHS copy to rewind. That whole house has been gutted and rebuilt but no-one got in to the attic for 3 months? That's BS. For one thing not only would someone like Charles Deets want to see every square inch of his property, but a major company/contractor doing a remodel of that size would have at some time needed access to and been on every square foot of that house.

Quite often, people don't think about the attic along with the rest of the house. Many of them won't be going into the attic every day, not every month, maybe not more than once a year.

29th Oct 2018

Death Becomes Her (1992)

Question: What caused Helen and Madeline to break into pieces as they fell down the steps of the church?

Answer: They were warned earlier in the film that they needed to take care of their bodies. But obviously, they put them through a lot of abuse. They didn't take care of themselves, needing to be patched up frequently and whatnot. As a result, at this point, their bodies are like living mannequins more than human bodies. They simply break apart with force, such as falling down the stairs.


Answer: Their bodies had become physically corrupted and fragile from the extreme anti-aging potion, and any stress caused catastrophic damage.


Question: Considering how big the Basilisk is, how is it able to travel through the pipes in Hogwarts since so many of them are small?

Answer: It was traveling through the pipes that it could fit into.


So how was it able to get into the girls restroom and kill Moaning Myrtle many years ago? All of those pipes in the restroom aren't large enough.

The girls' bathroom is the entrance to the chamber of secrets. She was in there when Tom Riddle opened it and let the snake out.


Answer: Perhaps the basilisk is a magical creature and can change size at any given time to fit into those tiny pipes.

Yes like the Occamy in fantastic beasts and where to find them.

Answer: The tunnel that leads into the Chamber of Secrets is really big. The basilisk could have made its way up into it.

Yes but the general pipes in the castle are not that size. The entrance tunnel was that big for a reason.


Question: Why would Harry say Voldemort killed Cedric? Obviously it was Wormtail.


Answer: Wormtail was acting on Voldemort's order. Voldemort ordered Pettrigrew (Wormtail) to, "kill the spare," meaning Cedric.


With Voldemort's wand even.


Answer: Peter Pettigrew was believed to be dead by the entire wizarding world. The only witnesses are Lupin (a werewolf), Sirius, who is still on the run, Harry, Ron and Hermione. No one believed him about Voldemort returning, as they thought he was only seeking attention. Its safe to assume everyone would also think the same about Pettigrew being alive.

Question: Why didn't they just cast Avada Kedavra on the Horcruxes and then disapparate before the ministry could find them as I think they can detect the unforgivable curses being used?


Answer: The avada kedavra curse did not work on the horcruxes while there was more than one in existence. That was why baby Harry survived Voldemort's attempt to kill him using that curse, and why Voldemort could not be killed until all the other horcruxes were destroyed. The horcruxes could only be destroyed by a few methods, such as with basilisk venom or fiendfyre. The horcrux inside Harry was later killed by Voldemort using avada kedavra, but that seems to be because the other horcruxes had already been destroyed. Voldemort never knew that Harry carried a horcrux inside him.


Actually Harry survived Voldemort's attempt to kill him because of the love of his mother and her sacrifice. Voldemort's killing curse rebounded upon that love spell and caused a piece of his soul (already shattered from killing Harry's parents) to transfer to Harry. The reason Voldemort's killing curse worked to kill the horcrux inside Harry was because Harry was simply killed by the killing curse along with the horcrux and then the resurrection stone resurrected Harry, but not the horcrux.


That's true, his mother's love protected him. However, at the end, Harry wasn't dead-he was in-between life and death and he had the choice to either go back to the living world or "move on." He chose to return. The resurrection stone did not play a part in reviving him. There is still much confusion and debate over exactly when and how the horcrux inside Harry was destroyed.


He had the resurrection stone in his hand when he confronted Voldemort in the forest, that's why he had a choice, because of the stone. After resurrecting the stone was left behind.


That is incorrect. Harry is holding the Resurrection Stone while he is speaking to the spirits of his mother, father, Lupin, and Sirius. Just before he leaves them, he drops the stone, and it is seen falling from his hand to the ground in the forest "before" he goes to meet Voldemort. (In the book, the stone is left in the forest so that no-one will be able to use it.) The stone did not play any part in Harry being revived. You can watch the clip on YouTube.


Hm, yeah all right. But then he didn't actually use it, only to talk to deceased loved ones, which bothers me and when I'm bothered the ground quakes. I always thought its power worked on till the moment he got killed and then resurrected him.


The Resurrection Stone was only to bring back someone else from the dead, not one's own self. It had to be used by a living person who called for a dead person to return to the earth, though as Hermione read from the book (when the Trio was at the Lovegood house), the dead person was never really resurrected to a full living being again and did not understand the world they were brought back to.


Question: When Harry, Ron, and Hermione are on the train to Hogwarts, the trolley of food comes by and Ron asks for two items but then changes his mind and only gets one. Was there something specific that made him not want the second item?

Answer: Ron realised he didn't have enough money to pay for both. The Weasley family was poor, and Ron often had to do with much less than his peers. This sometimes caused friction between him and Harry, whose parents had left him a small fortune.


26th Oct 2018

Alien (1979)

Question: Why would the company need a biological weapon and how would they use the alien as such?

Answer: The company might have some use for the creatures for themselves, but more likely saw the aliens as a commodity, a biological weapon to be sold for profit.


Answer: The company is huge and diverse. Presumably it has a weapons division. An alien creature might give their researchers something to investigate that was unknown to rival businesses.

Answer: The company is in the business of colonizing planets.Now if a rival company were doing the same thing the company could plant an alien on the planet to wreak havoc and make it inhospitable, therefore making their own planets more desirable and ultimately more profitable.A ruthless tactic but the company is ruthless.

I like this answer the best.


Thanks Lionhead.

Answer: The nefarious "militarization" of newly-discovered properties (both earthly and otherworldly) is a common and predictable sci-fi and space-fantasy subplot that is so overused that it has become cliché. Usually, the specific military application is never actually revealed. It's really recycled social commentary, implying that humanity is so materialistic and ruthless that WE are the real "monsters," with no regard for Life (human or otherwise) in the natural world. This creates a dual threat within the movie, with the hero and/or heroine providing the only moral compass between a sensational alien confrontation and an even more terrifying human menace.

Charles Austin Miller

26th Oct 2018

Rocky IV (1985)

Question: During the press conferences, Is there any reason why Drago remained quiet? My best guesses are a) He's shy during Q and A's, b) Just a pride thing, or c) he's simply been ordered by his superiors not to speak. Anyone know for sure?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Being Russian, English was not his first language and it may have been felt that he could not articulate himself well enough to where he wouldn't be misunderstood or misquoted.


Answer: To make him appear more menacing and machine like.


Answer: There are many theories and claims, but there seem to be no definitive answer. My take is that Drago was shy and pretty much a puppet of his wife and nation, both obsessed with creating a "stone cold iron machine" in where a human personality is only in the way This theory is supported by the fact that when Rocky starts winning over Drago's respect, Drago (instead of his seemingly shy and yet cold demeanor) starts shouting something like "I AM NOT FIGHTING FOR ANY OF YOU ANYMORE! THIS FIGHT IS FOR ME! I AM FIGHTING FOR ME!" Ignoring the boos of the crowd and garnering a slight smile from Rocky Drago seemingly regains a bit of himself, his own identity during the fight of his life.

26th Oct 2018

Arrival (2016)

Question: Why is it that the aliens, who obviously possess technology and intellect far beyond humans, didn't think to use their pictographs to communicate right out the gate? We had to wait for Amy Adams and her dry erase board?

Answer: The Heptapods' "present" encompassed about 6000 years of our human past, present and future. So, they perceived 3000 years of our past and 3000 years of our future simultaneously. It's a confounding idea to humans, but the Heptapods already knew, 3000 years in advance, that Louise was the critical contact for the evolution of communication between our species. For the Heptapods, there was no coincidence or impatience or blind luck; they already knew exactly when and how to start communicating with her.

Charles Austin Miller

Answer: The aliens don't see time in a linear fashion but all of time at once, meaning they can see the future, which is why their writing is like it is. They therefore knew Louise (played by Adams) would be the one to figure out their language and had to wait for her, or simply chose to wait for her.


Answer: This question was never answered in the movie. Any response would be speculation. One guess: the aliens waited for humans to make the first attempt to communicate in order to assess how to respond.


26th Oct 2018

Jurassic World (2015)

Question: Between this and Fallen Kingdom, why did the filmmakers suddenly decide to have Blue be a caring character? The Raptors have always been known as blood-thirsty carnivores that'll tear you apart-even when they're not hungry, and yet Blue is almost the opposite. Why her of all Raptors/dinosaurs and why was that decision made? And movie-wise, why were the scientists suddenly keen on doing that for her as well? What's there to gain from it?

Answer: Blue and the other raptors in Jurassic World were trained to respond to human commands, particularly to Owen. The reason the raptors "turn" on Owen is because the I-Rex has raptor DNA in it and became the alpha of the raptors. But then the raptors turn their loyalty back to Owen at the end of the Jurassic World. In Fallen Kingdom, the scientists try to use the fact that Blue follows command to breed a new dinosaur capable of being used as a weapon (by using Blue's DNA/blood).


Answer: Owen raised Blue since birth, and she imprinted on him as her "mother." Blue retained her bond to him though she instinctively responded to the Indominus rex as the new alpha. In Fallen Kingdom, there were videos showing the young Blue's strong attachment and obedience to Owen. That does not mean Blue was tame and wouldn't hurt humans and Owen always maintained the raptors were not safe. Of course, this is a move, and the raptors are written to behave in a way that serves the plot, regardless of logic.


Answer: I wouldn't say they were surprised, exactly. They hadn't seen Harry all summer and their reunion was a bit awkward because Ron and Hermione were squabbling with each other. They didn't expect to see Harry at that moment.


Answer: The dog did not die, at least not in the film. After Ben and Alex are released from the hospital, Ben took the dog with him.


24th Oct 2018

Casablanca (1942)

Question: Why does everyone stop and stare at the plane?

Answer: It's a bit complicated and subject to interpretation. They all look as soon as they hear the engines starting. For each one it signifies something different. Ilsa knows she must part with Rick, the man she loves, and stay with her husband, Victor, to support him and help with his work. For Rick, he knows he is losing Ilsa, by his own choice because he has chosen to stay behind to aid the war resistance and may not survive. Victor knows his wife Ilsa really loves Rick and he will be out of their lives, but she is staying with him out of duty.


Answer: Because the plane taking off meant that the people on board were on their way to Lisbon, and from there, America. Everyone is envious.

Captain Defenestrator

24th Oct 2018

Dracula (1992)

Question: Why do the guards in the mental asylum wear cages over their heads?


Answer: For protection from the inmates.


15th Oct 2018

Grease (1978)

Question: What does Rizzo mean at the Frosty Palace when she asks Danny if someone is snaking him?

Answer: "Snaking" means someone stealing away a sale from you after you labored over it. Rizzo is referring to Tom stealing away Sandy from Danny.


Answer: Actually, according to Cassell's Dictionary of Slang, snake means "to whip or punish, " originating from a teamsters whip which was commonly called a "snake" in the 1930's. I rewatched the scene with this definition in mind and it fits perfectly. Rizzo walks in and immediately notices Sandy sitting at a table with Tom. She walks straight over to where Danny is sitting with the rest of the gang and says, while glancing back over her shoulder at Sandy, "somebody snakin' ya Danny?" It seems clear Rizzo is referencing Sandy's behavior, which is designed to punish Danny for treating her poorly in front of his friends.

Answer: There's a number of definitions for the urban slang term, "snaking," but in this case, I think she is asking if someone is attempting to fool, deceive, or otherwise take advantage of him.


Answer: It's 50s slang and she's asking if Tom is moving in and stealing his girl.

Answer: Because they had some small hope that something would happen that prevented it, they stayed to see if a miracle would happen basically. They didn't want to see it of course, but they felt it too terrible to just not know if there was any hope it wouldn't happen and then miss it.


But how could they tell from the top of that hill? They were so far away they couldn't hear a thing.

They could see the executioner from where they were standing, just not very well or entirely. They saw him swinging the ax, but not what he was hitting. They just assumed it was Buckbeak.


Answer: They didn't actually see Buckbeak being executed because he never was. They were far enough away that they only partially saw the executioner wield the axe, but he was actually chopping a pumpkin out of frustration because Buckbeak had disappeared. If they had been closer, they most likely would not have looked at all, not wanting to witness such a gruesome scene.


Thank you but I was meaning to ask why they stayed on that hill to watch instead of returning to the common room?

It's pointless to speculate what their reasoning for watching was because it really comes down to it being a plot device. The audience has to think that Buckbeak has been killed in order to propel the story forward. That is achieved by having HR&H stop atop the hill and watch what they think is the execution. It also is to convey their sense of grief and hopelessness.


15th Oct 2018

Secret Window (2004)

Question: What's the point of the braces?

Answer: What I find ironic is the fact he tries to fix his teeth with braces hoping to minimize double-personality jaw mimique, while he grows and eats corn in the garden. Corn and braces are one of the worst possible combination in terms of comfort of eating. That was nice spice of absurdity to the story.

Answer: Mort had some problem with his jaw and eventually got braces to help correct it. I also read that it was Johnny Depp's idea for Mort to get braces, believing it added an interesting facet to his character.


Answer: As read in previous answers the jaw aches came about because of his imagination of Shooter. Shooter is taking over Mort's personality, throughout the movie it progressively gets worse and worse until the end where Shooter finally gets through to Mort and takes over. The braces are now a sign that Mort can no longer hold back Shooter, and it's shown because the braces stop the mannerism. (Shooter is the sole personality and no longer needs to push his way out, thus the need for braces and no more pain). He finally got his way. The true ending.

Answer: If you recall, Mort was kicked in the mouth after he had stabbed his wife in the leg. I'm thinking braces were the result.

The point of braces is to straighten your teeth out. Getting kicked in the mouth isn't going to render your teeth crooked. Your teeth would be completely knocked out first.


When one has their teeth almost knocked out they often get braces in order to hold them in place while they heal.

Answer: He's just getting his teeth straightened.


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