
2. 2/10. Oh boy was this an unnecessary movie. Based off the cheesy, T&A show of the 70's in which many boys became men from watching, it stinks. The plot's utter nonsense, software that can help locate someone by voice pattern? Oh wow, James Bond's got nothing on them in terms of ridiculousness. Two of them, Diaz and Barrymore, are self proclaimed potheads who should be stoned 24/7 as they're terrible actresses. Granted they've done the Shrek franchise, The Mask, Scream, The Wedding Singer, and 50 First Dates, but they stink. Bill Murray and Lucy Liu can only do so much with these two and a thread bare plot.


1st Jun 2021

Dark Phoenix (2019)

4. 2/10. Perhaps the worst now in the franchise followed by X-Men Origins:Wolverine and X-Men 3:The Last Stand. It's a lame second attempt, obviously, to do the Dark Phoenix storyline only done even worse. I would say everyone's wasted here, looking bored. If there's a bright spot it's when that now overrated Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique gets killed early on.


31st May 2021

Seinfeld (1990)

-100/10. One of the most vulgar shows ever thought up. I'd have forced its creator, Larry David, to remarry his ex wife as punishment for putting out this garbage.


-100/10. The story of one of the more deranged men in the history of the United States. If one could say something positive about Marston it's that he gave generations of boys the first comic book hottie for them to ogle over and dream about. This biographical movie serves no purpose other than to show this wretched man's warped ways and the two equally bizarre women who went along with him. Watch this if you will, nobody would blame you if you fell asleep during it.


9. 7/10. A wonderful staple of my childhood as well as other adults. The antics of Shaggy and Scooby were always the best, the lovable rascals. Sure I liked The Scooby Doo Show and What's New Scooby Doo more but this is the show that made those possible after all. Wonderful.


-100/10. An anti male, anti religious gripe fest. You watch this stuff, then you're a bigger dummy than those who act in it are.


20th May 2021

La Noire (2011)

10/10. Hands down one of the best games for both Xbox 360 and Xbox One. It has the feel of detective noire movies like Bogart's The Maltese Falcon. It also has the feel of being as real as possible with a well written plot for each case and the game overall. Cole Phelps is written excellently as the flawed man who shows his dedication to justice with some flaws within himself. The other characters like Elsa Lichtmann, Jack Kelso, Phelp's squad partners, etc., are well written too. If anything, I would say this the best detective game of all time with no flaws too it other than not giving you more cases in each department. I would highly recommend this to anyone who's looking for something in the action genre but wants something different outside the usual shoot them up/beat them up department. A brilliant game.


-100/10. The bore Charles Grodin with the always annoying Cybil Shepherd, real fun there. The director, Elaine May, shouldn't be mocking marriage as she seemed incapable of holding onto one of her four husbands. A real snore fest.


9.7/10. My other favorite Disney movie from my childhood besides 101 Dalmatians. It's well done with a good story, good animation, and good cast. Vincent Price was especially excellent, one of the masters of horror. I enjoyed it very much as I'm sure every child will if they see it.


6.2/10. A harmless amusing movie for families. True it differs from the book a good bit but is still amusing.


10th May 2021

Red Sonja (1985)

6.9/10. One that could be watched on Friday/Saturday nights as a near hit that was missing something. Brigitte Nielsen, Sandahl Bergman, and Arnold Schwarzenegger really give it their all. This is a pretty decent woman warrior movie that could've been better had the story tightened up a bit but it's still pretty decent.


10th May 2021

Batman: Arkham City

8. 5/10. The one in the series that crammed in too much. Well at least until Arkham Knight. The idea itself, a prison city that Bat-Man must investigate is an intriguing idea. I'm one with the opinion that he could've snuck in but hey, game logic doesn't always make sense. Best boss fight is Mr Freeze who's portrayed well here. The Joker is a supporting character instead of the main villain, a good thing too. Poison Ivy, Bane, Two-Face, and Mad Hatter weren't properly used, shame. Most of the side missions are pretty good, the setting of this hellish place is pretty good too. A decent sequel game.


9th May 2021

Batman: Arkham Origins

9. 7/10. My other number one favorite Batman game in a tie with Arkham Asylum. Here we get the best Joker plot ever. Take over Black Mask's syndicate, hire eight assassins to kill Batman then seize control of Gotham. The characters they chose as these hired killers are mostly good. I would replace Electrocutioner with, maybe Onomatopoeia. Still, the others are great, my favorites being Deathstroke and Copperhead. The improved boss fights with Bane and Killer Croc are a nice touch. Batman's look is pretty good. The guys voicing him and The Joker are excellent. I would say this is probably one of the best Batman games of all time, underrated by too many people. Warner Bros Montreal did a good job.


9th May 2021

Batman: Arkham Asylum

9. 7/10. My one of two Batman games in a tie for first place and favorite overall, the other being Batman:Arkham Origins. The atmosphere is well done, like you've descended into Hell. The music adds to this especially when you survey the whole asylum for the time in the game. Conroy, Sorkin, and Hamill are excellent here, just like they were in the cartoon. The boss fights lagged a little, though the best one, to me anyway, is when you fight Poison Ivy. That giant plant she's in is a step way up from games past where all she did was shoot a few arrows while letting her mutant plants fight. Here she's controlling it like they're one, more impressive. The story itself was a little nutty, using a steroid like drug to make Joker thugs mindless monsters to destroy Gotham City? Still it plays well and is definitely worth your time.


30th Apr 2021

Friends (1994)

-100/10. Useless junk of the 90's. If you like watching six morons going on blandly about relationships, etc and dissing family in the liberal style then this is the show for you.


30th Apr 2021

The Facts of Life (1979)

2/10.A show of its time that wasn't necessary.Ms Rae was OK though I thought it was beneath her.Cloris Leachman at least tried.The whole show of four girls at some prestigious private school in New York, supposedly being friends which I could never buy.A snotty rich girl, a chubbie, one token black girl, and one girl so butch you wondered when she'd come out.Yeah and also the times they'd had Geri, cousin of the rich one who had cerebral palsy.I don't have a problem with this but let's face it, they used this poor actress because she had this for ratings.Oh and I loathed how they had the rich one's mother in her 40's become a single mother.If anyone likes this then good for them, they'll watch anything sappy and dopey.


6. 5/10. Seemingly the finale to the franchise only this time for good. I thought the idea of Jason possessing people was at least original. Maybe it would've worked better for someone else but I doubt anyone other than Freddy Krueger could've done it. Granted I can see why some people didn't like it with things like the body possession, his niece, etc. New Line Cinema tried, but they didn't seem to quite get the psychology of Jason Voorhees. I don't fault Adam Marcus who helped write the screenplay and directed, a dream come true for a fan obviously. But here, maybe they should've rewritten the script. Still it's an enjoyable watch.


9. 1/10. My third favorite in the franchise. The idea of Freddy seemingly having beaten Springwood, wiping out all their children is interesting. Then adding the idea he had a daughter makes it even better. Robert Englund delivers yet again as Freddy Krueger. I enjoyed the performance of Lisa Zane as his daughter, viewing her as the best heroine of the franchise. The rest of the cast I disliked especially Lezlie Dean. She seemed like the type who only did the movie to pad her resume. Still it's a fun romp, real good with Englund's last great performance as Freddy to come in Freddy vs Jason in 2003.


26th Apr 2021

They Live (1988)

2/10. One of John Carpenter's worst movies. It could've been better had it not been a gripe session about commercialism and Reaganomics. Surely Carpenter didn't think Jimmy Carter's economic policies were better, did he? Now as to the gripe about commercialism, that's funny. This from a guy who, without it, wouldn't have the mega box office successes that he'd had with "Assault On Precinct 13","Halloween","The Fog", and "Escape From New York. "I admittedly like Roddy Piper in this but even he knew it was probably not very good. This maybe why he really didn't do any more big movies outside of the small B movie"Hell Comes To Frogtown. "Aliens living among us, having taken over, and secretly sending us subliminal message was interesting and could've been great were it not for Carpenter's personal gripes. If he'd avoided putting his views into the movie it would've been much better.


26th Apr 2021

Music (2021)

-200/10. Possibly one of the worst movies I've ever heard of in my entire life. Not only does Sia appear to be insensitive towards the autistic community but she's also vain and brain dead here. The idea of a recovering alcoholic and drug dealer caring for her autistic younger sister is bloody insane. Kate Hudson, another silver spooned brat, who can't act here nor has she ever been able to, is awful as Kazu, the older sister. Leslie Odom Jr as Ebo Odom, what a stupid name, is an imbecilic love interest. They're both awful towards Music, the younger sister, not knowing what they're doing contrary to what the movie's saying. The worst scenes are of them tackling her to the ground which, as I've been told by experts, is quite dangerous to do to an autistic person. Maddie Ziegler, as Music, is merely playing a stereotype of an autistic person according to those who're on the spectrum. She's a real life victim of this imbecile Sia, who I honestly believe, loves her in that romantic sense only in this case it's plain creepy. What possessed Sia beyond doing something else with this younger woman she's obsessed with I can't answer beyond my theory of romance. Avoid this at all costs.


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