
10th Apr 2022

Shrek 3 (2007)

6.6/10. An okay sequel that falls just a tad short of being good due to two things. One being Justin Timberlake as Arthur with the character being your cliched wimpy kid who grows up by the end of the movie. Two, the Girl Power theme of the movie which was done to death by the early 2000's. Still if you want to watch it then do so, better than Shrek Forever After.


10th Apr 2022

Side Effects (2013)

6.5/10. A not bad movie even with Rooney Mara. I'd call it one of the better ones done with both Jude Law and Catherine Zeta Jones.


10th Apr 2022

Angelfist (1993)

9.5/10. A very well done martial arts action movie occurring in the Philippines. Catya Sassoon shows she's pretty good in both acting and martial arts. I wish she'd made more of this type of movie. It ranks pretty high up for me in the world of martial arts movies.


-50/10. Another mess of a show that's vulgar only for the sake of being vulgar. Who'd find it funny that the lead guy's wife constantly violates him and does nothing? What about the conniving son or the over the top air headed trampish daughter? The guy himself is nothing more than an alcoholic imbecile which is what the creators of this show view the average American male as being. The only saving grace is when they occasionally have attractive women on there like Teri Weigel, the ditzy Vanna White, or that one trick pony of Baywatch Pamela Anderson.


6th Apr 2022

The Simpsons (1989)

-100/10. I honestly agree with late President George H. W. Bush who was highly critical of this "show." It's been an annoying mess that's gone on ever since I was four years old in 1989. What else can they say that they haven't already said by now? How many more seasons do they need? Matt Groening and FOX need to pull the plug.


9.7/10. A pretty good non horror movie starring Amy Steel. If anything,it plays up to the title of it pretty well.I enjoy it very much.


2nd Apr 2022

Star 80 (1983)

9.8/10. A well done biographical movie of Dorothy Stratten which I consider better than Jamie Lee Curtis's Death Of A Centerfold. Mariel Hemingway's brilliant as Stratten. She deserved an Emmy win for playing this tragic beauty who was taken away from her fans too soon.She even sort of looks like her.


2nd Apr 2022

Bee Movie (2007)

-20/10. A lame animated movie that could've been done better by Dream Works.


31st Mar 2022

The Crush (1993)

7.8/10. A pretty decent thriller and good start for Alicia Silverstone into mainstream movies.


9.7/10. Possibly the best of the Pink Panther Trilogy. Closeau at his best with Dreyfus at his nuttiness as they both wreak havoc across Europe. I'd say for anyone asking me why this one's the best of the three it's probably because Peter Sellers gives it his all and extra here the most.


6.6/10.Probably the second weakest entry of the franchise behind Ernest Saves Christmas. It's still a decent watch and doesn't try to insult its audience's intelligence the way too many kid movies do nowadays.


9.4/10.A pretty good apocalyptic/sci fi movie about people dying from a comet passing through our sky at night. Its creepy atmosphere of deserted streets would, to me, inspire the movies 28 Days Later and I Am Legend. Definitely a must watch for fans of these types of movies.


6.9/10.The third best of what I consider a trilogy of The Pink Panther movies. For me it's just The Return Of The Pink Panther, The Pink Panther Strikes Again, and Revenge Of The Pink Panther. It's what I consider to be a nice conclusion to a trilogy and the last time Peter Sellers played the hilarious Inspector Jacques Closeau.


22nd Mar 2022

Freaky (2020)

8.8/10. A fun little romp and a loving nod, I felt, to both the Friday the 13th and Halloween franchises. A pretty good movie from Blumhouse.


15th Mar 2022

Bruised (2021)

6.2/10. A not bad movie for Halle Berry surprisingly. I find myself wanting to get it on DVD as soon as possible. Given Gothika and Catwoman for example, it's a surprise to see her doing a decent movie. Sure it's just a black woman in UFC version of Rocky, the umpteenth ripoff of a beloved sports movie but what the heck? It beats some of the stuff Berry's done before as she actually does a decent job taking us on an emotional coaster. I found myself impressed with Valentina Shevchenko's performance too. She's pretty convincing, not a bad guy for the real bad guy here is the life choices Jackie Justice, Berry's character, has made. I honestly found it decent though it seemed to slow down too much at times and, like I said, a little too much like Sylvester Stallone's Rocky.


4/10. Eh kind of remake although Rene Russo's still a bombshell.Her character being like a hippie while Dennis Quaid's being a serious military man screams rip off of that forgettable 90's sitcom Major Dad with similar characters.


9.6/10. Pretty decent family fun oriented movie with Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda doing a great job.


9th Mar 2022

Chopping Mall (1986)

9.5/10.Love this movie.True it's a little cheesy but fun.I found the biggest problem being is these robots having lethal lasers when they should come with stun ones instead. After all, anyone hurt or killed by these robots relatives could sue the mall owners. The atmosphere was chilling as the group of 20 somethings tried their best to survive a night against three run amok robots. Just good fun.


9th Mar 2022

Anaconda (1997)

4/10. An OK that suffers from the presence of Jennifer Lopez, Ice Cube, and Jon Voight.


6.7/10. Decent movie if you're a fan of the show though I get sick of the overuse of The Joker.


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