
19th Jan 2022

Nightmare Beach (1989)

6.7/10.Not the strongest slasher movie I've seen but it's still a good watch. The backdrop of Miami for a slasher to prey during spring break is intriguing. I only wish they'd gone beyond the gimmick of a motorcycle that can electrocute people riding on the back. It still comes off as pretty decent though, way better than what we've got now. Thankfully it didn't do a supernatural element as I feel it would've been messed up.


9.2/10. A decent ending to the franchise, again don't watch the fifth movie. Sue Price delivers yet again here although I felt the script was a little weaker here than the previous two. Sure she's still tough taking on bounty hunters but something felt off. I didn't mind seeing her nude but I preferred her in that African warrior garb, he hair braided, she was just a total badass. Here her hair's in her real life style and she walks around nude in just heels a time or two which makes no sense. Still it's a decent one to end the Nemesis franchise with Albert Pyun doing a pretty good job yet again.


6.9/10. A decent sequel that blends the footage of its predecessor well with the newer stuff. I liked seeing Ricky's descent into insanity though not as long and progressing as his brother Billy's was. It's still pretty decent with Elizabeth Kaitan, who's a sympathetic love interest, would recommend this movie very much.


14th Jan 2022

Scream (2015)

0/10. A pointless cash grab in on an already dead franchise only here it's on tv.


9.3/10. One of the better sketch comedy movies ever made. From the sketch of Catholic School Girls In Trouble to the theater usher doing all that stuff to the patron it's freaking hilarious. The Zuckerbergs have talent coming out their pores whereas some of us would be lucky to think up a good joke. Highly recommended.


1/10. Who thought this was a good idea? Nothing more than corporate greed. I'm sick of the MCU and its need to connect all the movies together. Tom Holland does the wussiest take on Spider-Man I've ever seen. Both Tobey MacGuire and Andrew Garfield seem embarrassed to be seen in this schlock fest. Between Holland, Zendaya, and Jacob Batalon, this is worst trio I've ever seen. They'll soon be doing nothing but junk once this franchise is done just like the key trios of Star Wars, Scream, and Harry Potter for the most part. The villains are wasted with the ludicrous idea of "curing"them.


5.5/10. An easygoing series that never seemed to live up to its full potential.


6/10. Harmless escapism of the 60's with a hottie like Barbara Eden in a tight costume. Not great but not bad either. It's sort of in between.


10/10. One of the best TMNT games ever made. I only wish they'd included Leatherhead, Tokka, Rahzar, and Rat King as bosses. Still the product is top notch as it's well paced, the character designs are great, the storyprettysolid. The game play's also pretty good with a good feeling as you switch between the turtles ti fight Shredder, Krang, their minions in this game. A good buy.


9.5/10. One of the best made women in prison movies made by Roger Corman. If anything, Pam Grier was the star of this even though she was a co-star. The Philippines is a nice setting for this and other women in prison movies. If anything, this movie should be ranked probably at number one for the best of women in prison movies.


29th Dec 2021

Zoolander (2001)

1/10. I only go this high with Stiller because he irritates me less than Kevin James. Still Zoolander is bad comedy with exception of Milla Jovovich who seems to be trying with this bad script.


29th Dec 2021

Happy Days (1974)

2/10. I never cared for Happy Days. It only gets this high a ranking because of all the lovely actresses they had guest starring on the show. You've got the the wimpy kid from the Andy Griffith Show and a product of times, a bullying chauvinistic douchebag called Fonzie. Come on, Richie worries like a ninny about everything, how is this funny much less believable? Fonzie I truly hated for he'd snap his fingers and the women would come to him like trained dogs. That just wasn't funny. Truthfully they were all a bland bunch.


28th Dec 2021

Blind Fear (1989)

8.9/10. Pretty good Shelley Hack movie. She's the Charlie's Angel I could believe as having been a cop. Here as Erika Breen she show grit and determination as a blind woman going against three armed criminals in the country inn where she works during a rainy night. It might seem a little cliched but it works mostly due to Shelley's more than capable acting skills.


-70/10. The unfunny sequel to the unfunny movie starring a fat slob.


-70/10. An unfunny movie starring a fat slob.


26th Dec 2021

Varsity Blues (1999)

6.9/10. A pretty OK football movie though I wish they'd done less sports cliches. James Van Der Beek's decent here as are the rest of the cast. I especially liked the stripper scenes of Tonie Perensky, the sex ed teacher Ms Davis who does look like Sarah Palin in a way.


26th Dec 2021

Elf (2003)

0/10. This is one of the greatest Christmas movies ever? Seriously? Will Ferrell is one of those guys who hit it big for awhile on Saturday Night Live and has the charisma of a dead fish. Here it's just the usual holiday cliches that makes you want to hate the holiday season even more.


26th Dec 2021

Leviathan (1989)

9.2/10. Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water after Jaws. It's basically Alien underwater. Not that that's a bad thing. It's fresh and original with Peter Wells (Robocop) leading a pretty good cast as they fight for survival against an underwater monster which, to me anyways, represents a basic human fear which is that of the unknown such as when man went into space for the first time. The ending, where Wells punches out egotistical boss, Meg Foster is hilarious though I agree with others that this ending would cause fits among picky critics nowadays.


25th Dec 2021

Lifeforce (1985)

8.7/10. An underrated Tobe Hooper movie. Here the idea of vampires from space is a refreshing well thought out idea that I thoroughly enjoyed. Mathilda May's great as the female vampire. True she never speaks yet she says so much with her body movements. It almost seems, at least to me, she sort of regrets making victims as she would rather not do such a thing anymore. The special effects were also great.


25th Dec 2021

Sudden Impact (1983)

8.9/10. A pretty decent fourth Dirty Harry movie. The plot's solid with Eastwood delivering a great performance as usual as Callahan. He also is great behind the camera too. The idea of a victim seeking revenge on her attackers is well done here.


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