
6.8/10. A fun movie starring Sean Young and Tim Daly. Young really steals the movie here and has the right amount of charisma that makes you wish they'd separated the two apart. She really isn't evil just ambitious which in today's business world is a good thing. It's a fun movie for any Friday or Saturday night.


13th Jul 2022

Mr. Headmistress (1998)

6.7/10. Despite being cliche some and having you know who of Married With Children it still has a lot of heart and is funny. A decent watch.


10th Jul 2022

Dick Tracy (1990)

8.5/10. Pretty good despite the choice of Madonna. Warren Beatty does pretty well as Dick Tracy especially in scenes with Al Pacino.


10th Jul 2022

Rocketeer (1991)

8.3/10. A pretty good live action Disney movie. It's got the right heart with a good story and a decent cast too.


6th Jul 2022

Baywatch (1989)

3/10. The biggest of Jiggle Tv since Charlie's Angels. They never had really any good plots. Just thrust some hot women at us in tight red swimsuits and hope we'll watch. The only one who never had this problem was the always prudish Alexandra Paul.


4th Jul 2022

Superman (1978)

9.4/10. "You'll believe a man can fly." One of the best taglines ever written. The year of Superman's 40th birthday the all-American boy scout got his first movie. I found it pretty decent, still think of Christopher Reeve as the one and only Superman. I also believe, for real, just like his comics debut, were it not for Superman the movie, then no other superhero movies would've been made. All these masterpieces in the genre of superhero owe a debt to Superman the movie.


30th Jun 2022

The Baby (1973)

5/10. One word describes this movie:Bizarre.


30th Jun 2022

Die Hard 2 (1990)

8.7/10. A decent enough sequel though I still prefer Die Hard 1 and Die Hard 3:With A Vengeance.


6.4/10. An OK sitcom made possible by Lea Thompson.


9.1/10. A pretty good sequel that ensured the character of Inspector Closeau would come back. I'd rank it as the third best in the franchise behind The Return Of The Pink Panther then The Pink Panther Strikes Again then this movie then Revenge Of The Pink Panther. Peter Sellers is brilliant here in the role as he'd continue to be in future installments.


4th Jun 2022

Night School (1981)

6.7/10. A decent horror movie which I found amusing.


30th May 2022

Tora! Tora! Tora! (1970)

10/10. One of the best movies ever made about Pearl Harbor. I've seen part of the attack scene and it looked so real. Just amazing and well done film made here.


6.4/10. An OK Peanuts special.


9.5/10. A solid follow up sequel to Dr No. Sean Connery still delivers here as you'd expect with a good script and a solid cast behind him.


6/10. An OK interpretation of one of the greatest Batman stories ever written.


16th May 2022

The Amazons (1973)

8.4/10. A fun little romp made in Italy about the annual mating ritual of the Amazons with the Greeks for the purpose of having children. It takes itself only so seriously with some humor in there. One of the funniest scenes is the first night of the mating ritual, what a hoot. Sabine Sun, director Terrence Young's wife really drives the movie. I found her an utter delight.


4th May 2022

The Office (2005)

6/10. An OK sitcom sort of taking from the comic strip Dilbert.


6.5/10. An amusing and decent adventure fantasy comedy show.


27th Apr 2022

On the Rocks (2020)

9.4/10. A fun comedic romp with Bull Murray delivering his usual great performance. Here he's matched brilliantly with Rashids Jones who proves she can be a movie's lead and not always the co-star such as previous works like I Love You Man and Our Idiot Brother. They play father and daughter trying to see if her husband's cheating on her or not. Spoiler, he's not. For me, the best part was seeing them bounce off each other. Jones and Murray just had this great chemistry you rarely see nowadays.


26th Apr 2022

The Grudge (2004)

9.4/10.The kind of movie from Japan that I definitely got into. It had the right atmosphere, all chilling and with a sense of dread. If anything, it's one of the best that Sarah Michelle Gellar did. She plays every scene with a sense of almost knowing something horrendous is coming. Well done.


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