
9.1/10.A great movie that gets no love.I enjoyed, consider it their second best movie behind Stir Crazy.Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor possessed this great chemistry.They play it quite well here with Pryor pretending to blind while Wilder pretends to be deaf.I enjoyed the presence of Joan Severance who displayed her talent for playing a bad character, easily out performing Kevin Spacey in the only movie I could stand him in.See No Evil, Hear No Evil is a gem from the late 80's that's overlooked.Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor proved they still possessed the great chemistry from their previous movies Silver Streak and Stir Crazy.


2nd Nov 2020

Blazing Saddles (1974)

10/10.My favorite Mel Brooks movie.The hilarity's off the charts here.Movies like this deserve all the praise it got as it was big at the box office. Cleavon Little, Gene Wilder, Harvey Korman, Madeline, Kahn, Alex Karris, even Mel Brooks himself are all great here.A movie like this wouldn't be made or shown into the uber sensitive age we're living in now.Still I laugh at the pure genius of this movie and the comedic master behind it, Mel Brooks.


23rd Oct 2020

Nowhere in Sight (2001)

9.5/10.A well done TV movie.I rarely watch and enjoy TV movies but this one charmed me.Helen Slater may be one of the most underrated actresses ever in cinema.She shows this inner strength as Carly Bauer, a blind woman trying to survive being terrorized by two hoodlums.I thought of it as being a scary version of Home Alone minus the slapstick.Helen has this likable charm that makes you want to watch every thing she's done from Super-Girl to lesser known movies like Sticky Fingers.I would fully recommend this to fans of hers plus as a bonus she sings several times in the movie.


20th Oct 2020

Student Bodies (1981)

9.6/10.Pure genius.This was mocking the horror genre and with love way before Scream, It works well as a universe unto itself especially with The Breather, the voice is perfect.He gets the best lines like "I buy Japanese."when offered a victim's car.A wood shop teacher who gets hot enough and can only calm down by making horse head bookends.Toby Badger, the heroine, honestly is way more believable and fun than the future ultra bland Nancy Thompson and Sidney Prescott. Krisetn Riter was perfect in the role, just perfect.This is one movie you should see.


20th Oct 2020

Fathom (1967)

7.3/10.An interesting romp of the late 60's.Here Raquel Welch is getting to her peak.She owns the movie, leading the other actor in a fun action packed romp somewhat like that of It's A Mad, Mad, Mad World.The whole parachuting babe turned secret agent sort of is amusing and proves more than enough to keep my attention.It's worth it.


20th Oct 2020

Sanford and Son (1972)

8.9/10.One of the better sitcoms of the 70's.It was made great because of Red Foxx, a genius comedic actor."You big dummy."is one of the best catchphrases ever on tv.Fred Sanford was way better than Archie Bunker because he wasn't a stereotype, people could relate to him more.Here you had a regular guy just trying to get ahead in life while dealing with the people around him.


18th Oct 2020

Jackie Brown (1997)

7.3/10.Not a bad crime noir movie here.Pam Grier does great in the title role.She owns the movie as the a take no b.s. type who stands up to thugs like Samuel Jackson.Whereas I don't care for the overuse of swearing I freely admit to liking this one as a guilty pleasure.


14th Oct 2020

Judging Amy (1999)

0/10.A case of bad judgement here.Who the heck thought it'd be a great TV show to feature a nobody of NYPD Blue, Amy Brenneman alongside Tyne Daly of Dirty Harry:The Enforcer?It was the latest cliched show TV of the single mother, being capable without any guy's help in rearing children while maintaining a career.Say what you but I considered this to be one heck of a lame show, It's not as bad as say Charmed, but it grates on one's nerves.


8th Oct 2020

The Wrong Missy (2020)

-30/10.Pointless idiocy put out by Netflix.A has been David Spade with the never funny Lauren Lapkus of The Bing Bang Theory and Orange Is The New Black.We're supposed to swallow this guy would realize this acting batty gal is actually perfect for him over Molly Sims character? This whole thing's pointless.I was really repulsed by how she attacked and its implied to have forced herself on him.Real funny,a million laughs.Netflix executives have lost their minds.


8.3/10.I really liked this sequel. I can understand people's dislike such as nobody wants Hollywood, of all places, to lecture us on nuclear war.Still it's better than Superman 3.Christopher Reeve is still the only Superman to me, the other guys can fight for second place.The only part I couldn't swallow was Clark not being attracted to Mariel Hemingway's Lacy Warfield.I get the boy scout routine but come on, what is this guy made of?Lead?A small joke there folks.Still it's a fun watch.


9.6/10.The Scooby-Doo Show is yet another great take on the character.I would tie it with What's New Scooby-Doo as the best show of the character.It seemed darker than the original some how, to me anyway.My only complaint is not being able to find Seasons 1 and 2 on dvd by themselves like Season 3.Otherwise it's excellent.


9.6/10.A darn good interpretation of Scooby-Doo.The show, I think,along with The Scooby-Doo Show,are the two best of all the shows the character's had.I watched both the 60's show as well as this one,The Scooby-Doo Show, and A Pup Named Scooby-Doo.Honestly I would say this is in a tie with The Scooby-Doo Show as the best they ever did.


7th Oct 2020

Slaughter High (1986)

9.3/10.A pretty good idea for April Fool's Day though I wish there'd been more of actual April Fool's jokes used as weapons here.That and it was a dream in Marty's head prior to escaping for real was a letdown.Still the quality and acting put into this must not be ignored.This was made back when horror movies were top notch and were made with love not solely for the sake of profit.


10/10.A masterpiece!.True it's a kid's movie but it's one of the best ever made.I saw this as my first movie as a baby hence probably why I love movies so much.I'd stand there in my playpen silently watching Big Bird and his friends trying make his way home to Sesame Street.The cast has the charm that's made their show so enduring for well over 40 years now.If I were a parent this is the first movie I'd have my kids watch.It's absolutely delightful.It should be preserved in the Library Of Congress.


5.9/10.The second worst one in the franchise where it's A Nightmare On Elm Street meets Rosemary's Baby.I thought this was a waste of Robert Englund's talent.They should've thought up something better like the lead goes into the dream world for most of the movie to battle Freddy.Lisa Wilcox is yet another bad leading actress here who shows the same amount of talent like Heather Langenkamp.That being is she's only doing this to build a resume.The two best leading ladies they had were Lisa Zane and Kim Myers.I just couldn't fully get invested into it without laughing at the absurdity of Freddy trying to be reborn as the lead's child.It's still watchable and still better than Wes Craven's New Nightmare.I still enjoy all these movies.


6.3/10.The second Friday, behind A New Beginning, that gets no love.I felt the idea was well founded and could've done better had they had more money.Studios are typically least likely to get the blame when a movie of theirs does bad at the box office.I felt Kelly Hu should've been the lead as she and Kane Hodder were the two best actors there.This would've been a different take on the final girl as most are white.I've nothing against this I just felt this is how it should've been and Jensen Daggett was the latest in a line of bad actresses cast as the lead girl in the franchise.The main problem with the franchise has always been bad leading actresses with the exceptions of Amy Steel, Adrienne King, and Jennifer Cooke.This entry has the second best poster of the franchise behind Jason Lives too.The ending I absolutely hated, felt it was unnecessary as was the flashbacks of Jason looking normal until becoming deformed.I personally like them all, I just don't like most of the leading ladies.


1st Oct 2020

Barbarella (1968)

-100/10.The highest negative score.Why anyone thought this was a good idea is beyond me.This was nonsensical, describing the plot alone makes my head want to explode.The only good thing about this movie is when its closing credits rolled.Jane Fonda is among the worst actresses of all time and this tripe proves it.She proved to be as interesting as paint drying with no emotion,inflection,or range at all.Nobody could match her in this until Tom Cruise came along.I don't care what some say,she's lousy in the sense that you'd probably want to plant your foot on her pants while shouting "Down with children of stars in movies!".Heck,in Monster-In-Law I would cheer for her and Jennifer Lopez to kill each other.Bottom line,Barbarella is only for those with strong stomachs.


8.7/10.A pretty fun romp.I thought it to pretty faithful to my favorite comic strip.Jennifer Love Hewitt and Breckin Meyer were good choices.I honestly thought Bill Murray was the only choice for Garfield as he seemed to channel the character rather well.A fun movie that doesn't deserve the scorning it gets.


9.7/10.A pretty good video game movie.I found it interesting when I saw the trailer as well as movie clips.I bought a dvd copy, watched it and was amazed.Here you had a video game character done well and with a good design.The plot was thought out with good performances from James Marsden, his first good one since Enchanted, and Jim Carrey, his first good one since Dumb and Dumber 2.I praise Ben Schwartz as he sounded perfect as Sonic.I can only hope like other people they don't throw out the sequel after letting it be in developmental hell.


30th Sep 2020

Easy A (2010)

4.5/10.Thomas Hadden Church saves this from being a total disaster.If not for his solid performance this would be even worse.Emma Stone, prior to The Amazing Spider Man franchise, shows she can be bland even when she's the lead.This is a terrible idea as modern audiences wouldn't get the idea of The Scarlet Letter in a modern movie anyway.Amanda Bynes and Lisa Kudrow also match her in blandness in this, a "So bad it's good to watch to laugh at."


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