
9.7/10. The way they should've done the original Nightmare back in 1984. I like how friendly and kind Freddy Krueger was shown as having been in the past. Then we learn he was a child molester. This worked a lot better than the child murderer idea because it taps into our fear of who can you trust. Sure Jackie Earle Haley isn't Robert Englund but he still delivers a solid performance. I liked the burn design, just creepy as heck.Yeas I also found Rooney Mara's performance pretty good despite her real life attitude. She's more believable than Heather Langenkamp who acted so stiff and wooden. This is how A Nightmare On Elm Street should've been done.


24th Jun 2020

Spider-Man 2 (2004)

9.8/10. An excellent sequel. I enjoyed it immensely. The story was spot on perfect almost. The weight of the world on Peter's shoulders was handled well here. You can sympathize with him as we've all been there at some point. The villain of Doc Ock is done in an interesting way. He's not out for world domination but for the goal of trying to help mankind, just delusional about it. The whole cast from Maguire and Molina down to Simmons are well done here. They seem to flow perfectly here. I would put it as one of the best superhero movies of all time. Spider Man's the one who made the MCU possible. This is how you do a superhero sequel. Well done and still holds up excellently.


23rd Jun 2020

Shrek 2 (2004)

9.7/10. A sequel that surpasses its predecessor. I liked how it took its cue from "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner." The character of Shrek honestly seems like a real person. He has his faults, prejudices, and is insecure. This connects with the audience such as people like myself. I like how he sacrifices for Fiona showing how far he's willing to go for someone. This is again just like anyone in real life would do. It's well done, easily a classic.Kids and adults will always love this one. It's a masterpiece.


23rd Jun 2020

Kiss the Girls (1997)

7.6/10. Possibly the best movie Ashley Judd's made with her as the lead. She's pretty solid here with a stellar performance alongside Morgan Freeman and Cary Elwes I like the pacing here as it mixes detective noir, thriller, and action in a nice package. Sure she's a whiner nowadays but no denying Judd's capability. If anything, she should've stuck with this sort of solid, good script.


14th Jun 2020

The House Bunny (2008)

8.8/10. Possibly my favorite of Anna Faris' movies. She's just so likeable like Leslie Nielsen. Her being a Playboy Bunny is actually an interesting idea. She's not vain maybe a little ditzy but the kind of friend the girls of the low rung sorority in the movie need. I liked seeing her that famous Marilyn Monroe dress from The Seven Year Itch. This is a gem well done by Happy Gilmore Studios. Anna Faris is a favorite actress of mine.


14th Jun 2020

UHF (1989)

8.8/10. An absolutely hilarious movie of the late 80's. It works because of Weird Al Yankovic. The idea of a guy managing a UHF station might seem dull and simple. But I thoroughly enjoyed it. Weird Al seemed to have this frenzied kind of energy as he really sold the movie. Everyone seemed in perfect harmony here as the movie was one of the better comedies of the 80's. If you watch hopefully you'll like it.


8.5/10. The best X Men movie I've seen. It's also the best performance by Lawrence. I would venture this could match the 2000 movie in excellence, perhaps as an equal. True it takes liberties with the Cold War but there's been other filmmakers who're guilty of this. Michael Fassbender really sticks out here as the sympathetic Magneto. He's a man torn by vengeance and trying to do the right thing. We all probably struggle with something like this. A well put together movie.


7.1/10. The first Simon Pegg as well as Megan Fox movie I ever saw. It's a pretty good watch with Kirsten Dunst, Jeff Bridges, and Gillian Anderson doing great too. I didn't care for the cliche of the guy goes for the other girl, Dunst, instead of the one he'd liked, Fox. It should've indulged in male fantasy here. Still it does a great job mocking the culture of celebrity and people who wish to be one.


7th Jun 2020

Ultraviolet (2006)

7.7/10. One of Milla Jovovich/Anderson's more underrated movies. It's second most underrated to Faces In The Crowd. I would call this interesting as it has a pretty decent plot with Milla playing the role of a resistance fighter, Violet Song. It works in the dystopian future better than the Aeon Flux movie since this one's original whereas the other disregarded its source material. Milla really stands tall here, she knows it can be compared to Resident Evil which I can understand. Still it's relatively good and worth viewing.


7th Jun 2020

Resident Evil (2002)

9.6/10. The one that started it all. I think it showed the promise and potential of the franchise. Milla shows her understanding of Alice with a mix of determination and vulnerability. She goes from frightened to badass during the course of the movie. Michelle Rodriguez is also excellent, they should've had her in all the sequels.I would dare say this movie's success is what pushed them to up their game for the sequels which they did. This is also the only sci fi action movie I can recall seeing where the heroine goes around in a dress.


8.8/10. An ingenious take off on the fairy tale. I found it pretty good with Famke Janssen doing a marvelous job as the Grand Dark Witch Muriel. The pairing of Jeremy Renner and Gemma Arterton as Hansel and Gretel was great. They gave off good vibes, seemed at ease playing the bad ass heroes. The story's well paced, doesn't bore its audience nor is it slow. I found it engaging and witty all throughout. This is one that's underrated when it shouldn't be.


5th Jun 2020

H.O.T.S. (1979)

7.7/10. This was the earliest movie to try copying Animal House. The obvious difference is they used women from Playboy and a former Miss USA. It's silly yes, a sort of thin plot, their care free sorority against an ultra snobby one. They compete against them like the slobs vs the snobs concept of Caddy Shack, several years later. I get some would object to Playboy playmates and a beauty pageant contestant starring in a movie. However it's an sex comedy which means it's a mix of gorgeous women and humor. It's not supposed to be taken on the same level as other genius comedies like Caddy Shack, Ghost Busters, or Beverly Hills Cop. I personally view it a perfect movie for guys mostly on Friday or Saturday nights. It's, to me anyway, better than Animal House, because they aren't academically incompetent or slobs against top notch students. The slobs won in that cliched movie of course. Here these lovely ladies have fun so just watch it for fun, silly sex comedy it is, darn amusing.


26th May 2020

Run Lola Run (1998)

9.8/10. My second favorite foreign movie behind Thriller:A Cruel Picture. Franka Potente was perfect as Lola and what a perfect choice she was. She embodies this strong willed character as someone's thrust into a situation by fate.I felt convinced by her performance as she showed depth as this young woman in love willing to go to such lengths for it. The direction was excellent with the idea of things changing slightly 3 times, each an intriguing perspective commentary on social interaction. The director may not have meant this but that's how I interpreted it. If anything else, it shows the lovely city of Berlin. Franka Potente was an excellent leading lady, what more can be said?


26th May 2020

Creepshow (1982)

9.7/10. One of the best made anthology horror movies ever. They could've made episodes for Tales From The Crypt TV show from this movie. The 3 best are: Something To Tide You Over, The Crate, and The Lonesome Death Of Jordy Verrill. I found Leslie Nielsen especially chilling as the sociopathic Richard Vickers, " The point is I keep what is mine. No exception to that rule ever." He always looked so lovable in everything he did but here he plays a very effective and chilling villain, best one of the movie. Everyone did a great job. If you wanna a sequel watch Tales From The Darkside as Stephen King wrote for that one too, it feels like the sequel to this masterpiece. I loved it.


9.7/10. The finale to this comedic masterpiece. A fun and grand finale to some of Leslie Neilsen's finest comedic work.The great joke lines like " Like a midget at a urinal, I was gonna have to be on my toes." are still here. This whole trilogy just and always will be special to me.


20th May 2020

The Naked Gun (1988)

9.7/10. The first of a great trilogy. Leslie Nielsen's comedic timing is perfect. George Kennedy, Priscilla Presley, and Ricardo Montalban were all great because they got the style of movie. Lt Frank Drebin is truly one of the funniest characters of all time. I would say this is what launched the idea of Angie Tribecca into the minds of Rashida Jones, Steve Carell and Nancy Carell. The show was a tribute to the genius of this comedic legend and the Zucker brothers and Abrahams team.


18th May 2020

Frankenstein (1931)

9.5/10. One of the earliest masterpieces of horror. It does a masterful job of both following the book and exploring other ideas. Boris Karloff was the only one capable of being The Monster. He brings a certain sense of dignity to it as we see the Monster's not evil, it's humanity here. One could argue this as a social commentary on people and how we interpret those who're different than us in the world. What man fears he often destroys. I would say this is an important movie that needed to be made if other classic horror monsters were going to exist.


18th May 2020

White Chicks (2004)

0/10. Racist b.s by guys who were funny with the first 3 Scary movies but have gone back to their racist b.s. schtick of In Living Color. Just seeing these guys doing white face should offend anyone with any decency. Imagine if someone tried doing those racist, stupid Al Jolson black face routines nowadays. How is this any less offensive? It behooves me as to what we'll allow to happen in TV and movies. Furthermore these two boobs as FBI agents, who'd believe that? Not me nor anyone with a hint of decency to them. I only gave this one star because giving it negative stars isn't possible.


11th May 2020

The Mummy (1959)

9.5/10. The best interpretation of The Mummy ever told. Sir Christopher Lee plays a better mummy than Boris Karloff I felt. He plays the mummy in a sympathetic way whose only crime was love for a princess, forbidden by ancient Egyptian society. Peter Cushing's also brilliant as the hero trying to foil the mummy and the real villain who controls him for murderous purposes. Hammer Studios did a better job with The Mummy than Universal Studios did 20 years earlier. One great scene is the mummy sinking into a bog and perhaps reuniting with his love in the afterlife.


9.6/10. The best of The Creature From The Black Lagoon trilogy. Here he's the victim against man who wishes to hold him in captivity, experiment on him. They even torture him when he doesn't obey. I rooted for the Gill Man as he was only fighting to escape and return to the lagoon and his sense of sanity. I liked Lori Nelson,charming.Still she was part of these cruel experiments so her character was evil too like the men's were.Clint Eastwood's first movie role, more actors should do small roles like this, would keep them humble. The Gill Man is one of the best Universal monsters.


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