
18th Nov 2021

Death Wish (1974)

9.1/10.The beginning of a great franchise.Charles Bronson is a man's man and a true gentleman of the big screen. I liked the subtle social commentary put in. It addresses how ethnicity shouldn't matter, all criminals should be stopped. If they want to risk their lives against police and armed private citizens then they've signed their own death wishes. Bronson as Paul Kersey sees the light after his wife dies and his daughter's attacked. I would easily put this on par with Dirty Harry.


7/10. A decent take on the turtles even though I disliked having Shredder as an Utrom. Still pretty decent.


9th Nov 2021

Above the Law (1988)

8.2/10. A pretty decent movie debut for Steven Seagal. Regardless of his real life behavior, he was one of the better action stars of the 80's. I rank him third behind Schwarzenegger and Van Damme. If anything, this story just unleashes a ton of action at you like a cannon.


-100/10. A Chuck Lorre that had no qualms about mocking men, women, mothers, brothers, relationships, etc., in that vulgar, gross way that too many sitcoms do it in nowadays.


9th Nov 2021

Trainwreck (2015)

-70/10. It's an Amy Schumer movie, how bad do you, if you're a rational person, think it's going to be? Very bad.


7/10. An amusing send off for Connery's interpretation of Bond. He did well though not as good as past performances probably due to his age. His best bits are the scenes with Barbara Carrera. She was a perfect Bond girl though I wish she'd been the one he retired with and not Kim Basinger. Basinger has next to no skills and just seems clueless in the movie. Still it's a good watch for Bond fans.


7.9/10. A pretty decent Ernest movie.I admit it was a little weak with the cliched villain of evil developer. Still it's a fun watch and kicked off the Ernest movies nicely.


8.4/10. Possibly the third best Bond movie Roger Moore ever did just behind Live And Let Die and The Man With The Golden Gun. Here, using nuclear weapons to star war while hoping to begin a new civilization underwater works better than trying this in space like they would in the next Bond movie Moonraker. I like the look of Barbara Bach as she possesses a confidence of a woman determined to fulfill her mission to her country and avenge her fallen lover. Moore looks at ease as Bond with Jurgens and Kiel are great as Stromberg and Jaws.


9.7/10. My favorite of the Ernest movies. Here he tries his best at becoming a high school graduate. I didn't mind the lesson of being yourself or risk losing your friends. It's well done and not over the top preachy like too many movies have done. The comedy here is brilliant as it typically is in this franchise. Jim Varney as Ernest will always be special to me because like Leslie Nielsen he did comedy because he loved it and because he wanted to make people laugh.


9.5/10. The second best Ernest movie behind Ernest Goes To School. If anyone could take a character and make him/her prime time material it's Jim Varney. He's a master of comedy with his timing, mannerisms, etc., as Ernest P. Worrell being absolute perfection. A great watch for anyone who likes Jim Varney's work mainly his Ernest character.


2.9/10. Equally the same lameness to it as the TV show. This was beneath both Jim Varney and Lea Thompson.


3/10. Hokey as the day is long not to mention what Hollywood thought of people from the South as being and acting like.


7. 7/10. One of Tracy Scoggins best movies. Here, as Evelyn, she oozes charm, beauty, and seduction with ease. Never once did I feel bored nor eager for it to end. Rather I saw it as a late 80's movie that was a call back to the film noir ones of the past. Tracy Scoggins is vastly underrated and was the true lead of this movie.


6/10. A harmless romp and perhaps the last good animated Scooby Doo movie for some time.


7.1/10. A sequel that, more or less, is on equal footing with its predecessor. I liked the idea of bringing to life costumes of their old foes. The effects for them looked good, the script as decent as the previous movie's. I could've lived without Seth Green and Ruben Studdard. Still, those negatives aside, it's a good watch/.


26th Oct 2021

Masterminds (2016)

1/10. It's not as bad as Ghostbusters (2016) though I wish Leslie Jones weren't in it. Honestly it could've been better with a little more script tweaking and maybe without Zach Galifianakis.


24th Oct 2021

Moonraker (1979)

5.5/10. Possibly the silliest and worst Bond movie until No Time To Die. One movie and the only big franchise movie to try and capitalize on Star Wars success. Watch it for laughs but don't take it seriously like you would others like On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Dr No, and License To Kill. James Bond in space plus part of the plot of The Spy Who Loved Me plus the master race idea. That sums it up.


24th Oct 2021

Black Widow (2021)

1/10. While not the worst superhero movie by Marvel or DC, the honor's a tie between Captain Marvel, Catwoman, and Wonder Woman 2, this isn't great. They made it too late with too much of the cliches of "girl power"and "big, bad men"in there. A sad, lame effort.


23rd Oct 2021

The Suicide Squad (2021)

6.1/10. A decent sequel, which it is, to the original Suicide Squad. I still prefer that one since it had a better team and the villain seemed to be better set up. Here it's Starro just thrown in there as is he's not good enough for the Justice League apparently. Margot Robbie's OK here, seems like she's gotten bored with the character that skyrocketed her career five years ago. John Cena, who I detest, is just here for the sake of being here. It needed some tweaking and a different villain, like maybe Bane as ruler of this island. King Shark and Ratcatcher 2 are the best characters overall.


22nd Oct 2021

Catwoman (2004)

2.1/10. This isn't the worst superhero made necessarily. It gets a run for its money courtesy of Wonder Woman 2. I would say Halle Berry gets this high a rating from me due to the fact that she's pretty good looking. It makes up for the fact that she really can't act any better than the aging hack Sharon Stone. Their catfight is amusing to watch for a few laughs. I would otherwise avoid this other than to watch Berry going around in that tight skimpy leather outfit she wears as Catwoman.


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