
19th Aug 2020

Scream 4 (2011)

6.6/10.Possibly the most unnecessary sequel ever made alongside Halloween:2018.I would say the only reason they made it was simply for the sake of the money. Wes Craven still has the touch just not like he once did.Here the main 3 characters of Sidney, Dewey, and Gale seem weary.The actors seem like they're tired of doing this franchise, only returning for the money.I grew weary of hearing "Reboots suck."It was unnecessary and preachy.It's not a bad movie, better than Scream 3 but seems like they did this sequel only for the money. Wes should've left it well alone and not done another Scream movie.


8.8/10.A well done B movie. Elvira shines bright in her film debut with the same sassiness that she showed on her TV show. I would call it outrageous in a good sense.The movie's never dull as Elvira goes across the country with her usual spunk and sassy mouth.Sure the movie's a little hokey, her almost burned at the stake, wanting to be a Las Vegas show girl? However that's part of its charm, its outrageous and thin bare plot with her one lines carrying it.If you're a fan of late night horror movie hosts particularly her then you'll love this movie.She's definitely fun and quite sexy.


5th Aug 2020

Wonder Woman (1976)

5.1/10. Possibly a good reason why there haven't been too many good superhero shows.Lynda Carter was the epitome of blandness mixed with T&A. She seemed more like somebody trying play Wonder Woman than convince people she was Wonder Woman. Adam West, Lou Ferrigno, they definitely convinced you they were Bat Man and The Hulk due to their charisma.Lynda lacked that, she had potential but never really tried hard.I also heard of her being petty, getting Debra Winger fired from her role as Drusilla/Wonder Girl, her sister. She apparently didn't want competition, felt threatened.I thought this could've been great, a female dynamic duo equivalent of Bat Man and Robin in their 60's TV show. This show really took what Bat Man had done and abandoned things like good characters, logic, and good stories. When you lack all that you're not gonna last too long. Bat Man at least had some decent villains even if their stories were hokey. Wonder Woman was sold more on the lead's looks than anything. Since her 15 minutes of fame ended in '79, she's hung around like a pest.Carter has tried anything including that disastrous TV show "Partners In Danger" with tv's first bimbo of a big cast Loni Anderson.When she guest starred on Super Girl I found it appropriate. Here you had a has been working with another soon to be has been on a show that went from harmless cheesy fun to political B.S. All that was lacking was a shared monologue about how awful men can be. Lyle Waggoner was a true gentleman who must have been a saint for putting up with her. If you looked beyond the obvious: good looking woman running around in tight spandex there's nothing there. Wonder Woman suffered from the same things Charlie's Angels suffered from. A lack of good plots, focusing too much on lead's T&A, and repeating the same one note plot they could've copied one script on a copier and not bother writing another one. It amazes me how this can still be highly regarded when there's nothing much there.I confess to having the whole show on dvd but only for watching Lynda running in spandex no other reason otherwise. The taste some people have in TV can utterly amaze and puzzle me at the same time.


6.6./10. It was something. You had 6 gorgeous women on there at one time or another doing private eye work, glamour and glitz were abound. But look beyond that after awhile and what's there?Nothing, absolutely nothing.Charlie's Angels was flat out blatant T&A for the sake of T&A.You can only present a show on this for so long before people catch on.I used to think feminists were responsible for killing off Charlie's Angels.Now though I realize they killed themselves off. The plots were either nonsensical or rather weak.They constantly wore tight stuff usually doing women oriented jobs like stewardesses. The whole thing was a joke with only one of them realizing it.I would describe each actress as follows: Shelley Hack: Best one of them who got messed over by the producers and Cheryl Ladd as it was said she wanted to be the only blond, also felt threatened by her height.Shelley was the most believable one and deserved better treatment. Tanya Roberts: A little bland but she never tried to hog the spotlight, one who didn't fit in with the dynamics but chosen because of her looks, seemed nice. Farrah Fawcett: The worst of them acting wise who couldn't cut it outside of this T&A show.She was smart enough though to see it for what it was and leave. Jaclyn Smith: Plays every character the same with hardly any difference.She seemed content to sit on her butt and let the feud of Ladd vs Jackson, Ladd bullying Hack happen.She cared only about herself, sneaky really sneaky type here. Kate Jackson:Why they brought in this schoolmarm looking type I don't know.If the show was supposed to be about glamour and glitz she fit in as much as a cat does in a dog pound. She too, like Ladd and Fawcett, suffered from a swollen head and big ego.Now finally Cheryl Ladd: She may have seemed friendly but wasn't Underneath that smiling exterior lurked a bitter type who resented being referred to as Farrah's replacement.She fought with Jackson, one reason for her to quit also bullied Hack over what I've listed. This woman had issues, has tried a singing gig like Lynda Carter and, like her, can't carry a tune.I finish saying Aaron Spelling was one of the most devious minded men ever in television.He ranks up there with Dick Wolf and Gene Roddenberry as some of the worst to ever get any show on air.


10/10. Positively one of the best Muppet movies ever made. I grew up on this and Follow That Bird. It's wonderful from start to finish with stellar performances from the Muppet people to the guest stars. Charles Durning, Madeline Kahn, Telly Salvalas, Steve Martin, and Richard Pryor are genius here. Kermit and friends are priceless here, showing Jim Henson's genius. He was a brilliant kind man who worked hard on great stuff like this for the sake of entertaining people. Nobody has come as close to being like Jim Henson.I loved "The Rainbow Connection" and "Moving Right Along", great songs. If anyone were to ask me what I consider one of the best family oriented movies ever made I'd answer "The Muppet Movie."


7.6/10. A pretty decent movie of seduction. It's Susan Lucci's presence that makes it work as usual. I hoped though that the guy was set up by his wife and Susan, with them being lovers and no son, This would've been a great twist instead of the cliched ending we got.Still it's a decent watch mostly due to Ms. Lucci's performance.


24th Jul 2020

Peppermint (2018)

8.9/10. Pretty good. The best movie Jennifer Garner's done ever. It's a mix of Death Wish, The Punisher, and The Brave One. I honestly found it a good watch and relevant to today. After all, for some, there's no justice. What about people who've lost loved ones to illegal alien criminals? Where was justice for them? This movie seems to comment on how the system can be broken for things like that or in other cases like Simpson and Anthony. Garner brings a sense of vulnerability, grief, and cold determination to life. I would say we'll never get another movie like this any time soon, The reason is because Hollywood's filled with cowards who're anti gun as they stay snug and safe in their gated communities. This is a must watch as she does her best tough character since Alias.


13th Jul 2020

Magnum Force (1973)

10/10. The best, and my favorite, of the Dirty Harry series. The chilling theme for the corrupt motorcycle cops is a haunting and brilliant melody. Clint Eastwood is one of the best as a badass in American cinema. I think this should be looked at a sequel that matches up to its predecessor quite well. If anything, Clint Eastwood will always be Detective "Dirty" Harry Callahan.


13th Jul 2020

Batman and Robin (1997)

8.7/10. I grew up on Mr Schumacher's two Batman movies. I understand some people's dislike but I still loved both. I was coming of age and seeing someone like Uma Thurman playing Poison Ivy was nice. The story plays out like one of the comic books, everybody in there did pretty well. Yes the one time I can stand George Clooney. Some, like me, just enjoy this as a means of relaxation. It's way more entertaining than The Dark Knight Rises because it doesn't try doing any lectures about the economy and the class warfare. Rest well Mr Schumacher.


9.5/10. I enjoyed this movie. I grew up on Looney Tunes, still one of the best cartoons on tv. Here Daffy Duck actually takes the lead instead of Bugs Bunny. I liked the pacing, the plot, as well as how Brendan Fraser, Jenna Elfman, and Steve Martin completely owned it. They completely understood the material, probably fans as well. If anything this movie, I feel, succeeds in its goals of reviving both Looney Tunes and entertaining kids.


10/10. One of the best shows of the 80's as well number one best detective shows. I find Mrs Angela Lansbury an absolute delight. She plays Jessica Fletcher as a kind, sharp, tough determined person mixed with Sherlock Holmes, Hercule Poirot, Dr Haledjian, and Miss Marple. I would be honest in saying this is still better than modern detective shows like Monk, the whole Law and Order franchise, etc. She shows humor, an inquisitive nature, feistiness, and determination. The idea of a widowed school teacher/mystery writer/ detective is genius. If anything, this show should've gotten several Emmys for Best Actress and Best Show or whatever. I enjoy 11 of the 12 seasons, skipped Season 6. Mrs Lansbury is a gem of an actress here and still is the best ever in TV mystery shows. She possessed such a charm without needing to be glamorous like Charlie's Angels, smart alecky like Moonlighting, or defying superiors constantly like Starsky And Hutch. I feel that she was a true feminist like Susan B. Anthony without needing to put on false machismo like Police Woman did. I feel for perfect mystery TV it'll always be Jessica (J.B.) Fletcher in Cabot Cove.


1st Jul 2020

Carrie (2002)

9/10. A well done TV movie. I would say it did at least 70-80% of the book unlike its predecessor and successor. The whole movie seemed well done from Angela Bettis, Rena Sofer, and Kandyse McClure. They all did rather well. If anything I wish more TV movies put out of the effort this one did. True the original's beloved but don't sell this version short. If anything Bettis plays the character as more withdrawn, afraid to even step out into the world. A must for fans of the original 1976 version and 2013 version. This 2002 TV one does well. I enjoyed it like I did the other two.


9.6/10. My second favorite of the Nightmare franchise behind the remake. The idea of Freddy possessing a teenager's body sounds pretty good. Sure it was done in The Exorcist but still works here.Robert Englund was in his prime here, a great mix of scary and humorous. People forget Freddy's sadistic and he finds the idea of tormenting teenagers fun so naturally he'd be funny at times. Humor can be scary depending on what one person finds funny like The Joker in Batman (1989). I liked the effort put into the movie here as trying to live up to its predecessor was no easy task. It does pretty good and is excellent. I like this entry better than Dream Warriors and The Dream Child.


29th Jun 2020

Carrie (2013)

8.8/10. A pretty decent movie here. The 2nd theatrical one which showed promise. I enjoyed the performances of Julianne Moore, Judy Greer, and Chloe Grace Moretz. Moretz as Carrie did rather well showing she had potential provided she sticks to good scripts. The use of video for her humiliation was an interesting and updated idea from the original. True it suffered from studio interference, like Black Christmas 2006, still it did well. I was impressed with the well done prom scene. It looked real, well updated from the original. Two touching moments that I noticed were when Margaret looked newborn Carrie in the eyes and just rocked her. The other being Carrie lifting Ms. Desjarden off the gym floor to the stage for her safety. Clearly she cared about her.While Carrie of 1976 is still the masterpiece, Carrie of 2013 shouldn't be tossed aside as an inferior remake. It's not perfect but not terrible either, I'd call it pretty decent.


29th Jun 2020

Carrie (1976)

10/10. A masterpiece of horror movies. Carrie is scary, sad, and relatable all at the same time. Sissy Spacek's masterful performance as Carrie White is one to be remembered. She plays the character with such skill that I felt sorry for her within minutes after the opening credits. Nobody else could play the role as excellently as she did. A few have but not with that same pizzazz as Spacek. People remember the prom scene mostly. I remember the build to this like a bomb ready to go off. If anything. Carrie represents how man can only take so much cruelty from both people and the world itself before snapping. This movie's a must see for horror fans during the silver age of horror going from the 1970's to the early 90's. I really liked Sissy Spacek's performance in it, she's talented and gorgeous.


29th Jun 2020

Warm Bodies (2013)

9.5/10. I thought the idea was pretty good as was the Shakespeare idea. A zombie take on Romeo And Juliet's pretty clever. This is also the one and only time I can stand John Malkovich. Here Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer prove quite believable as the star crossed lovers. You can't help but like them as I did. They seemed to be the stand ins for any couple such as mixed ones. It's got charm, pretty good story, pretty good acting. This was one of 2013's best movies.I enjoyed this movie.


9.5/10. One of Milla Jovovich's best non Resident Evil movies. She does great here, should really try for more like this.I liked seeing her play a vulnerable woman instead of her usual kick butt type. This goes against that role in which Milla does an excellent job.Obviously she can't play Alice forever and this movie seems to indicate she's capable of going beyond that character. The idea of not remembering people's faces as a serial killer was after her interested me and seemed quite intriguing. If anything else, Faces In The Crowd should be satisfying for fans of Milla Jovovich.


9.6/10. A nice sequel and the first movie I taped on HBO's Tuesday Night Movie. The story explaining the Turtles origin is good with emotion mixed in well. Paige Turco was my favorite April O'Neil until Megan Fox, she's still dear to me. The appearance of Tokka and Rahzar was cool even though I'd have preferred Bebop and Rocksteady. Still compromise doesn't hurt. If anything, this movie only added to the Turtles mythos nicely even with an appearance by Vanilla Ice. David Warner plays the role of scientist well with a hint of possible mad genius, possibly hinting at Baxter Stockman. I would rank my top 10 Super Hero movies this way: 1. Spider Man (2002) 2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014) 3. Spider Man 2 (2004) 4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret Of The Ooze (1991) 5. Venom (2018) 6. Super Girl (1984) 7. Deadpool (2016) 8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Out Of The Shadows (2016) 9. Deadpool 2 (2018) 10. Amazing Spider Man (2012) / Spider Man 3 (2007) / Batman Forever (1995).


24th Jun 2020

Street Fighter (1994)

9.9/10.My favorite video game brought to the big screen. So much was done right here from casting to story to incorporating some of their moves. Sure some called it dumb or whatever but I disagree. This isn't for those people but for those of us who loved the game and wanted to see it made into a movie.Jean Claude Van Damme, Raul Julia, Ming Na Wen, Wes Studi, Kylie Minogue were excellent. If anything this was the best fighting game movie of all time. I still think it's in the top 10 or so alongside Resident Evil, Super Mario Bros, Silent Hill, and Mortal Kombat. Street Fighter will always be special for me as it was the second movie I taped on VHS.


24th Jun 2020

Piranha 3D (2010)

7.8/10. I honestly liked the remake as much as Dante's original.Sure it's gory but hey it doesn't detract from the movie for the most part.I found the presence of Elisabeth Shue nice. She should've won a Golden Globe at least for Molly. She plays the heroic sheriff well, one who struggles to save the town from killer piranhas. It works because she's not the kick butt type, she has to try real hard which is the heroine I like. This type represents real life better than those in Hunger Games and Snow White And The Huntsman. The piranha here were also a scarier looking lot than their original 1978 predecessors. You definitely could feel the fear of not being able to see the unknown beneath the water.


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