
8.6/10. The only piece of entertainment I like that Scott Bakula, what a bore, is in. It's a fun watch to see him interact with Sinbad, Kathy Ireland among others. I'd call a fun watch especially when Kathy shows up. She and he really make the movie. Give it a try, you may not regret it.


8.1/10. It's a bit messy. I still liked it, well done just not like its excellent predecessor. Jeff Daniels really stands out here as the villain David. I wish they'd have followed the book more. It would've been better were it not for the greed of the studio heads who wanted one more movie like those other book turned movie franchises and that was the wrong way to go here. Tris' death was necessary because she was an extraordinary person in the books who sacrifices herself for all the people of Chicago. Woodley here seems a little downtrodden at certain points as if she either knows what's happening to the franchise or she's become bored with it like Jennifer Lawrence did with X Men. Still while it's not great it's not bad, I'd call it decent.


27th Mar 2020

Divergent (2014)

9.4/10. I enjoyed both the movie and book. Granted I was 29 when it came out but it got my attention. I found it better than The Hunger Games and far superior to Twilight. It's never dull, the cast is fine mainly Woodley and Winslet who I viewed as maybe like Hamlet and his uncle Claudius. One's troubled, the other is power hungry and corrupt to the core. A pretty good kick off to the franchise.


18th Feb 2020

Delirious (1991)

9.3/10. A pretty funny John Candy/ Mariel Hemingway movie. It does an absolutely marvelous job of mocking soap operas, one of the worst ideas ever for TV and turns them on their heels. I found it funny, well paced, good chemistry between Candy and Hemingway especially, never bored. Give it a watch, you might like it.


9th Feb 2020

Birds of Prey (2020)

1/10. The 1 is me being generous. This whole thing is a disaster. They should've done Gotham City Sirens with Poison Ivy, Cat Woman, and Katana with Harley Quinn. What do they do? A disastrous feminist gripe fest with another actor, Margot Robbie, who's now got a swelled head, in the producer or whatever chair. "Men are evil" theme is getting tedious, if you wanna protest the treatment of women in the Middle East that's different because that is a place of oppression. But no we get a whine session here with Robbie hogging the spotlight and McGregor shooting his mouth while destroying an excellently layered Batman character. Margot Robbie's talented no debate. But she needs to read better scripts such as for "Suicide Squad." " Once Upon A Time In Hollywood", and especially " I Tonya" where she should've won both the Golden Globe and Academy Award for Best Leading Actress. This and Bombshell should clue her in on what people don't wanna see. Maybe she'll see the light. I hope so, otherwise she's through with audiences.


8th Feb 2020

Deep Rising (1998)

9.5/10. A great movie that's unfairly overlooked. Treat Williams and Famke Janssen make a cute couple here. I would say it wins points for creativity as it's original with inspiration from Alien although it remains its own movie. Give it a chance folks.


8.6/10. Pretty good movie from Hammer Studios. I would say it took inspiration not only from a legendary Britain queen but also from Shakespeare's plays, Romeo And Juliet and Othello. We see the power of manipulation, the results of pointless fighting, power corrupting, greed of some, and the love of two people from opposite sides. A must watch.


9.7/10. This is the first trilogy where I find all three movies equally good. Leslie Nielsen was one of the greatest comedic actors of all time. He takes every scene the way a painter or composer does, slowly making his masterpiece. I would say the Naked Gun franchise is one of the best and one of the most underrated ones of all time. If Siskel and Ebert liked them you know they did something right with these movies. Leslie Nielsen, a comedic legend, also inspired Angie Tribecca, is still missed.


9.7/10. I loved this movie. I'm a fan of TMNT ever since the old cartoon show. They had a good idea here, did well though I hated seeing Shredder become like Joker, a lesbian couple in a kid's movie, and the absence of Rocksteady and Bebop. They've had done some good comedy with Harley Quinn. A really good movie for all fans mainly I felt, for those of us who grew up on the old cartoon show and the toys in the 90's. It was one of my favorite Saturday morning cartoons alongside Garfield And Friends. All I can say now is "Cowabunga."


21st Jan 2020

The Gorgon (1964)

7.6/10. A pretty good lesser known Hammer Horror movie. True they take liberties with the Gorgon but what the heck. Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing are 2 of the three best stars of the studio, the other long time star was Ingrid Pitt. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, well done Hammer, you were golden like Universal Studios were in the 30's-50's with horror.


20th Jan 2020

Howard the Duck (1986)

8.8/10. I love this movie. It's the first movie for Marvel way before anything else went into production. People who love Pixar should remember that because Howard the Duck bombed Lucas sold his assets to Steve Jobs who used them to found Pixar. Lea Thompson's a wonderful actress who never really caught a break back then, always playing second banana to jerks like Cruise and Fox. Howard seems quite real, good practical effects for the middle 80's. It's also one of those amusing type movies that people should give a second chance. Sure it's not Spider Man, Captain America, or Thor but it was the first way before them and we should maybe give it applause for its efforts. Lea Thompson in particular was great, she's wonderful.


4/10. A anti male, anti religion, anti family movie here. This is possibly the best Alexandra Paul, vastly overrated, could do since Baywatch went into reruns. I suspect the writer probably thought "Hmm I've got the athletic one from Baywatch, how soon can I get her naked?" This is why I only watch for those two scenes and her fantasy scene. How anyone could ever show any interest in this whiner is beyond me. She gets on your nerves with her prattling, knowing full well Alexandra P isn't very religious herself and thus probably sneers at all religious people. Ted and Luke are shown as being pompous, arrogant, conniving, thieving, and uncaring. I wish this network would think their movie scripts through more. Watch only if you wanna see Alexandra Paul getting it hot.


6.7/10. Probably one of the few decent movies Ladd's done besides Millennium. Here one would think the writer wrote the love scenes first fantasizing about Ladd in the nude despite the use of body doubles. It makes no sense why her best friend would hate her for starting a new romance with her ex college boyfriend and her best friend's ex husband. This is one that shows there's some people who live to be miserable and insist everyone around them be miserable too unless say they say otherwise. I should know, my mother's like this. If Jane, Cheryl, had any sense, she'd have kept on seeing Will and dumped Mandy who was actually a lousy friend.


4th Jan 2020

Deadly Friend (1986)

9.7/10. I loved this movie. It's my favorite of Wes Craven's and one of the most underrated of his. I loved Kristy Swanson's acting, felt she owned the movie. Sure the ending's weak but that doesn't detract too much from the movie. It's well done and though out, shows what how far someone would go for someone they loved. It's like Frankenstein mixed with love and real life. I feel this movie was perfect and thankfully keeps the gore down for a unique experience because sometimes we need less gore in horror and I'm still a big horror fan. Kristy Swanson's magnificent here, she's another actress of the 80's who, like Lea Thompson, Helen Slater, Daphne Zuniga, and Amy Steel who never went anywhere despite putting out some great acting performances. Give this another chance folks if you've watched it before, watch again with an open mind.


4th Jan 2020

Ebbie (1995)

9.6/10. A wonderful Christmas movie. It's my favorite with Susan Lucci. She's usually a scheming, conniving, hormone driven type. This was a nice change of pace. I found it to be heartwarming, nice, down to earth. The scene with her older sister in the hospital alone made me feel something in my stomach it was so heart wrenching. I say this one should be given a watch by you folks like other things I've recommended before. It's a unfairly forgotten Christmas movie.


9.6/10. I loved this movie. Possibly one of the best forgotten ones of the 90's, everybody should watch it. Juliette Lewis was great, should've won the Golden Globe, Diane Keaton in her only other good movie besides the two Godfathers. I thought it spoke volumes about people with any affliction from retardation to wheelchair bound to even being OCD, like I am. Sad it underperformed because it's beautiful and well directed by Garry Marshall who also directed the great 80's comedy Overboard. Give this movie a chance folks, it deserves it. It's beautiful.


9.3/10. What can I say? I'm a fan of some of Susan Lucci's movies and she doesn't disappoint here. I thought it was well done acting wise, used love scenes tastefully.One of the best scenes in there is when she takes her time seducing him.Slowly she goes,just toying with him until he might burst from excitement.One of the more beautiful women to ever be on television.Susan Lucci's a far better actress than Lynda Carter or Farrah Fawcett as she tries to act whereas they got by more on their looks due to lack of talent. You can't help but have sympathy for Matt over Vivian. She was an evil, cruel, seductive, rich b-word who got what she deserved.


2nd Dec 2019

Venom (2018)

9.7/10. I loved this movie. It's fresh and well done from everybody involved. There may have problems but they didn't hurt the product overall. Tom Hardy was perfect as Venom, he had a good vibe to him a solid A plus effort from him. Hopefully the sequel will be excellent too.


2nd Dec 2019

Frogs (1972)

6.8/10. Just one of those harmless silly romps the early 70's. Relax and enjoy it as an alternative to movies trying to be overly serious like The Dark Knight. The frogs, alligators, snakes, snapping turtles, etc., are quite the actors. They really steal the show.


5th Nov 2019

Hexed (1993)

8.8/10. The movie perfect for a Friday/Saturday night. Claudia Christian seems at ease here in this black comedy. She just has the right edge to make the character both scary and funny. I would honestly say the movie wouldn't have worked with any other actress except maybe Shelley Hack. I loved this, it was a fun romp with R. Lee Ermey in there too, also hamming it up beautifully. Watch it and hopefully you'll love it too.


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